Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by februari


Member Seen 7 mos ago

I'm submitting a male character and should have him posted tonight (GMT-4).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by enkas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So, I suppose my character can't use his favorite tool as a sleeping teddybear, as it would be taken away after work? Or is it not the same with tools?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It took me a while but here it is~

Name: Vale
Weapon: Various tools. Normally Vale prefers his fists over weapons but when it comes to dealing with The Infected, hand-to-hand combat wouldn't be necessary.
Estimated Age: Around 30-40 years old
Personality: Vale has a grim figure which prevents anyone from approaching him. It would mostly be for the reason of his dreadfully silent demeanor which everyone takes precaution of. But for the most part, a lot of people assume a person such as him is naturally bound to harmlessness, through which is only partially true. Others, who don't simply go through assumptions, are driven by fear from what this person is truly capable of.

It is a fact that Vale is a clever and strange individual. He is quite unpredictable at times due to the schemes he erratically shows. He was never the friendliest and mostly people don't understand what he does in life nor would they want to find out whatever his activities are. But once they get a picture of how Vale actually acts, they might regret on doing so. What people mostly don't know about Vale is that he is potentially demented. When alone, he sometimes speaks to himself audibly and would often be laughing involuntarily with maniacal tones adding up. For him, there is no reason behind this odd phase of behavior as he thinks it was a natural attachment to his own humanity.

Insanity is his main dish. This only occurs either when Vale is alone or generally having an unpleasant day. When one of them is present, Vale transitions into a much more malevolent version of himself. He'll practically level himself up to the higher peaks of madness to the point where he would be close at committing murder. However, there are times when Vale becomes exaggeratedly conscious about himself. He would reflect back to his actions which he believed to be unnecessary or inappropriate and would resort on preventive measures.

Brief Background: Vale was once an outsider before Barrowside accepted him for his decent scavenging skills, not to mention his cleverness to devise enter and escape routes outside the community's premises as he was quite familiar of the roads and a few other locations. No one knew where Vale originated much as how they were unbeknownst to his strange name. Some say he belonged to a murderous group of survivors and others say he spent his days surviving all by himself.He never told much about his story and people respected what he wished but they still remained curious. Others however, didn't want to be involved as they were flocked in fear by the man's ambiance.

Years before his days at the community, Vale belonged to a migrating group of survivors. There were families, old people and a few strong individuals such as himself. However, the group was never fortunate on their day-to-day survival goals. Every death of their members started with bad decision makings and eventually led themselves to near-death situations such as ending up at a place with swarming Infected. Vale was the member of that particular group who is eagerly determined to lead everyone at a place where they would call 'safe haven'. However, there was another bad decision-making which turned Vale into a sinister individual.

Vale was never favorable of his group's leader who often spends the last minute of disaster on saving his own skin. And right after the group went back on the road to search yet another place to survive, tensions rose between their leader and a woman who Vale often protected. There were arguments about the route they should follow and the group's majority had plans on following the longer and safer route while their leader chose the shorter but dangerous one. One night, the woman who argued with the leader went missing. Vale was the first one who took an immediate notice then soon followed by the rest of the group. They all started searching where she was but unfortunately, nothing was accomplished as sunrise came into view.

However Vale's suspicion about the disappearance of the woman had sharpened the moment he realized that the leader also vanished at that night and returned later on after the group carried out a search. The woman proved to have some attachments to Vale as her daughter was the one he was taking care of since she had an unyielding sickness of fever. Vale took questions, reluctant to just pass on without having a clear answer. A heated argument rose between them and after that, the leader admitted that he was involved with the woman's disappearance. Not only that, the worst news had come to Vale when the leader told him that he left the woman to her death as she was trapped into an abandoned church filled with the infected while she was on the search for their supposed safe route. The man's actions made Vale erupt into volatile grunts of anger and eventually killed the leader while they were away from the group. Vale haven't realized what he had done just after seeing the dead body.

