We will for generations argue the causes for the latest Great War. For what reasons it was fought for, why it transpired, and exactly who won. But for all the territory it covered, and for its tangled complexity there may never be a clear answer. For the years it destroyed. For all purposes it may be convenient for the common man to measure its values based on their political feelings. But now the days after are still young. We are crippled by the war's effect. Too bruised are we to have to look back on the trauma we faced collectively as people we once held as brothers died in soiled fields at the rocket's fire.
We race of men have long killed each other on the field of battle. We once held it as honorable and romantic. But as the taste of war waned out of the civilized world we forgot how brutal it was. That sense of inhumane brutality replaced with a second wave of Romanticism, fueled by the movie consuming youths playing their games in darkened basements. We lusted for a blood that was nonexistent. And we forced them to see the cruel inhuman practice that is war.
It took fifteen years until the carnage ended. Fifteen long years to uproot nations and destroy generations. We adapted, as we often do. But at what cost? A year after and we still have not found out...
New Order – A Post Third World War RP was originally created and GMed by Duck55223 and passed down to me.
The setting of the RP is as simple as it sounds. After fifteen years of harsh international warfare - 2025-2039 - the world is a year after recovering from brutal conflict across a number of fronts. In terms of scale and the loose alliances and involvement by the many belligerent nations across the world it could be called a World War to the tune of the First and Second Great Wars, it can also be looked at as a period of harsh conflict in which a multitude of massive, large-scale wars burned across the globe.
Suffice to say, after such a conflict what changes have been made to the future politics of the nations could have given way to stark political shifts, or will soon be as the national citizenry chew over whether or not the War was worth it. There isn't a clear nonobjective answer to that, not in the same way the Second World War was coined as being a war against Fascism and Imperialism soon after the fact. But you probably don't want to know that. So what was The War?
Apart from being a number of wider conflicts across the world, The War was also the small-scale exchange and deployment of chemical and nuclear weapons focused on a number of hot or strategic positions, in addition to the conflicts of national interests in each of the theaters. For RP purposes I won't divulge all the details on all the theaters and some will be better written than most. I do this because I'm not lazy, nor do I have anything important to reveal later; but merely I wish for the rest of us to write these theaters. As well, the Theater descriptions are written out of current knowledge divulged or discussed in the previous thread.
These Theaters:
The European Theater
Since the early chunk of the 21st century the European Union has been a contentious issue in conservative politics across the Eurosphere. Heralded originally as being a trade union for a free European Market it later evolved into a political body representing all of Europe as a whole. Its legislation making market restrictions that had broad impacts for all of Europe, or even large amounts of the world. As such, as the 2010's came and went the issue of Euro Skepticism grew. Provoked by nationalist parties seeking a return to the world of defined national politics in the grand European political state.
This ultimately brought to an end the European Union in the 2020's and the marked election of many conservative or deeply nationalistic parties in key member states such as France and Germany. The British Nationalist Party achieved election victory in the EU elections and successfully removed the UK from the crumbling EU. With its economic strength greatly damaged and its political influence greatly hindered the EU exploded by the War's beginning.
In Europe, The War started as Germany sought to regain the lost territories of its former Imperial domain as sung in its anthem. Turning on the Netherlands it marched to consolidate its power over the Lower Rhine and likewise to France for Alascea Lorraine, ultimately seizing both territories. Although it pushed East its war effort against Poland wasn't nearly as successful.
Though a number of smaller conflicts or revolutions may have boiled in Europe the major contention points in Europe would be centered on German nationalism and the pursuit of alliances with or against the German state.
The War in the Middle East
The greater conflict in the Middle East was largely defined by sectarian violence born from radicalization and fundamentalism from within or outside the Islamic State as well as a number of minority nationalist movements from groups such as the Kurds.
As a region, the Middle East is still largely reeling from ideas of National Politics just over a hundred years old in places and the growing pains have not settled. And on the broader scale many of the wars fought were in consolidation of young national thought. Also Isreal.
