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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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Something happened... And then it didn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Archer sighed internally, face taking on a blank expression as the moral debate continued unimpeded--now with the added complication of the foolish demon-summoner: Archer had seen the dagger, and there was no doubting the man to have created the thing and hand it over. It was a terrible blade and a clear signal of exactly who in the group couldn't be trusted. Aside from the knight himself, of course; to find a more unreliable ally would take a deliberate effort.

"Say we saved the dragon, then what? The very land it stands on will wither and die. The other dragons in the region get killed, and any humans in the area get devoured by a mindless beast. In the end, to save the many, the few have to die," Archer stated, pausing for a second to allow Sorin to pose his hypothetical scenario, "If a person can only survive through the death of others, then their death is the only way to save anyone. If a village is being raided, then the raiders have to be stopped. The ugly truth of the world is that a hero can only save those he sides with, and cannot possibly save everyone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Saber let out a small sigh. What Archer had said... it was true. If someone threatens others and cannot be halted in any other way, then there was little other choice then to kill them. However... it was not simply a hero's duty to kill those who threatened others. A hero was meant to conduct themselves honorably, to uplift others around them, those they fight alongside. For those who could not protect themselves. For honor. For glory. These were the things a hero fought for. It was not simply about killing your enemy, but it was about all the people you saved by doing so. She could not dismiss Archer's statements, but she could take issue with the way it was presented.

"Even if you must slay your enemy," she began, glancing from Vash, to Archer, "It isn't about the death you have caused. It's about the people you have saved, the ones you fight to protect. It's about those who fight alongside you. You must uplift your allies, with honor and glory on the battlefield. It's not the act of killing that you must place your focus on, though a life must not be taken lightly. It's the act of saving the lives of those in danger."

Saber knew of the hardship Archer had faced, and how it had changed him. That's why everything here was so very, very important to him. However... Sorin had approached, and presented his hypothetical situation. Saber narrowed her eyes.

"If such a person cannot limit themselves to those who threaten them, if such a person attacks the innocent," she replied, "Then there is no question. They must be stopped."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“I never said we should’ve let it kill anyone.” Vash responded firmly to Saber, almost sounding offended that she would suggest he valued the dragon’s life more than that of his teammates. “I tried to fight against it — to weaken it.” he explained. “I didn’t want anyone to die.” he told her, tuning out Evahld’s rant as it didn’t seem worth arguing at that particular moment.

Before Saber could respond, though, Sorin presented a rather familiar argument. Vash tensed, stuck without an answer. The thought wasn’t exactly new to him, as his brother had given him almost the exact same problem a long time ago. Vash’s gaze drifted to the ground as he struggled to think of a response. He certainly hadn’t underestimated the complexity of the problem, as, even after a hundred years, Vash still didn’t have an answer.

The question became even more difficult to answer when Archer added his two cents. The Servant was completely right — the dragon was the spider and its prey, the butterflies. And just as Knives had told him, there was no clear way that everyone could survive.

“Perhaps there are some times when it is impossible to save everyone…” Vash replied slowly, looking to Sorin and Archer. “However…” he continued, directing his response to Archer’s argument in particular. “Just because there are some times when it’s impossible, that doesn’t mean it always is.” he told him. “Even if it’s difficult to find an answer… it just might be possible. If there’s any way to save both sides, we have to go that route. We can’t just assume that the only option is to kill.” he argued. “So, if a creature can only survive by taking the lives of others, then perhaps it is impossible to prevent any deaths. But, if a village is being raided, as you said, then the raiders do not need to be killed. You can stop them without resorting to murder — and the raiders can survive through other means.” he explained. “You say that a hero can only take sides, but, I disagree.” he continued. “She’s right,” Vash glanced in Saber’s direction. “Saving the lives of others should always take priority. And so long as there’s some chance of saving everyone involved, I have to try.” he told them. “For all we know, maybe there is a way save someone who must kill to survive as well as their victims without allowing any deaths, and we just haven’t figured it out yet. That said… I have to try. I always have to try. I will never assume that the only option is to kill.” he looked towards Sorin and Archer with a look in his eyes that suggested this was more than just an ideology — it was a promise. “I will always try to save everyone. Even if the solution isn’t clear — I’ll always search for it. I won’t ever assume that death is the only option.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nobuo sighed as the group began to discuss the ethics of what it means to save lives. He sat out, somewhere close to Kavinsky. That's when he noticed someone pass by him. A man in a black suit with a piece of green cloth sticking out of his breast pocket. He was approaching the quartet of debaters.

