Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"He's just doing what he should," Ella sighed, "After what happened to your mother, I can't blame him for being so careful. Besides, the stuff here isn't so uncomfortable. It's about as comfortable as back home." She had to give the king some credit for cautiousness. He wasn't stupid, she had to at least admit that. Until Ella was cleared, it was probably safest for her to be in the cell, for everyone.

Sitting up, Ella finally pulled from the bars and continued to hold onto Marken's hands. He didn't look very happy right now, or content. She could only imagine how frustrated he was, even though she'd assured him she wasn't angry at his father. Ah well, his mood would pass. And things would work out; Ella just had to have faith in Marken's ability to keep her safe.

"Why don't you get out of the dungeons for a while?" Ella insisted, “Go get yourself some wine and think of how we can hurry things along. This palace is big, but the maid can only hide for so long. I can bet she'll do something stupid to try and escape."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Perhaps he is, but it's still infuriating to be kept away from you like you're a common criminal." Leaning in closer, giving her hands a good squeeze, Marken let out a long sigh. "I know you were guilty in the past, but it's different now..." His voice was far lower, so that the guard, if he happened to come back, wouldn't hear that little bit. The last thing he needed was a 'confession' from Ella to deal with.

"Are you sure you'll be alright? It's really not that big a deal for me to sit down here with you all day. I love your company." Still, he stood up, ready to leave if she was certain. There were things he needed to do, a wedding ring forged for her, various details for their wedding figured out. It was one of those affairs that he'd certainly rather happen sooner, rather than later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I will be fine," Ella assured Marken gently. She stood as well, giving her fiance the most convincing smile she could. If he wasn't certain that she would be fine without him, she just knew he wouldn't go anywhere. Him staying in the dungeons with her wasn't the most effective thing he could do with his time, so there was no point in keeping him with her. He'd lose his mind in hours.

"Just promise to visit once a day," Ella told Marken gently, "I want to know how things are going on up there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Alright..." He let his hands slip away, sighing. "I'll visit you every day, let you know what's going on in the world. It shouldn't take long for me to get all of this sorted out. There's not many places a maid can hide with the entirety of the guard looking for her, right?" He tried to give his own reassuring smile, before shaking his head and turning around to head out. "Just promise me you won't go too crazy in here? Hmm?"

Whatever her response, Marken would set out, heading outside the jail to do various errands. And to relax with a glass of wine, something stronger than the dessert wines he was used to. Something that could get into his system.
For the next few days, he would visit her, keeping Ella updated on the rather disturbing lack of progress, his father being adamant on her not leaving the cell, under any circumstances. Atleast she wasn't being beaten or tortured, that was something that he doubted even his father would stoop to. Something else, that came as a surprise, was the forced lessons in swordplay. "You're far too old to not know how to swing a sword, Marken," his father had said, assigning him one of the Paladins to be his mentor. They were more than skilled enough to serve the purpose, and loyal enough to keep it a secret. He lacked technique and any form of skill, but atleast the prince was trying to learn, if only to protect himself from future engagements.

The wedding was slowly coming together, music being hired and a large amount of chocolate for the cake ordered. They didn't store anything like that in the castle, but it could arrive readily enough. Meanwhile, he wondered what kind of ring would be forged for Ella. He didn't want to simply copy the amulet, but instead be something unique... The necklaces were something to show their union, but the idea had come from her father. This was supposed to be his own choosing... He did have an idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ella's days in the cell were quiet, but ultimately not that terrible. She had books to read and Marken's limited company to keep herself from going insane. When the guard wasn't present, she would do push-ups or other light forms of activity, things she'd been taught to improve her stealth. If the worst came, she would try to escape the castle & the kingdom, no matter what. it was better than waiting around & rotting in this place.

On the fourth day, Ella felt like she was finally reaching the end of her rope. She hadn't seen grass or sun or more than a handful of people. Marken was sympathetic and kind, probably trying to keep her sane, but it was getting harder to take. Even the promise of chocolate cake on their wedding day wasn't helping to lift her spirits. She was growing more nervous that she wouldn't have a wedding day.

How damned hard was it to find a homicidal maid, anyway?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This newest visit brought Marken down to the dungeon bearing a small plate, with a piece of chocolate cake on top. The cake was tiny, intended for a taste, to see if Ella would prefer something different, or if this would be the cake intended for such a large gathering. Afterall, the thing was intended for bride and groom, the other guests tastes considered, but not given priority.

He sat down in a stool near the bars, having been there for multiple days now, having never moved from its location. This was his spot to visit Ella in, and it was obvious. "Hello, my dear. I've got a little present for you." He wondered how well she'd take the sweet thing. He'd also been subjected to it, and while he liked it, he was worried it might be too sugary for Ella.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Seeing Marken approach the cell both delighted Ella and saddened her. He was pushing the chocolate cake on her again, and while she loved sweet things and reveled in tasting them, this meant that there was no headway in her release. Instead of pitching a fit like she wanted to, Ella took her seat at the end of her cot and smiled at Marken.