The War in Africa
Africa has long been a continent familiar with conflict, but all the same a continent long familiar with European influences. In the early 21st century China made cordial political and economic moves onto the Dark Continent to expand their influence and to acquire the rights to the continent's rich mineral reserves to feed their growing economic machine. Competing with India, the Chinese made great early economic successes in Ethiopia in the 2010's and later began working on their influence in Nigeria, attracted by the nation's plentiful copper deposits.
By the War's beginning and the general faltering of European power in response to home-front threats in the west, the Chinese stepped up their game of influence in Africa, often going so far as arming and financing insurgency groups to overthrow the national, European-friendly governments of Africa to put Chinese-friendly governments in power rapidly.
The incursion of Chinese influence in Africa attracted European attention back to their former colonies and they moved to counter the Chinese. The French and British were the largest players in the coalition to confront Chinese insurgency and special operations and countered in kind with funding and supplying counter-insurgents and the deployment of mercenary corporations (who have seen a renewed world after the international legal pressures from the UN were dissolved after the UN's dissolution).
In all, the fate of The War in Africa is murky. Though the violence has stopped neither side appropriately made gains. For all purposes the old governments in Africa have remained as they were and there was little territorial gains (the merger of the old French and Belgian Congo being the most appropriate). The Chinese forced far too few government changes, but managed to resist European demands to disarm their insurgent groups. In the end, over 80% of the original Chinese backed insurgents kept their arms and remain active to some degree.
Otherwise, the waning and disappearance of Boko Haram may be the region's only solid victory.
War in Central America
If there was ever a region to ever see the ugliest face of war it would be Central America. Thrust into the middle of a North-South conflict the states of Central America have largely ceased to exist from Panama to southern Honduras. The scale of devastation wrought in the war against the resurgence of the 19th century state Gran Columbia destroying the nations – and most of Columbia itself – from everything but paper.
The Central American parliament mustered an army valiantly enough with the backing of the United States, but it was not enough to save the region as it rapidly devolved into self-destructive and ecologically destructive guerrilla combat. When the smoke cleared Columbia wore a dark gash of ash and contamination from chemical and nuclear weapons, fired in a desperate bid to sever Columbian access to the American Isthmus. But through the brutal fighting Central America took the worst. Now its borders exist only on maps as the region rests in defacto disarray.
A number of NGO's maintain what's often advertised as authority over the region, but that is itself a lie to the outside in a bid to collect humanitarian donations. The only authority lies along the Panama Canal, the epicenter of the regional destruction. But even in this zone of semi-control there exists uneasy anarchy between desperate groups of raiders and pirates, most of which fueled by war veterans from both the region and the world over.
War In Asia
The current detailed conflict in Asia involves the exchange of nuclear weapons between India and Pakistan as the rising global crisis temperature brings them to blows of disputed territories. Ultimately both and knocked out in radioactive fire and India – as a major food-stuffs exporter – is handicapped and burned to the point of no longer being competitive. Other Asian power's involvement is unknown. The exchange of fire reducing large sectors – and the greater nations - of India and Pakistan transformed both into the Asian equivalent of Central America.
The UN
Predictably for this to work the UN has disbanded entirely as a response to political stresses damaging its ability to function properly. As such the organization closed its doors when the signs of war began to flicker, and they had not the strength or even the common ground to appropriately respond in any way.

Gray markings indicated provinces/states/regions of a larger nation or “Theoretical” nations based on old [mostly] ex-states and multi-national ethnic boundaries (Pashtunistan, Kurdistan). These nations may be claimed as a formal nation (in which case they'll be marked as black)* or may even be a simple basis for later revolution arcs to “liberate” that region from the mother nation for glorious minority.
*Pending acceptance from based GM if you are a sensible person.
- Standard RP Etiquette required.
- When claiming a nation and if you take “extra national territory” you must limit land claims to two nations smaller in territory or population than the “central” nation. And only if your nation was involved militarily in The War. Conditions of union based on “fear” will be denied, because if that was ever the case anywhere then there'd be a lot of shifting borders today. Georgia does not simply merge with Armenia because they're afraid of Russia.