"Huh? Another new member?" Nobuo stood up, only for the man to give him an icy cold glare. Nobuo stumbled back and fell on his arse as the man walked further.

Takatora Kureshima looked at a crossroads represented by various people: One was what he will eventually become, someone who would consider murder as a means to save people. The other was what he wanted to be. Someone who wouldn't resort to killing people to save the world. However, in a ruthless world with an evil beyond reason or purpose, the only people who thought of the latter were kids filled with idealism... idealism that he wished he had. However, the middle of the road had a happy medium, not focusing on the people you kill or taking a pacifist route, but instead focusing on saving the people. Though, the problem is how he'd take that route.

He shut out the dumb adult in the red jacket so he could listen to more of this debate, if only to quell his own inner demons and concerns regarding how he should best handle his situation. Right now, the debate was balanced. If he were to add his voice to it, he feared it would make one side biased. He stood out, for now at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The look in Vash's direction was half a cross between anger and despair. Here was another seduced by an ideal that could save nobody in the end, and yet one that Archer could bear no intrinsic malice towards: it wasn't the blonde that had made him into what he was. Maybe, though, he could be dissuaded from his path. He owed him enough to try, at least.

"Once, there was a boy. Remembering nothing before the fire that destroyed everything he knew, his rescuer took him in. He passed on his wish to be a superhero and the boy turned it into his own ideal. For years, he was powerless to save anyone, until after the same war that had burned the town returned," Archer stated, skipping over the unimportant parts, "But afterwards, the bitter truth of the world intruded. Where people needed saving, he would fight no matter the danger. This man fought and killed if it was the only option, again and again and again. Yet he saved thousands of times the amount he killed.

"Yet always there was someone that couldn't be saved, someone that had to be sacrificed. And when the man's power wasn't enough to save even those he could see, it was the world itself that supplied the power--in death he would serve it as a protector of humanity. He kept saving, until in the end those he saved betrayed him and he was executed for starting the same war he had stopped.

"But protecting humanity isn't the same as saving people. It's killing those that would threaten its existence, seeing nothing but the ugliness of the world forever. How many billions were saved by the endless massacres? Never everyone."

He paused, looking away, "So forget about such an impossible goal, before chasing it betrays you entirely."

Then the man was gone, faded into spirit form and once more in the city. None but Saber could possibly know the hypocrisy of his words. After all, hadn't he told Rin that he would do his best? Though really, trying to save someone from an ideal as warped as his was certainly a valuable attempt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 7 days ago

The tanned man spoke against Sorin first, giving a predictable answer. Examining his fingernails, long and clawed as they were, Sorin gave a disinterested-sounding answer. "It sounds so simple, doesn't it? Slay the monster and save the village? However, without a full understanding- which one may never truly have- complications arise." Sorin looked the Archer dead in the eyes, his gaze burning with the harrowed experience of six-thousand years. "One evil may guard against another, greater one. One monster keeps more at bay. One raiding party slain invokes the wrath of the horde. Kill one to save ten, only to damn a hundred."

Looking now to the female knight, he branched his point toward her mention of innocence, which amused him. "Innocents, you say? How amusing. There are some who say that there is no such thing, only varying degrees of guilt. Under certain circumstances, anyone may be a threat, or anyone may be innocent. The difference so subjective and easily changed that it becomes meaningless." He wound a lock of his hair, white and smooth as molten silver, around his finger as he continued. "The mother of the man-feeder, upon learning of his true nature, may turn on her child. And so very easily the innocent becomes an enemy."

