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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

Soulless was still at work Healing up the Ralts who was starting to show signs of hypothermia He took his jumper and his hat And placed them near ralts to keep it warm. But it still was not enouth he light a small fire and instructed Empress to protect the ralts while he Headed off to the trainer school to gather some supplies. it took him a couple of minutes but when he arrivied he was shocked to see the inside of the school such a cluttered mess theire was alot of crying and tears and but theire was a apparent lack of trainers in the battle zone "you" soulless whispered under his breath as he caught sight of the silver headed boy drinking his water. but he was not here to fight the ralts needed some medical supplys. he opened the first aid kit and took some burn heals and 2 oran berries He left his last amount of cash in teh box and returned it to its spot as he hurried back to ralts.
With riolu Carring supplys in his arms.

When he reached the pokemon Who had been warming by the fire he started to perk up. he fully treated her burns and he feed her some oran berries So she would not faint and to regain her strength The ralts smiled... today really was a great day (soulless thought)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hemmy smiled as his foe's roggenrola felt to the ground and he managed to scrap some money out of him. He had taken out quiet a few of there members but it was a given that fighting rock types would he good for him. They had been good for his experiance and even better for money, and they knew he would be coming in to attack, having the weaker fighters up front was odd for them. But he didn't ask as he now had more money than ever, thanks to being able to heal his pokemon easily and quicker than ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Neku, using the recent defeat of all the trainers in the Viridian Forest to his advantage, safely makes his way into Pewter City. His partner, Leif, is currently walking beside him, cheerful as ever. Neku had a pokeball for him, but he only used it for when Leif needed healing. Making his way through the city, he noticed a girl exit a building and rush to the pokemon center, holding a Roselia in her arms. "That must be the training school.." Neku thought to himself. "Come on, Leif. Let's check it out." Leif nodded in agreement as it walked in with him into the school. "Seems like you've mopped the floor with everyone here." He said to Gray, for all the other trainers were moving towards the doors to take their pokemon to the nearby center.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray took yet another gulp of his ice-cold water, glancing up through wisping bangs of gray hair. The boy who talked to him seemed to have shocking orange or ginger hair, and a Ralts walked beside him. Interesting..."Yes," He finally spoke, his quiet, stoic voice barely hearable, "They weren't that strong." He tilted his hat downwards, finishing off his bottle of water and standing up. The black and gray-clad boy noticed that he was a bit taller than the other teen. It wasn't that shocking, however. His height was always a bit taller than most children his age.

"I'm guessing that you're going to challenge me as well?" He asked, not really caring either way. His Pokémon weren't tired, and neither was he, although he planned on taking care of the Gym Leader relatively soon, so that he could move on to the next city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"No..I'd rather not get in your way." Neku responds. Leif looks at Gray and his pokemon curiously. simply wondering if they're friends or not. "Since you're through here, I'm guessing you'll be challenging the gym leader?" Neku asks. This question only makes sense considering the amount of damage he's caused to not only the other trainer's pokemon, but to the building itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray nodded, crossing his arms and glancing up at the large clock that rested on the school's wall. It was getting well into the afternoon, but he had planned on getting to Pewter by the evening time, so he still had a few hours. The boy turned back to Neku, curiosity now tilting at the corners of his eyes. "Yes. Are you here for the same reason?" His eyes turned downwards, towards the Ralts. It didn't look specifically powerful or intimidating, but looks could be deceiving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Yeah, but, I feel my partner and I could use a bit more training.." Neku admits, adjusting his headphones slightly out of habit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hemmy smiled as he actually had the money to buy two pokeballs and for a weeks supply of food. Setting off to the next city, Hemmy felt proud of himself and started off on his journey. Quickly healing up his pokemon and began to walk away until he heard a shout from another boy and the running of a few feet. "hey, your the one who was taking out those rubble gang kids right, well I'm one of the leaders and I have come to challenge you" the boy said as he let a cubone step forward, hemmy did the same for his pokemon. "you wont be doing much to him, your lackeys did a good job toughining us up, and we'll be leaving soon so why not just let it go" Hemmy said assuming a fighting stance. The boy ignored the last part and called for his pokemon to use a tail whip, only for kimbo to low sweep and put it on the ground. It didn't do much to faze the foe but it flinched, allowing a tackle to be delivered. The Cubone growled at his foe in hopes to intimidate the scraggy but was beaten with a leer sending it cowaring away from the hoodlum pokemon's next tackle. "hahaha seems you need to work on this one's strength. " HEEMY SAID as he watched his pokemon tackle the little pokemon. "cubone come back" the boy said as scraggy stopped chasing it and allowed the boy to show his next pokemon. "go onix" the boy said thowing a pokeball and watching the scraggy instantyly low kick the bulky pokemon and give it a mean glare. Everytime it managed to get the hoodlum pokemon simply kicked it down again. "erg, you're wining because he's a rock type that's no fair" the boy said watching his onix beaten badly. The boy returns his pokemon and runs away "this isn't the last of me" were the last words he head from him before rehealing his pokemon and jetting from town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carson sighed, abit bored and put the egg in his bag. He then walked off
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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ShadowVentus said
"Yeah, but, I feel my partner and I could use a bit more training.." Neku admits, adjusting his headphones slightly out of habit.