He'd been carrying a sword with him lately, and he always looked tired, frustrated. But he still did his best to take care of her happiness and to lift her spirits. She couldn't whine and complain when he was going so far to make her happy.

"Did you try it?" Ella asked her fiancé, leaning into the bars a bit. All she wanted now was to hug Marken and have him take her from this terrible, sunless place, but she'd be optimistic and enjoy the gift he brought her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He nodded at her question, handing the plate and fork it came with over through a slot in the bars. It was perhaps four bites, maybe five small ones, if one ate it that way. "It's really sweet. I know you enjoy sugar in your tea, quite a bit of it, but I wasn't quite sure how much you'd like this. If you really like this one, it's the recipe the kitchen will use for our cake." He gave her a smile, pushing his forehead through the bars, hoping she'd do the same.

"Sword practice is grueling. Never realize how out of shape you are until you're practicing strokes of a blade for hours on end! Still, by the end of this, I should be able to hold my own atleast somewhat!" His tone seemed to be slightly happier, albeit exhausted. "What about you? Read any interesting books?" He was clearly trying to keep her company, with a question like that, but he was running out of topics of conversation quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ella was quickly growing nervous herself, knowing the conversation would turn to the bad news eventually. For now, she simply rested her forehead on Marken's and closed her eyes. She wanted to enjoy their denial for a couple minutes longer. Holding her cake in her lap, Ella leaned up and gently kissed Marken's cheek. She could only imagine why he was having to undergo sword training, but decided not to stick her nose in it. Maybe she'd challenge him to a playful match when they were alone.

"Your father hasn't said anything good all week, has he?" Ella sighed, leaning up. There was no hiding what they were both trying to pretend wasn't happening. A week was steadily approaching, and still, nothing.

"Marken, I'm starting to get a little worried," Ella told him softly, "If I'm here for more than a week, the servants will talk, and people will realize what's happening. Even if we jump through hoops, there won't be a wedding."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"He says until the assassin is found, there's nothing he can do. Still, they're sorting through all the hired help, according to him, there's not many people left to check though, so the possibilities are thinning out. Now, try your cake." He leaned back to give her space, doubting she'd want to try and enjoy the cake with him as close as he could be.

"Tell me what you think. If you really like it, I could get a bigger slice included in your dinner tonight." He was trying to make her existence livable, something few people found in the dungeons. "Do try it quick though, I need to go. Your lunch'll be here soon, and my father wishes to speak to me about your current existence. I think he's going to move you to a more private dungeon. Holding you in the public dungeons isn't exactly good for the crowns face, and all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So the old bastard wasn't budging after all. Ella wanted badly to say some choice words about Marken's father, but she knew it would be suicide. Marken clearly loved his father, and then there was the fact that he was the king of this country. Besides, she was probably just frustrated because she'd been locked up for so long. This was normal precautions, normal measures for a king to take. She just didn't like them.

Pushing her troubling thoughts away, Ella sat up and scooped a bite of the cake into her mouth. Her eyes lit up as she chewed the delicious cake, enjoying it thoroughly. She definitely liked chocolate cake, that much was obvious now.

"This is really delicious," Ella told Marken with a smile, "Are you sure it won't be too extravagant to have this at our wedding? I don't want people thinking I'm trying to bleed you dry with our marriage."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Not if both of us want it." His eyes glimmered at her enjoyment, deciding that this would be the delicacy they would have at the wedding. "Well, now that we've figured that out, I need to speak to my father. If he's having you moved to a more private location, maybe we'll be able to spend time closer together. You'd be more secure."

He let the words hang as he stood up, dusting himself off and walking off back down the hallway, after listening to her replies and such. He wished he could've stayed and talked longer, but other matters took precedence. If he kept his father happy, perhaps Glenn would be willing to listen to reason, willing to listen to why Ella wasn't so dangerous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

'It took that bastard long enough to leave,' Ariana thought to herself as Marken exited the upper stairs of the dungeons. She gave him a bow, with her head down, and waited for him to pass before descending the stairs herself to the dungeons.

Ella was alone in her cell now, quietly humming to herself as she brushed her hair out. God, she was so oblivious to danger, she deserved to die. Ariana had been hiding in small spaces in the castle, avoiding direct eye-contact with anyone so as to not raise suspicion, and he was just laid up in the dungeons, living like the princess everyone called her.

