GM: Arthanus
1. Listen to the GM(s), If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it.
2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep nudity and that such in PM
3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC
4. Be civilized and polite please
5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed.
6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an arc or event you want to add in let the GM's know beforehand so we can fit it into the story
7. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts.
8. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC
-=The World=-

(click to enlarge)
-=Ramblings of Old Man Cross (History)=-
-=The People of the land=-
The Barbarians of the North
- A strong, resilient people well suited for the mountains of the north. Although these barbarians were technically a part of the Silver empire they never submitted to the rules of the Silver Empire and have lived in small tribes since before the fall of the Beasts. The men and women of the north make great warriors and hard workers but aren't known to be the smartest people of the land.
Men of Talos
-The people of the Kingdom of Talos are a very versatile and diverse. There are rich fields to work and plenty of trades to practice. They would best be described as average with no definitive strengths or weaknesses. They live their lives in service to the King and are rewarded for their cooperation. The Nobles of Talos live off the riches that were left behind when the Silver Empire fell and the peasants live almost as if the Silver Empire had never fallen.
The Sadan Intellectuals
-The people of Sadan value intelligence and wisdom above all else. They were some of the first to see the tyranny that had become The Silver Empire and stand against it. The Intellectuals of Sadan are thought as some of the most clever and cunning strategists. Sadan also produces powerful Magi being one of the few Nations that actively supports the practice and study of magic. The people of Sadan are well thought of and have even been integrated into the other nations to help the other Nations in times of need.
The Soolian Independents
- The Soolian's live in small City States, they are known for their strong scene of Independence, strong willpower, and intense courage. When The Silver Empire fell the people of Soolian refused to be ruled by anyone else with each city forming it's own government and running itself. But although they are separate don't question their unity, In the few attempts made to subjugate the Soolian States has been meet with the combined might of the Soolian States. The warriors of Soolian are brave and full of courage, and make great battlefield leaders. Even with the capital of the Silver Empire being in what is now the Kingdom of Talos, it was said that Krom Silverfang originally came from the Soolian Isles.
Beguan Engineers
-The people in Begua are known as the masters of construction, and known for their great infrastructure. When the Beguan Republic rebelled from the Silver Empire they helped the Rebellion with their masterful siege engines and knowledge of the Empire's castles. The crafts of Begua are considered to be of the highest quality and coveted in the other nations. And the master craftsmen of Begua are contracted throughout the land to build their castles and design their cities. Begua is by far the most advanced of the nations focusing on development of their infrastructure and the arts over the use of magic or war.
-=Iron Wolves=-
Who are we?
-A long standing group of mercenaries that can trace their roots back to the days of the Silver Empire. They are strong diverse group picking recruits from any and every nation. The Wolves don't hold Allegiance to any one nation, but they act on the will of their Commander and his morals become the morals of the Wolves. Throughout the years the Ironwolves have built many reputations from following the money despite the motives to defenders of justice. But with the recent passing of the Commander there is an uneasiness and questioning to how the Mercenary Group will operate under the new Commander
Our home
-The Iron Wolves make their home in Graystone Castle, a remnant of the Silver Empire. It is well maintained and serves as the home for any wary wolf who is in between jobs and their families. The castle lays in the lands of the Northern Tribes near the borders of both the Kingdom of Talos and the Sadan Empire
Main Keep - Where all the work is done,
-Commander's private chambers top floor
-Officers quarters top floor
-War Room 2nd floor
-Main Dinning Hall 1st floor
-Armory 2nd floor
Main Building
-Members Housing
-Community Chapel
Important Members
Old man Cross
The oldest member of the Iron Wolves and our historian. He spends many a night telling tales of the past and stories of even the great heros of the Ironwolves. No one knows just how old Cross is, but even Veteran Wolves say that he hasn't aged in 30 years. And every wolf has found themselves sitting around the campfire listening to Cross' tales at least once.