This also applies to nations with pre-written territorial gains, automatically discounting Germany and The Congo.
- We do not rely on stats. Rather, I largely operate on a free-form basis. Though I expect us to operate in a realm of perceived realism. Though in the face of extreme changes, extreme divergence from the current political reality is possible, so long as it makes sense. This may be pointed and challenged by anyone on the basis a even dialectic platform is established and we are uniform in understanding.
- Though there may have been war and war leads to the trope of advanced technological progress, keep in mind this is massive multi-theater war stressing about any and all points of the global market. Super sci-fi weapons could be ultimately impractical when the rare-earths and materials needed can not be mined due to military embargoes or hoarding by someone who owns it. As well, the sheer mass of the conflict and the world of Cyber Warfare may ultimately lead to more progress in “smaller” advancements meant to circumvent war-fatique or to maintain control or a competitive edge on the battlefield, means to gain advantage over a whole theater may be too dangerous or impractical to design when a infinite number of national security concerns need to be taken.
I also have my economic concerns for these with wartime inflating the cost of many base resources to the roof and beyond, making a lot of projects in the later half of the war expensive to construct while maintaining full mobilization. I'mma post that argument now.
- Absolute no one-liners. Post length recommended at a minimum of five to six sentences.
No one is space based or space-bound. No inter-solar colonies, moon bases, or large-scale space stations are being maintained nor have they been launched.
- Time is measured by: one month = four pages
Application - Nation
Name of Nation:
Background: (History of nation, government and who leads, and how it got that way. Point of divergence is 2015. Minimum length of three paragraphs.)
Other: (Not recommended. Use for anything that would not fit in the above. If nothing then omit.)
Application – Group
For those looking to play as a NGO: company, rebel movement/Social movement, international organizations, etc.
Assets: (What its controls, you can include land in this but don't make it to big, your not a country after all.)
Personnel: (Amount of people employed or in the group)
History: (Minimum length of three paragraphs.)
Application – Individual
For those who just want to explore the RP from ground level. No corporate or national politics. No need to fill out for any individual character part of your own nation-based or group-based story arcs.
Physical Characteristics: (Age, gender, body)
We race of men have long killed each other on the field of battle. We once held it as honorable and romantic. But as the taste of war waned out of the civilized world we forgot how brutal it was. That sense of inhumane brutality replaced with a second wave of Romanticism, fueled by the movie consuming youths playing their games in darkened basements. We lusted for a blood that was nonexistent. And we forced them to see the cruel inhuman practice that is war.
It took fifteen years until the carnage ended. Fifteen long years to uproot nations and destroy generations. We adapted, as we often do. But at what cost? A year after and we still have not found out...
New Order – A Post Third World War RP was originally created and GMed by Duck55223 and passed down to me.
The setting of the RP is as simple as it sounds. After fifteen years of harsh international warfare - 2025-2039 - the world is a year after recovering from brutal conflict across a number of fronts. In terms of scale and the loose alliances and involvement by the many belligerent nations across the world it could be called a World War to the tune of the First and Second Great Wars, it can also be looked at as a period of harsh conflict in which a multitude of massive, large-scale wars burned across the globe.
Suffice to say, after such a conflict what changes have been made to the future politics of the nations could have given way to stark political shifts, or will soon be as the national citizenry chew over whether or not the War was worth it. There isn't a clear nonobjective answer to that, not in the same way the Second World War was coined as being a war against Fascism and Imperialism soon after the fact. But you probably don't want to know that. So what was The War?
Apart from being a number of wider conflicts across the world, The War was also the small-scale exchange and deployment of chemical and nuclear weapons focused on a number of hot or strategic positions, in addition to the conflicts of national interests in each of the theaters. For RP purposes I won't divulge all the details on all the theaters and some will be better written than most. I do this because I'm not lazy, nor do I have anything important to reveal later; but merely I wish for the rest of us to write these theaters. As well, the Theater descriptions are written out of current knowledge divulged or discussed in the previous thread.
