18 year old straight male.
phillmyster said
21 year old Straight Male, or Lizardman, depends if you know the mothership code
The Irish Tree said
726 year old asexual tree.
Sableyezer said
... how are you typing?
Sableyezer said
is that a doctor who reference?
CrimsonWarrior55 said
Is it sad that our Green Room IC has far more posts than the regular IC?
CrimsonWarrior55 said
Dude. We are 24 and 25. We're not old.But yes, it does suck.
The Irish Tree said
726 year old asexual tree.
The Irish Tree said
726 year old
The Irish Tree said
ladyonyx04 said
At least your not 1267 and the last of your kind. So zip et! :P
The Irish Tree said
What trees do YOU know that can type?