Ex-Commander Lorenzo Garnet
The previous leader of the Iron Wolves. Under his Command the Wolves reputation took a big hit as Lorenzo would take on any mission given to the wolves if the price was right. Although this did hurt the Wolves reputation it swelled their treasury as Lorenzo preferred to take the highest paying and most difficult jobs. Many wolves perished under Lorenzo's command, but those who survived it came out stronger, and richer for the journey.
Commander Malak Garskull
The new Commander of the Iron Wolves although he may be unproven as the Commander he has many years of experience in the field. He is a Strong leader who has gotten his team out of many situations. His men both love and fear the man and his enemies respect him. One thing is for sure, those who meet Malak never forget him.
Elizabeth Kain
Elizabeth is one of the primary strategists of the Iron Wolves, known for her ruthless and efficient tactics in battle as well as being a powerful Wind mage. She has lead the wolves to many victories, and prevented many defeats. Her presence alone is enough to inspire the troops to fight harder and more vigorously, if only out of fear of punishment later in the event of failure. Personaly she is a cold woman, who is hard to get along with at first, but eventually she starts to be nice, kinda."
Our land has deep magical roots and most people can use magic. But very few are truly able to masterful control the magic. Each person has a natural affinity to a specific elemental power. And although those who master magic can learn multiple elements they are restricted to similar elements (Same side of the following tree)
Elements of Magic and Affinity
Light ---- Dark
Water ---- Fire
Ice ---- Lighting
Air ---- Earth
Arcane ---- Nature
Name: Kinda self explanatory
Gender: Male or Female?
Age: How old are you?
Appearance: How do you look? Pics + a brief description preferred
Affinity: Mage or not you have an affinity
Bio: Who are you? And what brought you to the Iron Wolves? Also what have you done since joining? Min 2 paragraphs
Skills/Spells: any skills you may have
Equipment: What do you carry with you normally?
-=Accepted Characters=-
Arthur Garskull
Kiena Alevi
Decado Firefist
Now I know it was a lot of reading, but thanks for sticking around and I hope this gets going! Also looking for a Co-GM PM me if you are intrested
1. Listen to the GM(s), If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it.
2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep nudity and that such in PM
3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC
4. Be civilized and polite please
5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed.
6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an arc or event you want to add in let the GM's know beforehand so we can fit it into the story
7. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts.
8. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC
-=The World=-

(click to enlarge)
-=Ramblings of Old Man Cross (History)=-
-=The People of the land=-
The Barbarians of the North
- A strong, resilient people well suited for the mountains of the north. Although these barbarians were technically a part of the Silver empire they never submitted to the rules of the Silver Empire and have lived in small tribes since before the fall of the Beasts. The men and women of the north make great warriors and hard workers but aren't known to be the smartest people of the land.
Men of Talos
-The people of the Kingdom of Talos are a very versatile and diverse. There are rich fields to work and plenty of trades to practice. They would best be described as average with no definitive strengths or weaknesses. They live their lives in service to the King and are rewarded for their cooperation. The Nobles of Talos live off the riches that were left behind when the Silver Empire fell and the peasants live almost as if the Silver Empire had never fallen.
The Sadan Intellectuals
-The people of Sadan value intelligence and wisdom above all else. They were some of the first to see the tyranny that had become The Silver Empire and stand against it. The Intellectuals of Sadan are thought as some of the most clever and cunning strategists. Sadan also produces powerful Magi being one of the few Nations that actively supports the practice and study of magic. The people of Sadan are well thought of and have even been integrated into the other nations to help the other Nations in times of need.
The Soolian Independents
- The Soolian's live in small City States, they are known for their strong scene of Independence, strong willpower, and intense courage. When The Silver Empire fell the people of Soolian refused to be ruled by anyone else with each city forming it's own government and running itself. But although they are separate don't question their unity, In the few attempts made to subjugate the Soolian States has been meet with the combined might of the Soolian States. The warriors of Soolian are brave and full of courage, and make great battlefield leaders. Even with the capital of the Silver Empire being in what is now the Kingdom of Talos, it was said that Krom Silverfang originally came from the Soolian Isles.
