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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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At the mention of fighting, Shoichi quickly put down his plate and grabbed the map, "Woho so our little princess asked for help huh" he said as he examined the map. "This seems like Acalypha Town. Hmm, If I left now, I could be there in a few hours. Ok, i got this" he said, a big grin on his face. He hadn't fought someone worthy in a while and was afraid his skills would get dull. That wouldn't actually be the case as he trained daily but that still didn't change the fact that he hadn't been in a battle since he came back to Fiore. Sho exited the guild building in an instant, "This'll be fun" he muttered and started running down the road towards Acalypha town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie smiled "of course you are your own" he said, "a clever thing like you? No one would dream of saying they owned you" when the tiny dragon lifted a paw to Jamie, she didn't know what to do. She raised an eyebrow, "me? I'm my own person too. Although my family takes up my time" she shrugged, studying the dragon "oh, but I never thought to see a dragon, even one as small as you. Beautiful" Jamie seemed to have forgotten that the creature could be helping to blackmail one of his guild, as she went to per the dragon again.
Penny swayed as Damian began to talk to himself about what had happened, finding it fascinating that he could be himself in that situation, if also feeling a bit sick at how vividly he painted the picture for what happened. She swallowed, and knelt, picking up a picture frame, it's glass shattered, but she was still able to see it's inhabitants. A man, a woman and two young kids. She gently placed it on a shelf with care, and sighed, following Damian out

"I paid a kid to get the message to the merchant guild. I didn't think it safe to leave you" she said to Damain "safer together then apart, I think" she said softly, looking down the ally way. She took a deep breath, and untied her hair, it falling over her neck, back and shoulders in a crimson wave. "If they're near, let's go"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera risked letting out a sort of purr to Jamie's petting. Melina never petted her, maybe she would have to get her to do that some time. She also had enjoyed being called beautiful, een if she wasn't technically a dragon. Even in her S predator form, it didn't require a dragon-slayer to defeat her. Not by a bit, but that didn't make her much easier to beat. She shook herself a little, she didn't have to worry about fighting right now. All she had to worry about was this apparent girl who could change what she looked like. Mithera rubbed up against the spy before jumping down, gliding gracefully to the ground, and turning around in circles for a patch of dirt. She huffs and sits when she can't find one, then returns to searching, partially trying to find the edge of the magic nullification field.

Melina growled. Two more minutes, maximum. If she didn't get contact, she was going looking for her ally. Mithera was the one who came up with most of the plans, which Melina didn't mind, but she'd like her strategist to be alive to do her job. She slid a hand to her side and played with the hilt of her dagger, which was barely sticking out of her pants. She always kept it around, since it was a cutting edge, and cuts meant blood. She was aching to use it again, she wanted a fight she could easily win.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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"Messenger, right. Just wait a few seconds before we go in..." He turned back to the alley and waited, counting down from ten two or three times before he got the signal he was looking for. Almost as if on cue, and a little late at that, a giant rapier blade shot up from deeper with in the maze of alley ways and he grinned, leading the way in and towards the giant blade. "That'll mark where something out of the ordinary is, usually the target, or targets in this case. I don't know how they'll react, but if they've stayed in Crocus this long just to get all the magical gear they can shift through, then they won't have left just yet if they've got places left to hit."

He picked up the pace and started running through the alleys, trusting his ability to track his magic energy, plus the fact that they could see the blade, to get them where they needed to be. "You said you thought you knew who these people were. Care to share?" He slid around a corner, keeping his pace towards the towering blade. He could only hope that they weren't too late to catch the group before they attacked again, and maybe even killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"And smart" Jamie mused, watching the small creature look around. Jamie smiled to herself, and stepped towards the little dragon, as if by chance as she looked in the window of the restaurant. He tutted, seeing that the woman appeared to be growing frustrated, and then without warning, he scooped the dragon up, and as he did so, his form rippled slightly, and changed to his normal form. He still had the nullification magic around him, and she gripped the dragon close to her chest, and then he stepped towards the restaurant, "my name is Jamie, little shape shifter. Master Jamie, and you've been harassing one of mine"

She nudged the restaurant door open, and looked about.
Penny nodded, following after Damian, and as she did this, she decided that the time for
Subtlety was passed, and her body was engulfed in flames, her hair flowing out, and that looked as if it was completely flame, and flames wrapped around her arms like wings, and she flew just above and behind Damian. She seemed to sigh, her flames blue and white, and if Damian were to touch her, he would find that they weren't hot.