Soon after, Vale took the lead, telling the unfortunate news that the leader took a grave accident and got himself killed. It was easy for him to convince everyone but taking a look back at his actions was a different story. Before taking their destined route, the group occupied a small barren village which seemed to have no presence of The infected at any corner. However, it was what they thought of after one member of the group found a particular house with a massive number of The infected trapped. After they were accidentally released, they gradually found the group and started to consume them rapidly. Vale managed to get his hands off the infected and tried to save at least some members of the group, but it was all too late as each and every one of them ended up as dinner. It happened late at night while everyone was asleep. Vale escaped from the village and the incident made him emotionally and physically unstable on the following days.

After a few months of surviving alone, Vale eventually found a community called 'Barrowside' which seemed to be the safe haven everyone from his group was talking about. He changed significantly after his escape but the unpleasant memories remained.

Misc: Vale heavily dislikes talking excessively.

As a scavenger for supplies, Vale developed superior tracking skills and knows the time when an Infected is nearby.

Level & Category: 5A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

enkas said
So, I suppose my character can't use his favorite tool as a sleeping teddybear, as it would be taken away after work? Or is it not the same with tools?

Not unless he stuck it up his bottom everytime he left work. Anything deemed as a weapon would be confiscated.

I bloody love Alan Rickman!

We need some tougher, muscle type male roles now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Eveleyn Grey
Weapon: Home made long bow and arrows. Kitchen knife.
Estimated Age: 25-30
Personality: On the surface Evelyn is a woman with a cynical, and sarcastic sense of humour, she can be dark perhaps down right morbid at times but the way she puts things is as if she honestly doesn't care how she comes across. She's happy to chat with people but as soon as questions veer towards the personal or family orientated she grows cold and down right abrasive until she leaves the situation. She rarely lets people close enough to get around to calling them friends but she does show an awful lot of loyalty to the community, especially any children in the group and is happy enough to put herself into some manner of trouble for the sake of a kid. She can also dispense pretty good advice when she wants to or when its truly needed though she tends to avoid being 'needed' in such a way.

Brief Background: Evelyn lived with her parents and her little sister Jessica on a small farm a few miles from the Barrowside encampment, she remembered countless times when men and women came to the farm, told their father to give up and leave with them, if not for his sake but the childrens and each time her father refused them and their mother remained silent. Their was evidence that her father was rather heavy handed on his mother but no one spoke of it so they considered it normal, as they did their fathers constant bragging about his home made bow, sturdy wood that had been sanded and carefully shaped for the right amount of suppleness, cords made from old clothes to keep it from snapping in vulnerable spots and a string made from the boiled down fibres from certain trees. And the arrows, he always went on about his fucking arrows, normally she didn't mind but when his eyes were glazed and he pointed a drawn arrow at her and her sister she'd learned to stay quiet and be good.

He hunted and his mother tried to grow crops, sometimes they got weak yellowing things but they tasted horrible and were tough to chew. Still it was there's and with several safety measures set up -pit traps, tripwires with cans attached, etc- it was mostly safe. They had a hidden cellar, it was only just big enough for four of them to stand shoulder to shoulder but when the bandits or the greys came looking for easy pickings they had enough time to get in and secure it with the chain they'd taken off their door. Not that it had ever been necessary since its installment. Then one night something changed, while they sat to a dinner of weird roots and weirder meat that Eveleyn and Jessica refused to eat there was a sudden smash of glass as a grey shoulder smashed into it. Her father screamed to get to the basement but Evelyn, spotting the door trembling under assault ran up the stairs instead, hearing her father instruct her mother to 'forget the bitch' and 'get her fucking arse in the cellar with Jessica'. As she looked around for somewhere to hide she spotted the old rafter beams and with some effort clawed her way up as she heard the front door splinter in and the familiar twang of a bow.

There was a feminine scream, her mother and she heard the sickening sound of wet meat hitting the deck hard. Another girlish scream but more muffled hinted her little sister was safe enough for now in the cellar. Her father howled and fought sounding like a wild cat until with another sickening sound he too must have fallen. She hugged herself tighter to the rafters, pressed as flat as she could and preyed with eyes squeezed tight. She could hear creaking on the stairs and hoped they wouldn't come up but a heavy bang had her eyes open wide and her head whip around, she dared not move, nor breathe and for the first time she prayed. A high pitched scream echoed in her ears for what felt like hours until the sunlight came and the Greys slunk away.