Beguan Engineers
-The people in Begua are known as the masters of construction, and known for their great infrastructure. When the Beguan Republic rebelled from the Silver Empire they helped the Rebellion with their masterful siege engines and knowledge of the Empire's castles. The crafts of Begua are considered to be of the highest quality and coveted in the other nations. And the master craftsmen of Begua are contracted throughout the land to build their castles and design their cities. Begua is by far the most advanced of the nations focusing on development of their infrastructure and the arts over the use of magic or war.
-=Iron Wolves=-
Who are we?
-A long standing group of mercenaries that can trace their roots back to the days of the Silver Empire. They are strong diverse group picking recruits from any and every nation. The Wolves don't hold Allegiance to any one nation, but they act on the will of their Commander and his morals become the morals of the Wolves. Throughout the years the Ironwolves have built many reputations from following the money despite the motives to defenders of justice. But with the recent passing of the Commander there is an uneasiness and questioning to how the Mercenary Group will operate under the new Commander
Our home
-The Iron Wolves make their home in Graystone Castle, a remnant of the Silver Empire. It is well maintained and serves as the home for any wary wolf who is in between jobs and their families. The castle lays in the lands of the Northern Tribes near the borders of both the Kingdom of Talos and the Sadan Empire
Main Keep - Where all the work is done,
-Commander's private chambers top floor
-Officers quarters top floor
-War Room 2nd floor
-Main Dinning Hall 1st floor
-Armory 2nd floor
Main Building
-Members Housing
-Community Chapel
Important Members
Old man Cross
The oldest member of the Iron Wolves and our historian. He spends many a night telling tales of the past and stories of even the great heros of the Ironwolves. No one knows just how old Cross is, but even Veteran Wolves say that he hasn't aged in 30 years. And every wolf has found themselves sitting around the campfire listening to Cross' tales at least once.
Ex-Commander Lorenzo Garnet
The previous leader of the Iron Wolves. Under his Command the Wolves reputation took a big hit as Lorenzo would take on any mission given to the wolves if the price was right. Although this did hurt the Wolves reputation it swelled their treasury as Lorenzo preferred to take the highest paying and most difficult jobs. Many wolves perished under Lorenzo's command, but those who survived it came out stronger, and richer for the journey.
Commander Malak Garskull
The new Commander of the Iron Wolves although he may be unproven as the Commander he has many years of experience in the field. He is a Strong leader who has gotten his team out of many situations. His men both love and fear the man and his enemies respect him. One thing is for sure, those who meet Malak never forget him.
Elizabeth Kain
Elizabeth is one of the primary strategists of the Iron Wolves, known for her ruthless and efficient tactics in battle as well as being a powerful Wind mage. She has lead the wolves to many victories, and prevented many defeats. Her presence alone is enough to inspire the troops to fight harder and more vigorously, if only out of fear of punishment later in the event of failure. Personaly she is a cold woman, who is hard to get along with at first, but eventually she starts to be nice, kinda."
Our land has deep magical roots and most people can use magic. But very few are truly able to masterful control the magic. Each person has a natural affinity to a specific elemental power. And although those who master magic can learn multiple elements they are restricted to similar elements (Same side of the following tree)
Elements of Magic and Affinity
Light ---- Dark
Water ---- Fire
Ice ---- Lighting
Air ---- Earth
Arcane ---- Nature
Name: Kinda self explanatory
Gender: Male or Female?
Age: How old are you?
Appearance: How do you look? Pics + a brief description preferred
Affinity: Mage or not you have an affinity
Bio: Who are you? And what brought you to the Iron Wolves? Also what have you done since joining? Min 2 paragraphs
Skills/Spells: any skills you may have
Equipment: What do you carry with you normally?
-=Accepted Characters=-
Arthur Garskull
Kiena Alevi
Decado Firefist
Now I know it was a lot of reading, but thanks for sticking around and I hope this gets going! Also looking for a Co-GM PM me if you are intrested