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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The days that humans lived on earth are far behind us, we left earth with the military, they needed as many civilians and workers as possible to help with recolonizing after the last world war. The politicians and their hounds of war used their bombs and their orbital strike missiles to end the earth’s life once and for all on the year 5000 AD. There was maybe about 2 million per fleet of us that made it off of the only home we knew, the only planet we ever lived on, many of us lost loved ones, and much more because of unseen borders and beliefs. However one part of the military from each faction went awol and left their posts to leave the planet behind with us in tow. None of us expected to live after we left earth, but millions of lightyears away we found it... a world that was amazing, that was as beautiful as the one we had to leave behind. We landed, and many cried out in happiness and pure unadulterated joy. End of log

It’s 5945 Our ancestors left earth because of war, and for the past 900 years we went back to it just as easily, guess that makes us human, my men and I have taken the fight to the enemy, we have stormed their capital, taken their flag, but their leader hides like the coward he is, we need to finish this, there was an old quote, war, war never changes...I see it so clearly, despite the changes to how we wage war as when one man can tear down a wall, when one man, one woman, can take out an entire platoon, the physicality of war has definitely changed, but the overall goal of the powerful has not. Tanks, fighters, bombers, all of these war machines were left behind on the charred wasteland of our old planet, they are gone forever, instead we fight, with our bodies, with our minds, and with armor, and weapons like the ages past. However these armors and weapons are not like ancient times, they augment everything, mind, body...some would say your soul, I’ve witnessed my second in command wield his hammer, and send an enemy soldier into the void. I’ve seen others of my unit shrug off anti material rifle rounds like they were dodgeballs, I’ve even not cared when one enemies blade slammed into my shoulder, my armor absorbed everything and I even saw myself crush the man...the boy... this war needs to end, I’ll end it, with my comrades in arms, we shall defeat the cowards and form a new world order, and we shall take the future as ours. End log General Logan Albracht 5th division 92nd platoon code named The Legion

the year 6000 A:D or 1000 N:E, N:E meaning new earth, our regime stands strong, we stand strong, my comrades and I forged our new world order, we have taken the lands from the cowards, from the politicians and we have made it perfect, the strong survive, the strong become leaders, anyone not fit, dies, or becomes exiles. We have protected our people, and our ways of life for the past 55 years since my unit and I defeated the last vermin that infected our new home. We have had challengers in the past, whole armies that have fought back, one such skirmish took the use of my legs, with prosthetics and neural implants I can walk again but it pains me greatly. So I get around my command center via my chair, I am well respected within the walls of my vast cityscape empire. But outside the walls, outside civilization, word has spread of a resistance one that wishes to topple what my comrades and I bled for. We train the best, and hone them to be our swords, and our shields against the witless, savages that claw at our world. Inside the walls peace prevails, outside the walls, our orders of knights tame the last vestiges of savagery. End personal log Logan Albracht Lord Marshal of the First Empire

Welcome one and all, it is with great pride, and great honor that I name you graduates of the Imperial Military Academy, You will get your assignments via how, when, and what class you have graduated from. Legion Class graduates follow me and you shall start crafting your own special arms and armor. You are a graduate of the Legion Class, the highest honor bestowed upon a graduate of the IMA you have proven time and again, your resourcefulness, your uncanny abilities, and your ceaseless devotion to the Empire. You will be sent out of the city to end the last mark against a perfect world, the Resistance everyone has been talking about. You are forged from the honor and strength of Legions past, going back to our Lord Marshal himself. You will be joining the ranks of Echo Squad, they only take the best. Forge your arms and armor graduates, tonight is your last night in civilization, drink up, maybe even find a partner, for tomorrow you learn why we have to repeatedly delve into the depths of our fair city and eradicate those filth that try to end our utopian lives.

