In all the pokemon regions people have always used pokemon as helper and sometime for crimal deeds. But now 30 years after the events of xd gale of darkness the pokemon world is on the brink of destruction as a new group that calls them selves Phoenix has started turning every pokemon they can get their hands on into shadow pokemon.
A small group of trainers and others have found a way to see these shadow pokemon. The orre region reaserch lab has helped by building more snag machines and shadow sensors to help these people. But will they be able to stop Phoenix and save the shadow pokemon before tragedy strikes?
Basic cs
How your character can see shadow pokemon. ( most will use scanners some may be able to we the shadow aura naturally.)
Add more to the cs as you see need for it.
A small group of trainers and others have found a way to see these shadow pokemon. The orre region reaserch lab has helped by building more snag machines and shadow sensors to help these people. But will they be able to stop Phoenix and save the shadow pokemon before tragedy strikes?
Basic cs
How your character can see shadow pokemon. ( most will use scanners some may be able to we the shadow aura naturally.)
Add more to the cs as you see need for it.