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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frey


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First day of school - July 01, 2016

The early rays of the sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky. The streets were starting to get busy; business men were headed to work, and students were headed to school. One by one, the cars start to pull up in the school’s driveway. Students say goodbye to their parents after being being dropped off to this dorm school. Their luggages have already been deposited and are now taken care of by the school’s staff.

Fellow students, your belongings have been safely placed in your rooms, so fret not. Let’s move on, shall we?

As the students enter the building, they could hear a voice speak through the speakers, “Good morning students, this is principal Takashi speaking. Please head over to the main hall. Check the notice board for your classes and then head to the auditorium for the morning assembly.” Upon hearing this, the students head to the main hall. There were signs placed in every turn; which were marked by arrows and the places they led to. As the students arrive in the main hall, they struggle to have their turn in looking at the notice board. It was crowded, and the students were all enthusiastic and eager to see which classes they were assigned to. After a few moments, another voice rung through the speakers; this time, a woman. “Paging Hisakawa Masaru, Alois Francis Jeon, Maiko Nozomi, Kirra Argent, Harumi Yukimura, and Ichishori Arasake, please head to the principal’s office after the morning assembly to find out which class you’re assigned to. Thank you.”

After looking at their assigned classes, the students start heading for the auditorium. They take their seats and wait for the morning assembly to start. At the background, there was a beautiful song played with the piano. At the right side below the stage, you could see the girl who was playing it. "Everyone, please settle down in your seats." A voice spoke out, which was soon followed by an old man entering the stage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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As Sonya got out of her parents car and said the usual, 'Goodbye, I love you..' to her parents. She started walking towards the school. She stopped for a minute, mostly to clean off her glasses, so she could see clearly. She looked around and saw the abundance of students, and she guessed that there would only be chaos on this first day. It's a shame, really, because she thought this school would be calm at first. I mean, at first glance, it looked calm. "Oh, yay, another chaotic school. Oh well, it's always like this." She said silently to herself. She then walked into the school, with the rest of the high schoolers.

"Good morning students, this is principal Takashi-" Sonya's thoughts interrupted that speech. 'Oh hey, that's the same name that tons of other Japanese people most likely have! Oh, that's just peachy, innit? His parents could have named him creatively.', she thought. "[b]Please head over to the main hall. Check your notice board for your classes." 'Okay, then. Let's see. Oh. Signs. They could've gotten maps, They just needed to spend more money for signs, instead of normal maps. Okay.' She thought, as she was thinking what she thought was logical. As she got to the notice board, she was puzzled. She looked first at the smiley face in the bottom right. Right after that, she noticed that there were siblings in her section. She scanned through the names in her class only, as that was the only one she was interested in.

She was part of the first ones that started heading to the auditorium. She sat in a seat, and looked at the girl that was playing the piano. "Everyone, please settle down in your seats." A voice said. Her head seemed to follow the voice, and she pointed it towards the stage. 'Why'd they choose this song, of all things?' She asked herself, in her head,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex got out of his car without saying a word, his father was on the phone so he just waved goodbye to his mother. He listened to the announcement and walked up to the noticed board and found where he will be so then he walked into the auditorium and took his seat. He only glanced up once to see the girl who was playing the piano and then he sat down and kept his head facing downward to avoid attention. "I'm not going to let what happened last time happen here." He thought to himself and he rubbed his right arm which had scars on it that were hidden by his jacket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Poppy got out of her parents most precious car and said goodbye. "Byebye." After waving goodbye, Poppy looked up. "Huge." She mumbled, opening the door and entering the school. She stared at how the crowd of students rushed to the auditorium. Tch. Poppy walked over to where the crowd was mostly at. Poppy pushed her small body in the crowd, "This is one good thing to have a small body.." She mumbled to herself as she struggled to check the board. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for her name.
"Ah! Section B. There we go."
After finding her name, she rushed out of the crowd and wondered off into the auditorium. Poppy watched as an old man entered the stage. She quickly looked around and finally found a seat she could use.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Plightz


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jeremy got out of his Fathers car, "Break a leg!" his father exclaims, chuckling Jeremy replies with a casual "Cya Dad!". While walking towards the gate he ruffles his hair and unwraps a lollipop. "Here we go again." He sighs.

Going through a gate, he offers alot of people a lollipop, suprisingly very few people accepted and the few that did were guys or a few blushing girls. "Huh, weird alot of people accepted it last year. " He thought to himself, but shrugs it off.

Nearing the school he sees this girl with glasses who looked like she is mentally judging everyone, "Must be my imagination ."
Hearing the announcement he walks over to the board, he notices he's in Section A. He smirks thinking "This gonna be fun. " Walking to the auditorium, he notices the sweet melody playing and also sees the girl he saw this morning, still looking like she's mentally judging everyone, much to his amusement. He sits next to her and introduces himself

"Hello there, I am Jeremy Irineo , and you?" He said while smiling at her and extending his hand for a handshake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The sound of slurping came loudly from the back seat of the car.

