Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Following Marken and his father to a more secure and quiet room, Ella tried to contain her rising fear, and calm her rapidly pounding heart. She just had a sinking feeling that this wasn't going to go over very well. The king had lost his cheery disposition now, and instead, a lingering coldness settled in the pit of her stomach every time he looked at her. Did he suspect her as a spy now?

The sitting room in Marken's apartments felt smaller than usual, the furniture close enough to promote quieter and more secretive conversation. Ella wasn't sure that she wanted to be close to the king when he received the news of the maid and her possible betrayal, but she wasn't in any position to be requesting a change in scenery at the moment. All she could do was put her faith in Marken, and hope that he kept her out of trouble.

When he finally announced everything to the king, Ella was sitting close to his side and clinging to his arm, her gaze averted to the ground. Even if she hadn't actually done anything wrong in this situation, her previous "employment" made her almost as guilty as the maid, and she felt it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Glenn seemed to have no reaction for a long moment, though if someone paid attention to his jaw, they'd see it clench tightly. He closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them, to glare at Ella, balefully. It was very clear that he had anger directed at the girl, and given the circumstances, could he honestly be blamed? "Who might this be, and how, then, do you know this information Marken? I assume Ella told you?" His voice grated out through his teeth, and it was obvious he was have a hard time being civil with Ella.

He sighed and looked to his father, nodding. "There is a maid who was working as an assassin, who tried to poison my mother. She gave Ella the same poison to use against me, threatening to reveal rather... Unsavory things about her background that we'd prefer stayed between us. Ella was loyal to me, and gave me the poison and told me about the entire incident." Marken would reach into his pocket and place the vial onto the table, right before his father. "With the description Ella gave me, I think I could easily identify her, or Ella could as well." Of course, he could identify her due to having actually seen the woman, he wouldn't tell his father that.

Glenn thought for a long moment, letting out a long sigh. Before snapping his eyes straight to Ella. "Guards!" He shouted suddenly, and two men who had been posted outside the room after Glenn had entered burst in, hands resting on the hilts of their blades. "Take Ella here to the dungeons." Markens face paled, and he glanced between Ella and his father, as the two men moved forward to grab her shoulders.

"Come with us miss." One of them spoke in a gruff voice, looking straight down at her.

"Surely this is an overreaction father? Why are we throwing her in prison for revealing the identity of her killer?" Glenn sighed yet again and shook his head, standing up from his seat.

"Security issues Marken. You wouldn't understand. You can visit her freely, and if things turn out, we'll release her in a couple of days." He looked to the guards and waved his hands. "Be sure not to be too rough with her, she's not some petty criminal." With that, the guards would begin to escort Ella out of the room to the dungeon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ella felt herself grow cold and numb as Glenn announced that Ella would be going to the dungeons. Damn it, she just knew that he was going to do something like this. People didn't return from dungeons, she knew that for certain. The best part was that in the dungeons, she had no rights, and wouldn't hear anything about the case against her. The courts could say whatever they wanted about her, and she wouldn't be able to defend herself.

Helplessly, she allowed the guards to lead her away as Marken asked his father to reconsider his decision, but to no avail. Glenn's mind was made up, and Ella was certain that her fate was sealed now. All she could do was keep her head held high & her gaze as icy as she could possibly make it; no one could know how much she was panicking, even though she was sure that Marken already knew how much she wanted to cry & fall apart.

With what looked like a gaze of pity, the guards led her down to the dungeons, putting her in a cell that actually wasn't quite so terrible. One of the men handed her a more simple dress once she was inside, another asking her if she wanted a book to read. As he left to fetch her the desired reading material, Ella realized that maybe this whole situation wouldn't be completely terrible. If anything, she was being grounded for a few days, while people so happened to be deciding if she should live or die.

