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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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James stretched as she walked. Her curly brown ponytail swished as she walked and her Pokemon, a Vulpix she had taken to calling Erza, rested on her shoulder. "How far does this stupid forest go? It seems as if I've been walking through this for years!" James complained, though it had only been a day since she left home. Her Pokemon opened her eyes into slits "Vulpix." Erza said and James sighed. "I know Erza but it's irritating! I wish we could just reach the next city." The brown haired girl grumbled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray sighed, rotating his shoulders as he entered Viridian City. It was a long trek through the forests and mountains, but he had finally made it fully into his home-region. He ran a had through his own naturally gray hair, taking out a few leaves, before unslinging his black messenger bag from off of his shoulder, and quickly looking through it's items. A few potions, some packed lunches, water bottles...ah.

"There." He murmured silently to himself, grabbing his Poke-Dex. As the boy began walking towards the Pokémon Center, he studied the Pokémon that he had come across on his way here. There were quite a few species. A Pikachu, some Nidoran he planned to catch relatively soon, and a few grass and bug-types. Not bad.

"Welcome to the Pokémon Center!" Nurse Joy called out, hearing the bell chime as the boy entered. Gray glanced up at her, giving her a stoic nod before taking out a gray and black Poke-Ball. He silently handed it to the confused woman, and she quickly went to healing the Gible inside. Once done, she gave the Poke-Ball back to Gray, whom clipped it onto his belt and gave her a nod of thanks.

"Come again!" She smiled, and Gray exited the Center.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Hemmy smiled as the geodude was thrown out and presented for battle. "go kimbo, let's beat this twerp" he said non-chalantly as he had done so many times before. The battle was quick. A low kick. The Geodude hit the ground and was taken by a tackle. It seemed as though the boy hemmy had fought was the weakest opponent yet. The scraggy and blue haired boy shared a high five as they continued to scare a few dollars out of the boy they fought and send him crying as he ran away. "that aught to keep out of our territory right kimbo?" the boys said sitting back down in his cardboard thrown. He and his loyal companion had been in viidian city fighting like this since they met. They hoped to one day become a pokemon master but at such a weak state they both knew what would happen. Still the though still lingered. They had been collecting fight money and experiance in battle like that since the goal was thought up, they hoped soon they could pay for the meals they'd need and move on. "scrag, sc, scra" the pokemon said pointing to a gray haired boy with a pokeball, he looked as if he was skilled and had money they could take, in other words, there ticket out. The two nodded to each other before running at the boy. "yooooo, old lookin' dude" he said running and skidding on his shoes as he attempted to stop. "hey buddy I couldn't help but notice you pokeball, maybe a match with one of the city folk would be in order, ya know to test you strength as a trainer and what not" the boy said as he pokemon peeped forward looking the man in there eye menacingly. "scraggy scrag" it said setting a fighting stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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As Gray slipped his hands into his coal-black pocket, calmly exiting the Center and beginning his walk down the street, the boy felt his brain pulse a bit. He glanced around calmly, dusky gray eyes narrowing once they noticed a small boy running away from another block, seemingly panicked and saddened. Gray turned his head, watching the small boy enter the Pokémon Center without waiting for the door to open itself. "..." Without another word, he turned on his heel and began walking once more. He was curious on what had happened to make a little boy that desperate - but trainers often got over-dramatic at times, so it wouldn't surprise him if it had something to do with a failed battle.

Within seconds, however, yet another boy, this one quite a bit shorter than Gray himself, ran up. Gray raised an eyebrow, listening to the boy's words, before his half-lidded gaze turned towards the boy's Pokémon. It was certainly feisty and calloused, it looked like. Hm...