"It's empty Evangeline, please.." Eva's mother pleaded. "You've been trying to sip for the last 4 hours on the trip." Evangeline let out a laugh, unbuckling her seat belt and leaning forward (making sure to elbow both her brothers as she did so) to place the empty cup in the cup holder up front. "You're going to miss my slurping when I'm gone for oh so long." she sang in a teasing voice as they pulled up to the large, bustling school. She paused for a moment, " Goodbye Edwin, Edward." she gave them kisses on the cheek, and they returned the affections. "Goodbye Mami, Papi." she exclaimed wrapping her arms around their necks in the front seat, proceeding to choke them just a little bit. "Goodbye Evangeline! they called as they drove away, leaving the girl in the dust as they sped away. It wasn't that they were happy to leave her behind, they were just late for opening the cafe.

At least that is what they told her.

Evangeline approached the school in steady strides. She didn't find it appropriate to run nor skip, though she felt like it out of excitement to be in a new place. She had promised herself that she wouldn't cause too much trouble here, but seeing it for herself, her mind had other ideas. The loudspeakers boomed with the steady voice of the man who claimed to be the principal. "Interesting." she commented out loud as she went off in directions of the signs to find the magical notice board the stampede of students were searching to find.

It took awhile but she finally got her bright green eyes able to focus on the letters. "Aha! Evangeline Guiliani, that's-a me!" she told a random person next to her, her cheery Italian accent peeking through a little. They stared back, maybe in fear of the green haired, green eyed, very loud woman that had just invaded their space- but Evangeline would just assume that they had fallen ill in love with her. She leaned forward and kissed their nose. "See ya sweetheart!" she cackled, turning on the heel of her shoe, and headed out to find the auditorium.

It wasn't long until Evangeline found it, most students and places were easy to track enough if you used your brain, which Eva tended to use- when she felt like it. Not wanting to walk too much longer, she found a seat right inside the door. Her mind paid real no attention to the woman playing the piano, but her gaze reached the stage as an older man came across the platform. She would assume he was the principal and had something important to say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yosh


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When their car pulled up at Saitou Academy, both Evan and Tyler's eyes swept over the impressive campus. It was incredibly different from the public schools they had attended in the past. While Evan was excited to spend his last year of high school at such a promising school, Tyler only felt the nervous storm in his stomach grow more violent. He didn't have the appetite for breakfast that morning, which he was thankful for now, as he was sure he wouldn't be able to hold down any food with the state he was in. Evan seemed to notice how his brother was feeling and gave him a reassuring grin as they got out of the car, but it did little to calm Tyler's nerves. The two said goodbye to their aunts, who left with shouts of "Do your best!" and "Make us proud!"

They entered the building, Tyler tightly gripping Evan's hand as to not get separated in the chaotic crowd of students. Evan talked as they made their way through the halls, hoping a familiar voice would do something to distract Tyler from his nervous thoughts. First days were normally like this, with Evan trying his best to comfort Tyler, but it was exponentially worse in a school like this. The best he could do was keep talking, making the occasional joke or snide remark in an attempt to get a smile out of Tyler. He seemed to be a little more at ease when they reached the notice board, but it only lasted for a moment before they found their names. Of all the bad luck, they were in different classes. The smiling face on the corner of the chalkboard seemed to mock them.

It wasn't like the two weren't accustomed to being in different classes. With their age difference, it had been that way since elementary school. But, when they heard that the classes were picked regardless of age, they had let themselves get their hopes up. Evan gave Tyler's hand a reassuring squeeze and tried to engage him in conversation as they walked to the auditorium, but he had fallen silent. The piano music seemed to put Tyler at ease and almost made Evan wish he had signed up for music club, but he already had two extracurriculars and needed to stay on top of his grades as well. They took their seats and watched as an old man they assumed to be the principal took the stage, prompting them to accept the reality of the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

"...W-what?!" Masaru said as he held both of his hands on the backpack strap. "No... no reason to bring my backpack? Oh... I feel like an idiot now..." Masaru heaved out one final sigh before looking up towards the academy and entering the building, feeling defeated as he was the only one with a backpack on.

"Paging Hisakawa Masaru, please head to the principal’s office after the morning assembly to find out which class you’re assigned to. Thank you.” The voice rung through the speakers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alyssa waved at her mother kissing her cheek. "Bye mother!" She smiled at her as she would get in a taxi to ride to her new school. She was wearing her uniform with high knee black socks and her combat boots. Also a white strawhat(like in the pic). As soon as she arrived she payed the taxi cab now walking towards the school, her blonde hair swaying from side to side. "Ooohkay. Alyssa you can do this!" she whispered to herself now walking towards the auditorium. First she searched for her name.

