Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Claw2k11 said
Darien was surprised by two things, that someone would talk to him and even invite him to stay with them, and second by the awesome headohones."Thanks." he says to the two. "Cool headphones, where did you get them?" he asks mustering a smile.

"My mum gave 'em to me a while ago. Think of it as that one toy that I never let go of. They were from some awesome test lab and she saw me as an excellent 'test subject'. Basically, they failed whatever they intended to do and let me keep it! Here! Listen to a tune!" He says, taking them off and handing them to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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{Double post}
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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KatherinWinter said
"Most supernaturals are considered demons." The housekeeper assured him. "Get on the bus. We're going on a trip."

He twirled his index finger in a circle and said "yay" sarcastically and turned the same hand into a gun and shot himself with it. He got on the bus and for a second he looked at everyone. He then notice and Alastair and right then and there he hated him, he despised him, he really ticked him off. He took a deep breath and tried not to make a bad impression in front of anyone and walk down the bus. He gave Alastair a stink eye before sitting down on as empty seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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KindledBeast said
"I like that." Alastair said with a laugh, "And don't worry if you're ever in need just yell and I'll come running just know I'm not very good at controlling my self yet." He said thinking of the last time he fought someone and killed them by stealing there life source.

"Alright appreciate the offer man. Seriously though same to you. You ever need help let me know i'll have your back if it gets ugly" Alex said to Alastair on the matter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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Spartan2961 said
"Alright appreciate the offer man. Seriously though same to you. You ever need help let me know i'll have your back if it gets ugly" Alex said to Alastair on the matter.

"Good anyway how old are you?" Alastair asked curiously the boy didn't look older then him. When some new kid walked past him giving him a dirty look. Alastair stood up and walked up to him, "Is there something wrong?" Alastair said looking the boy up and down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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KindledBeast said
"Good anyway how old are you?" Alastair asked curiously the boy didn't look older then him. When some new kid walked past him giving him a dirty look. Alastair stood up and walked up to him, "Is there something wrong?" Alastair said looking the boy up and down.

"Well besides your face, you just simply piss me off." He said without a care in the world. "Besides if there was a problem with you involved I would tell you, but there wasn't, and now you created a problem, so it's either that your the problem or you have a problem." He said trying to figure out if he said that correctly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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joeycbee said
"Well besides your face, you just simply piss me off." He said without a care in the world. "Besides if there was a problem with you involved I would tell you, but there wasn't, and now you created a problem, so it's either that your the problem or you have a problem." He said trying to figure out if he said that correctly.

Alastair started laughing, "You truly must be pathetic then you don't know me so you must just be another ignorant piece of shit that likes to judge people before knowing anything about them, you know I can understand why your parents abandon you, I'd abandon a self righteous narrsasist like you." Alastair said making a fist in his hands the first person he ever killed was much like this kid they thought they were so superior and they could just do what ever they want.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Melody shuffles in her seat at that word Alister said before looking down at her hands and making a tiny cat made of water. She smiles and pets it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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KindledBeast said
Alastair started laughing, "You truly must be pathetic then you don't know me so you must just be another ignorant piece of shit that likes to judge people before knowing anything about them, you know I can understand why your parents abandon you, I'd abandon a self righteous narrsasist like you." Alastair said making a fist in his hands the first person he ever killed was much like this kid they thought they were so superior and they could just do what ever they want.

"....Um dude I know your upset and all about this guy's actions but isn't that a little harsh to say Alastiar? Still he was a bit judgmental in seeing Alastiar supposedly for the first time. Come on can't we all just calm down and get through this?" Alex had said getting up from his seat and approaching Alastiar and this new kid not saying his age since this all happened before he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Delta44 said
"My mum gave 'em to me a while ago. Think of it as that one toy that I never let go of. They were from some awesome test lab and she saw me as an excellent 'test subject'. Basically, they failed whatever they intended to do and let me keep it! Here! Listen to a tune!" He says, taking them off and handing them to him.

Darien takes the headphones and puts them on not knowing what kind of song to expect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

KindledBeast said
Alastair started laughing, "You truly must be pathetic then you don't know me so you must just be another ignorant piece of shit that likes to judge people before knowing anything about them, you know I can understand why your parents abandon you, I'd abandon a self righteous narrsasist like you." Alastair said making a fist in his hands the first person he ever killed was much like this kid they thought they were so superior and they could just do what ever they want.

He jump out of his chair and scream " WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" He tore that seat right in front of him of clean off and held it in the air, yelled "AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGG" and tried to throw it at him but hit the top of the bus. The face he makes when he's angry is like a demon that came straight out of hell, just as scary as a wraiths face. The chair hung the in the felling for a second and then fell to the ground. Out of frustration he kick the chair which then when strait through the side of the bus and he sat down in the seat in front of him that was bent forward a little. He then remembered that he was at a new orphanage and he needed to give the housekeeper the letter, or excuse, for his temper tantrums.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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Claw2k11 said
Darien takes the headphones and puts them on not knowing what kind of song to expect.