She waited for hours after the last sound from down stairs before she uncurled from the rafters and stiffly grabbed the broom her mother made and carefully slipped off the few scant bristles there had been. Slowly she made her way down stairs, feeling bile in her throat as she saw blood and doing her best not to scream as she saw the body of a grey. Shivering she approached the main room where she found her mother, she could tell because of the powder blue dress, her father, there was a bow beside him and her little sister, her golden hair sticking out of her ravaged body where one grey still bit at her flesh. Too distracted eating to see the rage filled youth, even as a sharp stick was driven through the back of its head with a strength only gifted by grief. Even once it stopped thrashing she didn't allow herself to cry. Cutting a lock of her sisters hair and wrapping it in a swatch of her floral patterned dress she took her fathers bow and arrows, her mothers sharpest kitchen knife and her fathers coat and made her way to Barrowside where she's been living now for between 5-8 years.

Loves a bit of moonshine not that she's seen any in a while.
Prone to melancholy which she hides with Sarcasm.
Has 20/20 vision and rarely misses a target (though can miss her intended location).
Prefers Long range attacks to close range.
Can move rather quietly among the rubble for reconnaissance IF she has too.
A rumour has it she took the last name 'Grey' as a reminder of what happened to her family.

Level 3a

Hope this is okay, if it needs tweaking let me know. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by enkas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright, fixed the 'sleeping with hammer' thing into a joke of some inhabitants D:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Huehue, I'll admit the whole sledgehammer thing has made me chuckle.

But I was thinking in that getting everyone together: like Whisk suggested, everyone would know each other to some degree, especially those of the 5A category. Now seeing as Mina and her father are arranging the journey, naturally they'd want to gather the right sort of people for it.
Could be that a rumour is circulating that has been leaked purposely to see who would be interested in the voyage.
And that Mina also goes looking for our character specifically for their skill sets:

We have a couple of scavengers/tracker types like Vi and Vale.
The Mechanic, we have The Hammer - mechanical specialty and muscle.
And our two military/security ladies who would be privy to the rumour specially because it's circulating rather quickly among them, and that they're ordered to look out for those who show interest? Which in reality they're more so interested in it themselves.

These are just obvious thoughts from the top of my head in how everyone gets to interact with Mina to plot the entire escape.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am definitely interested in this RP, though I have a question. Would a gunsmith count as level 5 or level 2 skill?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yaneznayo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel โ€œLongshotโ€ Webster

Weapon: Bow and arrow, hand to hand combat.

early to Mid 40s

Category 2A

Daniel has a warm personality, but rarely shows it. Preferring to avoid getting too close to anyone, he pointedly ignores most people he comes across unless his needs require the interaction. His first reaction is always towards settling a conflict without injury or death, but once something starts, he is not averse to using extreme violence. He carries a strip of cloth about 18 inches long and 2 inches wide wrapped around his left arm and is extremely protective of it, going so far as to beat a man nearly to death who tried to take it from him.


For the first few years of his life, Daniel Webster lived in a small community called Woodhaven which was based around a well hidden bunker in the mountains. This small community was comprised of three families; the Shermanโ€™s, the Cypherโ€™s, and the Websterโ€™s. The three families made an efficient group, the oldest staying near the base and improving where they could and the youngest being taught how to survive in the barren husk of Earth. The rest did what they could to provide food and find ways to make their lives sustainable. Everyone taught what he or she knew, especially how to fight whether it be with a weapon or with nothing but your hands. His earliest memories were of hiding at a momentโ€™s notice, always silently. There was no horn or signal of when to hide, because that would give them away. It began getting better after a few years. There were less of those alien things flying by and bit by bit they were able to do more in the daytime, starting their life anew.

Two of the men figured out how to make crude weapons and simple machines from their limited resources, at times stripping the ruins of houses for usable lumber or other materials. These contraptions and inventions included bows and arrows, stone axes, weighted maces, crude but effective flails, manual generators and pumps, and other makeshift constructs that allowed for more convenience. At one point they even got a gas powered engine from a car running, but that made too much noise so it was for emergency use only. The community slowly became more and more livable, though their circumstances never quite reached โ€œcomfortableโ€.

