Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 16 days ago

-=Excavation Site Deep in the Great Frostback Mountains=-

A small fire burns in the middle of the Excavation Teams camp. Three people sit around the fire talking about the days find. "I cant believe it, we finally found it!" one of the men exclaims happy to finally find something of value after months of work. "Calm down Edward. We still have no idea what is inside or even how old it is." Another man says being a little skeptical. "Well boys, finding whatever that is was just the first step. Now comes the hard part of getting in and getting our loot." The one girl of the group says while crossing her arms. "I don't think we will be getting out of this cold any time soon..." she continued. "Now now Annie, we will be home within the month I guarantee it." Edward said with a laugh. "If you say so..." Annie answered. The three sat and continued their conversation not knowing just what they had just unearthed or what events they had set in motion.

-=Fort Heinsworth, Deep inside the Heinsworth Forest of Sadan=-

Fort Heinsworth has stood as a front line of defense from the Eastern lands since the days of the Silver Empire. But today the once mighty fort now stands in ruins. The front gate shattered and splintered, the courtyard is littered with the bodies of the Sadan Knights who were in charge of the forts defense as well as the Orcs who attacked the fort. The remaining army of Orcs now stand before the keep cheering at their victory. A red skinned Orc stands on the overhanging balcony holding the Knight Commander over the edge. "Today we have shown the filthy Humans exactly why they used to fear our kind! Why they should fear us!" The Orc yelled to his troops who gave a cheer at the words. "We now have a land to call our own and this is just the beginning! Soon the Bloodfang Clan will claim our rightful land and subjugate these pitiful Humans!" He continued just before tossing the Commander off the balcony. The orcs cheered again as the commander hit the ground and became a broken corpse.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 16 days ago

-=Heinsworth Forest=-

It has been three weeks since the Bloodfang Clan took Fort Heinsworth. Since then the Sadan Knights have tried to launch attacks to reclaim the Fort with no success as the Orcs seem to know the forest well and ambush the Knights before the Fort is even in sight. In a desperate attempt to recapture the Fort the Sadan Empire has hired various mercenary groups to work in a joint attack in order to eliminate the Orcs and reclaim the fort. Commander Garskull made sure that the Iron Wolves were one of the groups that answered the call. Garskull sent 5 separate Squads to participate in the attack as well as his own Command Group to lead the assault. Among the 5 squads that are coming to the battle is a new untested squad lead by Commander Garskull's son Arthur. And Arthur is determined to prove himself even taking on the scouting missions to get his Squad a little recognition for their deeds.

Arthur leads his squad through the forest walking quietly and his weapons ready just in case. He surveys the area for a moment looking for any sign of movement or traps set by the Orcs. It doesn't take him long to notice a set of tracks which he then goes over to investigate. "Looks like it might be a hunting party. Couldn't be more than three or four of them." He says to his squad. "You think we should hunt them down? I don't really want to go back with a report of just finding tracks, and if we want to move forward we cant leave these hunters at our backs." He asked them, not wanting to jump in on an unknown foe without at least asking his troops first. "Plus we can steal their catch and take it back to camp. I'm sure the others would like some fresh meat" he added on as he noticed what looked like drag marks beside one of he orc's tracks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lily Kierstrider

Lily Kierstrider

Member Offline since relaunch

As she followed her squad leader through the forest, Kiena couldn't help but question Commander Garskull's decision to send Arthur's group on such an important mission. For starters, they hadn't been working together for very long (or at all, really), which would make communication and tactics challenging for a while. Hell, they barely even knew each other! How could the Commander expect them to be of any use on this job? She wasn't trying to undermine Arthur's leadership skills or anything - for all she knew, he could be the most effective squad captain in the whole bloody forest - but it still didn't make much sense.

I suppose the Commander's son gets special privileges, Kiena thought, eyeing her squad leader's back as he walked in front of her.

As they moved deeper into the forest, her idle thoughts transformed into an acute focus on her surroundings. They're out there somewhere, maybe watching us already. Her sea green eyes darted at the snap of any twig or the flutter of any bird's wings, and she kept one hand poised by the hilt of her sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. She was so hyper-aware of everything else that she almost collided with Arthur when he stopped walking to survey the area. She watched as the squad leader identified a set of Orc tracks and asked the group if they would like to hunt them down. It was a good idea. If he was right, they outnumbered the Orcs and, as an added bonus, it would be good practice for them to start learning to work together as a team.

