used one as Pillow
Ah, damn it. The character links aren't working again. For the love of everything that is cute and fluffy. Why? Why do you stop working? Why take me to the IC?The chibi army must be rebelling again and sending us away from them. We must deal with this soon and with most haste lol.
So should I make an edolas me to be with the rest of youYou don't have to. Earthland Angelo was getting sent to Edolas. If you want a Edolas version then your free to have one. just means I need to make another Chibi...
Oh yeah, there's a marathon of that isn't there?Probably xD thought Id watch some since I hadn't seen it before. And throughout it I'm like "This is a weird bizarre show."
Ikr? Sometimes it's just like. "Okay! I'm back from the bathroom and prepared for acid trip #78!"Exactly! XD
You wouldn't believe how down with that Mithera wouldn't be.
Karn would want to go, but not to fight but to go and flip out and change into a these reactions XD No but Hemlock isn't mean. So he'll try and beat or at least drive others away, but not kill if he can avoid it.