By the time he was 16 years old, he had been trained in the use of many of these rudimentary weapons, but took to the bow and close up fighting above all else. He went out to shoot almost every day, and consistently came back with an arrow or two split down the middle by the next shot. He spent the rest of his free time tinkering, connecting this tube to this container and figuring out ways to create new machines and contraptions through logic and a rudimentary knowledge of physics. It was around this time he was sent out with a hunting party to bring back anything they could while thinning out the greys in the area. Another new hunter joined them, who stumbled upon three greys. His scream as they tore into him had attracted all the infected in the area.

He should have been back by now.

Daniel was starting to get worried about his friend, Mark. They had stumbled upon what looked to be an abandoned shed on the edge of the ruined town. It was barely a shed anymore, with only three of its rusted walls left standing and its roof collapsed into it. Scanning the buildings, he saw no sign of movement. Maybe he had gone farther into the town, hoping to find something better than what the shed could offer.

It was supposed to be a quick, simple scouting. It should have taken a few minutes at most, but still, silence was the only thing he heard. It was strange to think that this place was once bustling with activity, with working cars, electricity, and people just walking the streets on their way to wherever their lives dictated they had to be. He briefly imagined how it must have been for the people here when the ETโ€™s started their hostile takeover. He could almost see the chaos as people ran for their lives, cars rocketing down roads and crashing, tires screeching. The scene played out in his mind, overlapping with his sight of the wrecks that dotted the road.

โ€œHELP MEEE!!!โ€

Mark came rushing from the road, arms flailing almost cartoon like. Sighing with relief, he almost called out, thinking he was playing another of his jokes. The smile died on his face when he saw three greys in close pursuit, with movement beginning to show in various other buildings near him. His eyes widened as he readied his bow. He took one through the right eye and in the process the now lifeless corpse fell in the path of one of the others, making it trip. He nocked the next arrow, pulling it back, but it was too late. The last Grey managed to grab his ankle and they both fell to the ground. After a struggle, Mark gained the other hand, but the other grey had already caught up. As Mark stabbed the one on the ground through its throat, severing its spine, the last had grabbed him and sank its teeth into his shoulder.

Markโ€™s eyes rolled to the back of his head from the pain and began convulsing, letting out a chilling scream. Daniel froze from fear and watched it all unfold. Mark was thrashing on the ground now, twisting this way and that, flailing his limbs everywhere at unnatural angles. All at once he became still. The newly turned grey snapped into a
sitting position, its eyes locked on Danielโ€™s location. He stood up and began walking towards Daniel, then breaking into a dead run down the road.

From there, the Grey Mark chased him all the way to the small community in the mountains. He told them what happened. They all knew they still had very little food and water, so they decided they would make a last stand, and if too many of them fell they would beat a retreat to the bunker. He and one other teenage girl were the only survivors. They locked themselves in the bunker again, impenetrable by the Greys.

Later on, they fell in love. Almost a decade later they had moved, had a son, and started another small community. They were attacked by Looters and his wife was raped, tortured, mutilated, and finally left to bleed to death slowly, all while he and his son watched. Their son, Jacob was โ€œconscriptedโ€ by the looters, as they called it, and he was left tied to the chair to starve. With her dying breaths, she untied a small piece of cloth from her arm and kept it in her palm. After a few hours he was finally able to free himself and took that piece of cloth to remember her by.

After months of living on his own, hunting and gathering for food, he found a larger community called barrowside and took up work designing things to improve people's homes or increase the efficacy of production of goods.

Misc: Daniel has a knack for figuring out how things work and even reverse engineered a gasoline powered engine with nothing but trial and error.

Let me know if anything needs to be changed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Will go over the profiles when I get in from work in the morning.

I am not accepting anymore female roles, as the females all seem the same "kick-ass" type. Will only accept a female role if she is the damsel in distress type.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by februari


Member Seen 7 mos ago


Cristiano "Cristi" Caravaggio

Being more of a post-apocalyptic Renaissance man, virtually everything Cristi owns has been modified in one way or another by its owner. Everything, that is, except a scavenged SPAX rescue axe he purchased at a dear price, but which has proved indispensable as an all-around tool. That it's also sharp enough to split a skull or sever a spine is just an added bonus. To complement its relatively short range as a weapon, he also carries a slingshot fashioned from a small, but thick titanium thing-a-ma-bob that he could only surmise had once been part of an aircraft, or something with a similar need for high tensile strength and low weight. Regardless, a stout rubber strap and a handful of 3/4-inch ball bearings gave it new purpose. Finally, being as zombie-averse as they come, and understanding that distance is paramount in avoiding a bite, he's re-worked a street sign into a sharp, machete-like weapon with a longish handle and named it Bedford, after the street for which it was originally crafted. It's sharp. Very, very sharp.