The song that plays is titled "The Setup" by Favoured Nations. It appears to be a fairly repeatative rock song which uses the same bar of lyrics over and over. The rhythm and tune of the song is fairly unique and is pretty catchy overall. However, before he can give them back, he see Keegan out of his seat standing in the center of the bus, Melissa just behind him.

joeycbee said
He jump out of his chair and scream " WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" He tore that seat right in front of him of clean off and held it in the air, yelled "AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGG" and tried to throw it at him but hit the top of the bus. The face he makes when he's angry is like a demon that came straight out of hell, just as scary as a wraiths face. The chair hung the in the felling for a second and then fell to the ground. Out of frustration he kick the chair which then when strait through the side of the bus and he sat down in the seat in front of him that was bent forward a little.

As soon as the chair is thrown, Keegan rises and stares, as though waiting for another reaction. Aside from the short tantrum, nothing appears to have happened, and the kid takes his seat. Keegan, however, speaks up. "Hey!" He starts, "I don't know what that was all 'bout, but don't do that kinda thing! Not only do we now gotta pay for bus repairs, but now we also gotta sort whatever this sh- is about! We got children on here, man! You could hurt somebody!"

"Keegan... Calm down..." Melissa murmurs from beside him, staring quietly at the boy who just had a little scare. She passes Keegan and inches towards the boy, eventually sitting beside him with a soft and soothing "hey."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Rina, seated to the side, squeaked in shock as Nerox threw a (rather destructive) tantrum. Still, she recovered her wits quickly enough - Nerox was nowhere as strong as a certain friend she knew back at her old orphanage, then again, you would be hard pressed to find someone stronger than him; David Robin could bench press cities with his strength.

Shooting an appreciative glance at Keegan for lecturing them and avoiding swear words, she turned to Alistair and Nerox. "You know, it's not really good to get on each other's cases like that, and um . . . I don't really know your names," she sheepishly admitted, "but both of the things you did were uncalled for."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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"Well I do believe that Alastair started it all, he did call me pathetic, also I have a letter here that will pay for all the expenses that I create so besides time for the repairs I'm not to worried about the costs of my outbreaks. Also if you have yet to notice I'm VERY short tempered." He said trying to explain himself. He gave a glare at Alastair and said to him grimly "I suggest you don't start me up again or we might not go on our field trip."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 16 days ago

joeycbee said
"Well I do believe that Alastair started it all, he did call me pathetic, also I have a letter here that will pay for all the expenses that I create so besides time for the repairs I'm not to worried about the costs of my outbreaks. Also if you have yet to notice I'm VERY short tempered." He said trying to explain himself. He gave a glare at Alastair and said to him grimly "I suggest you don't start me up again or we might not go on our field trip."

Rina sighed and tapped his hand lightly. "It's hard to believe he started it if you were giving him the stink eye first, Nerox," said Rina, "and just because you can afford to do it doesn't mean you should. That's the thought train of a spoiled child, and I'd like to think you're better than that," she added the last part with a smile.

"Also, short-temperedness does not excuse destructive behavior or unnecessary and hurtful actions," scolded Rina, "acting on impulse like that only earns you trouble, so you should learn to control your temper instead of using it as an excuse."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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At this he got very upset at, not angry, upset. "You think I like fighting? No I don't but when I get angry my body goes into auto drive, I've tried working with therapists but they all end up saying I'm hopeless." Said very upset. "I know I shouldn't do it but that's what ends up happening, so at the very least I can pay for what I did."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

joeycbee said
"Well I do believe that Alastair started it all, he did call me pathetic, also I have a letter here that will pay for all the expenses that I create so besides time for the repairs I'm not to worried about the costs of my outbreaks. Also if you have yet to notice I'm VERY short tempered." He said trying to explain himself. He gave a glare at Alastair and said to him grimly "I suggest you don't start me up again or we might not go on our field trip."

"Hey, just ignore each other for the time being. As Rina said, you both should watch yourselves, and don't go around blaming one another. Taking responsibility is a safer and far more respectable approach to situations such as these," coos Melissa as best she could. She smiles at the two boys in turn and pats Nerox on the shoulder softly. "Let's try not to ruin this birthday. We should all be having fun and getting along, not fighting amongst one-another..."

Keegan is still standing, though he's far less agitated than before. He glances at the Housekeeper momentarily before focusing on the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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He winches at the word birthday bringing a sad flash back a few years ago. For the remainder of the trip he remained quiet considering they don't know him and what he has to deal with. It started to rain and he thinks to himself "what a sh-tty day."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Delta44 said
"Hey, just ignore each other for the time being. As Rina said, you both should watch yourselves, and don't go around blaming one another. Taking responsibility is a safer and far more respectable approach to situations such as these," coos Melissa as best she could. She smiles at the two boys in turn and pats Nerox on the shoulder softly. "Let's try not to ruin this birthday. We should all be having fun and getting along, not fighting amongst one-another..."Keegan is still standing, though he's far less agitated than before. He glances at the Housekeeper momentarily before focusing on the two.

Darien scared by the fight turned himself into electricity and went into Darien's headphones which fell on the ground, if he were to touch them he would feel a nasty shock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Alright children that's enough." The housekeeper scolded.
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