"Sounds like a plan," Kiena replied, smirking. "The huntee becomes the hunter. I like it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Didos
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rafa followed Arthur through the forest. He had only arrived 2 weeks prior, and said nearly nothing to most everyone in the group. His head wrap did well to cover his face, and his thawb made sure the pests swarming around him made no contact with his skin. He held his halberd in his left hand, supported by his shoulder. His right hand guarded his satchel, which hung across his chest.

His all-black attire had Rafa sticking out from the rest of the group. His lack of armor did more-so to support this. Rafa needed to be light and quick. Armor would only slow him down and restrict his movement. Still, he was permitted to set out with the expectation of seeing combat, and Rafa was more than eager to prove himself to all these strangers.

Walking through the forest stressed Rafa, and he was fortunate to have been able to conceal it under his head wrap. Rafa had been used to being the hunter in more urban settings without worry of significant retaliation. He was an assassin, spy, enforcer, but not professionally a fighter. Of course he had seen combat, but it had often been in settings where Rafa had the clear offense.

It was when Kiena pointed out the newly-defined role of their group when Rafa's worries were eased. Rafa was confident that Arthur's hunt would be successful, and Rafa would finally be able to see some action.

"I'm down," responded Rafa. He moved the strap of his satchel from his shoulder to around his waist, threw it behind him, and tightened it like a belt. He could not miss out on this opportunity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Astiroth followed behind the group that was lead by Arthur. The Heinsworth forest wasn't a place that Astiroth found familiar. He knew he stood out from most. His cloak made him look like a walking shadow. Not a single feature of his face could be seen with his hood on. Astiroth held his longbow tightly with an arrow ready to be drawn if needed.

He stopped with the rest of the group and listened to Arthur's proposal of ambushing the Orc hunting party when he pointed out the tracks. Astiroth kneeled next to Arthur with his bow ready. "My missions are usually full of talking, not killing. It is you who was put in lead of this mission and so I will follow your command. Orcs aren't as good at swinging their sword left and right like y'all are." Despite Astiroth's dark appearance, his voice was rather soothing and calm. "It is your call. Just know that if you intend to ambush them then we must be quick about it. There can be no survivors."

Astiroth let out a sigh. "Why did you bring me on this mission Arthur? I'm more of a negotiator, not a fighter. I have proven why skill with a sword and blade but I'm sure there are others that are better. Is it because of my to tongue?" Astiroth said referring to how skilled he was with words. "Hoping I could interrogate a live one? It is a form of negotiation; or did you bring me invade we get captured? Hoping I would be able to talk our way out of death like I have proven to before?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thru the forest, Riki marched with her new squad. The sound of leather rubbing against metal emanated softly as she moved. On her hip a rapier hung light as a feather, she barely felt it was there. From head to toe all her clothes were worn tightly and snugly, an in no way impaired her movement. Speed and flexibility is vital to her, more so than any steel plate armor could be. But it does nothing to protect her from boredom. Yawns frequented her more than once.

It was good they were in a forest, it makes it harder to use bows and ranged weapons. Coward's weapons. They lacked finesse and flair. More than once Riki was tempted the cut down a bush or branch in her way, but rather not dull her blade on something so trivial.

She honestly didn't see much in her new teammates. She twirled her long hair around her fingers as they walked and walked and walked. Her foot steps were swift and steady as she glided along the forest floor. Soon they stopped to plan their next move. The Astiroth fellow didn't leave a good impression when he said he preferred his tongue over his sword. Riki prefers tongues too but in a different way. RIki felt there was more discussion than necessary amongst the squad, there was no question her mind. Unsheathing her sword just enough to see the blade, Riki fingered the edge to make sure it was nice and sharp. "Just show me where they are" she said flatly with every confidence in her abilities.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

He supposed that there were reasons for him to have been named a part of this group. It was technically a scouting group, and as a scout, Decado had more skill than most. Of course, the skill did not originate from himself, but rather the three foot tall eagle that sat perched on a branch, pretending not to hear him. Some men, those that didn't believe in the magical bonding of man and eagle, or the fact that the barbarians of the North developed this kind of magic before the elders int he cities, thought it had something to do with a sick sixth sense, and while some men made obscene gestures at him when he wasn't looking, and careful signs of prayer and divine protection when he was, they had all been saved by his gift in one way or another, so they gave him less shit over it than they used to.