These Theaters:
The European Theater
Since the early chunk of the 21st century the European Union has been a contentious issue in conservative politics across the Eurosphere. Heralded originally as being a trade union for a free European Market it later evolved into a political body representing all of Europe as a whole. Its legislation making market restrictions that had broad impacts for all of Europe, or even large amounts of the world. As such, as the 2010's came and went the issue of Euro Skepticism grew. Provoked by nationalist parties seeking a return to the world of defined national politics in the grand European political state.
This ultimately brought to an end the European Union in the 2020's and the marked election of many conservative or deeply nationalistic parties in key member states such as France and Germany. The British Nationalist Party achieved election victory in the EU elections and successfully removed the UK from the crumbling EU. With its economic strength greatly damaged and its political influence greatly hindered the EU exploded by the War's beginning.
In Europe, The War started as Germany sought to regain the lost territories of its former Imperial domain as sung in its anthem. Turning on the Netherlands it marched to consolidate its power over the Lower Rhine and likewise to France for Alascea Lorraine, ultimately seizing both territories. Although it pushed East its war effort against Poland wasn't nearly as successful.
Though a number of smaller conflicts or revolutions may have boiled in Europe the major contention points in Europe would be centered on German nationalism and the pursuit of alliances with or against the German state.
The War in the Middle East
The greater conflict in the Middle East was largely defined by sectarian violence born from radicalization and fundamentalism from within or outside the Islamic State as well as a number of minority nationalist movements from groups such as the Kurds.
As a region, the Middle East is still largely reeling from ideas of National Politics just over a hundred years old in places and the growing pains have not settled. And on the broader scale many of the wars fought were in consolidation of young national thought. Also Isreal.
The War in Africa
Africa has long been a continent familiar with conflict, but all the same a continent long familiar with European influences. In the early 21st century China made cordial political and economic moves onto the Dark Continent to expand their influence and to acquire the rights to the continent's rich mineral reserves to feed their growing economic machine. Competing with India, the Chinese made great early economic successes in Ethiopia in the 2010's and later began working on their influence in Nigeria, attracted by the nation's plentiful copper deposits.
By the War's beginning and the general faltering of European power in response to home-front threats in the west, the Chinese stepped up their game of influence in Africa, often going so far as arming and financing insurgency groups to overthrow the national, European-friendly governments of Africa to put Chinese-friendly governments in power rapidly.
The incursion of Chinese influence in Africa attracted European attention back to their former colonies and they moved to counter the Chinese. The French and British were the largest players in the coalition to confront Chinese insurgency and special operations and countered in kind with funding and supplying counter-insurgents and the deployment of mercenary corporations (who have seen a renewed world after the international legal pressures from the UN were dissolved after the UN's dissolution).
In all, the fate of The War in Africa is murky. Though the violence has stopped neither side appropriately made gains. For all purposes the old governments in Africa have remained as they were and there was little territorial gains (the merger of the old French and Belgian Congo being the most appropriate). The Chinese forced far too few government changes, but managed to resist European demands to disarm their insurgent groups. In the end, over 80% of the original Chinese backed insurgents kept their arms and remain active to some degree.
Otherwise, the waning and disappearance of Boko Haram may be the region's only solid victory.
War in Central America
If there was ever a region to ever see the ugliest face of war it would be Central America. Thrust into the middle of a North-South conflict the states of Central America have largely ceased to exist from Panama to southern Honduras. The scale of devastation wrought in the war against the resurgence of the 19th century state Gran Columbia destroying the nations – and most of Columbia itself – from everything but paper.
The Central American parliament mustered an army valiantly enough with the backing of the United States, but it was not enough to save the region as it rapidly devolved into self-destructive and ecologically destructive guerrilla combat. When the smoke cleared Columbia wore a dark gash of ash and contamination from chemical and nuclear weapons, fired in a desperate bid to sever Columbian access to the American Isthmus. But through the brutal fighting Central America took the worst. Now its borders exist only on maps as the region rests in defacto disarray.
