Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
Avatar of Lugia

Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, now I've got this hilarity of an app.
Here it is.

Name: Robert Morris
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Mutant (Copper Wyvern)

Personality: Robert is an odd one. He's usually an optimist, enjoys helping others... and yet, usually thinks in terms of a typical fantasy RPG. He may end up saying something like 'Why does this thing have so much dang magic defense!?' and 'Well... I don't have much defense, but I make up for it by having high speed!' though, he only says these things by accident, and will occasionally laugh at himself after he's said it. He does have a sense of humor, and tends to make fun of himself in front of his friends, and occasionally those who are making fun of him. For someone with such a frail body, he can take a lot of verbal and mental abuse, usually not even caring if some random bully is making fun of him, and occasionally just laughing at the bully's joke, himself... unfortunately, he wasn't always this patient, as this patience was built up over the years of bully abuse at the various schools he used to attend. If you do manage to push him over the edge, however, that's when you'd want to run, as he is stronger than he looks (even when he was human), and is very persistent in getting his revenge. He may also say things to others that may come off as rude. Considering the fact that he has a slight mental disability which basically makes him socially awkward, it's no real surprise. One last fact... he's always liked dragons... kind of a lot, too.

Appearance: After the solar flare, Robert stands at about five feet tall from head to talons, which is somewhat shorter than his old height. His wings are actually somewhat larger than the average of his new species, and he has the typical copper-colored scales, with small white feathers underneath them... though, it's a little difficult to see the feathers due to their size and placement. The scales on his underbelly are actually a somewhat rare silver color... these scales extend from the front of his neck all the way to the tip of his scales. His wing membrane is the same silver color as his underbelly, and his eyes are an odd (for the species) emerald green color. His back horns are a very polished-looking white, which pretty much just gives away the fact that he can't use them for electrical attacks. His stinger seems to be somewhat thinner than the rest of his kind for some odd reason. His snout is of average length for his kind (about six inches long) and ends in the typical angular fashion. As a wyvern, he lacks arms, unfortunately.

Bio: During the time of peace, Robert was a nerd. He never went outside unless it was to go to school, got higher grades than everyone, sucked at sports, and was constantly bullied. However, the bullying would have stopped if he didn't move after every school year, as he was probably the only nerd to ever actually fight back against the bullies, and, somehow, he actually usually did rather well against them once he got mad enough. Due to how often his anger got him into trouble, as the principals were more likely to listen to the smooth-talking bullies than Robert, he eventually calmed himself down, and didn't fly into a rage as often... or, really, almost never after that. Of course, this made him much more boring to bully, as well. Oddly for a nerd, Robert almost never actually studied unless he absolutely needed to, often playing some video game or another. His favorite was the final fantasy series, the first of which he played was six (which was called three for some reason). He was hooked on the genera ever since. Of course, he would later try the other RPGs that were on Nintendo consoles at that time, such as Mario RPG, Pokemon red and blue, and some of the earlier Final Fantasies (well, save for Mystic Quest, but nobody likes to talk about that one) Unfortunately, he messed up and went with the N64, thinking that Square's new Final Fantasies would be on there... well... he was wrong, though, that did give him a chance to play Paper Mario, which he liked, but, it was still no Final Fantasy. Thankfully, his best friend actually had a Playstation, and Robert begged for him to get Final Fantasy 7, which was, so far, at least, according to Robert, the only one he missed. Chance, Robert's friend, got the game, and Robert was more than excited to play it, however, once he did... he... somehow wasn't quite as impressed as he should have been. He still played it, and finished the heck out of it, even getting some of the more hidden summons, such as Knights of the Round aka: summon me to win, but he didn't like it as much as six.

about a day after he had beaten and completely completed the game, Robert's parents were moving again, and when Robert asked why, they didn't answer, and almost threw him in the car, using the last of their gas to get out of the city and into... well... nowhere. He was expected to live in nowhere. When Robert asked if this was a joke, they handed him a spear and a pistol, neither of which he really knew how to use properly, unfortunately. He eventually got used to the spear, but he was NEVER a good shot with the pistol, making some of the new animals that were appearing a lot harder to kill than they should have been. His least favorite would be the bathorses, simply due to his own hatred for anything equine. Whenever one would show up, which was somewhat rarely, Robert would go into one of his old, angry rages, and literally stab the thing in between its eyes, often pulling out the entire brain with his spear... meaning that all that was left of the thing was no more than horse meat for the entire family. Eventually, others joined up with Robert and his family, forming a tribe that Robert had named 'The Dragons'. He didn't care whether or not that name was taken by something else, or if it was some racist remark, he really just liked dragons, and nobody else was coming up with a name, so he had to. The tribe grew as more people joined in from the cities in the general area, making it more of a clan than a tribe, and almost making it a city. The tribe's biggest pull? Free and easy to get horse meat. Heck, they'd often lure the bathorses over to Robert just so he'd go berserk and kill the thing for more meat for everyone.