What he had little doubt was also influential in the selecting of him in this group was the fact that the son of the new leader of the wolves, Arthur, was heading it. It wasn't a foolish move, Decado considered. While not related to the new boss by blood, his heart seemed set on the lad, who showed immense promise as both a leader and a fighter, having taken several prizes in fighting before, as well as proven to be an expert at reading the land around him. He wasn't a fool, but then again, there were better men to lead this kind of mission.

Like you?

Decado ignored the comment and looked over the rest of the troop. Because of the terrain of the forest, as well as the fact that they wouldn't be taking the road up to the fortress, he was forced to leave his horse behind. Despite the fact that Decado was a tall man, he preferred riding to walking a general rule, and being stuck with this premature bunch seemed to be only pouring salt into the wound.

The girl with the rapier seemed competent enough. She was confident, which was half the battle, and overconfident, which lost her the rest. At least she had the presence of mind to fight with some armor on. Of course, she was bringing a rapier, and nothing else, to fight orcs, creatures who tended to walk around in heavy armor. Not the smartest of moves, he thought.

Like bringing throwing knives to fight the selfsame orcs?

Shut up.

There was Rafael, a pickpocket and a thief who prized speed and agility above armor and protection. Of course a fighter like him would carry an off-balance halberd as his weapon of choice, as well as covering up his ears and most of his eyes when he claimed to be able to see and hear better than any human alive. Right. Next came Astiroth, the man that preferred to keep him hood over his face to make sure that none in his troop could see the features underneath. It didn't inspire a lot of confidence in Decado, and the fact that the man fought with a long bow, which required what his hood took away from him, depth of vision, it had him rolling his eyes vigorously. Good thing his skill was with his tongue, because it certainly wasn't with his picking of weapons or attire. And there was that Kirena girl. She had heart, he granted her that, but she didn't have the look of the kind of person that lived past three months among the Wolves. He hadn't seen her fight yet, though, so he would withhold judgement until then.

And we all know how good a judge of character you are...

Shut up and find me some orcs, would you? We'll be here for another decade if we rely on these village bumpkins.

Work, work, work. Keep bossing me around and I'll be raising my fee.

Decado didn't respond, reaching inside his pack and pulling out a strip of dried beef, flicking it into the air. In a lightning swoop, the eagle caught the food out of the air and flew high above the trees silently. Decado rolled his eyes and kept the rearguard, his keen eyes moving through the forest. He missed the snow. feeling that satisfying crunch underfoot as you walk makes walking a bit more enjoyable. Instead, there were leaves and twigs. He scowled, brushing a dead leaf from his long hair and moving towards the front of the group, indicating for Astiroth to keep his eyes on the rear.

"Boss," He growled," The party is about five miles west of here," His voice was deep, gravelly, a northern accent heavily warping his take on the Common Tongue. It was why he called Arthur Boss, and not by his name. Saying Arthur with his accent in a way that resembled how it was supposed to be said bordered on the impossible," They have a wolf with them, carrying their catch. Big thing too. Might want to stay upwind of them if surprise is the intention."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 16 days ago

Arthur listened to the comments made by his Squad. And it seemed like hunting down the Orcs was the popular option. "Five miles isn't that far so lets get on the move, everyone be ready for the wolf and stay on your toes, we don't want to be the ones to fall into a trap." He said getting up and ready to move out. "As for your question Astiroth I didn't choose the squad, you were assigned to me, even then now isn't the time to talk about it. Come along, our prey are hunters themselves so they will be staying downwind of their pray. So in following their path, we should be able to ambush them as long as we are careful. But that means we must keep our eyes open, they might of set traps for prey or followers. Now lets get moving when we get closer we will fan out and strike with a pincer attack." He ordered while starting to follow the tracks. "Now Decado I am counting on you and your eagle to keep us from falling into a trap. Everyone lets move out and finish this quickly." He added while following the tracks ready to take down the Orcs.