"...Gible." He murmured, and in a flash of silver Light, a Gible was standing in front of the boy. Gray pressed off on his feet, nimbly flipping backwards and landing a few feet away. The boy took off his head-band, allowing his long gray hair to fall around his shoulder blades and face, before nodding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hemiltin set up in a strong fighting stance, watching his pokemon do the same. looking at the trainer and his pokemon, hemmy became discouraged. they seemed as if the fight didn't faze him. still hemmy had his pride and road to the elite four on the line.He stared the boy down with his pokemon before throwing the first move that he knew his pokemon knew. "kimbo, lowkick send him to the ground" he said knowing well that the attack wouldn't do much as he was fighting a small foe. Although hemmy was never considered a tall boy he had never felt as miniature as he did in this battle, he could tell that his scraggy felt the same.The both were tense and felt for the first time in so long that bolting from a fight was in there best interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray's mind snapped like an arching whip, and the boy didn't bother with any unnecessary words. From the soundless nudge, Gible readied for the Scraggy, and as soon as it ran forward and attempted the Low Kick, the Dragon type easily leaped over the attack, landing behind the thing and turning on it's heel. "Tackle." Gray whispered, and despite it's soft tone, Gible heard it, and he dashed forward with speed and power, lunging at the Scraggy with as much force as it could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hemmy smiled as he knew how this had worked out in the past, he had an advantage if speed on the foe but not in bulk so it was a gamble, still Hemmy made the choice. "kimbo tackle" he said seeing the pokemon had already gone with the plan. The scraggy and his foe were a teaM made fo each other, they had the same fighting style and same build so they weren't very different. The pokemon mumbled it's name before running straight at the gible. "hit him with all you got" the boy said as scraggy picked up his pace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray didn't bother with facial expressions, or a sigh when he saw the tackle about to hit Gible. He had battled quite a few trainers on his way to Kanto, and he had began noticing quite a few things about bodily functions. People often smiled or grinned when they realized that a specific strategy works, and due to his bear-trap of a mind, Gray caught on to these things relatively easy. It was like a chess game for him - and he was a master at chess.

"...Dragon Rage." He commanded, and Gible automatically inhaled as Kimbo got within distance. Tumbling forward for momentum, Gible abruptly skidded to a stop, roaring out as a large, searing blast of pure red, blue, and yellow energy blasted from his abnormally large, fang-filled mouth, point-blank at the Scraggy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

scraggy got nose to nose with his foe when it's mouth opened, a wimper came from his mouth as he was shot away with a colorful blast. Struggling to get back up from the smash into the ground, scratches covered its body now. "kimbo, don't give up" Hemmy said gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. His foe was more than just quick but he had better strategy than anything he had seen from his other foes. the Scraggy barely managed to get back to it's feet and giving it's leer attack at the foe, running at him without his trainer's permission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray's lips barely tilted upwards into an amused smirk, before regaining it's usual frown. It was amusing, watching the Scraggy struggle up and run forward, even though it knows that it's days in the battle was numbered. Knowing that this battle would be over relatively soon, Gray slipped on his black and gray League hat, his feathery gray hair flitting over his matching smoky eyes, as he watched the Scraggy get close to Gible.

"Sand-Attack...and finish with Tackle." He commanded. Gible momentarily frowned at the Leer, but quickly got back into action. It kicked the ground, launching a large cloud of sand into the Scraggy's charging face, before rolling to the side and dashing forward, to slam it's stone-cold head into the Scraggy's blind-side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

scraggy fumbled back as sand hit him in the eyes it attempted a kick with the sand itself butby the time it hit he was to close to stop anything, being tackled and instantly struggling to get up, only for his trainer who was busy gawking at gray's fancy hat before seeing it's condition and running for his only friend, he didn't have a pokeball for it so he had to get in the way of the battle. "ok ok, you win, jez" the boy said hoarsly with glassy eyes, attempting to keep from letting the other boy see his disgrace. "lucky there was a pokecenter over here" he said smirking as he ran in. He he had blown his chance to go proudly so hemmy had one last chance. stealing. He wasn't proud of having to do so but it would get him out of there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray watched the boy grab his partner and run away, before sighing and tilting his hat downwards, shading his face. Gible gave it's trainer a nod, and similarly, Gray nodded back, returning the dragon-type in another blast of gray light. The two respected each other; Gible respected Gray for his intelligence, sharpness, and power, while Gray respected the Pokémon for it's similar traits. It was a business partnership, but underneath that, you can tell that they were like brothers.