Everything was going somewhat well, as the clan was large enough to fend off some of the megafauna, and Robert always destroyed the bathorses... that is, unless they fly off, in which case, he'd just be mad for the rest of the day. He tried shooting the thing with his pistol, but, well... he can't shoot to save his life. The others even tried training him by setting up cans, but he'd miss every single time. Even when he was three inches away from the can, he couldn't hit it, so, if the bathorse flew away, which became more and more often, he couldn't do anything about it. After some can training, and draining Robert's remaining bullets to a mere three, the solar flare hit, and it hit hard. Robert passed out for a while, as did almost everyone else... well, save for the 30% of the clan that died, of course. When he woke up, Robert could already tell that something was different. He walked out of his tent, and into the bright sun, only to see copper and gold-colored wyverns everywhere... well, save for some dead humans, and some other mutated creatures that were still in the area... the most common, however, by far, was the wyverns. Not too long after Robert figured out that he was one, as well, he tried to learn to fly... and ended up with a face full of rock and dirt more than a few times before finally taking off for all of two minutes. He then tried again and again until he could actually fly well, and once he could, he started to fly around the camp that his clan had set up for a while until he grew bored of that, and started looking for other camps... not to kill anyone, mainly just to see how the other survivors are faring.

Weapons: A now-useless hunting spear, which was fashioned out of iron, and a pistol that goes REAL great with his inability to use guns.
Mutations(If any):

Pets(If any): He used to have a black Labrador named Cody, however, he died from the solar flare... no surprise, either, given that Robert and his clan were pretty much at the center of where that solar flare hit.
Theme Song(Optional): ~NONE~
Other: He may end up combining his fire breath, flying abilities and electrical powers at some point in the RP, if that's okay. I'll make sure that it's more than four posts before he thinks about doing that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh, good, Kabling's going to be here! I am now, very, very excited and am motivated to make an app.

I still think I might make an app, I just don't know what I would be.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
Avatar of Lugia

Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey Absol, Sumable's been thinking about being the same species as my character. Would you be okay with that?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Actually, no I haven't.
The only problem is, the wyvern had most of the things I had in mind, and the only other thing I can think of is ice, and that won't go well if something can breathe fire, and earth, like dirt and rock, but that won't be that well since it'll be hard as fuck to explain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
Avatar of Lugia

Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oops, sorry, I thought you were. Ah, well, I could only hope, I guess.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
Avatar of Sumable

Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After some (a lot of) help by Lugia, I have a basic idea of what I will be.
It will be a bipedal Gila Monster in a way, but will have icy breath, and he will have a manipulable pigment, sort of like a chameleon, but he will be able to control it. He also has a very venomous saliva and will have telekinesis. Thick, dry skin will make him able to resist heat, and also be able to resist the cold, and layers of fat between the thick skin, the softer skin, and the muscle tissue will make fragments from explosions or bullets from guns not as damaging to him that much, except in places like the elbows, knees, and neck, or in areas around the head. This will make him a little puffy-looking, or like he is partially made of jello. Now, this won't mean that he's invulnerable, but it does mean he can take a few shots to places that would otherwise be lethal such as the lungs or the heart or other important organs/veins in the torso, legs, and arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
Avatar of KaBling

KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sumable said
Oh, good, Kabling's going to be here! I am now, very, very excited and am motivated to make an app.

I still think I might make an app, I just don't know what I would be.

Oh please. If you were that disappointed, you'd never join PMD.

Snakeman or human... either way, they're gonna be snipers.

Gotta post two IC posts, and then work on my app.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
Avatar of Sumable

Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I really don't know what I should have expected, you follow lugia like a sheep to a shephard. I joined PMD because I wanted to try to see if I could make one last attempt to get interested with the whole series, despite you being there, since I knew that I wouldn't have to interact with you that much, if at all, because you're pre-occupied with being in the main plot whereas I could be in a sub-plot that didn't fall apart after the first 4 posts because of a dumb choice to mute my character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
Avatar of KaBling

KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sumable said
I really don't know what I should have expected, you follow lugia like a sheep to a shephard.

(Try not to take this seriously; I don't except a response to this.) You want to know why I follow him around? Everyone else I know on this planet is off-putting in some way. Could be rejection from conversations despite being called a 'friend,' simple ignorance of others, or just continuous exchange of dislike towards one another. Lugia on the other hand - despite the occasional disagreement - is actually someone I prefer to talk to, if not (and I shouldn't) share partial details of my life. Everyone else I just keep away from.

As far as I'm concerned, Lugia's one of the few people that keep me sane. I don't like change, so I attempt to keep friends together. Heck, I tried getting Enorym and Waskom back together, since I was so desperate for things to remain the same. Hanging out with people I know and socialising with them, something I've never done during my first ten years of my childhood thanks to everyone preferring to stay away from me. Because of that, I never look into my childhood memories and explore whatever I had done in primary or something.

Needed to express thoughts. You know, I've been to a counsellor several times.

ACHIEVEMENT GET: Discover KaBling's one of many secrets!

I joined PMD because I wanted to try to see if I could make one last attempt to get interested with the whole series, despite you being there, since I knew that I wouldn't have to interact with you that much, if at all, because you're pre-occupied with being in the main plot whereas I could be in a sub-plot that didn't fall apart after the first 4 posts because of a dumb choice to mute my character.