"I...it was a year ago, I was at an inn...I saw this woman, and knew she could use magic....I guess I shouldn't have over heard what I did, but I heard the words "it will be similar to lullaby". Seemed Like jobberish to me, but then I did some research, and apparently lullaby was a flute or something and held a demon..." She flew easily, keeping pace with Damian even though she could go faster. "I guess...I should have known it was bad...if this is the same woman..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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It took Damian several minutes to remember what he'd read about the legendary Lullaby in the history books. If there had been one guild that performed great feats, it had been Fairy Tail, the ones who'd originally been based in Magnolia. They'd destroyed the Lullaby though, during a guild master meeting or something like that. "That flute had been unimaginably dangerous, able to kill those who heard it's music by putting them in an eternal slumber." He drew a saber and used it to pivot around a corner towards the blade, which they were getting close to now. Pulling the sword free, he sheathed it quickly, wanting to save his swords until they were face to face with the enemy and he could do to them what they'd done to that last shop keeper, albeit with them still alive to face the Magic Council.

"If that's their goal, we need to stop them here and now, or all of Fiore will be in danger." He could see the slight glow from his blade now, they were getting close. He rested his hands on his sword hilts and drew them both, the shring of them leaving their sheaths ringing out. "We'll show them how Phoenix Wing deals with murderers and thieves."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny hovered without any thought beside Damian as he drew his swords. Her flames shifted from Blue to orange with a single word, warmth radiating from her like a fire, and she landed, rising her arms, and looking about them. She nodded, "let's go then" she said, slowly turning around the corner, ready to leap into the air.

She didn't know what she would do, but she couldn't let this happen, the demon being raised, and yet as she turned the corner, and came across the scene of three bodies, men wearing animal masks, her power faulted and she slammed against the wall in a second of weakness. "Oh gods" she said, pushing herself off
The wall, her flames flickering with her anger, and revulsion

"They were expendable..." She shuddered looking towards Damian
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian rounds the corner and winces when he sees Penny hit the wall, the glares at the three men who were now lying dead on the ground, blood still seeping from their wounds. "They were expendable..." Penny shuddered, looking towards Damian. He kept quiet, instead approaching the bodies and looking them over before grinning despite the show. Standing up, he looked further down the alley way where a small blood trail led. Pointing at it, he goes towards it with one sword at the ready.

"We'll let the authorities know their bodies are here. Right now, our concern is our lady friend, who didn't escape unscathed. We follow this and she'll lead us right to where she's been hiding to avoid capture." Leading the way and hoping Penny would wait until after the mission to ask about his past and why blood shed didn't phase him, Damian hoped they could catch this femme fatale before she added yet more bodies to her seemingly alarmingly high body count.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny was wondering if she could have put a stop to this a year ago if she had recognised the danger then. Was this her fault, for being ignorant? She room a deep breath, before following after Damian. She felt a daunting feeling, a sense of forboading, but she didn't see what could be causing it, until the blood trail stopped, and she blinked, looking about, feeling the faint residue of magic floating away.

"She's gone" she said softly, swallowing around a wave of fear, "we need to get back to the guild and fast" she said suddenly, spinning towards Damian, her flames swirling between different colours, before landing on the blue that was cold, the flaring to orange at a small sound and Penny spun about, but it was only a cat, slinking out of a darkened corner.

Her nerves were jittery, and that just wouldn't do. She took deep, steadying breaths, until her flame went back to blue. "The trains to slow" she said, "do you know a quicker way?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera made a loud, quiet annoying, almost squawk-like sound as she was grabbed up. She'd struggle to the best of her ability, biting, scratching, kicking, everything. She hated being picked up, and Master Jamie was just making her hate it more. She tried to suck in her gut and slip through the space between index finger and thumb, She continued trying to make noises to alert Melina, likely to only be shut up my baster Jamie as he pushed into the restaurant. Mithera kept making noise, but now it was just quiet, sad whimpering.

Melina sighed, getting up. No more waiting for Mithera. She left a few jems on her table as a tip, and gave the rest to the serve directly. She leaned back, stretching. Where are you Mithera? She thought out to her partner, glancing out the window. She sighed and shrugged, heading for the door. She could find Mithera, it may not be easy, but it's also pretty difficult to keep a shape shifter contained
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie felt regret and sadness at the distress from the small dragon, and wished there was some other way. "I'm sorry" he said genuinely "I really am. I wish I didn't have to do this" she sighed, and leaned against the door as the woman came towards it. "If there was another way, I would take it. But I can't fight you both, little shape shifter. And this is the easiest way."