While the SPAX has obvious utility as a tool, which his how he primarily views it, the mere fact that it's also a razor sharp hand axe sees that it's checked in each evening. The slingshot and Bedford have had to keep a low profile, but both have been relatively easy to conceal. The former has done so easily, as without its band attached it looks like a random scrap next to a pile of metal bearings. Bedford was slightly harder to conceal, but removing a bolt and swiveling the sign up to its correct position on the post, such that it looked like the street sign it once was, worked until a falling out with his current roommate led to Bedford being confiscated.

Estimated Age
Mid-late twenties (~25-28)

Clever, quick-witted, resourceful, and dare it be said? Brilliant! For the handful who consider him a friend, Cristi would be described thusly; however, for the rest who know him well enough, arrogant, disrespectful, and wise-ass would be among the less colorful descriptors. Truth be told, they're all accurate to a degree, for as sure as he's a talented Jack of all trades, he also has issues with authority that, in an authoritarian hold like Barrowside, are less than appreciated. The correlation is evident that, as one moves up the food chain, ones opinion of him tends to decline, and vice versa. Generally speaking, he's friendly and empathetic, with a genuine interest in others and a strong social drive. His response to the bleakness of Barrowside, and the world as it now exists, is humor in any form and that has, at times, been his undoing. That he's pranked his current roommate, who is by all appearances humorless, and a handful of the security staff has made his life a bit harder of late.

Professionally, he's extremely focused and to the point, expecting the same in reciprocation. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, having been the willing assistant for most of his life, and that's garnered him some measure of good will among the laborers. In fact, Cristi is a fair welder and fabricator, so it's common to find him working alongside the mechanics and construction teams making repairs or doing new construction. In a crisis, Cristi is sharp and cool-headed, viewing situations from the objective standpoint of a problem to be solved, and then executing along the most reasonable path, even if that path might be considered risky in its own right. He has no issues with delegation and expects his instructions to be followed precisely and without question. For those he respects, he offers the same of himself.

Brief Background
Like a good many of those in Barrowside, Cristi was born there as the youngest of four children, trailing his siblings by several years. His parents were a pair of Italian scientists, a mechanical engineer and a chemist, who met while doing graduate studies abroad. In those days, humanity appeared to be on an upswing and life couldn't have been better as they started their family. However, the arrival of the extra-terrestrials brought personal tragedy as they saw saw their world, and their first-born, stolen. Life under the aliens was nigh unbearable, but mercifully short; however, the freedom that followed came with the price of a waking nightmare, as zombies replaced their oppression with terror. For Marco and Giuseppina, safety was only relative as, while their skills afforded them safety as valued commodities, it also made them sought after by many they'd just as soon have avoided. Their second and third children, both girls, had barely made it into their teens when infection took one and marauders took the other - there's no telling which suffered the worse fate. When they finally arrived at Barrowside, they found the controlled environment comforting and the people, or at least those in charge, went to great lengths to ensure their comfort. With some trepidation, they settled in and tried for a child one last time.

Taking no chances with Cristiano, they plied him almost from birth with survival skills and basic scientific principles to build his worth, for they understood more than many the value of both. That he proved a natural with mathematics was a boon, and one which greatly accelerated his progress. In fact, his father once remarked that in better times he might've gone on to do great things. However, he and Giuseppina abandoned the theoretical for hard, applied science - the basic mechanics of leverage, combustion in its various forms and uses, and a whole host of topics that would, in their earlier lives, have been considered primitive but which now were supremely relevant. Cristi, as he came to be called, absorbed it all like a sponge and, as he grew older, began to assist when and where he could. While that was most often with his parents, they encouraged him to seek out others as well, particularly construction workers, mechanics, and farmers so he could get a better grasp of scientific principles at work. He flourished under their tutelage until both died, separated by only a couple years, of natural causes. At least, natural by the new standard.

