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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

After seeing the grey haired person catch the nidoran that he wanted soulless ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. Soulless asked with a hint of annoyance underlaying his Tone "Why did you catch the nidoran i was going for" Sensing this was getting nowhere Soulless Decided to try another approach "I challenge you to a 1v1 match my friend" If i win you apoligise and if you win. I... I... I... er Give you all my money. it was a large wager but soulless was confident in riolus abilty plus he knows at least one of gibles moves which he could counter easily. Soulless stood their waiting to receive a answer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray didn't respond verbally. He merely gave the boy a searching glance, seemingly going through multiple strategies as his eyes turned towards the Riolu as well. He didn't feel as if a battle was necessary - going to Pewter was on his first priority list. Regardless, he recognized the need to battle, and so he nodded silently, before flipping backwards and landing on a nearby tree branch. In a flash of silver, both Nidoran and Gible was out, and the latter of the two walked forward into the clearing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

Soulless dropped his calm outward appearance and simple Stood holding leaning next to a tree (after all why speak when your pokemon can read your Aura)
His Riolu Settled into a Stance in the Trees and waited tentively for the gible to make the first move (step one anaylse Soulless thought to himself)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray stood on the branch, hands in his pockets as the silence stretched on. Finally, his cold voice breezed through the clearing, "Dragon Rage." Gible immediately attacked, inhaling and exhaling the powerful beam of energy. It was like a bullet, blasting towards Riolu at fast speed. Immediately after, Gible got into a defensive stance, waiting for the Riolu's first move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

Riolu Dodged the Blast by his masters will using quick attack as it charged towards the gible with a look of deadly Determination not seen on its face for a while at outstanding speeds it was almost like a blur of air

(step 2 Counter Soulless Thought to himself but don't get cocky he reminded himself it could still go either way)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray tilted down his hat with his right hand, while clenching his left hand. A smirk appeared on his face, unnoticed by anyone else due to his shaded face. Fighting the Riolu with Gible was unfair to his childhood friend, considering the Pokémon was the one who did most of the battling in the first place. "Nidoran." He murmured, and Gible was returned in a flash of gray light, just as Nidoran appeared in the clearing, taking the Quick Attack with only a flinch.


Immediately after, it's horn glowed white, and the Nidoran rammed the sharp obtrusion at the Riolu, a battle cry escaping it's mouth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

Riolu's body pulsed for a second be leaping back it managed to survive using endure (god danmmit thought Soulless We need to change tactics we did not expect a switch)

Riolu charged forward with another quick attack (if it flinchs this time keep hitting it over and over Soulless told his friend through his aura) Riolus eyes flashed with acknowledgement as it Zigzagged its way towards the new opponent
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ariella walked around the forest yawning. It was soo tiring to walk! And she was alone, her pokemon was inside of her pokeball and all she wanted to do was to get out of this forest! She was on her way to Vidirian City! As she was arriving she could see a pink cat running around. It was a skitty! "Aah!~ It's so cute and adorable!" and with that she grabbed her pokeball and sent out her pokemon saying the following words. "Gooooo, Gothita! Spotlight!" and with that a white flash got out of the pokeball and then a small pokemon appeared! It was cute and it winked at Skitty. "Gothita!" she said smiling.

"Pound!" The trainer yelled as Gothita ran towards the pink cat pokemon and used it's attack making it a critical hit! "Skitty!" the cat said flying towards a tree and smacking it's body to it. Skitty would stand up and run to Gothita and used it's bite attack! "Dodge it!" Arielle said to Gothita. "Use Confusion!" and with that Gothita's eyes turned light purple as the Skitty was now being attacked by confusion, and it was confusion twirling around. "Ski...tty!" the cat pokemon said.

"Go pokeball!" she sent the empty pokeball to Skitty attempting to catch it! A couple of seconds and it was caught! "Yay!" she smiled grabbing the newly obtained pokemon's pokeball Skitty! She smiled at Gothita. "You did great!" and with that she returned her pokemon! And Ariella made her way to the city.

As she was on her way she could see a battle! [Gray and Soulles]. "Oooh! A battle!" she said walking towards it and watching it. It was a Riolu versus a Gible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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1Charak2 said
Riolu's body pulsed for a second be leaping back it managed to survive using endure (god danmmit thought Soulless We need to change tactics we did not expect a switch)Riolu charged forward with another quick attack (if it flinchs this time keep hitting it over and over Soulless told his friend through his aura) Riolus eyes flashed with acknowledgement as it Zigzagged its way towards the new opponent

'The same tactic, hm...?' Gray thought emotionlessly, slipping his hands into his pockets. The boy's gray eyes glinted ominously, and he finally spoke up, just as soon as the Riolu got within striking distance. "Double Kick." Nidoran turned on it's heels, leaping onto it's front paws and shooting his powerful legs backwards in two explosive kicks as soon as the Riolu barreled into him.