Well, I'm certainly not as reluctant as you when it comes to roleplaying with others. I have... reserved feelings for Evanist, but you don't see me attempting to stay the Hell away from him.

After posting IC twice, let's see what I can do with my fingers again...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
Avatar of Sumable

Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absol


Member Offline since relaunch

Lugia said
Well, now I've got this hilarity of an app.Here it is.
Name: Robert Morris
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Mutant (Copper Wyvern)
Personality: Robert is an odd one. He's usually an optimist, enjoys helping others... and yet, usually thinks in terms of a typical fantasy RPG. He may end up saying something like 'Why does this thing have so much dang magic defense!?' and 'Well... I don't have much defense, but I make up for it by having high speed!' though, he only says these things by accident, and will occasionally laugh at himself after he's said it. He does have a sense of humor, and tends to make fun of himself in front of his friends, and occasionally those who are making fun of him. For someone with such a frail body, he can take a lot of verbal and mental abuse, usually not even caring if some random bully is making fun of him, and occasionally just laughing at the bully's joke, himself... unfortunately, he wasn't always this patient, as this patience was built up over the years of bully abuse at the various schools he used to attend. If you do manage to push him over the edge, however, that's when you'd want to run, as he is stronger than he looks (even when he was human), and is very persistent in getting his revenge. He may also say things to others that may come off as rude. Considering the fact that he has a slight mental disability which basically makes him socially awkward, it's no real surprise. One last fact... he's always liked dragons... kind of a lot, too.
Appearance: After the solar flare, Robert stands at about five feet tall from head to talons, which is somewhat shorter than his old height. His wings are actually somewhat larger than the average of his new species, and he has the typical copper-colored scales, with small white feathers underneath them... though, it's a little difficult to see the feathers due to their size and placement. The scales on his underbelly are actually a somewhat rare silver color... these scales extend from the front of his neck all the way to the tip of his scales. His wing membrane is the same silver color as his underbelly, and his eyes are an odd (for the species) emerald green color. His back horns are a very polished-looking white, which pretty much just gives away the fact that he can't use them for electrical attacks. His stinger seems to be somewhat thinner than the rest of his kind for some odd reason. His snout is of average length for his kind (about six inches long) and ends in the typical angular fashion. As a wyvern, he lacks arms, unfortunately.
Bio: During the time of peace, Robert was a nerd. He never went outside unless it was to go to school, got higher grades than everyone, sucked at sports, and was constantly bullied. However, the bullying would have stopped if he didn't move after every school year, as he was probably the only nerd to ever actually fight back against the bullies, and, somehow, he actually usually did rather well against them once he got mad enough. Due to how often his anger got him into trouble, as the principals were more likely to listen to the smooth-talking bullies than Robert, he eventually calmed himself down, and didn't fly into a rage as often... or, really, almost never after that. Of course, this made him much more boring to bully, as well. Oddly for a nerd, Robert almost never actually studied unless he absolutely needed to, often playing some video game or another. His favorite was the final fantasy series, the first of which he played was six (which was called three for some reason). He was hooked on the genera ever since. Of course, he would later try the other RPGs that were on Nintendo consoles at that time, such as Mario RPG, Pokemon red and blue, and some of the earlier Final Fantasies (well, save for Mystic Quest, but nobody likes to talk about that one) Unfortunately, he messed up and went with the N64, thinking that Square's new Final Fantasies would be on there... well... he was wrong, though, that did give him a chance to play Paper Mario, which he liked, but, it was still no Final Fantasy. Thankfully, his best friend actually had a Playstation, and Robert begged for him to get Final Fantasy 7, which was, so far, at least, according to Robert, the only one he missed. Chance, Robert's friend, got the game, and Robert was more than excited to play it, however, once he did... he... somehow wasn't quite as impressed as he should have been. He still played it, and finished the heck out of it, even getting some of the more hidden summons, such as Knights of the Round aka: summon me to win, but he didn't like it as much as six.about a day after he had beaten and completely completed the game, Robert's parents were moving again, and when Robert asked why, they didn't answer, and almost threw him in the car, using the last of their gas to get out of the city and into... well... nowhere. He was expected to live in nowhere. When Robert asked if this was a joke, they handed him a spear and a pistol, neither of which he really knew how to use properly, unfortunately. He eventually got used to the spear, but he was NEVER a good shot with the pistol, making some of the new animals that were appearing a lot harder to kill than they should have been. His least favorite would be the bathorses, simply due to his own hatred for anything equine. Whenever one would show up, which was somewhat rarely, Robert would go into one of his old, angry rages, and literally stab the thing in between its eyes, often pulling out the entire brain with his spear... meaning that all that was left of the thing was no more than horse meat for the entire family. Eventually, others joined up with Robert and his family, forming a tribe that Robert had named 'The Dragons'. He didn't care whether or not that name was taken by something else, or if it was some racist remark, he really just liked dragons, and nobody else was coming up with a name, so he had to. The tribe grew as more people joined in from the cities in the general area, making it more of a clan than a tribe, and almost making it a city. The tribe's biggest pull? Free and easy to get horse meat. Heck, they'd often lure the bathorses over to Robert just so he'd go berserk and kill the thing for more meat for everyone.Everything was going somewhat well, as the clan was large enough to fend off some of the megafauna, and Robert always destroyed the bathorses... that is, unless they fly off, in which case, he'd just be mad for the rest of the day. He tried shooting the thing with his pistol, but, well... he can't shoot to save his life. The others even tried training him by setting up cans, but he'd miss every single time. Even when he was three inches away from the can, he couldn't hit it, so, if the bathorse flew away, which became more and more often, he couldn't do anything about it. After some can training, and draining Robert's remaining bullets to a mere three, the solar flare hit, and it hit hard. Robert passed out for a while, as did almost everyone else... well, save for the 30% of the clan that died, of course. When he woke up, Robert could already tell that something was different. He walked out of his tent, and into the bright sun, only to see copper and gold-colored wyverns everywhere... well, save for some dead humans, and some other mutated creatures that were still in the area... the most common, however, by far, was the wyverns. Not too long after Robert figured out that he was one, as well, he tried to learn to fly... and ended up with a face full of rock and dirt more than a few times before finally taking off for all of two minutes. He then tried again and again until he could actually fly well, and once he could, he started to fly around the camp that his clan had set up for a while until he grew bored of that, and started looking for other camps... not to kill anyone, mainly just to see how the other survivors are faring.
Weapons: A now-useless hunting spear, which was fashioned out of iron, and a pistol that goes REAL great with his inability to use guns.
Mutations(If any): These people have mutated into some sort of reptilian creature... now, there's a lot more to that than just that. The copper wyverns are an odd bunch, as the name suggests, they tend to be copper or gold in coloration, however, it extends a little bit beyond that. Underneath their scales are small feathers that exist mainly to create static electricity from friction created as the wyvern moves. Said electricity is directed through their bloodstream through an odd kind of blood where copper has replaced iron just so it can act as a sort-of-circuit to lead the electricity to one of three places, the copper-coated fangs, the copper-tipped talons, or the mostly copper stinger, where they can bite, scratch, or sting with the added effect of an electrical charge. Their bones are actually hollow, however, they're also filled with hydrogen to help lighten their body to allow for flight. The platinum on their tongue, and the fact that they store excess hydrogen in a sac in the back of their mouth, they are also capable of breathing fire. They can also 'conjure' lightning in an odd way, they can direct, or 'fling' a positively charged ion (or, usually more) towards the opponent, and then have their talons, fangs, or stinger take on a negative charge to create a lightning bolt between themselves and the target. Copper wyverns tend to be about 4~6 feet tall when fully grown from head to foot. Their smallish frame combined with the fact that their bones are hollow makes them fairly frail... thankfully, they are excellent fliers. The males of this species typically have two horns on the back of their head, which point backwards and are more aerodynamic as a result. The females, on the other hand, instead have a single horn on the front of their snout, which can be used to attack, and is coated in copper, and can be used in electrical attacks as a result. As a last-ditch effort, a typical copper wyvern can spew bile at enemies... it probably helps the potency of this attack that their stomach acid is actually about as strong as battery acid... however, this can have very detrimental effects on the user. Typically, the copper on their fangs becomes corroded from the acid after the attack, and is thus unusable for any electrical attacks... the copper on their fangs MAY come back, but it typically doesn't. They also have a rather bird-like body structure, where the wings (batlike in this case) have replaces their front limbs to allow for flight.
Pets(If any): He used to have a black Labrador named Cody, however, he died from the solar flare... no surprise, either, given that Robert and his clan were pretty much at the center of where that solar flare hit.
Theme Song(Optional): ~NONE~
Other: He may end up combining his fire breath, flying abilities and electrical powers at some point in the RP, if that's okay.