The blond man gave his input, and Sorin looked to him with a sort of pitiful expression. "What a strange view of the world you have. I wonder what circumstances have allowed it to be, and to remain so unchanged throughout your life." Sorin saw what many people overlooked, and he saw years in this man. "Few understand this, but pure light is no better than pure darkness. Both are inherent to living, and one must find balance between the two to survive. There must be sacrifice, and there must be compromise. The branch that does not bend will break, and the man who cannot stray from the purity of his ideals shall too be broken."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago


The acceptance of the fact that sometimes you would have to kill for the safety of others was not lost on Vash. But he was firmly clinging to the idea of saving everyone. Saber was not sure what to say. The noble intent of saving everyone involved certainly resonated with her, but she knew very well that there were some who took such evil actions and enjoyed them, and others who would not stop unless they were killed. Perhaps, if two groups of enemies could be stopped from harming one another without bloodshed, then the action could be taken to stop them. But that was not always the case, and Saber had met those who would commit horrendous evil purely for their own benefit, or worse, their own enjoyment.

And then Archer told his story. It was a sad story, a story Saber had heard once before, and understood. It was a story close to home, given her own hardship, and it was the tragic tale of Archer's life. A path that had worn him down so much that he had once tried to destroy any possibility of such a fate occurring again. Though now, she could only hope that things were better for the tanned man, as he vanished into spirit form.

... Sorin's response, though...

"If destroying one evil draws out another," she began, "Then the second evil must be destroyed as well. Perhaps innocence is subjective in some ways to some people, but to protect those who are in need, who do not perpetrate acts of evil, that is what a hero does. A knight's duty is to conduct themselves with honor and protect those in need. A king's duty is to serve and protect the people they lead. I don't believe this can be done without death, but it is simply what is right."

And, in fact, there was more... for the moment, Saber's argument changed entirely to focus on Sorin, instead of Vash.

"To simply abandon these ideals would be utterly and completely wrong," Saber continued, eyes slightly narrowed, "No matter what happens, I will hold to this ideal. It is what a hero and a ruler must do. Someone who completely abandons their ideals and betrays them is far more broken then someone who holds them with themselves."
Jakuzure Nonon

... What was with all the debate? Nonon shrugged. Wasn't it pretty straightforward? Geez, it was pretty irritating, hearing all the dumbass moralizing coming out of those guys. Especially the guy who summoned vampires and looked like one himself. Sheesh, what was with this all? Instead, Nonon decided to turn her attention to the newcomers. Some guy in a suit, and... some other random guy. Yeah, sure, they totally looked like tough and valuable additions to the group. In the same way that watching paint dry totally looked like it was fun. Maybe they had more up their sleeves or something, Nonon didn't know.

"So some business guy and a hobo now?" she asked, rather loudly, "Gee, I'm sure they're totally prepared to fight dragons."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Takatora saw the white-haired man fade away after he brought about his speech regarding a boy who wished to be a hero and the consequences that followed. From what he said, it sounded like he had a lot of parables to share, parables that would help shape his views on his situation back at Zawame. However, one thing bothered him.

"To save the many, the few have to die."

"If only it was that simple..." Takatora thought.

"Kill one to save ten, only to damn a hundred." More of the same sort of logic filled in. Each voice had their own views on the world at hand, at how they should handle dire scenarios. That's when a pitched-up voice piped up.

"So some business guy and a hobo now? Gee, I'm sure they're totally prepared to fight dragons." Takatora was noticed. The girl's words seemed odd... Fighting a dragon? Did they just get back from fighting them? Or is that a regular thing these people do? He had no problems fighting dragons. He recalled the time he fought the Seiryu Inves when it had evolved... And right after that...

"Give me back my power!"

Takatora sighed. "If only it was that simple..." Takatora cleared his throat.

"I'm more than just a business man, but right now, it seems I'm a passerby." Takatora said. He glanced to Saber, Sorin, and Vash. "I wish to contribute something to the debate. A scenario. You people talk about killing one to save a hundred or more, but I wonder about the inverse." Takatora had to get it off his chest... With so many people to have opinions on, including what seemed to be a ruler of a kingdom, he hoped it could help him. He recalled a conversation he had with a colleague of his, a brilliant scientist, back when they first began to discuss plans for the future of Earth...