It took the group about an hour to catch up to the Orcs. And that was only because the Orcs had stopped to rest Arthur silently gave the orders to spread out and strike from the sides splitting the group in three. The first group made up of Rafael and Astiroth were to attack from the right side, while the second group of Kiena and Decado were to strike from the left side, Finally Arthur and Riki were to strike from behind in a three pronged pincer attack. The four orcs sat around a small fire eating what looked like the remains of a deer and the massive wolf sat near one of the orcs who seemed to be its handler chewing on some bone from one of their kills. The strike would have to be made quickly as even with the element of surprise the Orcs could easily overpower the group if allowed to prepare themselves for battle. Arthur his behind a tree waiting for the ambush to start. He looked over at Riki and motioned for her to attack the Orc with its back turned to them once the battle started as Arthur would move after the one facing the two of them. Everything was ready and the attack was about to start, everything was on the opening attack to be made from the archer's on the sides.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Riki became eager when the group decided to confront the orcs. But the feeling quickly faded as the team took forever to find their prey. She took the opportunity to size up her team mates. Of all of them, she thought Decado looked particularly formidable. RIki wanted to see what he could do in a real fight, and she wouldn't have to wait long. And while Astiroth didn't have a taste for battle, she had to admit the cloak did make him look menacing. Stepping beside him she peered into darkness in attempt to see what was there, all she saw was a dark pit to nothing.

"Astiroth was it? I don't suppose you care to tell me what's under the cloak. Let me guess, you're a monster. No, a vampire perhaps. If you take it off will you die?" Riki asked in a half joking manner, really only trying to pass the time.

When they finally reached their target, Riki got into position along with the others. Quickly and smoothly she took cover behind a tree, peering out at the foes. Arthur motioned her towards an orc, to which she nodded in understanding. Slowly she freed her blade from its sheath as not to make a sound. Pulling on her gloves to tighten them, she gripped the hilt of her sword firmly. Her eyes just barely peeped out, waiting for the signal. As soon as she heard the tension in the bow release, Riki started her attack before the arrow was yet to land. She lunged forward thrusting her rapier at incredible speeds, aimed for the nape of her foe's neck.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Astiroth sat in wait as Arthur was thinking about the groups next action. When Arthur decided that the group would hunt down the orcs, Astiroth smirked under his good and moved with the group. Astiroth was in his own thoughts while they walked but also being wary of his surroundings. He knew orcs would like to use guerrilla warfare in forests like these.

As he continued to walk, Riki popped in front of him and he wasn't exactly sure what to make of it. He noticed her peering into his hood. He didn't take mind to it until she began to ask questions. Astiroth walked and waited for her questions to finish. "Monster? I know I'm not exactly good looking but that sounds a little harsh." He said in joking tone. "I assure you that I'm not a vampire and no, I won't die if I take off the cloak. I just prefer to keep the hood on."

It wasn't long after that Arthur had assigned teams for the plan of attack. Astiroth hide well out of sight as he looked at the groups of orcs that sat unaware. Astiroth wasn't sure which to take down. Orcs wore thick armor and he only had one shot before the orcs would attack. The massive wolf was also a slight worry. It wasn't armored which was good, but its sheer size meant it had power behind it. He readied his long bow and took aim. "That wolf is gonna make a nice new coat." He murmured. He set the arrow and pulled back. He inhaled for the shot and released; sending the arrow straight to hit the wolf dead in its head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lily Kierstrider

Lily Kierstrider

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Kiena felt even less confident about her new squad after hearing their comments about the Orc raid. Rafael seemed a little jumpy to her. Of course they were all at least a little nervous, so she didn't blame him. The Orcs could ambush them at any moment. She shifted her gaze to Astiroth. She couldn't read him very well underneath that dark hood, but from what he said it sounded like he didn't want to be on this mission to begin with. The way he hid his face from everyone also made her a bit leery of him. What did he have to hide that he couldn't share with his squad? She doubted he was the type to be self conscious of his looks. And then there was Riki. At first, Kiena was pleased to see she wouldn't be the only girl in this new group. Until she found out Riki had the balls to be a man, herself, that is. She was probably a seasoned fighter, but the girl was much too bloodthirsty and headstrong. That would get her into some serious trouble if she wasn't careful. Lastly, she turned to Decado. He gave her a flicker of hope that this squad wouldn't be a complete disaster. He seemed to know what he was doing and even offered Arthur some advice, which showed he had confidence.

Maybe there's hope for us yet.

She definitely wanted to believe it.