Damn, the royals had it so easy; thankfully, she was one of them now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marken looked at his father incredulously. "You can't honestly be serious father." He couldn't help Ella as she was taken away to the dungeons, though he would fight tooth and nail to get her out of them. Atleast she wouldn't be treated like common criminal trash, no Marken wouldn't stand for that at all. He had enough authority to make sure her stay in the prisons wouldn't be filled with misery, atleast. "She's done nothing wrong, and you send her to a dungeon? What possible reason could you have for sending our ONLY witness to the dungeons, much less my betrothed?"

He let out a sigh, crossing his arms as Glenn narrowed his eyes. With no one else in the room, his facade died down considerably, what little was left of it anyway. "Are you questioning my authority boy? Last I checked, I WAS KING HERE, NOT YOU. Now, you'll deal with my decision, or I can always have you locked in your room for the duration of her imprisonment. Do I make myself clear?" Marken clenched his teeth, and nodded slowly. He couldn't bring himself to words in his anger against Glenn, and it would only hurt his case in the end.

Instead, once his father had left with a huff, Marken sighed and began to walk to the dungeons himself. He wasn't told when he could visit, and he knew that no one would stop him. Who would try? It wasn't as if the guards had been given explicit orders by his father not to let him visit Ella. He reached them quickly, two guards opening a large steel door at his command to allow him inside. Immediately, he noticed Ella in one of the cleaner cells. He walked up to the bars and tapped them to grab her attention while she read. "Hey Ella." He leaned against them, unable to go any further. Even with his authority, he wasn't allowed into the cell. "You alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Greatly relieved that Marken had finally arrived, Ella climbed from her cot, tossed her book aside, & quickly padded over to the doors of her cell. She was more or less holding her nervousness in as her hands slid over his through the bars.

However, on the inside, Ella was already losing her mind. Every spy was informed of dungeons; nothing short of a miracle would save her now, she was certain of it.

"When will I be interrogated?" Ella asked in a low voice, "How much torture is permitted in this kingdom's dungeons?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He took her hands and tried to offer a smile to reassure her, though given the circumstances, he doubted it would do much. Instead, he paid attention to her questions, raising an eyebrow at the mention of torture. "Ella, you're not some murderer who won't be given any chance to defend herself. Remember who you're getting married to. You think I would allow them to touch you?"

Her shook his head in disbelief at her worries, releasing her hand and retrieving a wooden stool to sit down on. "I can't promise that you won't be asked any questions, but you'll certainly be free from any pain. I can guarantee you that much." He took her hands again, rubbing his thumb over the back of one of hers. "I really am sorry for what my father did. I can't exactly argue with his authority, however much I want to."

Marken frowned and pushed his forehead against one of the bars. "Still, this is better than the alternative, hmm? You'll be out in a couple of days, and my mothers would be assassin will soon be caught. It'll all be over soon." He gave her another smile, waiting for a response. Even if they were separated by bars, Marken wouldn't let that come between their relationship. (No matter how cheesy that sounds.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Relieved a little at Marken's words, Ella watched him pull up a stool to the dungeon, though she was a bit sad that he'd pulled his hands from hers. When he held her, she felt most reassured. Maybe she was getting spoiled around Marken.

"Well, at least I won't have to go through all that," Ella mumbled, sliding down the bars to relax on the floor, "My master prepared me for mental torture devices, but physical torture... I don't think I have to explain to you why he didn't give me examples of losing fingernails or throw me into an iron maiden."

Sighing softly, Ella closed her eyes before looking over at the guard who didn't seem to be paying very much attention. All the same, she couldn't voice her top concern at the moment. What if the assassin told the king everything about her to get him to spare her life? Considering what Glenn had been put through in the past few days, there was no way that she could expect any mercy from him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"No, you won't. I won't let you go through all of that. My father may be... Harsh, at times, his men wouldn't follow orders to torture someone who has done no wrong, not when their prince is arguing for them. Besides, it helps that he truly has no reason to torture you." He brought her hand up to his cheek and rubbed it against it, giving her another smile.

