Hmmm. Well you may want to consider going back to the idea of dropping it another time if she's instant right now that she can handle both. She still should know that pacing yourself is important. Constantly posting to one thread is dangerous eheh, and to make sure everyone/every thread gets some love. It's disrespectful otherwise. If this doesn't change, you probably should drop it and not put up with that emotional burden. Writing is a hobby, life happens, interests change but honesty needs to happen if a hobby is to remain a fun hobby and not some chore. :/
Unbreakable was good, save for the last two episodes which I found a bit too zany but I hope the second season is as pretty damn funny as the first. And yes, new Orange is the New Black is coming out soon, in like a few months. The trailer was interesting, I'm curious to see what things happen this season, where the next conflict will lie. Hopefully summer won't be a drag for tv at all. :3