Kiena followed along after their squad leader as they began to move again, eyeing the trees around them in case the Orcs somehow knew they were following and turned back to attack them. Luckily that didn't seem to be the case. She spotted them resting in a little clearing up ahead, completely unaware of the group's presence. At Arthur's instruction, she silently edged around to flank the Orcs on the left. She drew her bow and loaded it with an arrow, her green eyes flickering between the Orcs as she tried to decide which one she would make her target. There. One of the Orcs had its gaze fixed on something on the ground. With it's head turned downward, a small chink was revealed at the base of its neck between its helmet and gorget. From where she was standing, she had a perfect shot.

Kiena glanced at Astiroth across from her, flanking the Orcs on the right. She had to time her attack with his or else the Orc would move and she would miss her opportunity. From his posture, it looked like Astiroth was about to fire his bow. She aimed at the exposed bit of flesh... There was a soft twang of bowstring as Kiena let her arrow fly. In the next second, the Orc was on its feet howling in pain and grabbing at the arrow lodged in its neck. It only succeeded in snapping the shaft and getting the arrow stuck even worse. No point in hiding now. Kiena let out a battle cry and leaped from behind a tree, charging the wounded Orc with her sword drawn.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The walk over to where the orcs were was a bit more talkative than Decado would have liked. This was a young group, new, some probably never having fought in a real engagement. Their stomachs were turning over, their courage being questioned by themselves and they felt the need to put up a tough front, make it seem like none of them were truly afraid. Of course, this was probably not the first time that that had ever been in a fight, but it was probably the first time that they had fought orcs. Hell, it was the first time that he was going to be fighting orcs, on their own ground, anyways. Orcs usually fought depending very heavily on their armor. While they had no great weapon smiths, their armor was a thing of legend, although too heavy for most men to carry and fight in. The orc that he had fought that one time had been unarmored.

He would have been lying if he didn't feel that off twinge in his stomach when he thought about going up against a fully armored orc that was ready for battle, but he quelled it. He was going to kill them, or die trying. There was simply no other way to go about it.

As he watched his team arrange itself, he smiled. A good way to attack the orcs was to attack from more than one position. While they were great fighters, tactics, other than the basics of castle defense, were quite beyond them. So long as they didn't have an officer, they would fight one on one, dividing their forces and easy to overwhelm. Hopefully The team wouldn't botch the attack. He one of his swords, but left his left hand free, joining Kirena and waiting for the signal. He smiled as it was given, smirking as the first shot, presumably by Astiroth, hit the wolf in the face, killing it quickly, not allowing the orcs to raise an alarm. His eyes flickered back to his partner as she loosed her arrow, and then, to his horror, charged the orc wildly.


"Stay behind me," He growled. She could have gotten off at least one more shot before charging. She was already breaking through their cover, sword drawn, with Decado grudgingly rushing after her. He drew a throwing knife from the baldric and flickered his wrist, sending it off in the creature's directing. It was aimed for the orc's face, and hopefully would punch through the armor or find a hole to hit an eye or something, but doubted it. The reason was to distract the creature as he drew his shield from off his back and jumped in front of Kirena, shield up to stop any incoming attacks and get the hell out of her way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 16 days ago

Arrows flew into the group of Orcs, Kiena's arrow hit its mark, The orc(D) howled and snapped the arrow as it grabbed it Axe ready to attack. Astiroth's arrow hit its mark as well, but the arrow was less effective as the arrow just snapped on the beast's skull leaving a gash across its head. As the Orcs started to stir and grab their weapons the second wave of attacks came. Riki and Arthur charged in with Arthur leading the charge. As he sprinted into the fray he hit the first orc in the back of the head with his shield to disorient and stun the orc(R). After that blow Arthur gripped his spear and arced it around the campfire in order to stagger the rest of the orcs into the attacks of his Squad. Decado's dagger flew past Arthur and sliced the Injured Orc's(D) face enraging the beast more. Riki's aim was true, but it didn't account for Arthur's Shield Bash and her Rapier buried itself into the Orc's(R) Shoulder. Still dazed the orc(R) tried to flail its weapon backward to hit its attacker. The wolf quickly got up and made its way after Astiroth thirsty for revenge. After his sweep Arthur sized up his opponents and gave the battle orders. "Decado Injured to my right(D), Kiena on my left(K), keep on your feet, Astiroth wolf, Rafa help the girls!" he shouted out before starting his fight with his orc(A). The Orc was able to recover from Arthur's stagger easily enough and came back swinging, but not before Arthur was ready and deflected the axe with his shield. But the orc(A) in its rage kept a relenting assault keeping Arthur on the defensive waiting for an opening to turn the tides on the Orc(A).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Didos
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rafa lunged forward from his position, halberd in hand. He stabbed at one of the orcs, surprisingly puncturing its armor. He focused more on avoiding blows to himself. He knew that once he was hit, he would be done for. Because of this, he let out a relentless offensive stance, constantly swinging and thrusting his weapon. He tried to keep his blows at head-level, unsure of how well continual swings would do against their armor.