"So, I've been thinking about our wedding in the future. Do you want it to be a large event?" Marken was talking to her as if nothing was wrong. As if there wasn't a large set of iron bars separating them. It would make it that much harder to tear himself away when the day ended, and Marken had to go to bed without her. He really couldn't imagine it, being forced to go to sleep without her. He doubted it would be a sound sleep, though it wouldn't necessarily be a terrible one either. It just wouldn't be restful without Ella at his side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Despite her worries, Ella could feel herself relaxing as Marken changed the subject to their wedding. it was certainly something she preferred to talk about, rather than dwell on what her days in this prison would be like. Marken was optimistic and so sure that no harm would befall her, but Ella knew that she wouldn't be safe of his father's wrath for some time, even when she was freed of this place.

Resting her cheek against the bars of her prison, Ella thought about Marken's question, giving it a bit of thought. All she knew so far was that she really wasn't keen on the idea of a huge wedding. The less people there, the less she would have to worry about a security break.

"If you don't mind, I would like a more... intimate ceremony," Ella mumbled softly, closing her eyes for a bit, "Legally, we only need each other, a legal overseerer, and a minimum of two witnesses. I don't mind more people being present, but all the same, people who don't even know us will only arrive to gain favor. I have... no interest in those people."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I think we could do that. Something small for us. The public will want a public ceremony, but it wouldn't last long. It is our wedding afterall, not theirs." He gave her a smile as he leaned his head down to look at Ella. "I really am sorry for my fathers treatment of you. I don't know what's gotten into him. I suppose he's just paranoid after the earlier assassination attempt, but honestly, could you blame him for that?"

He still didn't support Glenns actions, not by a long shot, but Marken could certainly sympathize with the man on that regard. He had come so close to losing his mother, of course he would be a tad suspicious of another girl who had been blackmailed by the assassin. Of course, Glenn didn't know the entire story either, and how close Ella had come to killing him. Still, he had full faith in Ella now, that she wouldn't try anything. If she truly intended to, why would she tell him about it?

"I think I'll have a comfy pillow and a soft blanket brought down for you, to make sure you stay comfortable." He slipped off the stool to be closer to Ella, leaning his head against the same bar she had her cheek pressed against. "Just a few days, then we can walk down the aisle, say our vows..." He stopped there, his eyes going wide. He had vows to say? That certainly took him by surprise. Recovering quickly, Marken chuckled softly. "Let's just hope we don't embarrass ourselves too much with this." He gave her a wide smile, reaching out to stroke her cheek.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Staying completely still, Ella watched Marken as he came closer to her, even going as far as to crouch to the floor to be at eye level with her. Her fiance really did go out of his way to comfort her. What in her miserable life had she done to deserve Marken as a husband?

Smiling warmly, Ella leaned in as Marken slid his fingers into her cell to touch her cheek. She could feel the warmth coming from his skin when she suddenly noticed the guard behind him, nervously clearing his throat. Ella flinched away from Marken in embarrassed, her whole face red again.

"E-excuse me," the guard apologized, "Visitors are not permitted to touch the prisoner while they are locked away. F-for safety reasons."

Ella looked at the man as if he'd grown two heads. What could she even hope to do to Marken while inside here? She wasn't even allowed to have a comb with bone teeth.

"Are you serious?!"

Jumping a little at Ella's outburst, the man had an apologetic frown on his face. It was clear that he didn't really think Ella would hurt Marken, but all the same, he had his orders. And there was a recent assassination attempt on the queen, by someone who appeared to be harmless, no less.

"Excuse me," the guard said almost abruptly, "I must... umm, I'll go walk the perimeter once to ensure the princess is safe tonight." Without another word, the guard almost scurried off, giving Marken and Ella a moment alone.

Princess? People were calling her a princess already? Perhaps that explained the guard's attitude towards her, or why everyone had been staring and whispering in the corridors of the castle. All the same, she was going to take advantage of this moment alone with Marken.