"Suppose there was a sinking ship. It has roughly about a hundred people. You have a rescue boat that could save them, but it can only contain fifty people. How you would go about it?" Takatora asked the question to the group. It wasn't the exact scenario Ryouma presented him, it had more complex ideas, but he given them the basic gist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vash’s expression saddened as he listened to Archer’s story. It was clear that the man had endured some hardships as a child — the two of them weren’t so unalike in that regard — but, Vash didn’t know what to give as a response to all of it. Not that it mattered much, because before he could so much as open his mouth to respond to Archer’s closing remark, the man vanished. And then, while Sorin continued to offer arguments to Saber and the others — it seemed he was unable to argue with Vash any further, instead only insisting that Vash would suffer for his ideals if he did not change them.

Vash sighed audibly. He couldn’t convince anyone that killing was wrong — not that he was too surprised by that — but he hoped he could at least make them understand his perspective. Instead, everyone, even Saber, seemed to be in agreement that his ideals were childish and impossible to achieve.

Hearing Saber’s response, though, he did at least have one thing to say. “I agree with her.” he spoke up. “You might not agree with me, but I still believe that killing is never the answer. And I won’t abandon those ideals,” he told Sorin. “No matter how much I suffer.”

Vash then turned from the group, feeling like there was no point in debating anything further. He heard Takatora’s scenario as he started to walk away towards the wall of supplies, and of course his answer was obvious — try to save as many people as possible. Even if it seems like only fifty can survive, try to find a way to save more. He felt no reason to share that out loud, though, as he could say nothing more without repeating himself. If he couldn’t preach to the group, he would just have to continue living by example.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 7 days ago

The others offered their rebuttals to Sorin, but the ancient vampire merely sighed and shook his head, brushing his white hair out of his face. He couldn't get too frustrated at them, he had to remind himself. They were practically children, after all. Not enough worldly experience to understand anything beyond their own, narrow view, and no perspective outside of their tiny, isolated worlds. Perhaps he had been similar, long ago. Now, though, he knew too much. A black thought, a solemn reminder of his mission, resurfaced in Sorin's mind. His expression darkened as he remembered his true goal in having been brought among these people.

Sorin stepped forward, toward the door of the armory, his amber eyes, alive with passion, sweeping over the small crowd assembled. "Speak all you like of ideals, and how very much they mean to you. I have no doubt you mean what you say, but reality is rarely kind enough to allow such pure intentions." He looked at Saber, though with a strange look in his eyes, as though he was speaking to someone he knew well. "Of course, slay the monster, and whatever follows it. But what of the monster that comes next? And the one after? Will you have the strength to stop increasingly greater evils? Will you have any strength left at all? When your back is against the wall, and you have no choice but to run, what will you do?" Looking to the man in the suit, he added on, "When the ship is sinking, and and there is no rescue."

He then turned to face Vash, his eyes cold and hard. "Will your ideals save you then? Perhaps they will be broken on the shield of truth. Perhaps you will break them, yourself." Once again, he turned back to Saber. "Will you still do what is 'right,' young 'king?' Even if your people scorn you for saving them? Cast you out merely for seeing what they cannot?" Sorin took a step back, eyes cast to the floor, with his hair hanging over his face forlornly. "These trials shall come to you in time, rest assured. When the day dawns that you must face the truth..." His voice dropped into something between an angered growl and a disquieted whisper, "Hope to have allies as I have had."

With that, he turned on his heel and left the armory, exiting back out into the schizophrenic city. The sun was out, and Sorin growled in irritation. He had quite enough light for one day. He hiked up the hood of his armor, letting the more agreeable shadow shield his eyes from the oppressive sun. This had been a trying day, and even the magical revitalization he was granted after the trial hadn't helped his current emotional tiredness. That, and such a great expenditure of energy had woken the hunger in him. He needed to find a dark, isolated corner to hide in, and a strong, healthy neck to bite down on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Sword and shield resting comfortably now (It had been a long time since he had used weapons such as these, but with his perfect memory, it was just like 'riding a bike', to use a Tau'ri phrase, in the end), Ba'al wandered casually over to listen to the discussion of morality and ideals that was going on between Sorin and most everyone else, the one that had started over Vash trying to save the dragon. It was interesting to listen to, to say the least.