While Cristi was initially looked on as a talented heir to their positions, hopes of any such arrangement quickly diminished as they soon realized that he was anything but the reserved analyst his father had been, or the diplomatic team leader they'd found in his mother. While he did possess characteristics of each, it was packaged in a brash individualist who was frequently at odds with the structure Barrowside imposed. Indeed, those traits were passed along by his parents as well, who'd some years earlier realized their mistake in taking up residence there, in having traded freedom for safety. Their goal hadn't simply been to imbue Cristi with valuable skills and knowledge, it was to give him everything he needed to leave on his own, should the opportunity arise. They succeeded.

Cristi's value as a resourceful engineer and applied scientist is the only thing between him and dire things. In various ways, he's either managed to offend or prank enough off his co-workers and security personnel that any number would love nothing more than to see him eaten by zombies, or at least give him a sound beating. Chief among those is his current roommate, a mediocre scientist at best who'd been trying for well over a year to climb in stature at Cristi's expense by stealing ideas and, on a few occasions, working product. In retaliation, Cristi slipped him a substance that caused uncontrollable flatulence on the eve of a romantic outing with a young woman he'd been working up the nerve to approach for months. As it turned out, he had neither the sense of humor to take the joke, nor the social aptitude to recover from the week or two of teasing he received as a result. A similar outcome was had from re-wiring a prototype electrical stun device tested by one of the more thuggish security staff, whose neanderthal treatment of women led Christi to remark once that he was so rude his own hand had turned him down for a second date. Since those events, Barrowside has become almost unbearably small and uncomfortable.

Cristi's an engineer in the general sense, as his education was intentionally broad. For a variety of reasons, he's usually only brought to bear on problems that others are struggling with, as his unusual perspectives and analytical ability often bear fruit. While he's had plenty of time to lose it, and relatively little reason for it persist, he speaks with a slight Italian accent that he may have preserved intentionally in remembrance of his parents. He does speak some Italian and is often keen to do so for any who are interested, since it's one of the few ties he has left to his heritage.

Level and category
2A with an a-hole roommate
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Whoo - such a lovely cast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whisket
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Whisket Real Looker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

TheMadAsshatter said
I am definitely interested in this RP, though I have a question. Would a gunsmith count as level 5 or level 2 skill?

Get out of here stalker

Also I feel like gunsmith would be level 2 but that's not up to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, I'll come up with something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm waiting for that whiny teenager to come by (if possible). He/she will be a potential BFF to Vale.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Our current character pool.

Female characters
Mina Clarke โ€“ Combat senior medic 2A.
Alex โ€“Security 3A
Vivian Conwayโ€“ Scout 5A
Evelyn Grey โ€“ Security? 3A

Male characters
Mike Harris โ€“ Mechanic 5A.
Sean Mattock โ€“ Construction 5A.
Vale โ€“ Scavenger 5A
Daniel Webster โ€“ Engineer? 2A
Cristiano Caravaggio โ€“ Engineer 2A

Cthulu & Yaneznayo โ€“ What are your characters job?

TheMadAsshatter โ€“ Was your character born in Barrowside or someone who came to Barrowside later on? If born, he would only be trained with a gun if he was in the system security or enforcement unit. If he came to Barrowside, then he would have his own weapons confiscated and again would only be allowed to use a gun if in the above two occupations. So he would be level 3.

Anyone else coming in, mix it up please. No more repeats of the jobs above.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@ Rosalind Border guard/Scavanger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yaneznayo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I meant for Daniel to be a versatile character who liked to tinker and figure out how things worked from the inside out. He could fit in the role of a hunter, an engineer, a mechanic or even a teacher, but he loves to create. I think he'll work well alongside Cristi who already knows the applied mechanics and physics of the machines while Daniel can improvise and is great at using limited resources to substitute for the the usual materials.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

There are no hunters as there is nothing to hunt. All outside life is pretty much contaminated, so they breed what livestock they can (I'm warning people, our characters will be eating dog, cat, rat etc). And everyone in Barrowside has one set job to keep the community running.
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