Very good app, but you missed something in the 'other' section(Unless it was too subtle and just didn't see it x3) After that's taken care off, I'd say Accepted~
Sumable said
After some (a lot of) help by Lugia, I have a basic idea of what I will be.It will be a bipedal Gila Monster in a way, but will have icy breath, and he will have a manipulable pigment, sort of like a chameleon, but he will be able to control it. He also has a very venomous saliva and will have telekinesis. Thick, dry skin will make him able to resist heat, and also be able to resist the cold, and layers of fat between the thick skin, the softer skin, and the muscle tissue will make fragments from explosions or bullets from guns not as damaging to him that much, except in places like the elbows, knees, and neck, or in areas around the head. This will make him a little puffy-looking, or like he is partially made of jello. Now, this won't mean that he's invulnerable, but it does mean he can take a few shots to places that would otherwise be lethal such as the lungs or the heart or other important organs/veins in the torso, legs, and arms.

Sounds fine to me~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
Avatar of Lugia

Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have edited. I wasn't really aware that it HAD to be in the other section. Meh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absol


Member Offline since relaunch

Allrighty then~ Accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
Avatar of Sumable

Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Looks like I'm going to a party dedicated to the holiday specially reserved for the USA. I'll make my app when I get back, and possibly the day after.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
Avatar of KaBling

KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Sorry mate. Independence Day was yesterday.