"Aha! Alyssa Summers." she smiled at herself now walking to a chair sitting down on an empty chair, raising a leg ontop of the other, being all lady like. She looked up seeing an old guy, which she thought it must've been the principal!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Saitou Academy. Her parents had finally made the decision to send her off from home. It came as a shock which then subsided into quiet understanding. She didn't blame them - she blamed herself. The 5'3" (160cm) girl tugged at her rainbow colored bobble hat, pulling it just above her dark brown, almond shaped eyes. Mina curiously looked out the car window, watching the unfamiliar scenery fly by. Currently, she was in a cab, heading straight towards the academy. She fidgeted in her seat, her hands tugging at the seat belt. She coughed, then glanced at the stoic cab driver before playing with the belt again.

Anxiety waved through her. A new school meant new people. People would be seeing and talking to her for the first time. Would they judge her for that? she wondered. "Well they don't need to know," she thoughtfully concluded. Maybe this was her chance to start a new life. Real friends. Maybe a lover? A cough from the cab driver shook Mina from her thoughts. She then realized that she had accidentally let out a tiny squeal at the thought of a lover. A red blush covered her cheeks as she slid down further into the seat. However, a small smile had already begun to form. Hugs would be nice. Very very nice.

It took an eternity (actually just a couple of minutes), but Mina was finally here. Courage and a small glimmer of hope gave her enough motivation to drag herself out of the car. She paid the taxi, said her thanks, and was left staring at the school. She exhaled once and began to walk into the throng of noisy teenagers. Mina felt as if she was being rocked back and forth. "So many people," she muttered in her native language, warily looking around. She reached the notice board, finding her name. Her eyes raked through the other names on the board, taking care to look over Section B twice. .

With that, she went with the flow and headed towards the auditorium. The piano music was nice, but she wasn't really interested in music. Mina took a seat, her attention caught by an old man entering the stage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Iris sat in her big sisters car.
"Are sure you'll be okay. The school will be loud and you can't just hum and listen to find out where walls are. I know you normally use echolocation to hide the fact that your blind. But, the school will be loud." Her sister informed her from the drivers seat.
" I'll just keep one hand on the wall," Iris responded. She didn't like people knowing she was blind. To help her with this she has developed extremely good hearing so that she could use echolocation to map out rooms. Iris got out of the car, and walked into the school building. She heard the announcement. Iris walked towards the notice board, keeping one hand on the wall.
"Excuse me, can someone look for the name Iris Zero? I can't really see the notice board too well," she asked no one in particular.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LesleyDrakken


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Standing outside the car in front of the school, Conner took the time to say goodbye to each member of his rather large family; his mother Sophia, his middle younger brother Dale, his youngest brother Sheridan, his stepbrother Dylan, his stepfather Hector and his toddler half-sister Haven. He waved at them as he headed for the front door, then sighed as he turned around, hoping the people at this school would spare him any Brady Bunch jokes. After getting the class list he was one of the last people to reach the auditorium, and had to sneak around to finally reach where he was supposed to sit; only after he bumped into a few people and nearly upended several chairs. He would have been kind of flustered by his clumsiness, but someone was playing piano music and he found it pleasant to listen to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlunaMoon
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rose looks up at the school smiling softly. she had never seen such a new building before unless you count well never mind she had but it was still amazing to her she held a small briefcase with all her artwork in it she would never let someone else handle it. Neko her small black cat stood by her side purring. She pats is head softly before picking him up and setting him on her shoulder. She plucked a small pamphlet form the tie on her kimono. "hmm now lets see.. I cant make heads or tails of this map" she looked around she saw a flood of students pouring in. she looked for someone to ask for directions but she couldn't find the right person. She wanted to find a boy she knew that guys usually help girls better but she needed to find one that looked well off she couldn't be seen with someone ugly. she shrugged and eventually walked up the stairs and inside the building . There she saw the bulletin board stating she was in B whatever that meant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polaris


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"This is your new school Jake." His uncle said as Jake get off from the car. "Goodbye Uncle..." Say Jake. His uncle just smile and say "Your luggage must be already arrived, but be sure to check it.". As Jake closed the car door, the car drive away.
Jake see the school, 'Wow its huge' was his first though. Well, his old school wasn't that big, so its normal for him to have a thought like that.
As, he approached the school, a student offers him a lollipop , "..Um, T-thank You..." Say Jake as he smile.
He, then entered the building and hear an announcement. “Good morning students, this is principal Takashi speaking. Please head over to the main hall. Check the notice board for your classes and then head to the auditorium for the morning assembly."

