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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absol


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Lupe raced alongside the mole, grinning even though she had a giant-ass mutant beside her that was hell bent on killing her - she was having the time of her life! She quickened her pace to run ahead of the hulking mass that was their enemy, her ice blue gaze focused on the camp ahead of them. Some weird snake-thing was aiming at the mole, and an idea popped into her head. Quickening her pace to an all-out sprint, Lupe dashed ahead, whistling loudly to get the mole's attention. It spotted her and screeched something like; "The human must die! The Organization will prevail!" - Something like that at least. She motioned for Erebos to fly down, and the cat folded his wings and dove down, pulling up beside her and gliding at her pace as they ran. "Erebos, go over to the snake dude and stay there - I don't know how accurate he is, and the last thing I need now is a dead cat dropping on me."

Erebos nodded and dove down onto the ground, hitting the ground running, his small black furred form a blur as it ran up towards the snake. Lupe then searched for a place to duck into the hide. To her right was a semi-large pipe that would hide her from view. A quick glance up told her that she should be close enough now, and then she dived off to the side, rolling as she hit the ground and rolling into the pipe, coming up with one hand on the ground to balance her and the other arm outstretched to the side, on knee on the ground and the other up by her head. She stood up, having to bend a little to avoid hitting her head as she quietly walked to the opening, being greeted by the mole's angry eyes staring at her. "Why hello there ugly - Nyx can't see you right now, come back later." She said, unholstering her 22cal' and shooting the mole's left eye twice. It recoiled almost immediately, roaring in pain as blood began flowing steadily from his now-blind left eye. "Nyx - One, Mole Mutant - Zero." Lupe said triumphantly, walking out of the pipe and watching the mole thrash about with an amused, unwavering gaze.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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I haven't heard the sound of my gun firing for years. It sounds just like the day I first went hunting. With all the bullets exploding and the refreshing pulling of the bolt... the kick of the rifle sends me back, with the recoil being absorbed by my arms...

"What in the blazin' heat?!" I yelled out, shortly after pulling the trigger. A trail of smoke lingered, following the end of my barrel as I cocked the rifle, bringing the scope back into my eye as I prepared another shot. The first one missed since I was trying to avoid a pet of someone's. I had no idea what sort of stunt they were trying to pull off, but it would probably end up killing something in the end. I held the rifle tight as it kicked again like a horse, not being able to watch the bullet as it pierced the giant mole's chest. No, I was cocking my rifle for the third time. I scrambled for the handle as the beast came alarmingly closer, along with the parade it was bringing along with it.

Normally, I'd call for help from my community, try to get 20 people to bring an arsenal of 50 guns. Unfortunately, the phone lines were dead, and I didn't like the idea of carrying a small black smartphone around. Those things were as confusing as heck.

At last, at last. The thing bloody stumbled thanks to one of them. With a perfect line of sight, I let off my fourth shot as suddenly everything lost sound. Within a second, you see a cloud of pink not too far away. Whether that struck his neck or head, it worked. I think I need to meet with either Mr. Miracle or Mr. Luck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Apparently, Erion, Nyx, and the new guy's attacks were too much for the mole, of course, the finisher was when the new guy shot the thing right in the neck, that is, after Nyx shot it in the eye. It fell backwards, and just stayed there... as motionless as you'd expect it to be in death. "Whew... that was close," I say to the group as I land right next to the new guy. I wonder what 'the organization is'... obviously, they were or are important, but I've never heard of them. I then think, though I probably should have asked someone. Instead, I end up asking "So... what's your name, new guy?" And then adding "Um, I'm Robert, by the way. I actually live pretty close to here, too," I then wonder what we're going to do about the mole, 'cause it could probably feed this entire community if we removed the obviously inedible rocks that covered its body. This place was somewhat familiar to me due to the fact that I used to visit this place every now and then. It wasn't too often that I would, but every time I did, I always heard about some sniper who's holed himself up in his own house... er... Miles, was it? No, wait, um, M! Maybe his name was Milloon... either way, that guy was weird, 'cause he never seemed to leave his house, at least, not from what I've seen, though, I have seen his gun, which was also the gun that this snake guy was holding now, before. I think it was that one time I was let into his home, and he told me something about this being a much better way of killing things... of course, since I didn't pay attention at all, he really could have said anything that time, and I wouldn't have known what it was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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I didn't really feel like talking after all of that. I was nearly run over by a giant mole, for Christ's sake. But it would be rude if I didn't talk to these strangers. So, I held my rifle in one hand, figuring I still needed to keep some sort of order so that they wouldn't pick my corpse clean.

