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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

blinks. Shivers. Hides under blankets

Why me?

Because It'd be the least weird of everyone. *Hugs*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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Ah hah hah! The Major Arcana are at last complete! I hope it's worth the wait; Aeon, Hunger, the Universe, and the Star are some of the strangest yet!

Mystic Beasts – beings part human, part animal, and all warrior, who suggest the Major Arcana. Like their weaker, more sophisticated cousins, the Celestial Spirits, Mystic Beasts can be called upon to fight for their users, the Mystic Fate Mages, in battle. There are no such things as contracts with Mystic Beasts, however. Once summoned from a Tarot card, a Beast must be defeated by the summoner before it recognizes the summoner's power and agrees to help. If the Beast wins, it goes rampant, finding its own way in the world as long as they keep hold of their own cards, which are held on or within their bodies.

Though fearsome foes in combat, Mystic Beasts can be killed. Killing a Mystic Beast sends fluctuations through the Major Arcana—the number must always be twenty-six. Therefore, when the killer dies, the mantle of that particular Arcana passes to them, reviving them and granting them new powers, new personality traits, and new weaknesses. In twenty-six hours, the killer is transformed, adopting physical as well as mental attributes inherent to the Arcana. At the period's end, the new Mystic Beast is ready, an amalgamation of the Arcana and the person hosting it. There is no known way to halt or reverse the transformation.

When not summoned, the Mystic Beasts can prowl a world with geography very similar to ours, but full of strange creatures and without a human to be seen--the Otherrealm, or simply remain rampant in this world. It is important to note that the Description and Power are inherent to an Arcana, and that all who become its holders will, sooner or later, develop those traits. All Mystic Beasts have a single common weakness: the instruments that brought about their deaths, or the parts of their bodies that failed them. For instance, a Mystic beast that died of thirst would be weak to water.

# 000 – The Fool
Description: The Fool will ever be a ludicrous sight: a dog in the droll clothing of a bard.
Power: No Fool exists without an instrument to play for the amusement of the masses. A few fingers across strings, or air blown through holes, and the Fool may make song into reality.
Current Holder: Rufus (Collie Dog) – died of a heart attack
Current Status: Partnered with Seamus Mallory
Image: Rufus, the Fool

# 001 – The Magician
Description: An elderly snail, stooped and drably clothed, with an unremarkable and generally apathetic demeanor.
Power: Marvelous feats of magic, including telekinesis and small-time hypnosis, are the talents of every Magician. This card's holder can also shrink things, living or no, and bring them closer to him.
Current Holder: Mycroft (Snail) – died peacefully after contracting a terminal disease.
Current Status: 'Rampant', though it's hard to say that about someone this old, harmless, and slow.
Image: Mycroft, the Magician

# 002 – The High Priestess
Description: A somber and rather prissy cephalopod, well-dressed and totally dedicated to a certain purpose.
Power: By praying to another being, the bearer of the High Priestess may empower them greatly. She is not defenseless, however, for she may appear within reflective surfaces -and there, whatever she does to a reflection will be done to its owner- or create momentary mirrors of her own to reflect magic.
Current Holder: Trudy (Octopus) – stabbed in the back for her inheritance
Current Status: Partnered with Seilah Grimmond
Image: Trudy, the High Priestess

# 003 – The Empress
Description: An egotistic, condescendingly-warm, high-flown moth with a cruel streak, along with a deep affection for the holder of the Emperor card.
Power: Wielding impervious, patterned wings like great fans, the lady of the skies can buffet any who oppose her will with razor wind. The softness of her voice may transform other beings into magical weapons and back again. She may also soar on the faintest of breezes.
Current Holder: Sadie (Aztec Moth) - killed by her archenemy Gil
Current Status: Rampant, on a tropical southern isle
Image: Sadie, the Empress

# 004 – The Emperor
Description: A haughty, icy-cool, high-flown butterfly with a cruel steak, along with a deep affection for the holder of the Empress card.
Power: Wielding a blade thinner than an insect's wing, the butterfly knight can slice not only through living tissue and inert materials alike, but also cut through magic and even across dimensions, causing razor-sharp dimensional rifts where he pleases. He may also soar on the faintest of breezes.
Current Holder: Gil (Blue Morpho Butterfly) - killed by his archenemy Sadie
Current Status: Rampant, on a tropical southern isle
Image: Gil, the Emperor

# 005 – The Hierophant
Description: A slimy being reminiscent of invertebrates found far below the surface of the ocean. Endless curiosity, desire for knowledge and secrets and hidden power, fuel its strange, inhuman actions.
Power: The Hierophant commands control over space. It can teleport itself and others, eliminate space to banish things or bring two points closer together, and 'lock' space to create impassable barriers.
Current Holder: Meddler (Nudibranch) – disintegrated after being sucked into an anomalous magic maelstrom.
Current Status: Unknown, nearly impossible to track
Image: Meddler, the Hierophant