At least in countries such as New Zealand, 'cause we're a day ahead of the world. Also, we don't celebrate Independence Day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
Avatar of KaBling

KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Milloon Hall

Gender: Male

Age: 41

Species: Mutant; Snakeman

Personality: (Yeah, I don't really... not only do I disagree with listing a personality, but it's kinda hard to RP them. At least when it comes to me.)

Appearance: Milloon has a slightly elongated neck, being a snakeman. He's got blue and black scales, in a pattern similar to the Mangshan pitviper. His feet are clawed and digitigrade, while his hands are clawed and normal, although both have four-digits as opposed to the typical five seen in a human. Milloon wears overalls, but he typically ties them up by the waist. For a shirt, he wears a grey jacket, which are pulled all the way up to his elbows. He has a tail, although that's usually used for balancing if anything. Milloon also requires the use of (sun)glasses in order to see, as a snake can't see very well, especially in constant sunlight.

Bio: Born to two parents in poverty, Milloon didn't mind his financial situation. He was particularly easy-going in school, slacking on his grades occasionally and yet having the support of quite a few friends. Even when a wealthy member of his group wanted to donate a large sum of money to him, he just rejected his offer, preferring to stay poor and with friends. Milloon continued on, getting a modest job of a mechanic in a remote location of the US. He would occasionally go hunting with a M40 rifle he bought from the local military surplus store, but otherwise he was rather reserved as the years went by. He still maintained a degree of communication with his friends, but nothing much would usually happen in the span of a day.

Now considered middle-class, Milloon wasn't too happy. Firstly, politics died. Secondly, apocalypse started. His local community was suddenly attacked daily by roaming packs of... whatever they were. Barricading his workshop and parking a car in front of it, Milloon took to the roof and began shooting. However, he realised he wouldn't be able to kill all of those dogs. So, he just retreated into his shop, watching and crying for the first time in his life as his former friends were massacred.

After a day of bloodshed, the dogs left. Some attempted to claw their way into Milloon's workshop, but they were all shot as the rest of them left. Milloon seemed to have changed from being relaxed to edgy and rather sad, this noted by several survivors in his community. Nobody knew why or how this attack happened, especially as communications to the outside world was gone. Over time, they had started to grow in size from roaming survivors, who had explained the world had did a back flip. While everyone else was shocked, Milloon didn't seem to care, apparently stuck in his head.

After years of growing crops and trading with a local clan, the world took another dive, as if it couldn't get any worse. A solar flare had ravaged the world, which had painfully mutated Milloon into a snakeman. Out of the 62 people in his community, only 18 survived. Two remained human, and even then they seemed to have mutated to a varying degree. Milloon couldn't take it anymore, barricading himself in his workshop once more and barely interacting with anyone. Being a mechanic though, he is regularly called on to fix the community's equipment, which he begrudgingly agrees to.

Weapons: M40 with scope, which doesn't look very new. No, he's not going to be Mr. Mundy/Sniper from TF2. He's not THAT accurate, let alone be able to use a rifle normally at close range, although he'll eventually become more accurate. A propane blowtorch with replaceable gas source is also carried around, but it's mainly for metalworking.

Mutations: Obviously, he's now a snakeman, similar to a Mangshan pitviper. He's got clawed feet and hands, with venomous fangs that can quickly cause paralysis and eventually death, due to a lack of breathing. While he can spit venom, it's not very effective if the target doesn't happen to have an open wound or anything. He can slither, although it's pretty hard when he's got limbs and such, only made possibly with his tail. Due to the fact he has snake eyes, he requires some glasses which somehow fit on his unique body shape.

As for actual, out-of-this-world powers, Milloon has increased dexterity, being able to leap and jump great distances due to increased muscle density. This however means that he has more mass than usual, so even something menial such as walking long distances will tire him quite a lot. Although it's not like he was able to walk long distances as a human anyway. Another problem is that the increased muscle density will cause regeneration of limbs and such to take longer than usual, as more cells have to be regrown.


Theme Song:

Other: Sodium Pentahydrate. Or Element 1.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
Avatar of Evanist

Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Also, here my app... not sure bio wise though

Anyway, need bio in app... but for now.... how does this look
((need to edit for forum prob))
Name: Erion Letendre
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Mutant ((Now… here will be complicated…. Cat/bird/deer? Will explain in appearance))
Personality: Erion is usually a calm type of guy, thinking before acting. He likes to be close to animals usually, except for hostile ones. He is the type of guy that would go to defend someone from danger or save them. Even if he is a calm guy, he can get annoyed by stupid actions and such. He is usually the type of guy that would think before acting, except for extreme situations that need immediate actions. He prefers the calm life then being around chaos of battle. Though when trouble comes, he is usually someone that would see it to the end, trying to resolve the problem.
Appearance: Erion resemble to a big cat with rather long ears. On his forehead, he has a rather large gem, a diamond, protecting him from usual hard hits on the head. His fur coloration is light blue. Basically he resemble slightly to this:

Though to he has 2 rather large deer like horns at each side of his head. On his back, he has rather large light blue feathery wings, permitting him to fly, but would take some energy out of him.
Size wise, he is about the size of a grown tiger, slightly bigger.
Bio: Where to start with his story… Uhmmm

Erion was born in a small family of him, his mother and father. His father worked as a combat officer in the army, so Erion rarely got to talk to him, cause of all the missions that he was in. His mother stayed at home, taking care of the small house they had.