With his quick movement, Rafa played his strategy of circling the orcs and striking when they were distracted. Aim for the throat. He could hear Arthur's orders, and stepped up his game. Apparently, my plan isn't coming along quickly enough.

Just go for it.

Rafa retreated to the edge of the pack, so no orc would catch him from behind. He then reset himself and lunged forward once more, except this time majoratively swinging the axe head of his halberd against the armored monstrosities.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lily Kierstrider

Lily Kierstrider

Member Offline since relaunch

Kiena saw the orc draw an axe as she darted towards it, the thrill of the fight giving an extra spring to her steps. She hadn't been in a proper battle for weeks. Not since the incident... but she refused to let herself think about that. She faltered as Decado charged beside her, throwing a well-aimed knife at the orc and pushing his way in front of her. She almost laughed. He doesn't trust me, she thought in amusement. Well, despite her looks she could take care of herself, as she was determined to prove in this fight. Kiena was preparing to duck around her partner's raised shield and take advantage of the distraction his knife caused, when she heard Arthur calling out orders from behind.

"Decado Injured to my right, Kiena on my left, keep on your feet, Astiroth wolf..."

Kiena, used to taking split-second instructions after years of working with the Ironwolves, immediately pivoted on her foot to switch targets. She now faced an uninjured orc who had just drawn a large axe. He spun to look at her. For about half a second, they sized each other up. Kiena quickly identified an opening in the orc's stance and sprinted forwards, aiming her sword. The orc realized her intentions, however, and shifted in time to stop her blade with his own. So, the initial strike didn't work. She would get him with the next one. She spun around, getting behind the orc and stepping into its blind spot. The maneuver gave her just enough time to jab her sword into the orc's thigh and jump back to avoid the counter strike.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As orc(R) flailed wildly in rage Riki leaped back in a hurry, leaving her blade impaled in the orc's arm. This is why Riki wasn't keen on teams. She could've finished it in one strike, but thanks to Arthur's attack she was now rapier-less. Feeling like a matador, all Riki could do was dodge and evade. Luckily her orc was slow with his big hammer, unluckily he was getting angrier every time he missed. She needed a distraction, a way to get behind him and retrieve her sword.

"...Rafa help the girls!" he (Arthur) shouted out before starting his fight with his orc(A).

Riki's eyebrows furrowed a bit when she heard Arthur's orders. I don't need any help she thought to herself before throwing a handful of dirt at the orc's face. As he wildly swung randomly, Riki took the opportunity to get behind him a retrieve her sword. Now rearmed, she readied herself while the orc wiped the dirt from its eyes. As he started to raise his hammer she lunged forward and swiped at his eyes with the tip of her rapier. His armor was too thick to pierce, so she needed to target weak spots.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The injured one on his right? Really?