With a big voice, I proclaimed the following words: "My name is Miles Hall, and welcome to Swells." More like a deep, relaxed voice voice if anything. Bit of a juxtaposition since my heart was still pumping hard. "A small town with a big heart... of guns. Say, what have you people have gotten yourself into? You're all dusty and look like you've been travelin' through a sandstorm just now." I figured they were probably just covered in dust from running, but they did also have a bit of blood on them too... and, it didn't look like the mole died on them. "Argh. Just follow me back to town. I got a pipe to fix, otherwise we can't send over some crops to the local clan." Assuming they were indeed following me, I was walking slowly back to the town of Swells, passing old broken buildings that were built on square foundations and holding my gun with both hands - you can never be too careful if you don't know if you've finished the last of those bandits. "Watch them bandits. They'll try to claw your eyes out, and they're a lot more jumpy since we cleared most of them." No kidding. Earl got his eyes scooped out twice, although the creepy bit was that they grew back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absol


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Lupe watched as the sniper introduced himself as Miles. Walking over to where Miles was, Lupe holstered her guns and checked her pockets for how many bullets she had left - three 22cal' and two 9mm. Damn. I'm running low. She thought bitterly, looking over at Miles. "Don't suppose you've got any bullets for a 22caliber and a 9 millimeter?" She said, unhostering her guns for a moment to show them to this 'Miles' before holstering them again. "The name's Nyx. Thanks for the help with the mole back there - If he wasn't going to kill m- er, us with claws or boulders, he'd kill us with ugliness alone." She joked, quickly covering up that the mole was after her.

Erebos jumped up onto Lupe's shoulder, his purple eyes studying Miles for a moment, before he extended one wing to poke at Miles with the claw lightly - not even enough to make a mark, just so he could feel it. He then quickly retracted the wing, tilting his head to the side in a confused manner. Lupe merely ignored the cat - she'd grown used to his random ways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

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Erion flew down, tired, breathing deeply, walking near Nyx. He was shaking his head, feeling a bit of pain right now. His head was hurting him, having used too much psychic powers on removing the rocks from that mole to let the others have open spots to attack. After taking a couple of deep breaths, he looked at the creature that called himself Miles and smiles at him.
"Name is Erion... thank you for helping us back there... ugh my head..." he sends to people around. He then breath deeply, taking back his energy, his pain slowly dissipating from using too much energy in so little time. Seriously, he had just finish crushing a venodog into the ground, only to end up with a giant mole attacking them. He just hoped that he would not have another fight happen right now, cause seriously if that were to happen he knew full well that he would not be able to help, having expended too much energy in sp little time. Enough energy to speak mentally... but not enough to actually go fight again. He would be obliged to use his physical attacks if that were to happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

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I stopped my walk, and turned to the visitors. I had pretty much ignored them. Don't know why, but that shoulder-tapping bat-cat got my attention. "Yeah? Hm?"

First off, that nice neo-fantasy girl asked me if we had any bullets for her. "Nyx, 'eh? Never heard of a name like that." Of course I suspected it wasn't her actual name. I've never heard of such a name. Was the world already changing in the time I spent living here? "Well, we've got several armouries locked up around our community. I don't expect giving you weapons though, unless you've got stuff to trade." I kept looking around as if I was paranoid, interrupting myself at times while I kept a look out for bandits. "We can definitely spare some bullets. Not too many, but enough to fill your pockets like pennies."

As I scratched my scaly snout, I was disturbed to hear a noise in my head. "Who's there?" I hissed, quickly unholstering my rifle as I began looking around with my rifle in my hands. "Come on out. I'll let you walk outta here." I said, turning with my rifle in front of me. It struck me ten seconds later that it came from a cat... it turns out she wandered around with the group. "Ah. Sorry. I'm not used to having a radio in my head." I figured those messages came from him, since he looked tense. Well, I had to assume it was a he.