magitech and telekinetic power: During the last great war neural implants and specific body armor could produce the power to move objects with ones mind, and destabilize certain areas of matter. Further testing and experimentation on subjects and armor has yielded many gratifying results, such as granting the use of flames, ice, electricity, and many other destructive forces in ones hands, however despite the label magitech this is not magic, it is merely technology at it’s greatest destructive power it also has led to the implants growth, meaning telekinetics as a whole don’t leave subjects debilitated for the rest of their lives. Whereas the armor upgrades have always been safe on the user, neurological implants granting telekinetic force have almost always proven to either kill the subject or cause immense neural strain to the point of their own breaking. Thankfully telekinetic implants have been upgraded since the trial and error stages, and despite the black history of the implants, many key figures in the regime believed the service of telekinetic soldiers was needed above the high death toll. Nowadays there are only minor headaches when strained to and past the limit, however further straining the limitations of one's mental capacity and the implants power could lead to mental degradation and even death.

: These are the strangest soldiers employed by the regime, they don their eerie armor, and are sometimes the last force seen during a conflict. They are amazing strategists each and everyone, as well as peerless combatants, wielding either magitech armor, or telekinetic implants, either way they are not to be trifled with, they are known also by the left hand of the regime, whereas the Generals are the right hand, the paragons of the regime, the Faceless act as the Generals and Lord Marshal can not, leveling whatever they need to, killing whoever they need to, to get to their target, if you are what they need to get, dead or alive, you come with them.

The Second Unification War is set in a time and place where earth was destroyed following the latest world war, many seeing what orbital strikes with space fleets can do, fled. Many civilians were fleeing the Earth as well, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire, many were and this led to a mass of fleets all enemies in the latest war now turned ally firing upon the ships that attacked helpless civilians. These fleets and civilian ships fled earth and forged a new colony on a very lush and expansive world. After many years of peace it was all shattered by the first unification war in 900 N.E where many smaller countries seperated themselves from the global unification...violently. After the first few battles, General Logan Albracht led the Unified forces against the seditionists after his superior was gunned down by a seditionist assassin. It didn’t take long for the seasoned veteran to win many key battles and, with the aid of his loyal subordinates end the First Unification war before it grew to out of hand. After their victory, General Albracht and his men seized control of both territories in a military coup getting rid of both power hungry leaders and creating a “utopia” where the military is always out en masse on the streets. You are either a graduate of the Legion Class of the military academy, the best and brightest in all the city planet’s elite, or members of the resistance hell bent on freeing the planet from the tyranny of the First Empire of New Earth. You are given the choice of staying with the Empire or joining the resistance, the choice will be given to each player at a time during the rp, whoever wishes to help me in this as I know people will be resistance members I’ll PM you on it after we get the rp going.

Various soldiers of the regime

The Inquisition:

Leader's of the Regime

The powerful and charismatic leader of the First Empire, despite the loss of his legs and the prosthetic replacments for them. he never once lost his charm and charisma, a natural leader and born ruler in his own eyes and in the eyes of most of the citizens of New Earth. He made the planet the "utopian" military run planetwide cityscape it is today.

Pic used for face only
The Champion is always at the Lord Marshal's side, always donned in his intimidating yet weirdly colored armor. Not one attempt on the Lord Marshal's life has ever succeeded thanks to this powerful soldier. He has the power to take command of any post at either his own or the Lord Marshal's behest, but rarely does letting his comrades reap and sow their own rewards.

The other General that never leaves the Lord Marshal's side, he is known as the "Paladin" of the military and High General answering only to the Champion and the Lord Marshal

The manipulative and cunning leader of the Inquisition he lost the use of one of his eyes and easily created an ocular implant to serve as replacement. Lost the eye and gained the scars from a beast that attacked him due to the resistance setting it loose on him. Hates the resistance with a passion and hunts them down eagerly.

A brash a fiery General, the years have been kind to her, she takes her new role as Leader of all Academy initiates seriously.

The stoic and powerful General of the first line of defense in the undercities of New Earth

Major ass tends to belittle the legion graduates despite having to graduate on one of the lower classes. He is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, gaining many accolades for wiping out many resistance forces ahead of his men. Due to his overly brash and zealous nature however the Lord Marshal has kept him as a Colonel for six years now.