Gary noticed a female watching, but he opted to simply ignore her, his eyes returning to the battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

(lets hope this works) Riolu endured once more leaving it serverly weakened but still at fighting capability (it can't keep this up much longer) at point blank the Riolu Bombarded the Nidoran with many Blows of quick attack. but the strain was starting to take its toll as Riolu broke out in a sweat but it refused to give up. panting Waiting to see if the nidoran got up or stayed down. (we have little time left before you collapses from the poisen Soulless told his Childhood partner)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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As the dust slowly cleared, Gray tilted his hat downwards, a half smirk appearing on his face as Nidoran slowly stood up. In the barrage of quick attacks, the Pokémon's hard armor boded well, allowing him to glance off some of the blows, while parrying a few with his horn. The Nidoran was bruised greatly, however, but it could still fight. Gray brought up a hand, and made a sharp, concise slicing motion. "...Let's finish this. Peck." He murmured, his cold voice just hearable over the silence. Nidoran roared, before rearing up, horn glowing powerfully. It blasted towards Riolu, planning on at least getting a tie. The opponent Riolu Pokémon was fast, that's for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
Avatar of The Red Seelie

The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

(Riolu my friend we can't win this not at the state your in Lets at least try to faint the nidoran before you collapse Use quick attack) Riolu Just stood their refusing to move ground
The Peck Connected It used endure. it was at its last wisps of consciousness it aura Gathered in its fist not much It Then Punched the Nidoran in the face with the energy "Counter" soulless could not help but say allowed at the sight of this new move. RIolu was barely standing It collapsed as the dust Settled But The nidoran had collapsed as well.
but the thing is was it still conscious...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As he thought, Cole managed to knock out the pikachu after a longish battle." Nice job cole. It's time catch us a pikachu." He threw the ball at the pikachu , which sucked it inside. The ball wiggled three times and flashed." Sweet..a pikachu. Let's train before we go to the gym." Carson walked off to battle random trainers
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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After the punch, Nidoran collapsed...but it was still awoke, if not on the edge of consciousness. Gray tilted his head, a crease appearing on his forehead as he stared at the two Pokémon. The Riolu must have been swimming in pure luck, to be able to use Endure three times in a row. With a snort, he leaped from the trees, landing nimbly on the ground. He walked beside the two Pokémon, only sparing the Riolu a glance, before crouching beside Nidoran. Sure enough, the Pokémon was on the verge of fainting.


He picked the Nidoran up in his arms, giving his opponent a glance of acknowledgement, before turning on his heel and taking another step down the path. The battle was a tie, and it was certainly interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ariella would look at the trainers who finished the battle. "YEAH!" she smiled running towards them and waiving. "Hello there, my name is Ariella." she smiled showing her pearly white teeth as she ran a hand through her brown hair but then nodded her head. "That was a really good battle! You guys did good! Both of you are great at it. Hahaha. Sooo, what's up? Oh maybe you guys should go to the pokemon center to check the fainted pokemon out." she said bitting her bottom lip seeing that she was speaking to much, so she stayed quiet and waited for a response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Carson sighed and looked at his Pokemon."'nice job guys. You two got abit more stronger." He spotted something in the distance walked towards it . It was white egg with red and blue triangles on it. Carson carefully picked it up." Poor thing.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
Avatar of The Red Seelie

The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

Picking Riolu up and into his backpack he started to trek down the path where the grey head person went Soulless was in the highest of spirits after all he just tied with a brutal tactician who could of easily had beaten him to a pulp. Looking behind him he seemed to notice a female nidoran Who kept following him She did not seem to relent after he put down some food so he put down a Poke-ball and sure enough she Pressed the button and she caught herself willingly Huh that was strange. Soulless told himself as he Called her back out ."Now what to name you ah i know how bout Empress" the nidoran Squealed happily at that name.

Suddenly He broke out of the forest into the big city his eyes suddenly shrunk with intake of light he smiled as he and his new Pokemon Strolled towards the Pokemon center to get Riolu healed up for the gym battle the day was getting better and Better with every passing moment. maybe his dream was not so much a pipe dream that he first thought coming here after all...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray got multiple looks of caution as he strolled into Pewter. The boy thought for a second, before frowning and gazing back at the citizens with a cold aura. It was because of his clothing. Since he wore a slim, protective black and gray hoodie with a R on the chest, long black and gray gloaves, black pants, boots, and hat, he was seen as a Rocket member by some of the more weaker willed civilians. He wasn't one, however - he wore his clothing in honor of his father, whom he was sure died, like his mother. Not even bothering with commenting on their gazes, Gray entered the Pewter City Pokémon Center.
After quickly healing his two Pokémon, Gray exited the Center, quickly going through his mental map. There was quite a few facilities going throughout the entirety of Pewter City, but one in particular garnered his attention. A Training School...

