Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Finished half of the first part of the story. Feel free to have your characters comment.

I went straight ahead and didn't bother to write a post for the other character seeing as it would only prolong the inevitable. I'll be posting their feedback on what Maddie said after you though. I figured Maybeleen and Saito would be the types to speak up and cause drama, whereas my three other characters aren't the sport to do anything physical. Alex has the highest physicality rate, but he's too slow on the pick up.

By the way I've been wondering something, why did you make Arrios sea sick and unconscious?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

EDITED OUT: It double posted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Heh. I'd appreciate the for warning. :)

I'm moving into my new place today. I don't know when I'll have solid access to internet access. I just wanted to let you know why I've been MIA. Sorry.

As for the notes in docs, you look towards the right hand side of the tool bar thing and look for comments. You can add comments to a certain part of the document (like in microsoft Word) or can generally add comments to the document.

i haven't gotten around to reading the post, but I'm sure it's finnneeee.

Nope I don't care about swearing!

I made Arrios sea-sick because SOMEONE had to get sea-sick and plus his character is such a grounded type of person I can see him not doing well in a boat in the ocean. Also, I was thinking that something went wrong when he was taken because he would have been on different type of drugs to help prevent infection and pain while in the hospital, so maybe going into chrno messed with his chemistry a bit so this is repercussions. Make sense?

Did I answer all the questions?

Oh, and I totally agree about just getting it all out there. Info dumps are necessary at times!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

That was two days ago. I hope the move went well and you are adjusting to your new place quite well. No apologies necessary. As long as we continue this story til the foreseeable end I don't mind how slow we go. There was this RP, which was very similar to this wherein the two of us basically replied once a week. It lasted for about two years, but since the site abruptly ended we never managed to finish, and we were so close too. I tried to pick it up again, but I never could find him.

That's a function that I'll have to make use of next time.

Arrios making sick makes sense...I probably should have Simon seasick too since he has no ocean experience whatsoever, but he's the type that wouldn't really let it get to him too much or tell anyone that he was in any sort of pain. I'll give him a bit of vertigo if anything else.

Anyway feel free to take your time, but please do reply to these or leave something in the google docs so I know you're still here. I get worried...a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I HAVE INTERNET. Sweet Jesus. I am not ashamed by how much I rely on internet access. That being said, I won't get to anything tonight/today. But later tomorrow I should have SOMETHING in the google docs. ;)

And it's awesome that you were able to find a solid partner like that. It's a pretty rare thing to come across. I'm in this one rp right now that's paired so you're required to work with someone and two of the people who were suppose to partner with me bailed. So I get it. Trust me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wow. Okay. I wrote some. Probably more than what you'd be expecting for a collab post but I'm trying to really show how confused the characters are. As the conversation gets going it will probably dissolve into short one liner dialogues and the like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hmmmm...were you done with your collab post because I'm not sure if you're done or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ah. Sorry. Yes. you're good to continue with Maddie's explanation! I know weekends are busy for you, but I don't have work tomorrow so we could finish the collab then. Also, I don't work Monday either, so I'd be good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Haha. LOL. It's okay. I don't mind. We should figure out how to get around that when we do collabs though like leave markers or something.
It will depend if I have stuff to do tomorrow, but since I do most of my work at home I think we can work something out.

I'll try to post something now still of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

like a code word that we would leave in the document so we'd know we can go ahead? Fun. I vote for something like "Futon" or "Freckle."

I'll be writing some quick responses up. It's hard to balance the reaction of all the characters to everyone else. xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yes, exactly like that. Let's use Freckle since I like write and read that word for some reason. I'll leave that in now.

Yes it is kind of hard to figure out how they react, but for the most part I've figured out that Alex is basically just going along with it for now since he's the type to just accept things as they are unless proven otherwise, whereas the other two are in a state of denial, Summer is vocal and quick to accept whereas Simon is internal, but slow to accept since he thinks too much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I like "freckle" too.

And I have off tomorrow so I'll definitely have something up for you. As a heads up: the rest of this week is pretty insane for me. I doubt we'll get a chance to be online at the same time. Also, I'll be getting ready to start my university classes up on the 25th. But, like I said, I'll always keep you aware on what's going on and the like, kay?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll be here don't worry.

Thar's fine. What year are you in anyway?
Don't worry about the scheduling though. My classes start on October 1 so it's pretty close for me too.
I'l keep you posted as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Last year of undergrad.
omfg. LAST YEAR.

As always, thanks for the patience.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

last year of undergrad, congratulations. I still have like two years, but before tat I gotta work on my transfers so I can get into good uni.

Patience is a virtue after all, plus once my classes are up we'll both be busy. As long as we continue moving forward I don't really mind. The only thing we really lose is momentum, but that doesn't matter in the long run.

Just keep me updated. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ah, transfers can be rough at times. To save money (and to allow me to be less stressed) I took summer courses at my local community college and it was always tricky to find a course that translated between the college and my university.

And we will continue moving (I'm anxious to get them on land, really!).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So, I started putting some things up this morning, but I don't think I'm quite finished yet. (hence, no "freckle" in the post).
Do you have an idea of when you want to wrap up this collab post? Because I know RPG actually has a word limit for their post (IDK what it is though).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Blech. So what I put up isn't much. But I'm trying to push us towards ending this post and moving on (unless there's something missing that needs to be covered), In the future I'll pull more weight, I promise, but for now, my characters are just helpless little babies who can't do much.

I figured Deepti and Summer could collaborate to get a bearing on where they might be exactly and how to get to shore instead of staying stuck in the tide.

Is there some type of motor on the boat or is there only oars...or neither or both?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It's not done yet. I still need to post the last bits of info from Maddie, but after that she should be done and ready for questioning if anyone has them.

I want to get them to land to, but to be fair there really isn't much of land given the environment we set up.

As for how we finish I figure it's when everyone stops huddling together and decides to do their own thing to process the new info.

Yes they are indeed poor little babies.

Yes, they only have oars to work with, which are located on the sides of the raft. The raft is octagonal so there should be one on each side.
I just found this out now, but basically their raft is basically a pimped out life raft.
We can give them more supplies though. I figure the best place to store those things is in a small compartment located in their cryogenic chamber. It would basically be a small closet space.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raid
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Raid The Way Out

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sounds good. Thanks for the added details. If you have anything up by Saturday, I'll be able to respond. I have off that day (rare).
Reminder: this week I started university again, so things will be picking up for me, but I'll always communicate when things get too rough.
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