Gray nodded in understanding, uncrossing his arms and allowing a small smirk to appear on his face. The boy had a few hours to spare, so he might as well do something productive for both him and his Pokemon. "Understandable." He responded. "Have you tried fighting anyone here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Neku smirks as well at this question. "Unfortunately, everyone on my way here was defeated by a trainer and his dragon-type pokemon. I wasn't sure what I was more surprised by; the fact that a dragon type was used or that they were all beaten by the same trainer." He stated, knowing that it was obvious he was speaking of the boy before him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hemmy and kimbo looked around the forest, bugs and little children seemed to be all around. Hemmy looked around carefully before begining to walk through the tall grass, it covered his knees and most of his friend who walked behind him. "we still got two pokeballs so go easy on some of the pokemon, don't want them dead and all hehehe" he said joking as he accidentally bumped into a boy with a net. "our eyes met we must battle" (wrong guy I know) the boy said before throwing a metapod out and letting hemmy laugh as kimbo low sweeped it and tackled it away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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James sighed as she wandered around the forest with Erza following her. She couldn't find anyone or anything to battle! It was getting frustrating and her bad day was only getting worse when she ran right into a tree. "SCREW YOU STUPID TREE!" She yelled glaring at the tree. Erza came over to James and looked up at her Trainer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

The ralts stood up "phew your OK you had us scared for a while their" Soulless Told it "yea im sorry for being such a trouble to you" the ralts Telepathically told Soulless. "wow you can speak telepathically your sorta like my riolu who can read my thoughts through my aura" Soulless thought "uh huh" the Ralts answered politely "so why where you rummaging through that bin anyway" Soulless asked intrigued. "well team rocket Killed both my parents So they could capture my sister who was a Different Colored Kirlia". "Shiny" Soulless responded. "Whatever" She replied "anyway I've been Scavenging through bins for food ever since". "do you know where they took her" he asked the ralts who was growing impatient "yea they said something about a secret room in the hall of fame".

"damn" soulless cursed under his breath "we can't enter their without all 8 gym badges" "well lets Get all 8 gym badges" it asked Annoyed "it will take us at least 3 months to get all the badges" soulless replied Showing how little the Ralts knew "oh well er" it had not planned thi.s "well i want to help you the best i can but im gonna need your help to get all the gym badges so would you like to join my team (he holds out a small poke-ball) i never keep my Pokemon in there poke-balls except to quickly heal them so it will be no different to how you are now" he replied smiling a little The Ralts Thought about it for a minute or 2 before replying "sure i guess but lemme give you something in return for helping me. it held out its hand and touched Soulless's Forehead it felt like a rush of a instinct was entering his brain he then Fainted.

About a hour later...

Soulless Woke up to a paw prodding his face "did you really have to knock him out ralts" a voice asked "well if i didn't he would probably be in a coma now" Soulless Slowly opened his eyes "hey Soulless" Riolu Asked its face a Grin. "Did you sleep well Soulless" Empress asked in a motherly voice "i guess" soulless answered before realizing who he was talking to "hey hey hey How the hell can i speak the language of Pokemon!" Soulless asked Kinda Scared "that would be my doing" the ralts replied stepping forward to explain "basically I Awakened one of your Ancient Unused Instincts The one all humans had when Pokemon and humans where still a closely related species you humans closed your ears to Pokemon as time went on treating us as pets instead of humanity's equals But i trust u soul you seem different them other i have meet before"

"so does this mean i can understand all Pokemon" soulless asked still a bit shocked at the revelations "yes you can understand the language of Pokemon which pretty much all humans can't and you can speak it which your doing naturally right now. wow i could use this for battling but i would have to change my approach considerably Because its no longer a do as a i say thing it will be teamwork to the very end, So are you guys with me" "of course" they all said together. "quick question" soulless Asked "what are we doing back in viridean forest".

"well we moved you here because you nearly hit a thorn bush in your sleep" Empress Replied with a soft caring voice "well lets start moving back to the path" Soulless Replied Standing up and moving along a thicket of bushs going back to the general location of the path. he was at it for a minute or 2 when he noticed a Girl Shouting at a tree Holding a hand to here head with her vulpix watching. Soulless Walked up behind her. "are you ok?" he asked tapping her shoulder...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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James turned around slowly she was still livid. "Yea I'm fine." She said anger evident in her voice. "Vulpix!" The Pokemon said looking at the Trainer and his Pokemon. James shot a glance at her Vulpix who's fur had started to bristle. "Erza stop." James said calmly and her Pokemon looked at her and almost ran away from her Trainer because of the angry look in her trainers eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

"hey hey Be careful pokemon have feelings as well. and you look like you've been through hell" Soulless Said noticing the frustration and anger in her eyes. "it seems you Vulpix wants to battle. and you look like you need to vent your anger at something and someone so how bout you fight me 1 on 1 you use your vulpix and i" Soulless paused for a second "hey Ralts you up for a battle?" while soulless understood what he was saying no one else could except the Pokemon "yea sure i guess so" Ralts replied with a smirk on its face "imma wipe the floor with her". Ralts stepped in front of soulless "ok so i choose Ralts" soulless said turning back to the girl with the brown hair "so you up for it"?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Sure." James said standing up and Erza let her fur bristle again. James turned her hat backwards so the front side of it was crushing down her ponytail. "Ready Erza?" James asked her Pokemon who made a slight growl. James smirked her eyes glittering with amusement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

"ok so il take the first move" soulless shouted (speaking in the pokemon language) "Ralts Use Confusion to Bombard Vulpix with stones" Soulless Told it Calmly "i got this Soulless don't worry" the Ralts responded While it levitated The Stones with confusion and started throwing them at surprising speed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Erza dodge then use Ember." James said as she focused herself in on the fight as her Pokemon dodge the rocks with only one or two scraping her and she sent flames towards the other Pokemon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

the ralts brought some pebbles in front of it to protect it from the brunt of the attack some got through. scraping its hands and knees. then the ralts got Real pissed and used Confusion to lift the Vulpix into the Air Before Bring it Down with Extreme Anger Straight into the Stony Ground
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