It only took him a few seconds to find it, and as soon as he entered the School, the boy was pierced with multiple scrutinizing looks. The room was large, with one side dedicated to teaching, and the other side dedicated to battling. There was mostly children his own age there, but there was also a few teenagers and teachers.

"Welcome to the Pewter Training School!" A middle-aged man smiled, walking over to Gray. His nametag read 'Robbie'. Instead of answering, Gray nodded, brushing past the man and heading towards the small battle room. No one was currently battling, so he walked over to one side of the ring. A small group of boys walked to the other side, and Gray tilted his head, silently asking for a battle. It was three guys, and they were all rather tall - maybe around 15 or 16.

"Kid, do you really want to battle us? We're known as The Deviants." The leader asked with a grin, twirling a Poke-Ball between his fingers. Gray didn't reply. In a flash of gray light, both Nidoran and Gible appeared on the field. The leader shook his head, throwing out two Pokémon as well; A Sandshrew, and a Geodude. His two lackeys flanked him.

"Your funeral. Let's go, Geodude, Sandshrew!"

Gray tilted his hat downwards, shading his eyes, while sliding his left hand into his pocket. A chilling smirk appeared, unnoticed on his face.

"...Dominate the fools...Ravage, King."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
Avatar of The Red Seelie

The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

Soulless Exited the pokemon center Riolu was Fit to health Happily walking by his side and Empress was Sitting in the hole in his hat resting on his head he checked the map outside the pokemon center most of the facilty where preety decent interesting but not worthwhile to check out maybe some other time But what intrested him most was the Museum it healed the fossils of deceased ancient Pokemon and he loved archaeology. so thats how they found themselfs on the way to the museum when suddenly there was a stifling in the bins.

it was a ralts it was weak and it had burn marks all over its body Soulless rushed to its aid "help me" it told him and his pokemon mentally of telepathy "help me please" Soulless emptied his backpack on the floor he sprayed the burn marks with the potions he brought earlier they stopped swelling and they slowly started to fade. riolu was helping soulless with his stuff while nidoran was keeping the ralts calm. Soulless pulled out one of the berries he picked on his way through the Viridean forest. the ralts ate Slowly but surely. it would recover with some time. he refused to take it to take it to a pokemon center where they would do the slowly more painful method and he also refused to catch it because it did not have a say in the matter. So he propped it into his pack back with his jacket making a makeshift blanket. he walked slowly and carefully towards a secluded park where he could treat it better in private where it was less lucky to be scared
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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"Geodude, Rock Throw! Sandshrew, Scratch!"

Gray watched as the two Pokémon launched their moves. Geodude punched the concrete, gathering a large rock in his stony hands, and launching it at Nidoran, while Sandshrew rolled towards Gible, claws glowing an eerie white. Gray knew that it wouldn't take him long - at all - to completely slice into these trainers, and he could tell that Nidoran was really, really close to evolving...so the boy opted to quickly knock the Pokémon out.

"...Dragon Rage. Double Kick." He commanded quietly, his voice only reaching his two Pokémon. Nidoran released a shrill cry, leaping into the air and flipping, so that his two back legs slammed against the large boulder. It completely tore through the rock, and Nidoran landed right in front of the Geodude. Another Double-Kick slammed against the rock-type's face, and stone chipped off, as the Geodude was launched backwards and into it's trainer.

Gible, meanwhile, took only a second. It roared, releasing a large blast of Dragon Rage at the rolling Sandshrew, catching it mid-roll and, similarly, sending it flying towards it's trainer, knocked out. The two Lackeys dragged their Leader away, while Gray leaned against the wall, watching another trainer walk up. This one was a female, and she grinned, throwing out a Poke-Ball with an overdramatic flourish.

"Let's Dazzle him, Roselia-!" She began, but was cut off as, Roselia, whom was in the middle of twirling for Gible, was suddenly blasted back into the stone wall due to a Dragon Rage slamming into it's small body. Oddly enough, it wasn't knocked out - just stuck in the wall...but one more Dragon Rage knocked it out fully. The trainer gazed fearfully at Gray, before sniffling and returning her Roselia, running out of the school.

Gray's face stayed carefully stoic as he collected his winnings, after returning his Pokémon. For now, a break. With a grunt, he sat in his winner's circle, taking out a bottle of water.
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