also since we don't exactly know who we all are, there is always going to be a chance that people will do something that offends someone. I've seen rps set in WW2 where players can play as Nazis and rps set in ancient Rome
i would say calling someone scum and talking about being a punching bag in a past life sounds like personal attacks which I'm pretty sure is breaking site rules.
As I said I am not defending the roleplay and I agree that it was very inappropriate, but regardless it was wrong for the people to react in such a hostile manner. After all this site isn't meant to be a safe space and we must never treat it as such. This is a community and therefor civility is what makes a community prosper
<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>
I agree on some points, but the topic itself arguably removed the civilty status of that thread. Everyone responding in such a volatile way to such an inappropriate breach is expected (at least, imo), but I also agree that how it was handled was very far from optimal. Some took it too far, yes definitely, but it was still justifiable anger.
Though, I don't think we're going to get anywhere with this argument, considering how stubborn I am and how the thread was ultimately locked for both "sides". Also, as others have said, there's a high chance it was just a dedicated troll. Part of me believes he wasn't, but to err on the side of caution, maybe it'd be best to stop conversation about it. Don't feed the possible trolls and all that.
Agree to disagree?
Also, as others have said, there's a high chance it was just a dedicated troll.
Username "SillyGoy"
If you're calling someone a sociopath or whatever you're just being stupid. Especially when it's referring to someones concept for a fictional, note the word fictional, writing setting (based on a historical event). Not that the idea wasn't stupid at all for a public roleplaying forum, but there have been plenty of fictional books based on or set in actual atrocities.
SJWs White Knights and Tumblrites are really coming out the woodwork in this thread, just saying.
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>
Used to be that meant people who thought they were turtles, or claimed twelve separate sexual identities. Now I suppose it means people who think it is obscene to create a score-based rape roleplay.
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>
You can suppose that, but I didn't say it.
SillyGoy isnt a troll, hes in a mech roleplay I'm about to join, something very off putting about the way he posts, its like one of those cold emotionless bond villians.
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>
If someone who takes up the name "SillyGoy" and then makes that Nanking RP isn't a troll, then they are definitely a unique person. I can't say for certain who the dude is or what he is about, but just looking at what went down in that Nanking rp, it is hard not to come to the conclusion that he is fucking with us. For me at least.
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>
Used to be that meant people who thought they were turtles, or claimed twelve separate sexual identities. Now I suppose it means people who think it is obscene to create a score-based rape roleplay.
Maybe it's because I don't believe those deliberate smear campaigns and see how the media has basically used propaganda and false information to pretend gamergate is a "trolling campaign." I have yet to see ample evidence that the entirety of gamergate is a trollfest. Like any other movement it has it's bad apples, it's just that the media loves to bash on GG so...
Yeah. I don't see the point in calling GG a trolling campaign. By that logic, every website/movement is a trolling campaign because there are trolls?
I may as well call RPG a trollfest since that insensitive thread was made here. Hey, he was an RPG user right? Must mean RPG are all trolls.
This is what I feel like. And not in a good way. :(