"Again, welcome to Swells. Stay close if you wanna live." And so, I continued forwards, not letting go of my rifle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

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Miles, as he introduced himself, asked our group what we've gotten ourselves into. I answered as best as I could with "Well, apparently, some group called 'the organization' is after us. All I know is that, for some reason, they want the human species dead... of course, this includes at least one of us," I still had no idea who this 'organization' was, but I didn't really want anything killing all humans, so, obviously, I'm against them. I then tried to think of any possible reason one might have for doing this as I flew next to Miles, whom I remember from a while ago... that gun he has, as well as his name (really, how many other people have the last name 'Hall'?) were both unmistakable... well, unless someone stole his name after he killed the guy, but that seemed unlikely. Blood started dripping from my now-red bandages, but I didn't have any replacements. Of course, I wasn't going to complain about it, or even really change the bandages unless someone offers me a fresh set of them, after all, I almost don't even need feet... or legs. Well, at the very least, I didn't need them as much as the rest of my team. I then recall that I didn't bring any kind of food with me, or even a bag to hold it in. Of course, if Swells can't spare any food, then we'd have to eat that mole guy from earlier... we couldn't eat the vehemendogs, that is, if we still liked living. I then recalled that time when Ned from my clan decided to try it. We were going through a short famine and he couldn't take it anymore. We had also just recently killed a pack of the horrible things, and since the bathorses were avoiding us, or flying away, as well as the fact that none of our crops were growing at the time... he was desperate, and he tried the meat from one of the vehemendogs. Ned went completely crazy, and for about five days he thought he was one. Of course, that only lasted long enough for him to just fall over dead, well, that is, after shouting very loudly in pain. That wasn't something I wanted to deal with right now, so, vehemendog meat was not an option at this point... or really any point, unless we're poisoning someone who doesn't have a sense of smell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

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As I was slipping out of paranoia, my ear (or at least I felt an ear) twitched. "Say again?" I asked, stopping our walk to the community for the third time as another emotion showed on my face.

You know, it probably wasn't a coincidence that Hugo often rambled to himself. Rambling, which involved the world 'Organization.' I had two choices: 1. Get that son of a bitch talking. 2. Somehow keep him alive for every's sake. "We got a... dying doctor who often talks about that. Thought he was crazy to say Organization until you bothered to mention it."

Turns out, we were closer than expected. On the main street, by now. Being a town of... less than 20, there wasn't really too much activity around. A large brown pipe rolled off Hugo earlier was in the same spot as usual, with the man I needed to lift it up as I welded it nowhere to be seen. A large field of wheat and some other crops was quite a rare view around here, since most of the land was too dry in this climate. Nothing a little engineering couldn't do, although it was noticeably unreliable - for example, regular maintenance on the aqueduct. I skipped last week, and now look what's happened. A frickin' pipe's in the middle of the road and Hugo doesn't care about living or dying. Presumably because of that secret business.

"We're here. Who needed supplies again?" I said, flexing my head back and forth from the farms to the little group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absol


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Lupe suppressed an annoyed sigh as this Miles only just took note of her question. She crossed her arms and fixed a glare on Miles. "Hard of hearing are we?" She replied, unholstering both her guns and spinning them around on her index fingers before holstering them again. "I was the one who asked for bullets and crap, and I believe that everyone else here needs supplies as well." She said, sarcasm practically dripping from her tone. She continued on walking, her ice blue eyes taking in the community - Swells it was called. Heh, what kind of a name is 'Swells'? Doesn't look to 'Swells' to me. She thought, grinning slightly as she took in a fallen pipe, which had a few splashes of blood on it - must of fallen on someone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Watch your mouth." I warned, keeping the same soft tone I had before. "I won't mind a harsh talk, but some of the others around ain't so tolerant. Besides, it was just a question, not an insult."

We didn't have much of a centre in Swells, since it would be roaming with rats and such. We spread ourselves evenly around here. Sure, we'd get attacked every now and again, but there is a considerable fire risk when combining dense areas of housing with my wiring.

We stopped by an old gun shop, barricaded to the point where you couldn't see anything inside. Except the owner was an idiot and forgot to set some locks in his door. Now, it gathers dust, the vault downstairs full of bullets and surplus weaponry. A grave outside with a broken shotgun stuck in it marks the owner's current position. I kicked the door open since it jammed the first two times I tried opening it, letting it swing and hit some bells. The vault downstairs was a considerable contrast to the faded posters and dusty shelves around. "One at a time. We don't want bandits snatching bullets off the road once your pockets burst from all the stuff you'll probably steal."

I'll be honest - most of the guns need a few repairs to be fully effective, but otherwise they're better than your forsaken peashooters.
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