But, in the end, Ba'al did not participate overly much in this debate of ethics. He had his own ideals, and he knew that if he were to express them, alienation could only follow. For some reason, people did not approve of the belief that for your own ends, any means necessary was justified in the pursuit of that. And he had a feeling that that would be especially true to these folks. Which was why he had liked thus far. No one wanted to hear about how he'd destroyed a star system. He doubted the other System lords would have lasted a second in these trials.

Still, he looked confident as Sorin departed. "Well, for my part I have faith that humanity can prevail over whatever trials come," he said, though it was not a comment aimed at Sorin since the vampire had left already. "Principled, clever, a very dangerous combination, to say the least. I've seen them thwart conquerors, overthrow madmen, even prevent the destruction of all life in the galaxy itself. I'm not going to philosophize, but if anyone can succeed in impossible situations, it's the Tau'ri."

He acknowledged the new people, and considered what else there was to do. Some food would be nice, he supposed, perhaps a nap, though he didn't quite need sleep as a human might. So he prepared to leave, and go see what he could find. Any edge in the upcoming challenges would be useful, considering his opposition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh, that's easy!" Evahld said, hoisting the golden dragon's head from beneath a pile of bones. "HUP! Women, children, and medics first. Keep the wizards and priests on the boat to keep it afloat as long as possible, use cargo as boats, make offerings and prayers to whatever god of the sea holds sway locally- Poseidon's usually a safe bet."

He dusted off the skull, turning it over in his arms.

"If it comes to a choice where you MUST decide who lives and who dies... Keep considering your options. Never settle for anything less than saving everyone until the last second." Evahld set the head down, turning to face Takatora, "When Jule Nissen the Solstice Gnome- actually, I don't know if he exists in your planes, but he's this jolly old man who goes around on the night of the Winter Solstice giving presents to all the good boys and girls. Anyway, one day, some Neanderthals came out from the network of ice caves beneath the north pole and started to menace him. Well, we happened to be visiting my family in Jotsplat- Wellingsley doesn't get on with his parents, you see- so we heard the news first. Well, by Kord, I wasn't letting anyone go without the food he brings to the poor, or the smiles of children when they see those toys! So we headed to the north pole by one of the Jotsplat whaling vessels. Long story short, the Neanderthals were trying to use the sleigh to travel over the world and kidnap our women to save their species. We just told them about the Neanderthals living with us Ice Barbarians and they let him go, decided to hit up the village. Even started working in the whaler's shop as scrimshawers! What I'm saying is... you can find the best solution if you look hard enough."

Evahld turned to Sorin's back, glaring.

"And as for you, ergi- I was the first mortal to successfully argue multiple clients out of a Faustian pact in an Infernal court of law. I have stood against dragons, demons, devils, armies, demiliches, gods, things from beyond the birth of creation, things from beyond its death, twistings of the universe's laws that seemed to have no purpose but to spit in my face. I did not choose to do these things because they were easy. I did all of those things because they were RIGHT. The path of good is not an easy one to walk. But anyone with a shred of decency won't let that stop them from trying."

Evahld took a chunk of heavily salted seal meat out of his Bag of Holding and offered it to Takatora with a friendly smile.

"Besides... if the world casts you out, fight so that it might realize you have earned your place. If a monster comes that's stronger than the last, get a better axe. If that doesn't work, start punching it! Sorin may be ergi, but I'll fight on, no matter what comes my way- THAT is what it means to be a Totemist of the Ice Barbarians! He may have some bullshit metaphorical unbreakable shield of truth... but the strength of the righteous can pierce any wall that evil cowers behind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Preferring to keep an eye on things, Archer had rapidly located the highest point in the city--or at least that highest point that wasn't somehow inaccessible to him, unlikely as such a scenario was. With Reinforcement, it was easy for him to keep watch from there and just look for anything out of the ordinary. All in all... strange, but it didn't superficially appear to be operating hugely differently to any other city. It was relaxing, to have just a city around and not some life-or-death situation. Wholly alien after his life since adolescence, but relaxing nonetheless.

Watching the confrontation with an expression that looked entirely out of place on her young features was a blonde in a big hat, having appeared rather more subtly than the zombie guy--in her case, more or less by being simply far less unnoticeable. Still, Suwako hadn't quite adjusted to suddenly not being at home, and the childish attitude slipped for a second whilst looking at Sorin's retreating back: "What crawled up his ass and died?"