Uniform of the Legion Class Graduates: The uniform for telekinetic users is black, for fire tech it's a crimson red, lightning tech it's a soft golden color, and ice/water it's a deep blue. Standard Legion Class uniforms are white. Crest instead of the one shown is of a Sword pointing down with a shield behind it.

Uniforms of the standard military is the same as above but without the small shoulder cape and the emblem is a small one on their right chest. It's normal color is a granite gray.

More info on the world and whatnot The utopia is a big brother is watching military run one, no crime in the upper cities where the wealthy live, food for the more important (namely in the upper cities), and they would say that there is no class separation but it's a farce as well, the people of the upper city stay there, and they look down upon the rest.

other jobs are government funded hackers, spies and the like (you could put them under military) there are mercenaries that aid both sides, although none would say they work for the resistance obviously less they want to be killed, most are normal jobs such as shop owners, standard businessmen. There are also information brokers, they tend to play both sides, but due to their importance in the world they are given not free reign to do so but most officials will not kill/arrest them unless the dealings are busted in on, and vice versa. Not to say there aren't any big time crimelords, as crime can run rampant anywhere, it's just they are in constant flux as the resistance has taken up residence in their turf and have not been able to get it back at all in the past twenty years. The resistance is full of mostly civilians trained by the few academy trained elite to survive after being listed as AWOL, their major base is in an older area of the vast city planet that has not been used for well over two centuries, there they found an underground bunker and hangar, it's also where they found the frigate, extremely loyal members of the rebels have stayed within the higher court of the regime, a type of senate that ultimately does nothing but mediate back to the Lord Marshal ( a band of forty puppets basically) the cityscape planet is split into districts with the only real named district being where most people start, at the main academy inside the Albracht district, the rest are labeled 1-20. The overall population ranges in the trillions, hence why the cities are built upon each other, there is wildlife in the very depths of the world, but it's all become ferocious, sightless and just nasty due to the cities blocking out the sun from the lowest parts of the world.

The only ships that are being made at this point are mining ships, similar to Dead Space's world crackers only they crack gigantic asteroids and moons (well just like Dead Space's world crackers then I guess) The only ship that has any decent weaponry is the Lord Marshal's own dreadnought which was built shortly after the war, others no doubt exist like in the one base the resistance has only it's more frigate sized. Now you may think well that should be enough to punch a hole in these so called barriers as they would no doubt have something akin to mass driver weaponry, same as the dreadnought but they pack no where near as powerful a punch.

alright here's what I have about the resistance

The Resistance: Okay first their symbol is the very opposite of the regime, it is of an open hand that is painted pure white, a symbol of freedom and purity (the open hand meaning that all are free, and the white purity, I know not very original but this is where I was still playing with ideas, the others sucked) They are a force that is fighting for the freedom that so many people crave but have never voiced against the regime. They are not equal in strength to the regime but in the lower and undercities they know every nook and cranny and use that to their advantage to wage an urban guerrilla war against the military. They dare not use their ship until they can break the barrier protecting the capital district, the generator is inside the "keep" if you will guarded by a small force of Faceless, and a large division of inquisitor and stormtrooper soldiers. The resistance has trained their forces to at least match the standard units of the regime, but if the generals or the faceless get involved they flee, only the few leaders the resistance has can defeat them and they are rarely seen outside of their safe bunker out in the urban wilderness far enough away from the capital, or in their field HQ that has so far eluded the regime due to thugs and resistance members alike. The criminals may not like the fact the Resistance took up residence in their territory but what they want would lead to one hell of a payday for the criminals if it succeeds. Females are as fully functional in the military as males are, if there's one thing good about the regime is that it's full of gender equality. If a woman can do it better than a man she's got the job. Maya was the best out of all of them for training recruits, she has a gift for it. However as Overseer she is not always there, her and Garret work together many a time, he will also be at the Academy as well.