A flare was launched into the sky, a marker for whoever Jarvis had managed to recruit to ho if need be, and Jamie closed her eyes for a second. Then Master Jamie pushed off from the wall, and said to the woman approaching the exit "you, who are you, and why are you looking to harm my member?" Authority rang through Jamie's voice and he narrowed his eyes at the woman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Shoichi was entering the town when a flare was shot in the sky. That was surely fired by the master, giving her location out. He quickly dashed to where the flare was fired from and arrived at a restaurant. He saw Master Jamie, in his ugly male form, holding what seemed to be a small white dragon in his hands. "What the...that can't be a dragon. Fiore hasn't seen dragons in years. Not since Fairy Tail killed off the seven dragons that Invaded the country through the Eclipse Portal, almost a century ago." he thought as he hid behind a building. The master seemed to be talking to a woman. "Is she the one I'm supposed to fight?" he muttered. "She doesn't seem all that powerful if you ask me..." Sho came out of his hiding spot and walked towards the tavern but opted to sit on one of the benches. From there, he could see what was happening and wouldn't blow his cover so fast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian growled and sheathed his cutlasses before kneeling and looking around, hoping they might find something but giving up after a few minutes of fruitless searching. Leading the way back to the bodies, he removes their masks and then their magical charms, each one bearing at least three that allowed them to perform different magic. "Fastest mode of travel is, like you said before we left, to fly. I didn't want to risk expending too much magic energy, but I can use my Striker Blade transport to travel." Standing after finishing with the last man, he beckons Penny to follow him, coming out of the alleys back at the last shop they'd checked out.

As they leave the alley ways, they see some men from the merchant guild waiting for them, and one of them anxiously approaches them. "Did you stop the thieves? At least chase them out of Crocus?" Damian regarded the man carefully, seeming to appraise the portly man with his overgrown beard carefully before answering him, handing him all the masks but one.

"The men are dead in the alley ways, killed by the woman who was the leader. She's hurt but running, most likely no longer in Crocus City. So yes, the thieves are dealt with." The merchant clapped his hands excitedly, handing, in turn, over Damian's and Penny's reward, which seemed to have extra jewel in it.

"The extra is for getting here so quickly and dealing with the situation as soon as the arrived. You'll always be welcomed by the Merchant Guild here in Crocus." Damian nods in thanks and leads Penny away from the now overly cheery group of merchants and around a corner.

"We'll split this up when we get back to the guild hall. Let's just get out of here." Closing his eyes, he focuses and an orange magic seal appears beneath him. "Release Skill Lock Alpha, confirmation Sigma twelve." The seal goes from orange to green and he opens his eyes, looking at Penny. "Right then, let's go. Striker Blade, Transport." A sword blade appears on the ground in front of Damian and he steps onto it, raising up into the air so they could leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera continued to struggle with Master Jamie, puffs of smoke coming out of her nose and puffs of fire whenever she gets her mouth a little open. She was whimpering louder and louder, but didn't fail to notice Sho ducking behind a building for a few moments. Her panic increased, and she tried harder to get out of Jamies grasp, whining loudly and her tail striking at his leg hatefully, her claws trying to grip the arm holding onto her so they can claw into the flesh.

Melina snorted, and started to walk past Master Jamie. "Can we at least take this outside first? I like the food here and being banned from the restaurant wouldn't be particularly nice." She pushes past him, and into the street, where she turns around, putting her hands on her hips, and looking Master Jamie over. "I am Melina, and I believe that is my dragon you're holding. I'd be willing to answer some questions if you'd kindly let her go." The snarl in her voice is unmistakable, but she obviously understands some courtesy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie let out a laugh, staying out of reach of the woman, "I know you use blood magic. Considering that you have a shapeshifter as a "pet" you should be more aware of those around you" Jamie raised a hand, the one with the bird shaped scar, "I'm more then certain I'm the only one with this scar, and a shy girl wouldn't passed you, flashing the hand. And then the letter collector did the same. Some people would have found it odd that two people had the same scar. You aren't very observant. I know you are blackmailing one of my own guild. And I want you to stop. I'm not stupid enough to let her go" Jamie said, looking down at the dragon in his hands, feeling sick, but doing what had to be done.

She shook her head, sighing. "Mayt is one of Mine, and I'll do what needs to be done to help him. I want his blood-I assume that's how you've been watching him. I want you to stop blackmailing him." He sighed again, looking down at the dragon again, "You shouldn't hang out with her. You as good as told me that you're your own, and yet she calls you her dragon"
Penny watched as Damian stripped the thieves of their masks and magical items, before following after him. Just before they left the alley, she dismissed her flames, not wanting to freak anyone out, but was ready to use them in a moments notice. She didn't say anything as the man spoke, giving them their reward, but she couldn't help but feel as if it was undeserved. A merchant was dead, and three men were dead simply because they were expendable. Yes, they were thieves, but did that make them bad people? If only they had got here sooner...

Penny nodded, watching as he made a blade form, finding herself mildly amused, "A flying blade" She said, before covering her body with flames once more, she shot into the sky, an orange streak against the blue of the sky. When she was sure that Damian was following, she started back towards Magnolia. Penny could fly for hours without needing to stop, and she could fly fast. She was silent as they flew, and landed on the outskirts of Magnolia, not wanting to cause a stir like she had before, dismissing her flames once more, looking about for Damian.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera just struggled against Master Jamie, wishing she could get away from him. She gave a hopeful look to Melina, trying to break through the magic nullification field to give her some help on coming up with an idea what didn't compromise her plan but still got her free. Mithera tried to spread her wings, but they were just too weak to push Master Jamie's arms much. She finally gave up struggling, going limp in Master Jamie's arms.