It was the only thing that she actually said before smoothing down the frog-printed dress and once more looking like an adorable lost child, even taking off her hat to seem even less remotely threatening or adult, "Aa-uu~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago


A new man had arrived. He appeared to be Japanese, wearing a suit and tie and looking somewhat weary, though Saber was uncertain. He posed his own scenario, and it was not particularly something Saber liked. No-one on board such a boat deserved to be sacrificed. If she was to lead them, and choose who would survive, it was her duty to protect them and serve them. As such, she could not merely abandon those who had been left behind. If they could not board the boat, then...

"I would put as many people on the boat as I am able," she began, "And then, I would remain behind with those who were unable to board it, and do whatever I am able to save them as well. It is my duty to protect and serve, and to abandon them to death is not the action of a knight."

She paused for a moment, glancing towards Vash as he left, to head towards the wall of supplies. "... I do not believe that it is possible to protect the innocent without killing their attackers. And there are some who steep themselves so deeply in evil that they do not deserve anything less then death. But Vash's ideals are noble."

As Sorin began to speak, her eyes narrowed. There was no question of what she would do. For him to speak as if no-one else had faced hardship, he knew nothing. Nothing at all. She had faced so much, and... even in her moments of deepest despair... she was never going to turn her back on the duties of a knight. The defense of the innocent. If greater and greater evils attacked, the only thing that would be done was to destroy them to defend those in need. She had already faced such trials... and no, she would not simply cease to perform her duties. She had once wished to erase her kingship in order to do what she thought would save them... but in spite of lingering regrets she did no longer. Saber would not abandon the protection of the innocent, nor her ideals of what a king's duty should be.

Saber could feel further anger... how dare he simply dismiss all those present as if they had never felt hardship themselves? To simply espouse his poison? She opened her mouth, but he simply began to leave.

Saber began to believe it was for fear of having his argument defeated.

"Your 'truth' is nothing but poison."

With that, Saber turned away. She did catch the viking man's own argument, and while he seemed to feel quite like she felt, the scenarios he described seemed entirely insane and difficult to comment on.

... And then there was a little girl, in a strange hat with eyes. Another child? Why did this observer continue to bring in children? All this scenario did was place them in danger.

"... I... do not know," she said, in response to the little girl's strange comment. She wasn't sure what to make of that... "... However, do not be afraid, I won't let you be harmed."

She outstretched a hand towards the girl.
Jakuzure Nonon

... Well that was kind of lame. The pale guy just walked off before anyone could argue back at him? Jeez, that's not how you did an argument. Nonon did think people who argued with her were obnoxious or stupid, because they were, but frankly the other people were being a lot less dumb then he was. What was all that crap about truth or whatever? It didn't make any sense, he was just a moron. And besides, acting like no-one else faced any hardship... What a moron! Nonon didn't know about anyone else, but being without Satsuki was pretty terrible...

... And that ship scenario was just plain ridiculous.

"Okay, who the hell makes a ship and doesn't give it enough lifeboats for more then half the people on it?" she asked, folding her arms, "I dunno what people do when they're making cruise ships, but I'd guess they'd try and put on plenty of lifeboats, enough to match the amount of people who're supposed to be on the boat. This sounds just as bad as the Titanic."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 7 days ago


Continuing to stand befuddled amongst the diverse crowd, Kavisnky was forming the increasingly convincing opinion that he was going insane. There seemed to be philosophical argument between a weird, monochromatic goth, a cute, little, stacked blonde in a suit of armor, and a guy who even though he looked like he owned stock in a tanning salon, Kavinsky couldn't bring himself to hate on his color coordination. Did he fall asleep with the TV on or something? Good lord. The variety of floating little girls hanging around didn't make him feel any more comfortable, either.

A bit unnerved by the girl with the croaking hat, Kavinsky grimaced and tried to shuffle out of the center of the crowd. Except this room was filled with more weirdness; swords and other ren-fair crap that looked like they were made out of spraypainted pleather. Talk about tacky. Kavinsky had the sudden desire to wake up from whatever budget nightmare he was having and get on with whatever he had been up to prior to (presumably) getting drunk enough to kill him a second time.