Just thought I'd tackle age as well while I was here, you can go up or down age does not really matter here. If you're good you're good if you're shite well you're shite

Maya and garret are the youngest as well at 32. Yes young for Generals but they helped out greatly in exterminating resistance pockets and they were the son and daughter of previous generals. Then the twins Damien and Alexander at 37 Another duo of youngsters however they have proven time and again themselves, Damien founded the Inquisition himself, stating he was the inquisitor before it was even a thing and trained his subordinates in that way. Alexander saved both the Champion and the Lord Marshal when they had been outside of their armor's and in the open, and showed that he could rally the troops himself as he led a march onto the previous stronghold of the resistance, Liam is just under Logan at 46, he was the son of the previous champion Caim Dimitriaski, the man that followed Logan throughout the two previous wars, he graduated top of the Legion Class and was the first to do so. By all accounts he is his father reincarnate. Then of course the big guy himself Logan, being a General of the last war and all is by far the oldest of them at 82 now you may think he doesn't look that old in the pic, well this is the year 6000AD or 1000NE (New earth for anyone new) and the life expectancy of the human race has been raised dramatically....unless your part of the units posted at "the wall", oh and the bastard (lol I hated him when I was making him he's gonna be fun to rp) Darren is in his late 30s I was thinking somewhere around 38.

Everything is tracked, Everyone has an ID card and an ID bracelet, the card is for any normal needs, the ID bracelets however are hardwired with your DNA no amount of changing or anything can change that. They are extremely hard to take off and will give off a silent alarm if they are not jammed.

He can take time off, the battles against the resistance and the thugs is a war of attrition, and the regime gains ground by the year. Logan is not worried about them losing it, if he has to send in the Faceless, or the Stormtroopers to root them out he will, but he feels that is not necessary.

Depending on the turn out I may have us be part of our own squad rather than joining a squad and have a previous graduate as team leader. Someone who will have something to prove as his father will be one of the higher ups.

Also more info on the resistance will be coming soon IE the 5 main leaders and the ruling body under them as well as key unit leaders.

the five main leaders are as follows

Grand General: Ex Regime general and old comrade of Logan Albracht, Bryce Regnus was a man of honor and civility, he was the calming voice between the once peaceful delegations between the now resistance and Logan. An ex military leader of Logan's army the man rose to general after his friend lost the use of his legs, he had gone on a personal crusade to finish off anyone else that had given the green light for that plan. He brought them in to be held on trial, he later found out that his work had been for nothing as the men had all been summarily executed and unceremoniously dumped into the lower and undercities. The only person left was the ringleader of the renegade resistance cell that had called the hit, and he was left for the thugs and murderers trapped in the lowest parts of the undercity. After these vicious ways of vengeance Bryce elft the army and the city behind going AWOL and being captured by the resistance, after learning what had happened to their rogue cell before they could stop it the resistance knew a change had to come, Bryce quickly aided them despite being hated and feared by the men and women of the resistance. When he stepped forward to become Grand General of the Resistance forces only a murmur of disapproval was heard under the roar of applause.

President: De facto leader of the people, sworn in by the people works for the people. her name is Fiona Wells, at first she was a governor but with the backing of Bryce and many others she was pulled into swearing into office. She has made life easier for them and has given them a home in the underground base. The base is outside the major cities and was at one point part of the original capitol and thus was easy for Fiona to get engineers to create a generator that fed energy from all the other cities to their own.

Harbinger: leader of their personal police squad (sort of home military basically as well as peacekeeprs) Nathaniel Benoit, an ex military man similar to Bryce, he followed Bryce's trail on orders of the Lord Marshal, however after finding Bryce, not only looking better than he had in years and with a contingent of resistance forces training under him he had to see what had happened to his mentor, he quickly went AWOL as well and made sure he could not be tracked back to their training grounds and base of operations.

Superintendent: the well leader of education for the resistance children and families, since the war has been going on for over 20 years the children of the soldiers and members of society in the resistance needed tutoring, and those institutes needed a superintendent.

And the Speaker: the presiding governor over the 39 others in the senate. (no there are not 40 districts within the base but there are 20)

The underground base is already a massively fortified position, as well as having an outer city within it's protective, metallic dome. The dome protects the city like fort on the surface while there are also many city like areas underground, only soldiers and whoever volunteers lives within the dome, while leaders, civilians, and everyone else lives in the sprawling underground cityscape. I said bunker but that doesn't do the base justice, I should've said fortress.

