AegonVI said
The storm that is the next war update, no doubt.
Things are happening next war update, don't you worry.
AegonVI said
The storm that is the next war update, no doubt.
AegonVI said
Those Germans and their wars...
So Boerd said
I hear New Orleans is pleasant this time of year.
AegonVI said
It actually IS, thank you very much. We just got a shiny new port. Though I'm not sure how well Missouri is faring, what with it not having a port to ship things as long as it's against the CSA. Same fares for Kentucky.
AegonVI said
It actually IS, thank you very much. We just got a shiny new port.
Byrd Man said
"Nice Port
It'd Be a Shame if Someone Bombarded It"
FYI: David Farragut
AegonVI said
I'm sorry. I couldn't here you over the sound of my General holding Vicksburg from multiple attacks.
Byrd Man said
That's fine, Aegon, I'm a bit busy having to rebuild Richmond for you. Also, i agree with Boerd. I think the Union forces would look pretty cool with a few pickelhauben in the mix.
AegonVI said
@Boerd and Byrd, A) They wouldn't even make it up the river and B) you to should form a musical duo.
Byrd Man said
Grant and von Moltke the Elder will make one hell of a one-two punch.