It was an easy life we could say. At home he had a pet cat when he was about 5, that he would take care and play with all the time. He loved is cat a lot, feeling really close to it. He also seemed to have a gift with animals, usually able to get along with them. He would also take a good amount of camping trips with some of his friends at school in the week ends.

School though was rather hard. Kids there did not understand him that much, finding him slightly weird. This made it that Erion was teased a lot by the other kids, but he learned to ignore and get on with life… that is until the biggest bully in the school arrived. Everyone was scared of him, not wanting to get in his way, hoping not to get punched or beaten.

One day Erion was simply talking and walking with his friends, when he accidentally stumbled to that bully, who looked at him mad, and grabbed him from the collar of his shirt, and then yelled and then stuck him in a locker. His friends though, scared, ran away, only to come back soon after. When they got Erion out of there, he was steaming in anger… The usual calm attitude was gone… and he swore that this bully would pay.

This is when he started to plan out his revenge. Something the bully would never forget. Near the school was a forest, and he knew full well how he could use it to his advantage. This time he would be prepared.

One week later he got everything ready during breaks, and during lunch time, he saw the bully going and taking a kid by the collar, asking for lunch money. Erion shot a rock at the bully, and yelled that he was just a coward, and that he could not catch him. In rage, the bully started to run after him. Erion ran as fast as he could, going into the forest. The bully was moving behind, and would soon fall in his trap.

Arriving at the place, he stood there, and saw the bully running off. Suddenly, the bully tripped on a wire, and then a big branch came and wacked him straight in the stomach, making him lose his breath. Just then he backed away, and Erion ran at him and pushed him to the side, where a pitfall trap was, full of mud and garbage. The bully looked at him as angry as ever, as Erion started to move to the next place. He then started to move slowly, careful with his steps. The bully came running towards him, angry, as Erion climbed in a tree. The bully was about to fallow, before black and white stripes rised from the floor. Skunks.
Suddenly then let out their stink on the bully, who then ran away, actually crying from the odor. Erion holded his breath and then slowly moved out of his tree, and headed back to school, careful. His revenge was done.
For the next week, the bully did not come back, having to clean off what Erion did to him. Everyone at school was surprised at what Erion told them. Strategie… using your brain instead of pure force. That how you win wars… that what his dad always told him. When the bully came back, he started to not bother anyone, as everyone was now calling him ‘stink face’ and such.
As Erion got older, he started to get interested in healing injuries and saving people. But he did not want to become a doctor… knowing how much time and practice it would take. Instead, he decided to work and studie to become a paramedic, working with other people to save injured and lost people in forests and such.
After all his studies, he finally became one. And it was fun… Action, feeling the air in the helicopter, going into different places and forests. It was a trill for him.

That is… until that day when every seat of powers were killed. This made that everything fell in ruins. He could no longer work, having his rescue squad disbanded after all that, knowing that their family would need them more than ever. Erion headed back to his family, and hoped that things would be arranged soon.

He soon learned about who killed the seats of power, and riot started to form in his sector of town. Thins started to grow in full chaos. Erion knew that things might end up badly if they would continue.
Then… the bombing started in the city next to his… He knew his town might be next, so he started to move quickly to get out of town, his family going to run also. Just then, the bomb hit…. Erion was lucky…. And was far enough of the blast to survive… but his family died there… He could not believe it… everything… everything was turning into ruins… He moved away, going to find somewhere safe. He had to survive… He did not meet anyone during his journey, and he started to feel lonely.
Then after some time, the solar hit, and changed everyone. To his surprise… he started to change form into some sort of hybrid cat mix…. He cried out in pain, but after that… he looked at himself. He had survived… but…he felt very strange. He started to look at a rock, and then it levitated. He then launched it away at full speed, smashing it into another rock. He had telekinesis!. He then was about to yell happy, but only to feel himself giving off a roar instead. He stares, trying to speak, but fails. His vocal cords… He could not speak anymore… but…

He looked toward a distance, and saw what seemed to be a human .He concentrated on him, sending a message towards him, asking for help. The human turned to him, and then yelled, scared, calling out monster, and ran away. Erion looked at him go, sad. At least now he knew he could maybe talk by telepathy… He moved, knowing that if he would stay here, he might get attacked by something… He had to survive, and figure out what to do next….
Weapons: A bag with one strap with a tranquiliser gun and ammo and 1 medical kit.
Mutations(If any): The solar flare transformed him into what was described in the appearance section, as well as making him have psychic powers, able to move things with his mind as well as talking with telepathy. Unfortunately for him, it almost made him unable to speak normally, his vocal cords having been changed, making him obliged to use psychic powers to communicate. His gem on his head is also very hard, making him able to bash into things if necessary.
Pets(If any): No pets.
Theme Song(Optional):
Other:The personality section is kinda… uhm… seems pointless. It seems a bit much 4 some people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absol