"Ah..." There were signs placed in every turn; which were marked by arrows and the places they led to. Thinking that its leading to the main hall, he followed it.
"...Too, crowded." Jake arrived in the Main Hall, he sighed after he see the crowd in the bulletin board. "Lets see..." Jake pushed toward the crowd, he then see the notice board "Azure, Conner, Patrick, Evangeline, Sonya, Evan, Jeremy, and ah, its me... Section A huh?" He noticed a smiley face at the bottom right, he chuckled a little and see two student name from section B "Iris Zero, and Tyler Lance huh? That's a unique name..." He say that as he leave the crowd.

"Excuse me, can someone look for the name Iris Zero? I can't really see the notice board too well," Is the first thing he hear after he leave the crowd. He approached the person who ask that "You're in the Section B um, Zero..." Say Jake nervously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Patrick Harren sped into the parking lot of Saitou Academy. Having no parents to converse with before school, his arrival was a somber one. He took a final, quick drag of his joint and put it out in the ashtray. Harren sighed, closed his eyes, and laid his head back against the headrest. Harren almost drifted off in a drug induced relaxation.

Pat grumbled about having to get out his car and actually doing work today. "Bye... No one, don't love you too," he mumbled. His father was on a business trip and his mother was already at work. He finally thrust himself out the car and slammed the door, locking it as he walked away. Patrick looked up at the school, and raised his eyebrows a little. This was a sign that he was impressed with the size.

Patty didn't like so many people squishing against him. He popped a piece of gum into his mouth, he didn't want his breath to smell like weed. Harren shifted his guitar case-slash backpack and pulled out his iPod and headphones. He put them on and blasted music his so loud that people probably ten feet away could hear it.

Patrick stopped at the notice board, and followed the arrows to the auditorium. He looked around and found section A, then sat down. His headphones were still playing music, and he wasn't paying any attention to the old man on the stage. Pat closed his eyes, folded his arms behind his head, and sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlunaMoon
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rose avoided the auditorium to go look for her dorm room she could honestly care less for minor introductions she wanted to start decorating her room when all of a sudden Neko tugged on her kimono "no Neko im not going to that silly thing" Neko was not having in and started to pull on her more "ok ok you silly ill thing we will go" she walked into the auditorium and took a seat in the back her kimono draped over the chair she took a chopstick from her hair and chewed on it a bit while Neko settled in her lap. she listened closely to the man on stage well not really she honestly was wondering if her art supplies where already in her room and if the mattress sheets and linen she had ordered from the catalog had arrive already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Section B, huh. Iris put her hand back on the wall and moved with the mass of people. She soon found herself in a large room. While she was walking Iris tripped on a chair. Oh, this is probably the auditorium. she found herself thinking. Iris managed to find an empty seat and sit down. The piano music calmed Iris, though she kind of wished she could see who was playing it. Oh well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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She looked as if she was scanning everyone, and she definitely was. Her mind was in deep thought before she heard a voice. "Hello there, I'm Jeremy Irineo, and you?"It seemed as if it was an echo, miles away from a mountain to her. When she came back to Earth from her trance, she looked to her side to see a smiling boy holding her hand out to her.

"Hello there.." She said, in a low voice. She accepted the handshake before once again looking at the girl playing the piano. After thinking about it, the music might be to calm the nervous students, as there may be lots, since this is the first day for pretty much everybody. After some listening, she could understand it much better than she did before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yosh


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As it turned out, the man who had walked onto the stage was still making preparations before giving what Evan assumed would be an opening day speech. He redirected his attention to the rest of the auditorium, taking in his surroundings. The sound of the piano and the chatter of students mixed surprisingly well, instead of sounding like the noisy catastrophe the hallways did. The auditorium had a more relaxed air to it, though the undertones of first day anxiousness were still present. Even Tyler seemed relatively at ease, though Evan noticed that he had resorted to one of his nervous habits, picking at his nails.

"Tch, stop that," Evan scolded his younger brother quietly, knowing he would be embarrassed if any attention was drawn to him. "Your fingers will start to look disgusting if you keep that up."

Tyler breathed out a small sigh and crossed his arms over his chest, sending a soft-hearted glare up at his brother. Evan returned it with a grin, knowing Tyler wasn't really mad at him. He then swept his eyes over the auditorium one more time, his attention drawn to the girl sitting directly in front of him, or rather, the girl's hat. It looked a bit odd to be worn with the school's uniform, but in a charming manner. Well, I might as well make some friends while we're waiting. Evan gently tapped the girl on the shoulder.

"Hey, I like your hat," he said, his friendly tone matching the relaxed grim he wore. "My name's Evan Lance, Section A."
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