Reaching out of her cell, Ella gently slid her fingers over Marken's face and leaned her head out to press her lips on his. Her kiss was much clumsier and hesitant than Marken's, but he always seemed to appreciate when she took initiative. Finally pulling back a little, Ella rested her forehead on Marken's & allowed herself to relax.

"Come save me soon, my Prince Charming," Ella teased softly, using the name she'd given him on the night of his ball, "I'll wait patiently for you to come get me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marken hadn't shown a reaction, aside from an annoyed look coming to his face, when the guard had interrupted them. He turned around, his mouth opening to speak to the man, though not in a harsh way. Not like how Ella responded to him. Afterall, he was just trying to do his job, it wasn't like he had forced them apart. Clearly, he was scared enough to address two members of royalty like that as it was, the last thing Marken was going to do was reprimand him for doing what he was paid to do.

He looked back to Ella after her outburst, and the guard had left. He chuckled softly at her, his lips curling up into a slight smile. "You know, he was just doing his job. No need to sound so harsh. It's not like we pay him to do anything else." Before he could say anything else, however, Ella had wrapped their lips together, something Marken couldn't help but push himself into. His own hands reached out to her again, sliding over her cheeks and wrapping into her hair.

As they broke apart, Marken couldn't help but smile at her again. "Though I suppose doing things like that is best for a private room." He sat down on the floor, deciding that if he was to be here for quite some time, he would be comfortable atleast.

"I'll come for you soon, my sweet Princess. As soon as I can." He played along with the little act, though refrained from calling her the name she had given herself. It was clear she didn't enjoy it, from what she had told him. "I'll get you out of here and then we can relax in my room, share a glass of wine. I'll even make sure it's something stronger than desert wine, just for you." He'd give her another smile, closing his eyes to just enjoy the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ella laughed softly as Marken teased her back, finally allowing herself to pull free of him & relax on her side of the prison door. She hated being separated, but for now, she could have to get over it and hope the assassin was found quickly. While her prison cell wasn't horrible, the lack of sunlight was going to drive her mad in no time.

"Are you sure that you want to stay down here?" Ella asked softly, pulling a small blanket around herself, "I can understand if you need to go out on your own. I should be fine while you are away."

There was no telling where that woman was, Ella thought bitterly to herself. She personally didn't want to ever meet the assassin again, but she had a feeling she'd be targeted soon, especially now that the entire castle was hunting her down. Ella couldn't imagine she'd be very happy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marken shrugged at her question, instead offering a smile. "If my father or anyone else needs something from me, they'll almost certainly know where to fetch me. I truly have nothing better to do with my time right now, my little princess. I already spent all day with you as it was before, what makes you think that'll change now? Because I'm less comfortable?"

He gave her a look that clearly implied that he thought that was a ridiculous notion, before returning to his smile. "I'm still capable of sharing my day with you, even if I can't share my nights, though I'm sure there's someone who would be delighted to know that little detail." He thought to the governess and let out a sigh, at how she treated Ella because she wasn't direct royalty. Such attitudes were something he didn't care for, certainly not from someone who would be tending to him personally.

"So, what flavor of cake would you like? We must pick something for our wedding cake, afterall." He smiled at her again, detracting the topic from the situation at hand to someone almost certainly more preferable. It wasn't very subtle, but it was effective.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ella smiled softly after listening to Marken promise to stay with her for the day. He was so kind, not thinking for a moment that he preferred to be somewhere else. A lesser man would allow his discomfort to push him from the prison.

At Marken's question of what cake they should have, Ella tilted her head a little, blushing. He might laugh at her, but as an unprivileged woman, she hadn't sampled many cakes in her life. Sugar & other spices were a luxury that even her well-to-do family usually didn't splurge on often. Her step-mother's tea was kept under lock & key, & only brought out on special occasion.