"..." He turned back to the Center with a sigh, feeling a stab of sympathy. The trainer was most-likely a street rat, and couldn't afford a Poke-Ball. Treatment for Pokémon, without Poke-balls, took an unnecessarily large amount of time. Not to mention it wasn't as concise as using the machine. Plus...the boy didn't pay up...which he doubted he could do anyways.

Without another word, the boy rested his left gloved hand in his pocket, whilst pushing open the Center doors with his other. "You forgot something." He called out, leaning against the wall next to the exit. His tone wasn't angry. It was indifferent and cold, although you could hear a bit of curiosity in it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hemmy heard the mans voice and managed to pull himself together for a moment to look back at him. He hated having to heal his friend like this. It had a foe fear of needles and always pushed himself out as soon as possible. "right sorry the money I owe you, well I can't pay you well but I can give a tour through the city if you'd like" he said half hazardly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray mentally shook his head at what he was about to do, before sighing and opening the black satchel on his hip. Inside, at least a dozen small, red and white Poke-Balls rested - a lot different that the six gray and black Poke-Balls on his belt. The eleven year old grabbed one Poke-Ball, before twirling it on his finger and flicking it through the air like a bullet, right for Hemmy. He didn't know why he decided to do the other boy a favor, but for some reason, he felt as if he had to.

"Heal him with the machine. It's painless." He responded, ignoring his offer for a tour. He didn't plan on sticking around Viridian for all that long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hemmy's eye's sparkled as he thanked the man who seemed like an angle. quickly running to put his pokemon in the new found pokeball. The nurse looked at him instantly beleiving he had stolen the ball until she was gray striding away and quickly healing up the pokemon giving the ball back the ten year old. Quickly quickly running outside to look around for the man who he had been beaten by, hemmy felt happier than he had in such a long time. He knew if he could find the man and thank him for what he had done, it would be ten times faster to get money together, and he could start of on his adventure. He hoped that gray and himself would cross paths again. And with that he ran towards were the rubble gang's territory were he knew he could beat the weaker fighters easily. He was forever in grays gratitude.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray frowned, leaning against the large, sturdy base of an oak tree, watching the opposite Bug Trainer with sharp grey eyes. Similarly, Gible stood in the grassy clearing, bent over and scowling at the form of a...Metapod. "Dragon Rage." He called out calmly, and Gible roared, sending out the blue and golden beam of power. It slammed into the Metapod, crushing it through multiple trees before it finally skidded to a stop. This was the fifth Bug Trainer he had beaten since entering the forest, and that was only five minutes ago.

"W-w-wha-" Bug Trainer Joey began stuttering, a few bills clutched in his hands. Gray merely recalled Gible, tilting his hat and grabbing the money out of the boy's hand as he walked deeper into the forest. "Name's Gray..." He murmured as he disappeared into the shadows. Pewter City was nearby...but there was something he wanted to attempt to catch, first. A Nidoran. They were useful allies, and he needed another partner on his team. To train with Gible, if anything. Catching a flash of purple in the corner of his eyes, Gray half smirked...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carson smiled and glanced at his mudkip, cole. He seem to be doing just fine against the pikachu. The Pokemon who hung on the trees of the forset watched the battle and stay hidden." You doing ok, right?" Carson had to make sure his pal who was ok. Cole nodded and started to bounce up and down a bit. The mudkip stopped and lowered his self." Great. Ok buddy, use tackle." Carson smiled. Cole had charged at the pikachu with full forced , pikachu did the same... This could decide the winner.this pikachu is all mines..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

Soulless Stepped off the Dangy decaying ship as he stepped into viridean city. He first goal was to get to pewter city as soon as possible. Riolu was practical jumping for joy when they left the cramped ship. they took off towards a poke-market. a blue topped Shop that contained merchandise to be used in Pokemon battles. Soulless and Riolu both grinned at the same time as they where giving a complimentary potion "this will come in handy" Soulless Told his Friend whose eyes where watching with awe at all the shiny objects.

Soulless Brought some potions pokeballs and some food it was not much due to soulless lack of money but it should get them to pewter. The battles will be tough but maybe they could beat many people and become world champions. but that was just a pipe dream. they mainly just needed to sustain themselves. so they took off on a small tour of the city Seeing a grey head individual fighting what seemed to be a scraggy. Soulless's eyes lit up that pokemon was not native to kanto at all. but he let them be. his Pokemon seemed to look at the grey haired individual with what looked like fear. but was then brushed away with a face of confidence.