Looking back toward the crowd, half bashful and half nervous, he held out his hands helplessly and said, "Ah, now, if any of you fine folks'd just show me the way out of this madhouse, I'll be on my way. Pretty eager to get back to where things make even kinda sense."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the more ideal voice walked away from the group, Takatora paid attention to Sorin waxing philosophy. He hoped that he'd learn from each of them. Ba'al seemed faithful that humanity would triumph. That's when an adventurer came to him and gave a more direct answer to his question. He seemed to be from another world, as he spoke of wizards and priests, something his world never had the luxury of... Except that one time, but that was as much as he'll humor out of that.

The adventurer spoke of someone who struck a resemblance to Santa Claus. His anecdote ended with him suggesting to find the best solution out, and try to look hard enough. He was offered a piece of meat. At first, he seemed hesitant, but a few seconds later, he grabbed the meat, inspected it, and nibbled on it. The salt was almost unbearable. Perhaps he was too adjusted to using the Himawari Lockseeds as nourishment.

"Gah..." Takatora said. He still held the seal meat. "I appreciate the offer, I doubt I'm used to foods with high salt levels." That's when a hand grabbed the meat from Takatora's hand.

"Don't mind if I do!" Nobuo bit into the meat like it was a hamburger and ripped a huge chunk out. He chewed the meat and swallowed it. Takatora almost jumped back. Nobuo nodded. "Mmmmm~!" Takatora then heard the King's advice. It, along with Evahld's advice, sounded roughly the same: save as many as he can. But that's where Saber's advice takes a new turn. 'I would remain behind with those who were unable to board it, and do whatever I am able to save them as well.' The way she said it sounded confident. Not like a kid's declarations of what is right. 'To abandon them to death is not the action of a knight.' Takatora was silent. Not just because of how it impacted him, but because to some extent, it was that very doubt that rung in his head.

'Save as many as I could' was what he answered to Ryoma's litmus test. He never thought of the people who he couldn't save when asked. If he could, he would try his best to save the people he couldn't save... But the plan he and Ryoma came up with wouldn't allow for that. In fact, it'd do worse than just abandon people to their death.

Before he could dwell further on it, a little girl came up... and cussed. Takatora was taken aback by that comment that he forgot about the ethics of his project. Nobuo patted Takatora on the back.

"Relax," he said. "I say the more team mates, the merrier!" He said. The hobo seemed to speak up and ask for directions out of this place.

"... Yes, I think I'm done with this dream too." Takatora said. He pinched himself... and felt pain. "... Where the hell am I?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


The blonde reasserted her eternally-silent hat in its rightful place, sat atop its head, and shook Saber's hand enthusiastically, "You're nice, lady. But you don't need to worry, I can take care of myself."

Letting go, she looked around at the odd group of people that were here in what seemed to be an... armoury? Guy in a suit, armoured lady, girl with an even taller hat than hers--though the blonde goddess was fairly certain that hers was bigger once you factored width into it, inexplicably misplaced Viking, man with a beard, blonde in a coat; this place had an even more inexplicably variable selection of people and fashions than Gensokyo did. At least that had the excuse of being a haven for youkai in an otherwise hostile world, even if it wasn't the best place to be a totally ordinary human.

"So... why am I here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Saber frowned, slightly. Perhaps being summoned here did indicate that even a child possessed some form of power beyond what they appeared to have. However, aside from the inexplicable hat with eyes, there was nothing strange she could discern about this little girl. No more than the boy who was already present, at the very least, and her taste in hats hardly indicated anything unusual. As such, Saber could not simply ignore her and leave her to fend for herself. She was a child and needed some kind of defense, to say the least, and appeared to have none already. In spite of the girl's attempt to dispel her worry, Saber would do her best to ensure she was unharmed.

As for why she was here, Saber was still unsure.

"... We have all been brought her to complete a series of challenges. At the end, we shall be granted a reward, to wish for what we desire," Saber began, "... I simply wish to return to Rin."

Once this would have been another chance to undo it all. But now it was no longer.
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