Member Offline since relaunch

KaBling said
Name: Milloon Hall
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Species: Mutant; Snakeman
Appearance: Milloon has a slightly elongated neck, being a snakeman. He's got blue and black scales, in a pattern similar to the Mangshan pitviper. His feet are clawed and digitigrade, while his hands are clawed and normal, although both have four-digits as opposed to the typical five seen in a human. Milloon wears overalls, but he typically ties them up by the waist. For a shirt, he wears a grey jacket, which are pulled all the way up to his elbows. He has a tail, although that's usually used for balancing if anything. Milloon also requires the use of (sun)glasses in order to see, as a snake can't see very well, especially in constant sunlight.
Bio: Born to two parents in poverty, Milloon didn't mind his financial situation. He was particularly easy-going in school, slacking on his grades occasionally and yet having the support of quite a few friends. Even when a wealthy member of his group wanted to donate a large sum of money to him, he just rejected his offer, preferring to stay poor and with friends. Milloon continued on, getting a modest job of a mechanic in a remote location of the US. He would occasionally go hunting with a M40 rifle he bought from the local military surplus store, but otherwise he was rather reserved as the years went by. He still maintained a degree of communication with his friends, but nothing much would usually happen in the span of a day.Now considered middle-class, Milloon wasn't too happy. Firstly, politics died. Secondly, apocalypse started. His local community was suddenly attacked daily by roaming packs of... whatever they were. Barricading his workshop and parking a car in front of it, Milloon took to the roof and began shooting. However, he realised he wouldn't be able to kill all of those dogs. So, he just retreated into his shop, watching and crying for the first time in his life as his former friends were massacred.After a day of bloodshed, the dogs left. Some attempted to claw their way into Milloon's workshop, but they were all shot as the rest of them left. Milloon seemed to have changed from being relaxed to edgy and rather sad, this noted by several survivors in his community. Nobody knew why or how this attack happened, especially as communications to the outside world was gone. Over time, they had started to grow in size from roaming survivors, who had explained the world had did a back flip. While everyone else was shocked, Milloon didn't seem to care, apparently stuck in his head.After years of growing crops and trading with a local clan, the world took another dive, as if it couldn't get any worse. A solar flare had ravaged the world, which had painfully mutated Milloon into a snakeman. Out of the 62 people in his community, only 18 survived. Two remained human, and even then they seemed to have mutated to a varying degree. Milloon couldn't take it anymore, barricading himself in his workshop once more and barely interacting with anyone. Being a mechanic though, he is regularly called on to fix the community's equipment, which he begrudgingly agrees to.
Weapons: M40 with scope, which doesn't look very new. No, he's not going to be Mr. Mundy/Sniper from TF2. He's not THAT accurate, let alone be able to use a rifle normally at close range, although he'll eventually become more accurate. A propane blowtorch with replaceable gas source is also carried around, but it's mainly for metalworking.
Mutations: Obviously, he's now a snakeman, similar to a Mangshan pitviper. He's got clawed feet and hands, with venomous fangs that can quickly cause paralysis and eventually death, due to a lack of breathing. While he can spit venom, it's not very effective if the target doesn't happen to have an open wound or anything. He can slither, although it's pretty hard when he's got limbs and such, only made possibly with his tail. Due to the fact he has snake eyes, he requires some glasses which somehow fit on his unique body shape.
Other: Sodium Pentahydrate. Or Element 1.

Well, good job on the 'other' part x3 Accepted! I'd say we can get this show on the road~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absol


Member Offline since relaunch

Evanist said
Also, here my app... not sure bio wise thoughAnyway, need bio in app... but for now.... how does this look((need to edit for forum prob))Name: Erion LetendreGender: Male Age: 20 Species:
Mutant ((Now… here will be complicated…. Cat/bird/deer? Will explain in appearance))
Personality: Erion is usually a calm type of guy, thinking before acting. He likes to be close to animals usually, except for hostile ones. He is the type of guy that would go to defend someone from danger or save them. Even if he is a calm guy, he can get annoyed by stupid actions and such. He is usually the type of guy that would think before acting, except for extreme situations that need immediate actions. He prefers the calm life then being around chaos of battle. Though when trouble comes, he is usually someone that would see it to the end, trying to resolve the problem.
Appearance: Erion resemble to a big cat with rather long ears. On his forehead, he has a rather large gem, a diamond, protecting him from usual hard hits on the head. His fur coloration is light blue. Basically he resemble slightly to this:

Though to he has 2 rather large deer like horns at each side of his head. On his back, he has rather large light blue feathery wings, permitting him to fly, but would take some energy out of him. Size wise, he is about the size of a grown tiger, slightly bigger.
Bio: Erion was born in a small family of him, his mother and father. His father worked as a combat officer in the army, so Erion rarely got to talk to him, cause of all the missions that he was in. His mother stayed at home, taking care of the small house they had.It was an easy life we could say. At home he had a pet cat when he was about 5, that he would take care and play with all the time. He loved is cat a lot, feeling really close to it. He also seemed to have a gift with animals, usually able to get along with them. He would also take a good amount of camping trips with some of his friends at school in the week ends. School though was rather hard. Kids there did not understand him that much, finding him slightly weird. This made it that Erion was teased a lot by the other kids, but he learned to ignore and get on with life… that is until the biggest bully in the school arrived. Everyone was scared of him, not wanting to get in his way, hoping not to get punched or beaten. One day Erion was simply talking and walking with his friends, when he accidentally stumbled to that bully, who looked at him mad, and grabbed him from the collar of his shirt, and then yelled and then stuck him in a locker. His friends though, scared, ran away, only to come back soon after. When they got Erion out of there, he was steaming in anger… The usual calm attitude was gone… and he swore that this bully would pay.This is when he started to plan out his revenge. Something the bully would never forget. Near the school was a forest, and he knew full well how he could use it to his advantage. This time he would be prepared. One week later he got everything ready during breaks, and during lunch time, he saw the bully going and taking a kid by the collar, asking for lunch money. Erion shot a rock at the bully, and yelled that he was just a coward, and that he could not catch him. In rage, the bully started to run after him. Erion ran as fast as he could, going into the forest. The bully was moving behind, and would soon fall in his trap.Arriving at the place, he stood there, and saw the bully running off. Suddenly, the bully tripped on a wire, and then a big branch came and wacked him straight in the stomach, making him lose his breath. Just then he backed away, and Erion ran at him and pushed him to the side, where a pitfall trap was, full of mud and garbage. The bully looked at him as angry as ever, as Erion started to move to the next place. He then started to move slowly, careful with his steps. The bully came running towards him, angry, as Erion climbed in a tree. The bully was about to fallow, before black and white stripes rised from the floor. Skunks. Suddenly then let out their stink on the bully, who then ran away, actually crying from the odor. Erion holded his breath and then slowly moved out of his tree, and headed back to school, careful. His revenge was done. For the next week, the bully did not come back, having to clean off what Erion did to him. Everyone at school was surprised at what Erion told them. Strategie… using your brain instead of pure force. That how you win wars… that what his dad always told him. When the bully came back, he started to not bother anyone, as everyone was now calling him ‘stink face’ and such.As Erion got older, he started to get interested in healing injuries and saving people. But he did not want to become a doctor… knowing how much time and practice it would take. Instead, he decided to work and studie to become a paramedic, working with other people to save injured and lost people in forests and such.After all his studies, he finally became one. And it was fun… Action, feeling the air in the helicopter, going into different places and forests. It was a trill for him.That is… until that day when every seat of powers were killed. This made that everything fell in ruins. He could no longer work, having his rescue squad disbanded after all that, knowing that their family would need them more than ever. Erion headed back to his family, and hoped that things would be arranged soon. He soon learned about who killed the seats of power, and riot started to form in his sector of town. Thins started to grow in full chaos. Erion knew that things might end up badly if they would continue.Then… the bombing started in the city next to his… He knew his town might be next, so he started to move quickly to get out of town, his family going to run also. Just then, the bomb hit…. Erion was lucky…. And was far enough of the blast to survive… but his family died there… He could not believe it… everything… everything was turning into ruins… He moved away, going to find somewhere safe. He had to survive… He did not meet anyone during his journey, and he started to feel lonely.Then after some time, the solar hit, and changed everyone. To his surprise… he started to change form into some sort of hybrid cat mix…. He cried out in pain, but after that… he looked at himself. He had survived… but…he felt very strange. He started to look at a rock, and then it levitated. He then launched it away at full speed, smashing it into another rock. He had telekinesis!. He then was about to yell happy, but only to feel himself giving off a roar instead. He stares, trying to speak, but fails. His vocal cords… He could not speak anymore… but… He looked toward a distance, and saw what seemed to be a human .He concentrated on him, sending a message towards him, asking for help. The human turned to him, and then yelled, scared, calling out monster, and ran away. Erion looked at him go, sad. At least now he knew he could maybe talk by telepathy… He moved, knowing that if he would stay here, he might get attacked by something… He had to survive, and figure out what to do next….
Weapons: A bag with one strap with a tranquilizer gun and ammo and 1 medical kit.
Mutations(If any): The solar flare transformed him into what was described in the appearance section, as well as making him have psychic powers, able to move things with his mind as well as talking with telepathy. Unfortunately for him, it almost made him unable to speak normally, his vocal cords having been changed, making him obliged to use psychic powers to communicate. His gem on his head is also very hard, making him able to bash into things if necessary.
Pets(If any): No pets.
Theme Song(Optional):
Other:The personality section is kinda… uhm… seems pointless. It seems a bit much 4 some people.

That's pretty good! Also, the personality section is there for those who may need it to flesh out their characters x3

I'd say Accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, who should post first? I was thinking of joining up with Absol's character shortly. Perhaps I could also run into Evanist's character in that post, as well.
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