Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Honestly this is kind of a mess... and frankly I feel like Ghost Rider has done a lot of... very dumb things and needs some kind of IC punishment.

... Also frankly growing massive is apparently dubiously canon and also a horrible idea to do in an enclosed space like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

okay, fine, that's it.
I'll make ghost rider leave and find another character to roleplay
jesus fucking christ.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

JonxlatheLion said
okay, fine, that's it.I'll make ghost rider leave and find another character to roleplayjesus fucking christ.

Look, the problem (at least in this scenario) doesn't lie with GR's abilites or whatever, it lies with what he did. Due to GR's actions, the entire CAve party was drawn in a needless and very dangerous battle (from their perspective, at least). The fact that he looks incredibly evil only adds to the IC (!) fire, but is not the main problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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i'm just roleplaying the character. I'm using whats in the CS which came from the wiki, but i'm not going to be ridiculed every time i make a single move as this character.
Maybe the hero of time will be more appreciated.
and if anyone tries to correct me here, i'm done in the roleplay
i know my Zelda, thank you very much.
Okay, i'll put link in
but first, ghost rider needs to react.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vulpes


Member Offline since relaunch

At the very beginning, I admit that I don't know pretty much anyting of the Ghost rider and I'm right now too lazy to look actual facts out, so feel free to correct and punch at the face and so on.

Right now it's completely logical if Ghost Rider won't be too popular IC, after all, he brought the group in dancerous battle. Same goes for Whitney to some extenct, actually, since her sttack kinda caused the worst possible scenario, though because of her age and the fact that she looks way more harmsless, plus she actually had a reason to attack. I guess every player will deckde themselves how they character see her actions and whether she was responsible or not, but back to the GH. I myself don't actually think that trying to keep the creature from coming by growing in size is the worst possible idea, though he is pretty much invulnerable if he survives without a lot of damage while doing that. That dragon is extremely strong. And remember, all sort of failueres are a delicious material for character development. There are still 21 challenges, a lot can still happen and I suspect that every character will have a possibility to be a hero.

And I still don't know anything about GH, but I guess he may have intelligence to see, if starting a fight is a very risky and needless move. And if not, you have a perfect chanse to make him to learn something, feel guilt, any sort of development. As I already said, there are still chanses to shine to come.

Aand sorry that I haven't posted for a little while even though I actually could write about getting out and responding to whatever was the name of one who brought Whitney out, been a bit busy with school plus now my computer is acting strangely. I can post something on phone, like I'm writing right now, but it will sadly affect the quality. :/ Well, hopefully my computer will just be okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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and just saying this to start with would have been better
you know, yelling at him for being dumb instead of
ya know
attacking him?
honestly i'm done dealing with it. He's going to go hunt the dragon solo like he was going to do to start with until people decided to follow the insane flaming skeleton
what started as a tactic to make it so no one gets hurt by his hot-headedness, became a situation where it would get him in trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vulpes


Member Offline since relaunch

I honestly think that the dragon is stronger than GH, and why not? Because majority of our characters are so strong, GM needs to make really strong enemies. To me it seems, that GH wasn't pinned down because he was being dumb or anything like that, but to simply keep others from danger. Archer seemingly thought that its better to lose one than many. It was not a nice thing to do for GH though, I agree with that, but I understand what Archer was thinking. Still, the situation is not over, plus GH can maybe break out with a lot of brute force. But seriously, this conversation is starting to get too far. I wish that this OOC drama could just be solved soon and peacefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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I know why archer did it, i'm fine with that
Ghost Rider, however, is livid. As you can see.
I'm not making drama, i'm just defending my choices.
It gets annoying when everyone is against your character for reasons they 'don't want to list'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gonna have to outline a few things here. If you're going to edit your post after stating what you did, then please post that in the OOC so that characters responding knows what's up. Because poor communications resolved itself into a sort of train wreck situation like we have at the moment. This time, I'll let it go and say that the edit was the canon post but please make sure to inform the other players in the future.

Also on another matter, IC interactions tend to have consequences as we can see when characters are rushing in guns a blazing. Please keep in mind that for every action there will be a reaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I will list the reasons I am against your character.

He has, from the start, done increasingly stupid decisions almost non-stop, including attacking when it was heavily, heavily implied that they could safely walk past the threat.

And then, in your most recent post, well, if we follow along from it everyone short of two people in the cave is dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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JonxlatheLion said
I know why archer did it, i'm fine with thatGhost Rider, however, is livid. As you can see.I'm not making drama, i'm just defending my choices.It gets annoying when everyone is against your character for reasons they 'don't want to list'

You are absolutely, POSITIVELY making drama. Your posts are needlessly antagonistic, and when people call you out on them, you edit them as if nothing ever happened, invalidating everything other people are trying to do. And when they CONTINUE calling you out, you try to kill them all by melting a cave like a dumbass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Jon: I'm quite sorry to say but your character has rather been a hassle to quite a few characters and his latest action would probably kill most of the others. Due to this reasoning, I'm going to have to say that Ghost Rider isn't working out at all and he's going to be booted from the rp in my next post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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Grey Star said
@Jon: I'm quite sorry to say but your character has rather been a hassle to quite a few characters and his latest action would probably kill most of the others. Due to this reasoning, I'm going to have to say that Ghost Rider isn't working out at all and he's going to be booted from the rp in my next post.

I think it's already being done.

JonxlatheLion said
okay, fine, that's it.
I'll make ghost rider leave and find another character to roleplay
jesus fucking christ.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

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JonxlatheLion said
I know why archer did it, i'm fine with thatGhost Rider, however, is livid. As you can see.I'm not making drama, i'm just defending my choices.It gets annoying when everyone is against your character for reasons they 'don't want to list'

I can list reasons if you'd like me to.

I mean, I don't wanna open up old wounds if we've already closed this whole discussion, but if you really want closure...

Grey Star said
@Jon: I'm quite sorry to say but your character has rather been a hassle to quite a few characters and his latest action would probably kill most of the others. Due to this reasoning, I'm going to have to say that Ghost Rider isn't working out at all and he's going to be booted from the rp in my next post.

Does this mean his latest post does not count as canon? (If so, I'd suggest it gets edited/deleted, just to avoid confusion.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

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At least Sorin doesn't have to go through the trouble of summoning Avacyn to deal with one annoying hellspawn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

that's fine grey star. I was going to do it myself soon anyway. If you don't mind I will work on my next character, much less bleh.
Clanjos, i will pm you my distate for your rude demeanor towards me. thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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JonxlatheLion said
that's fine grey star. I was going to do it myself soon anyway. If you don't mind I will work on my next character, much less bleh.Clanjos, i will pm you my distate for your rude demeanor towards me. thank you.

It doesn't seem like a good idea to start a PM argument.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Raineh Daze said
It doesn't seem like a good idea to start a PM argument.

I'm not going to start an argument, i'm going to make a statement. And it would be better to settle the matter privately then flood the OOC with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

JonxlatheLion said
I'm not going to start an argument, i'm going to make a statement. And it would be better to settle the matter privately then flood the OOC with it.

Alright, so long as you don't hurl insults cross PM.
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