Leader of the resistance forces inside the empire's lower and undercity

Connor Druiminn: Known as the pyromancer, he wears striking red armor, as is seen as a beacon to any resistance forces in the under and lower cities of the regime, he takes the fight to Generals Garret and Maya personally, taking on both at once one time, and barely losing to their combined power. He beat a hasty retreat but the battle left both the Generals dumbstruck at how such a powerful magitech user had left the military so easily. Truth be told he never was with the military, he was one of the first resistance children, being around 24 years old. He is a strong capable fighter with a cold demeanor on the battlefield and a warm and sunny side shown to the men and women under his command, as well as the civilians of the resistance. His title the Pyromancer was given to him by the Grand General, due to his armors awesome powers at conjuring and using fire based "magic" as well as his unnaturally high level of control while pushing the armor to it's limits. His father serves in the military and is known as the Resistances own Paladin.

Just here to split up the Character sheets hopefully with a bit more inbetween them I can get the other posted so we can get some resistance fighters in as well. If you have any questions or would like to add something of your own feel free to either post here or pm me, I will be on a lot hopefully, if not I am normally on later at night EST or earlier in the day EST I really have no set times unfortunately due to work, and taking care of my niece.

should be enough room right?

Alright here we go.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Now this seems interesting - quick question though: how freely can I create ties to the characters already mentioned? Got an idea of a mercenary fighting for the Regime, but with ties to the resistance, so should I run it by you before I submit the final draft?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

That is perfectly doable, we can either discuss further here or pms if you'd prefer to iron out details though. PM I'm guessing so no big secrets get revealed for your char right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sounds like a great plan ^^
Now I just hope more will join this rp...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

So do I bud, go ahead and get a CS going I'll get a few going as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Will do!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

>_< I really wish the OOC and interest checks would be at the top of the Subscription page...

Anyway... lemme see if I can toss a profile (or 2) together.

I have one that'd be a spy for the resistance that's deep in the Academy...

And the other would be more of a neutral party. If that's possible. Let me know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Yes it is possible, there are plenty of other positions that can be seen as neutral, I would suggest either an info broker, or a mercenary as the top two but if you wanna be creative with it go for it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

That's exactly what she does. Uses her many connections to get info from all over the place and basically sell it to the highest bidder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

awesome yes that and merc are two of the best to play both sides (mercs would have to be slightly more careful however).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

I'd love some explanation on Callsigns. Ranks, as well. You're putting these things on the profile but I have zero idea of how they're described or if there's any method to making them.

Also, do we need a picture for the armor?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

pics for armor would be appreciated, callsigns and ranks are for military only, callsigns are special names soldiers use in the field, and ranks are military rank. I should make a civilian/neutral party CS
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Regular CS for anyone not apart of the military of either faction


Age: 18-22

appearance: any pic will do

armor: this is your own power armor, normal graduates get standard armor while legion class get's to create their own unique set

Personality: how you act

Bio: at least 3-5 paragraphs can be more obviously



specialty: sniper, warlock, telekinetic, scout, soldier etc..

Traits: basically what are good and bad things about your character.

Other: Something I could've missed
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

ShadowD said
pics for armor would be appreciated, callsigns and ranks are for military only, callsigns are special names soldiers use in the field, and ranks are military rank. I should make a civilian/neutral party CS

Well, my character is going to be in the military. An Academy graduate. So... you're gonna have to explain that stuff for me, please.

Also, I'm sure other people may have questions on that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright, here we go wiki can explain callsigns for us n aviator call sign or callsign is a nickname given to a military pilot, flight officer, and even some enlisted aviators. This call sign is a substitute for the aviator's given name, and is used on flight suit and flight jacket name tags, painted/displayed beneath the officer's or enlisted aircrewman's name on aircraft fuselages or canopy rails, and in radio conversations. They are most commonly used in tactical jet aircraft communities (i.e., fighter and attack) than in other aircraft communities (i.e., airlift, mobility, maritime patrol), but their use is not totally exclusive to the former. Many NASA Astronauts with military aviator backgrounds are referred to during spaceflights by their call signs rather than their first names.

