Dani: Like what? I'm not gonna keep humping everyone in sight just for your amusement. It loses it's impact after awhile, and then it's no longer a defining character trait... then I'm just a whore.
Mal: I asked if anyone wished to engage in friendly sparring, but no one wanted to partake.
CW: Whatever. I'm just bored. The internet has nothing good. Maybe I'll just watch Linkara's History of Power Rangers... for the fourth time.
Dani: Like what? I'm not gonna keep humping everyone in sight just for your amusement. It loses it's impact after awhile, and then it's no longer a defining character trait... then I'm just a whore.
Mal: I asked if anyone wished to engage in friendly sparring, but no one wanted to partake.
CW: Whatever. I'm just bored. The internet has nothing good. Maybe I'll just watch Linkara's History of Power Rangers... for the fourth time.