Melina rolled her eyes, puling out a vial of blood from her pocket, She cassually threw it towards Master Jamie, but made sure it fell short, shattering on the ground between them. "There, I no longer have Mayt's blood." She crossed her arms. "Now let go of her." She kept her arms loose, ready to react to something being thrown at her suddenly. She knew Mithera hated to be held, and hated it more when she was being physically controlled. "At the very least, she can't do more than a cat could to you as is." That was a completely true fact, and Melina knew it. Mithera had explained her magic not long after they had made a blood covenant, and so Melina always kept enough food stored away in her various homes for Mithera to at least be able to change into her weakest combat form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian landed behind her shortly after, jumping off the blade as it flew a couple of extra feet before vanishing. The green magic seal appeared underneath him again, returning to orange and he looked towards the guild hall, the money they'd been given still in his pack. "That job was a flop as far as I'm concerned, but we need the rent money for the guild rooms." He sighed and shook his head, leading the way back towards the guild hall, the streets of Magnolia were quiet in the late evening, with few passerbys in the streets. He kept running everything through his head over and over again, but no amount of reasoning in his mind could make what had happened equal getting their reward.

Stopping outside the guild hall, he looks at Penny. "So, we'll tell the Master what happened and ask him what he thinks of the situation. Maybe he'll have some insight on what we should do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie knew it was too easy, "Not until you tell me why you are blackmailing him. And not until you stop" Jamie did however loosen his grip on the dragon "You see, I don't like blackmail, and people that use magic for their own gain. Magic isn't something you have just because. It's something that gives you power, but that doesn't mean you're above others. I would die for any of my members. I trust them all. Magic comes in all different styles and methods, just like people. But its clear to me you've chosen to use magic for your own gain, and thereby tainted it. Unless you show otherwise, I considered you to be a dark mage"

"So, why?" her hands were now cupped around the dragon loosely, but were ready to snap shut again at any sign of trouble. Jamie didn't know how the shape shifters magic worked, her own worked by using his magical energy, as well as rearranging his physical mass.
Penny followed, and nodded, "Alright" She said, but she had a greater worry. She headed inside, going straight to Jarvis, "Jarvis, has there been-" in a puff of smoke, a hastened letter appeaared, in hastened scrawl, and she snatched it up before Jarvis could, reading it hurriedly.

Help! A demon has been spawned in our midst! People are fleeing, the demon is causing damage, and we can't do anything to stop it, its heading towards Balsam Village, and appears to be making its way to Crocus there was blood, still drying, on the request, and Penny looked up, "Sasha" She whispered, letting the paper fall to the bar, she turned wildly, snatching up a bread roll, she ate in in quick bites, "Lets go earn that money" She said to Damian around a mouthful of bread, "And stop the demon. And find that woman. and...Sasha's at Balsam Village"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian stopped her, pulling the money from the thief job out of the bag and setting it on the counter. "I'll take this one solo, Penny. Someone needs to tell the Master what we know and you, without a doubt, know more than I do about the situation." Taking the letter, he reads it and sets it down in front of Jarvis so he can read it before putting his pack back on and heading for the door. "I'll be back in a couple weeks, tops. Til then, track our femme fatale and try and stop her if you find her." With a friendly wave as he exits the guild hall, he heads back to the train station and gets another ticket to Crocus, taking a seat near the back of the train.

With in just a few minutes, the train in well on it's way towards Crocus and Damian sighs, closing his eyes to rest up before he got back to the city. From there he'd get a horse and head to Balsam Village to let Sasha and Lazarus know what's going on. Perhaps even get the person in charge of the job they were doing to pick up the pace in case he couldn't stop the Demon before Balsam. Only one thing bugged him as he fell asleep. Where did this thing come from...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera was glad he loosened up his grip, and she climbed up so that she was balancing on his arm to some extent, not trying to get away. Once she was balanced she did her best at lying down, staring at the ground and waiting for the conversation to finish. She hoped Melina wouldn't say anything too stupid.

Melina rolled her eyes. "I'm doing it because I'm told to. And I've joined in a blood pact that disallows me from telling who exactly." Her hands dropped to her hips, one by her dagger, then other riding her shirt up a little, revealing her stomach. "I have places to be. Can you just let go of the dragon, I'll stop blackmailing Mayt, and we can both be on our way. Though, if it must come down to combat." She smirks gleefully. "I've been needing magical influx recently." A bloodthirsty look crosses her face for a moment, before she drops it. Her eyes challenge Jamie to fight her.
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