The origins of aviator call signs are varied. Most call signs play on or reference on the aviator's surname. Other inspirations for call signs may include personality traits, middle name, references to historical figures, or past exploits during the pilot's career. Aviator call signs nearly always must come from a member or members of the aviator's squadron, training class, or other cohort.

It is considered bad form to try to give oneself a callsign and it is also common for aviators to be given a fairly derogatory callsign, and the more they complain about it, the more likely it is to stick. Some stick with the aviator forever, while in other cases an aviator might have a series of call signs throughout his or her career. For example, the late Lieutenant Kara Hultgreen, USN, was originally given the callsign 'Hulk,' because of her habitual weight training; later, after a television appearance in which she wore detectable makeup, she received the callsign "Revlon" (her biography is entitled Call Sign Revlon).

however the military callsigns will be your own that you grew up with after joining the academy. They are what was used in the Academy to best describe you in one word, Liam would have been either callsign juggernaut, or callsign Champion

And military ranks are as follows for the Regime

Academy student: A student of the academy, the lowest rank in the military

Graduate: Someone who has graduated from the academy assigned to units and sent out into the field against the resistance

Techs: On par with Graduates just they specialized in hacking, info gathering and any other technical goings on

Footsoldier: Standard soldier

legion Graduate: Less common than standard foot soldiers, legion graduates are still graduates but are given more of an opportunity to rise in leadership roles (think ROTC reserve officer training corps) but during battle scenarios.

Knight: They are still grunts but are normally in heavier armor and boasting more firepower

Adjunct: Think lieutenants of the military

Seeker/ Inquisitor: another branch here, seekers are military trackers while inquisitors are a part of the inquisition, same overall job however

Guardian: They tend to be the Captains in an army leads a squad, squads have about 20 troops per, maybe less maybe more. Average is 20.

Commander: Leader of a unit of regime soldiers units have about 1000 troops, On the same rank there are also Base Commanders

Colonel: They lead about ten platoons a platoon is roughly 20 units, currently there are only 20 colonels separated across the regimes platoons

Lead Inquisitors: Commanding their own arm of the inquisition, roughly 30-40 In inquisitor initiates, and 20 Inquisitors

general: They are what legion graduates strive to become, Leading many different forces including their own contingent of Stormtroopers

Commandant of the Guard: Leader of the Lord Marshal's honor guard

Brigandier General: The leader of the troops on the Wall, their terms tend to be brief due to the intense fighting in the lower and undercities. Has the most power out of all the normal military ranks

Storm-troopers and faceless are outside military jurisdiction and follow the orders given to them directly from the Lord Marshal or any one of his generals.

Then we get into the leaders of the Regime, their ranks tend to be given to either family members or chosen as successors by their prowess and poise in combat and under duress.

Now we get into these

squad: Ranging from 4-20 they are the smallest group of soldiers

Unit: A unit is 100 soldiers, no more no less, and normally do battle with other units at their sides

Platoon: A platoon consists of the second highest amount of soldiers, only used during large scale warfare, tactics with a platoon are almost non existent due to the relative peace that
the world has had.

Army: Every single Soldier consists of the army, it is, in it's entirety, the sword and shield of the regime.

Use the same terms for the resistance. But think less, squads are 4-10, units only roughly about 70-80, platoons using every unit equates to 65% of a regime platoon.

Hope this answers all questions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


I had no idea you couldn't pick your own callsign.

I might need help with that. I know she'd either be a telekinetic or a scout (or both? Can we split specialties?)Probably be famous (or infamous) for a few things.

1. Being a math genius.

2. Taking apart things and putting them back together, often better.

3. Not sleeping for long stretches of time.

4. Being short and sort of baby-faced.


She would hate 'Kid' or 'Shorty', but may get stuck with them anyway.

Hm... "Tinker" ...

*checks the internet*

I may go with "Lovelace". Jin would like that...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

You can have up to three specialties, they all run with military ones, or specialty ones. Being a telekinetic and using magitech count as specialties.
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