# 006 – The Lovers
Description: Ah, the Lovers. So close they are, and yet so far. The bonds they make, with one another or otherwise, are the strongest. And the pain they feel, the robed human and the two-headed serpent, is the strongest.
Power: At first, it seems that the bearers of the Lovers can boast only the poison in the serpent's fangs. However, the minds of the pair are inextricably linked. They can communicate, coordinate, and act in cooperative silence. Their agony, however, resides in one pool. Whatever one feels, the other feels double. And when their cries, no, screams of pain mingle, their power becomes a terror on a cosmic scale.
Current Holder: Jann & Naomi (Snakes) – both died of poison inflicted by the previous Lovers
Current Status: Rampant
Image: Jann & Naomi, the Lovers

# 007 – The Chariot
Description: The true form of the Chariot is a monstrous arachnid, with a personality to match. Nothing pleases the Chariot more than to carry anyone it meets to an amusing, often ironic, doom.
Power: Just as the Chariot bears its rider to war, its shapeshifting holder bears weight as well. Impossible speeds may be reached, but only if the Chariot is ridden. Incredible strength may be gained, but only if the Chariot is worn as armor. Incredible tricks can be played, but only if the Chariot wears the form of another. And a terrible, gruesome fate can be sealed, but only if the Chariot is involved.
Current Holder: Anju (Spider)
Current Status: 'Partnered' with Urien Volmight
Image: Anju, the Chariot

# 008 – Justice
Description: The great cat, tawny of fur and lovely but fearsome. Justice's holder, barefoot and beaded of hair, is dedicated to the principle of karma: no good deed goes unrewarded, and no bad deed goes unpunished.
Power: Justice's holder can see and feel chakra—a force akin to ki, that emanates from all living things. Using her own, she can attack with burning but invisible blasts of magic, and she can even turn others' against them, attacking them with a formless power. Justice may also sculpt chakra into objects. Her magic is more powerful against those who have hurt others.
Current Holder: Imani (Lion) – died during childbirth
Current Status: Partnered with -unknown-
Image: Imani, Justice

# 009 – The Hermit
Description: A solitary bird, quiet and reclusive, brown or gray in color and not at all social.
Power: A Hermit may retreat from reality by becoming a presence in another's mind, reading their thoughts, memories, and lies if they so choose.
Current Holder: Ludo (Owl) - passed quietly in his sleep
Current Status: Rampant; affiliated with Frenzy Plant
Image: Ludo, the Hermit

# 010 – Wheel of Fortune
Description: Bespectacled, alluring, and barely contained in proper lab clothes, Wheel of Fortune takes on the characteristics of sea mollusks and seeks, with a decidedly insane fervor, uncommon knowledge and uncommon emotion. Nothing titillates her more than shock, surprise, and radical change.
Power: Random is the name of the game with Wheel of Fortune. Within limit, she may use her voice to describe a random anything -sickness, color, number, personality, spell- and reality will shift to accommodate her. Beyond that, her tentacles are charged with orange lightning, and the voltage is hers to control.
Current Holder: Lockheart (Mollusk) – strangled, along with the rest of her research team, by the previous holder of Wheel of Fortune, on whom they were experimenting.
Current Status: Rampant
Image: Lockheart, Wheel of Fortune

# 011 – Strength
Description: The size and musculature of this highly-competitive bear outdoes even Ursa Major. Highly aggressive and never one to back down from any challenge, Strength's holder is a proud, sportsmanlike being.
Power: Aside from incredible physical strength, greater even than the World, Strength's holder can turn air into ice, a sort of 'instant unlimited ice make- kind of magic, including highly-detail fakes of itself. To further baffle opponents, the holder may instantly swap places with any of its fakes.
Current Holder: Koro Kai (Polar Bear) – frozen solid by the death burst of Strength's previous holder
Current Status: Partnered with Elber Vulpez
Image: Koro Kai, Strength

# 012 – The Hanged Man
Description: A devious and sadistic specter, with a shadowed, hidden face, who wields a rusted blade and a sepulchral green lantern.
Power: The manipulation of wood and rope, ghostly relocation and invisibility, and curses that inspire a semblance of death all lay at the fingers of this phantom.
Current Holder: Proteus (Crab) - a pirate hanged for mutiny
Current Status: Rampant, last seen terrorizing Akane Resort
Image: Proteus, the Hanged Man