A number of NGO's maintain what's often advertised as authority over the region, but that is itself a lie to the outside in a bid to collect humanitarian donations. The only authority lies along the Panama Canal, the epicenter of the regional destruction. But even in this zone of semi-control there exists uneasy anarchy between desperate groups of raiders and pirates, most of which fueled by war veterans from both the region and the world over.
War In Asia
The current detailed conflict in Asia involves the exchange of nuclear weapons between India and Pakistan as the rising global crisis temperature brings them to blows of disputed territories. Ultimately both and knocked out in radioactive fire and India – as a major food-stuffs exporter – is handicapped and burned to the point of no longer being competitive. Other Asian power's involvement is unknown. The exchange of fire reducing large sectors – and the greater nations - of India and Pakistan transformed both into the Asian equivalent of Central America.
The UN
Predictably for this to work the UN has disbanded entirely as a response to political stresses damaging its ability to function properly. As such the organization closed its doors when the signs of war began to flicker, and they had not the strength or even the common ground to appropriately respond in any way.

Gray markings indicated provinces/states/regions of a larger nation or “Theoretical” nations based on old [mostly] ex-states and multi-national ethnic boundaries (Pashtunistan, Kurdistan). These nations may be claimed as a formal nation (in which case they'll be marked as black)* or may even be a simple basis for later revolution arcs to “liberate” that region from the mother nation for glorious minority.
*Pending acceptance from based GM if you are a sensible person.
- Standard RP Etiquette required.
- When claiming a nation and if you take “extra national territory” you must limit land claims to two nations smaller in territory or population than the “central” nation. And only if your nation was involved militarily in The War. Conditions of union based on “fear” will be denied, because if that was ever the case anywhere then there'd be a lot of shifting borders today. Georgia does not simply merge with Armenia because they're afraid of Russia.
This also applies to nations with pre-written territorial gains, automatically discounting Germany and The Congo.
- We do not rely on stats. Rather, I largely operate on a free-form basis. Though I expect us to operate in a realm of perceived realism. Though in the face of extreme changes, extreme divergence from the current political reality is possible, so long as it makes sense. This may be pointed and challenged by anyone on the basis a even dialectic platform is established and we are uniform in understanding.
- Though there may have been war and war leads to the trope of advanced technological progress, keep in mind this is massive multi-theater war stressing about any and all points of the global market. Super sci-fi weapons could be ultimately impractical when the rare-earths and materials needed can not be mined due to military embargoes or hoarding by someone who owns it. As well, the sheer mass of the conflict and the world of Cyber Warfare may ultimately lead to more progress in “smaller” advancements meant to circumvent war-fatique or to maintain control or a competitive edge on the battlefield, means to gain advantage over a whole theater may be too dangerous or impractical to design when a infinite number of national security concerns need to be taken.
I also have my economic concerns for these with wartime inflating the cost of many base resources to the roof and beyond, making a lot of projects in the later half of the war expensive to construct while maintaining full mobilization. I'mma post that argument now.
- Absolute no one-liners. Post length recommended at a minimum of five to six sentences.
No one is space based or space-bound. No inter-solar colonies, moon bases, or large-scale space stations are being maintained nor have they been launched.
- Time is measured by: one month = four pages
Application - Nation
Name of Nation:
Background: (History of nation, government and who leads, and how it got that way. Point of divergence is 2015. Minimum length of three paragraphs.)
Other: (Not recommended. Use for anything that would not fit in the above. If nothing then omit.)
Application – Group
For those looking to play as a NGO: company, rebel movement/Social movement, international organizations, etc.
Assets: (What its controls, you can include land in this but don't make it to big, your not a country after all.)
Personnel: (Amount of people employed or in the group)
History: (Minimum length of three paragraphs.)
Application – Individual
For those who just want to explore the RP from ground level. No corporate or national politics. No need to fill out for any individual character part of your own nation-based or group-based story arcs.
Physical Characteristics: (Age, gender, body)