Entering Viridean woods was easy but navigating proved to be the hard part they got lost near the start and the outcome was looking quite grim. however Soulless while walking stumbled upon a feasting Nidoran(male) Nidokings where strong Pokemon. Riolu Sensed a fight a took a stance in front of soulless. Its eyes full of understanding it rushed towards the Nidoran(male). at breakneck speeds The nidoran(male) went charging into the trees. Riolu wiped its Forehead withs its paw. it took a 1/4 of a secound to read soulless aura but during that 1/4 of a secound The nidoran had started to run away in fear off this pokemon it had never seen before.

It ran past the grey headed person.who half smirked maybe a little to soon because Soulless ran Straight into him knocking him over...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

James ran right into Hemmy and fell to her butt while her Pokemon went rolling away from her and hitting something that James couldn't see. "I'm already having a bad day then I have to just go and run into someone." She muttered angrily as she stood up and her Vulpix came bounding back over to her and growled at the new person in front of the two. "Erza stop." James snapped at her Pokemon who instantly shut up hearing her Trainer's anger. "Sorry 'bout running into you." She muttered adjusting her hat a little bit
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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1Charak2 said
Soulless Stepped off the Dangy decaying ship as he stepped into viridean city. He first goal was to get to pewter city as soon as possible. Riolu was practical jumping for joy when they left the cramped ship. they took off towards a poke-market. a blue topped Shop that contained merchandise to be used in Pokemon battles. Soulless and Riolu both grinned at the same time as they where giving a complimentary potion "this will come in handy" Soulless Told his Friend whose eyes where watching with awe at all the shiny objects.Soulless Brought some potions pokeballs and some food it was not much due to soulless lack of money but it should get them to pewter. The battles will be tough but maybe they could beat many people and become world champions. but that was just a pipe dream. they mainly just needed to sustain themselves. so they took off on a small tour of the city Seeing a grey head individual fighting what seemed to be a scraggy. Soulless's eyes lit up that pokemon was not native to kanto at all. but he let them be. his Pokemon seemed to look at the grey haired individual with what looked like fear. but was then brushed away with a face of confidence. Entering Viridean woods was easy but navigating proved to be the hard part they got lost near the start and the outcome was looking quite grim. however Soulless while walking stumbled upon a feasting Nidoran(male) Nidokings where strong Pokemon. Riolu Sensed a fight a took a stance in front of soulless. Its eyes full of understanding it rushed towards the Nidoran(male). at breakneck speeds The nidoran(male) went charging into the trees. Riolu wiped its Forehead withs its paw. it took a 1/4 of a secound to read soulless aura but during that 1/4 of a secound The nidoran had started to run away in fear off this pokemon it had never seen before.It ran past the grey headed person.who half smirked maybe a little to soon because Soulless ran Straight into him knocking him over...

"...Gible. Dragon Rage."

As soon as the dragon-type let loose with the same powerful beam of energy, knocking the Nidoran(male) into a tree, fully knocked out, Gray felt something...or someone...collide with his back. Thankfully he was a lean person, and the push only knocked him onto his hands, where he easily flipped back onto his feet and flicked a dark gray and black Poke-Ball at the knocked out Nidoran. The stranger who ran into him wasn't important right now - just the new addition to his team. The Poke-Ball shook for a few seconds, seemingly in caution, before clicking with a small glitter of sparkly black energy. A smirk appeared on his face, and Gray returned both of his Pokemon, clicking the Nidoran onto his belt, right beside Gible.

Since his capture was finished, Gray turned around to face the boy and Pokemon who ran into him. He seemed to have shaggy brown hair and a head-band-like-hat, and the Pokemon was a RIolu. The other boy was an inch or so shorter, and the Riolu eemed relatively strong. Gray merely gave him a silent gaze of emptiness, before turning on his heel and continuing down the path towards Pewter. He wasn't a people's person, and he didn't challenge others unless they challenged him first.
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