# 013 – Death
Creator: Oblivion
Description: A silent individual who is covered in black feathers, maintaining most of his animal side. Only human parts is his human body shape and face.
Power: He is an expert at hand to hand combat making him deadly at close quarters. To make matters worse he has a life eating touch, meaning if he can get a hold on you he can eat away at your life force. He also is able to install fear within others with his presence alone and can use some type of force magic against others. He makes the whole no escape from death quite true, as he can just force people back towards him. And against non human his touch is a decaying touch as such, touching plants or other animals he will decay their form.
Current Holder: Yuuki (Crow) - a victim of a plague.
Current Status: Rampant, last seen near Oak Town's Castle
Image: Yuuki, Death

# 014 – Temperance
Description: A lanky ruminant leaning upon a staff, whose selflessness and kindness for its allies is matched only by its ruthlessness toward its enemies.
Power: With temperance, one can accomplish anything. Its holder commands the soil, whether to part, to become sand, to beget plantlife at incredible speed, or to absorb the vitality of those touching it.
Current Holder: Numa (Stag) a hunter who, after sacrificing himself to buy time for villagers to escape barbarian raiders, was captured and starved to death.
Current Status: Partnered with -unknown-
Image: Numa, Temperance

# 015 – The Devil
Description: A lean, energetic and enigmatic trickster, always with a smile on his face and spring in his step, whose revealing wear goes well with his wooly hair.
Power: Aside from incredible jumping skill, illusioneering, deadly claws, and the ability to manifest wherever he's called, the bearer of this Arcana can corrupt the bodies of mortals, making them into demons.
Current Holder: Jay (Ram) – beheaded by cultists.
Current Status: Rampant
Image: Jay, the Devil

# 016 – The Tower
Description: Tall, dark, and as unreadable as stone is the doglike bearer of the Tower. A calm, emotionless exterior hides a heart stuffed full of malice and rage, only barely kept at bay by a mind that is fundamentally good.
Power: Aside from absurd prowess with a dagger and supernatural agility, the Tower may on a whim turn any living thing into a statue, and not necessarily one of itself. The painful transformation and may take up to five minutes to complete, after which it is inanimate. The Tower alone can properly remove this curse.
Current Holder: Jericho (Jackal) – a vigilante assassin lured into a trap, imprisoned, and tortured until she died.
Current Status: Rampant
Image: Jericho, the Tower

# 017 – The Star
Description: Put simply, the Star is an antihero. Ever a mammal denied flight and its fascination with the sky, the Star will uphold the common good and battle evil if it has a mind to, and in its own style.
Power: At first glance, it appears that the Star controls sand. On second glance, those yellow particles glow like so many of pinpoints in the night sky. It is in this way that the holder of the Star can boast command over both earth and light.
Current Holder: Clifton (Mole) – died in an earthquake.
Current Status: Partnered with Phoebe Miles
Image: Clifton, the Star

# 018 – The Moon
Description: The Moon is ever shrouded in blackest darkness, a lonely and inconsolable bird floating above all the rest, but never so far removed as to withhold a steely blade from wrongdoers. Her eastern clothes style her like a vengeful samurai.
Power: The power of the Moon's bearer is twofold. She holds sway over water, to move it, to condense it, and to burst it. When she stretches out her fingers, time may trickle by slower than tar.
Current Holder: Nausica (Raven) – died, as they say, of a broken heart.
Current Status: Rampant
Image: Nausica, the Moon

# 019 – The Sun
Description: Not a bird, but a harpy, is the bearer of the Sun, brutal, vicious and clawed and garbed in western wear that keeps her feathers free of heat.
Power: As one might expect, the Sun burns bright. The bearer of this Arcana can scorch the earth with searing crimson flames, and erupt into fire herself should she see fit to bring terror.
Current Holder: Lakota (Harpy) – burned alive by her own firebomb after it was shot by a man avenging her murder of the previous Sun.
Current Status: Partnered with her brother in life, an infamous highwayman.
Image Lakota, the Sun

# 020 – Judgment
Description: An elephantine being of physical and arcane mastery, wise and curious, with a regal, proud bearing.
Power: Judgment brings together a great menagerie, creatures seen and unseen, that inhabit the Otherrealm. Their uses are as many as there are creatures.
Current Holder: Suresh (Elephant) – the heroic elder of a village, slain by the previous holder of Judgment, the Angry Niharika, in her death throes.
Current Status: Rampant, last seen wandering near desert ruins
Image: Suresh, Justice

# 021 – The World
Description: A colossal cetacean of great strength, good-natured when not in combat, but a furious, immovable object when his blood is allowed to boil.
Power: The ability to solidify water and liquify land, exchanging their properties and moving through either.
Current Holder: Salvoy (Blue whale), a whaler drowned at sea
Current Status: Partnered with Nash Fogore
Image: Salvoy, the World