"Umm... I've never had chocolate cake before," Ella admitted, her face turning pink, "I would like one of those for the wedding... i-if you don't think that's too extravagant, of course. My papa used to tell me that chocolate was a very expensive import."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He smiled and shook his head. Not in denial, of course, but the sheer simplicity of what she asked. Yes, chocolate could be expensive, but given his position in the kingdom, it wasn't like his wedding would be void of things they wanted, no, not even close. Even if it wasn't to be an extravagant event, it would still have plenty of luxury for them.

"That can certainly be arranged Ella. And it is an import, yes, but it's cheaper than you think. Well, atleast to the royal family atleast. The amount of gifts we receive, just to keep people in our good graces. It'll be a sweet chocolate cake, yes, I think we can manage that very well." He would reach his arm out through the bars to wrap around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him as he rested the side of his head against hers. Marken could easily see himself falling asleep in this position, if allowed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ella held in a small laugh at Marken pieced together her request, rather logically explaining to her why they could get what she wanted. She'd figured he'd give her just about anything she liked anyway, but it was nice that he found her ideas worthy of consideration, rather than just letting her walk all over him.

When Marken finally reached out & pulled her against him through the bars, she relaxed and allowed him to, resting her face against the cool bars. She wanted nothing more than to be in the same room as Marken again, to rest herself into him completely, but of course, that wouldn't be permitted. & considering the guard was back, and not making a fuss about them touching, she probably shouldn't push her luck.

"I'm glad it's you that I'm marrying..." Ella finally mumbled in a low breath, "Not many men take their women's views seriously. I know people who have been married forever who never reached some kind of level of equality."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He smiled to her, glad that she was happy with the situation. Well, not the situation at hand, but their upcoming marriage. The only thing that stood in front of that was the assassin, and she would be dealt with soon enough. All that was left was planning the celebration itself. And, given that it was going to be a small affair, not even that would require much. A thought suddenly zipped through his mind.

"What about entertainment Ella? You can't expect us to go through our wedding without some kind of music. Or perhaps some other skilled man? I've heard of many who can put on quite an entertaining show." He looked around the room they were in, before his eyes settled on the guard, a low smile coming over his face.

"You there, what's your name?" The guard looked back to him, suddenly surprised that he had been addressed by the prince. Afterall, he did seem to be wrapped up in his fiance...

"Adame, my lord..." He stammered out a reply, looking much more on attention now, though he didn't do anything to separate the man from his fiance. Afterall, she did seem harmless enough, and Marken had come out unscathed when he left.

Markens smile widened just a tad. "Oh nothing. I was just thinking about having a loyal soldier as a guard at my wedding. I imagine it'll be grander than anything you have planned?" He let the words sit in the air for a moment, before looking back to Ella. Why he did something like that, and to one soldier out of a hundred, he had no idea honestly, but he supposed that doing something to help brighten someone else's day wasn't all that bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ella held in a small giggle as Marken flattered the guard, practically turning the man to putty in his hands. Was it really that easy to turn commoners into willing slaves with just a few compliments? No wonder Marken had been so frustrated that she all but ignored him at his ball. It must have been maddening to him that any woman wouldn't be completely enraptured by him.

Resting against the cell door a bit more, Ella wondered to herself if people would react to her the same way. In honestly, it made her a bit curious. Once she got out of her cell, she'd put her wondering to a test.

"Did you really mean that?" Ella asked Marken softly as the soldier began to make his rounds again, giving the two more privacy, "He really is nice, after all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marken let out a small grin, and leaned in, kissing Ella's cheek through the bars of the cell. "I did. It costs nothing extra to pick and choose what guards are present at our wedding. Besides, if I keep him happy, he'll keep coming up with excuses to let us be alone..." His arm was already draped over her shoulder comfortably, so a little squeeze to pull her that much closer was given.

"We'll get you out of here soon enough. Get you sleeping in a comfortable bed again." It truly hurt him to know that she was in the prison cell when she hadn't truly done anything to him. Yes... She had the intent earlier, but that was gone, right? He certainly didn't fear any action from her, she'd had him at her mercy multiple times when they slept, and she hadn't done anything to him. "I'll sorry for my fathers actions..."
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