He blinked and brought his mkind into focus, taking a deep breath. While this wasn't exactly a tactical situation, Arthur was still his commanding officer, and he still had to obey his orders to the best of his ability. And now he didn't have a charging archer to cover. He rolled out from between the girl and the orc, placing his shield on his back and drawing his second blade with his left hand, attacking the orc (D) vigorously. His right hand aiming a slash for the orc's throat as his body pivoted and he fell to one knee, left hand slashing at his opponent's hamstrings.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Astiroth looked as the others rushed the orcs. Astiroth heard Arthur but payed no mined to it because he didn't hear his name. He looked to see the wolf pissed off and charging straight for him. "The guy who doesn't like to fight gets the beast that foams out the mouth, great." He said as he fired another arrow. Within a quick thought, Astiroth unsheathed his sword and held it out front to stop the beast. It knew better. It knew not to rush once it saw the blade. It had seen what a sword will do. It began to circle Astiroth. Astiroth was patient and ready. He knew he wouldn't get help; that wolf had more power behind it than the orcs did. He wanted to try to manipulate it with his language but his squad members might hear it. He had stopped raging beasts before but his partners didn't know of his ability and he wanted it to stay that way. The wolf leaped and Astiroth positioned his blade to block the attack. Astiroth was knocked down and the wolf was biting on his blade. His sword was what kept the wolf from tearing his face to shreds. Astiroth got his leg under the wolf and kicked it off. Astiroth stood up quick but only to be rushed by the wolf. Astiroth was ready for it. He couldn't get his blade up in time so he stepped to the side and elbowed the wolf into the jaw. Astiroth stood steady, observing the others as well just to ensure that he wouldn't have an Orc rush him as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 16 days ago

Rafa's initial strike on the orc(K) hit it's mark easily passing through the leather armor and piercing the Orc's(K) shoulder. And once Rafa started his assault the Orc only remained on the defensive for a short time. The heavy halberd could only move so fast and the Orc took advantage of one of the many openings the heavy weapon left. As soon as the Orc deflected the Halberd with his axe it followed up with a heavy backhanded club to Rafa's head sending him tumbling backward. (Check the OOC I asked you four days ago to change the post or you would get hit) The Orc was about to move in for the kill, but it was cut off as Kiena jumped into the Orc's path. The orc was surprised that a small girl would stand in its path and even blocked her first strike. But the girl was quick and seemed to disappear in an instant. The Orc started to look for its prey but as soon as it felt a sharp stab in its thigh it started to spin sending his club like fist flying backward, but Kiena was able to jump back and avoid the blow. The orc then moved forward slashing its Axe at Kiena attempting to cut the girl down.

The Orc(D) raised its sword to block Decado's attack to its throat, but was unable to react to the second blow and felt the sting of Decado's blade across its hamstring. The now crippled Orc roared and used its might to push Decado back and sent a powerful swing at Decado's chest both of its hands on the blade.

The wolf's attacks on Astiroth seemed to have little to no effect and his last attack was able to disorientate the wolf a bit. It hung back a bit circling its foe looking for any opening, but the lone wolf was at a loss without the support of its pack or the orcs who had been using it to track. The wolf suddenly turned back to charge after the group fighting the orcs trying to strike at Rafa while he recovered from the Orc's attack

Arthur was forced on the defensive using his shield to block the assault of blows the Orc(A) was throwing at him. Arthur knew he couldn't win without attacking, but first he had to find an opening. And soon enough it came The Orc swung down as he tried to take a step, Arthur blocked the strike pushing it to the side throwing and knocking the orc off balance. With the created opening Arthur struck out with his spear aiming for the beast's heart. Although off balance the orc was still able to partially dodge the blow and Arthur's spear struck the orc's shoulder. As Arthur pulled back his spear he jammed his shield into the Orc's side cracking some of the orc's ribs. In anger the orc tried to strike Arthur, he moved his spear to block the orc's axe. The shaft of his spear locked with the shaft of the axe and Arthur spun his spear pulling the axe from the Orc's hand leaving the beast defenseless as Arthur continued his attack stabbing the orc in the heart. As Arthur kicked the orc back letting the beast die he turned to see another orc(R) about to smash its hammer down on Riki. He quickly raced over hooking the hammer with his spear and kicking the back of the orc's knees dropping the orc to its knees. "Finish it" he told Riki while trying to keep the orc pinned and unable to counter her strike.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lily Kierstrider

Lily Kierstrider

Member Offline since relaunch

Kiena timed out the orc's swings and dove to the side just as the axe swept past her. She rolled and jumped back to her feet, leaping forward for a strike at the back of the orc's knee to cripple it before it could regain its balance. As she moved to get out of its attacking range, she added a second swipe at its other leg in hopes of bringing the beast to its knees. If it worked, she would have a clear shot at its head.

"Rafa, you good?" Kiena called back to her teammate during the brief opportunity she had while the orc was regrouping, although she didn't take her eyes off of her opponent for even a second. She knew she couldn't let it finish recovering from the initial shock of her first attack or she would miss her chance. She sprang towards the orc again with a fresh burst of speed, aiming her blade for its exposed throat.
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