# 022 – The Jester
Creator: The Invisible Man
Description: Slimy both on the inside and outside. This amoral frog, well versed within the realm of humanity will do anything to try to amuse himself. This can include from fighting some person to the death and then later having a drink with that said person. He is the unstable wildcard of the Major Arcana and is usually the last to ever try to rely on anything.
Power: Extreme agility with the knowledge of almost every fighting style and weapon at his disposal. To be harder to catch and just be more annoying to everyone in general, he can also turn invisible for long periods of time with the added ability to create a clone of himself.
Current Holder: Jack (Frog) - Tripped down some stairs, broke his neck in the process.
Current Status: Rampant, last seen in the outskirts of Magnolia.
Image: Jack, the Jester

# 023 – Aeon
Description: A bluish fishlike being, with claws and tentacle hair, and marble-black eyes. Its mind is an enigma, wacky any seemingly nonsensical, but with a peculiar love for suffering.
Power: Aeon's holder can, at will, create a liquid darkness to be thrown as balls or bolts, or to be spread across surfaces, from which piercing dark spikes can rise. Aeon can also coat itself in the inky substance, and when completely covered stops or slows time in an area of its choosing. The ink drips off Aeon, suspended in the air, and when it is completely gone Aeon cannot affect time for a while.
Current Holder: Lamia (Deepsea Eel) – drowned.
Current Status: Partnered with Hunger
Image: Lamia, Aeon

# 024 – Hunger
Description: An abominable, faceless invertebrate whose face is a maw. It has a horribly cheery and talkative disposition, even apologetic when it attacks, but utterly lacks mercy or an inclination to wear clothes.
Power: The hungriest of all is the least picky; Hunger's bearer can eat anything, even intangible and abstract things, like intelligence and masculinity. This includes magic power. Whatever it has eaten is released upon its 'demise'. It is proficient in melee combat, but its greatest strength lies in its invincibility. Though it can be damaged, Hunger never ends, and will regenerate. Hunger's bearer is only killed when the person who's done it the most harm to date dies, passing on the Arcana.
Current Holder: Norm (Lamprey) died of starvation after Hunger's previous owner ate his willpower.
Current Status: Partnered with Aeon
Image: Norm, Hunger

# 025 – The Universe
Power: When indescribably voice of the Universe beckons, all but the strongest wills must obey. It can open pockets into another universe, from which giant tentacles extrude to attack, or create spheres of rippling madness that slowly damage any who look at them and paralyze those who rupture them. It can also warp space, trapping those caught in the warps in a pocket dimension, and those who touch its yellow robe are pulled in and suffer the same fate.
Current Holder: A being known simply as 'the Master' (Aberration) – driven to insanity, and then complete mental destruction, after encountering a cosmic abomination in its dreams.
Current Status: You better believe this thing is rampant, though nobody knows where.
Image: The Master of the Universe
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Caits>

Because It'd be the least weird of everyone. *Hugs*

Least weird? Jeez

returns hug


I shall update shortly

and edited in a reply


I seem stalkable?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ah hah hah! The Major Arcana are at last complete! I hope it's worth the wait; Aeon, Hunger, the Universe, and the Star are some of the strangest yet!

<Snipped quote>

What the heck did I just read?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

What the heck did I just read?

Hah hah! The Major Arcana made flesh, the Mystic Beasts! The little paragraphs explain it pretty well, actually. They're like Celestial Spirits, but a little OP'd.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

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<Snipped quote by Expolar>

Hehehe...Details you ask? Okay! *rubs hands together*

Well, that's if you want to use that character since you said you had others in your mind. But sure if you want to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Crimson Raven>

Hah hah! The Major Arcana made flesh, the Mystic Beasts! The little paragraphs explain it pretty well, actually. They're like Celestial Spirits, but a little OP'd.

They alls eem so nice and lovley.... Mostly Hunger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

They alls eem so nice and lovley.... Mostly Hunger.

Yep, he's a cutie, ain't he.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Gonna post soon.
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Every time I see the name Norm, I think of the robot on Phineas and Ferb...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Oblivion666>

Yep, he's a cutie, ain't he.

Yep hes a ten outta ten.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Every time I see the name Norm, I think of the robot on Phineas and Ferb...

I chose Norm because it's the sound of someone eating, or pretty close to it. *norm norm norm*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Zarkun>

I chose Norm because it's the sound of someone eating, or pretty close to it. *norm norm norm*

People typically think of "Nom" not "Norm"... Just me. *Nomomomomomom*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

People typically think of "Nom" not "Norm"... Just me. *Nomomomomomom*

No, no, you are not a lone. I think Nom.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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<Snipped quote by Burthstone>

No, no, you are not a lone. I think Nom.

There's a Ramen place in my city that's called Nom Nom.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Zarkun>

There's a Ramen place in my city that's called Nom Nom.

The irony in that statement XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by hatakekuro>

The irony in that statement XD

I don't see the irony.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Your mind has to be warped a certain way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Your mind has to be warped a certain way.

Do I even want to know?
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