"Milady, your lunch," Ariana announced, thrusting out the meal. A prisoner shouldn't be eating healthy soups and fine bread for their meal, but Ella received it anyway; how could she have a complaint in the world when she wanted for nothing? Quickly, Ariana left the food in the tray of the door and left without a word. Her heart was pounding as she reached the exit, but she made it. She was able to trick the stupid princess into blindly eating her food; she would put her plan into action and tie up her loose ends with Ella.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He was heading back down the stairs, a grin on his face. His father had finally been allowed to see reason, thanks in no short part to Regina, who had spoken fondly on Ellas behalf. Instead, she'd be sentenced to house arrest, held under lock and key in his chambers, except for meals and other such occasions. Once the queen had found out about the horrid treatment his fiance had been through, she had refused anything less than treating Ella like a human, not some criminal scum.

The exhaustion he'd felt earlier was gone, not because of rest, but because of elation. He'd feel it later, certainly, but later could come with Ella at his side. He was even whistling, barely paying attention to his surroundings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ariana gave Ella a triple dose of the poison. She just had to sprinkle it on the princess's baked chicken and mashed potatoes after retrieving the tray, then head down to the dungeon. She waited until Marken was led away for a meeting with his father and then went to Ella's cell. The girl looked sadder than usual, probably affected by the lack of word from the king and her current situation.

'No worries,'Ariana thought, 'You won't be bothered for much longer now,'

The maid brought the food to Ella's tray before she took the old one. Instead of leaving this time, Ariana stepped back and waited. She wouldn't be satisfied until she watched Ella eat the poisoned food with her own eyes. Her entire body clenched as she watched Ella pull the tray to a table and get ready to eat. But instead of eating, she looked at the food, as if sensing something was wrong.

"You're going to have to do better than poison me," Ella hissed, flinging the tray against the bars, "Guard, she's the maid!"

Ariana sprung into action before the guard did, pulling a concealed dagger from her skirts and stabbing right into the neck of his armor. Ella shrieked angrily as the guard fell to the ground, motionless. Ariana ignored Ella's angry yelling before she yanked away the keys from her victim and went to the door of Ella's prison. Ella uselessly grabbed the fork from her tray and held it out to protect herself. Ariana quickly cornered the woman and yanked away the fork. There was still blood on the dagger in Ella's face, hypnotizing her into silence. With her guard gone and Marken retiring for the night, no one would even know she was dead until morning.

"Whatever," the assassin hissed, "I would rather kill you personally. I will relish watching the light leave your eyes...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Walking down the stairs, he heard a shout, Ellas voice ringing out. 'She's the maid!' That was heard clearly, and Marken broke into a sprint. So she'd come to silence Ella now? Come to take his love away? He'd stop her, he had to... Or he could help Ella, atleast. Yes, that seemed far more likely, he was only a few days into his sword training, what could he do against a trained and skilled assassin? That would fall to Ella, who he hoped was trained to do such things.

Still, he jerked the sword out of its scabbard. It was a shortsword, made from forged steel, twice folded, light and maneuverable. Perfect to start training off with, considering Marken lacked any previous finesse with a blade. He reached the bottom of the stairs, eyes widening when the scene before him was revealed. "ELLA!" He moved quickly, though his breath was running out. When had he gotten so out of shape? He wasn't even fat...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Stay back!" Ariana ordered with an angry, commanding voice. With a firm jerk, she pulled Ella in front of her and brought the blade to her neck. Ella tilted her head back as the knife stung against her skin, barely able to breathe. Ariana gave Marken the most menacing glare she could manage, edging her way out of the cell now.

"You are a pathetic excuse for a man," Ariana accused, "This woman almost killed you with her own hands, yet you harp over her like she's a damned angel."

Ariana continued to pull Ella out, stepping out into the hallway with her back still turned away from Marken. She wasn't going to be stupid enough to drop her guard, even if he wasn't very skilled, she hadn't survived this long by being cocky. The assassin kept her gaze on Ella and held the knife to her throat still, keeping him painfully aware what he would lose if he did anything too sudden.

"You are going to let me and your sweetheart out for a stroll," Ariana told Marken, "If you want any chance of her making it out of this alive, follow my orders; understood?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He'd intended to distract the assassin, for Ella to do something, but in a situation like this, there wasn't much he could do. Even if he had been a master swordsman, with a blade against Ella's neck, Marken was useless to intervene. Her words struck as hollow to him, something said out of spite, to hurt him further, considering her assassination had failed.

His face turned to a large frown, letting out a large gasp of breath as he tried to figure out the best way to help Ella. He said nothing, but instead turned the blade to the ground, hoping that would be a sign well enough that he had no desire to do something rash. Standing there, he tried to look unintimidating, something that wasn't hard at all, given his poor sword stance and lordly clothing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With a proud smirk, Ariana continued to drag her captive with her, edging out of the dungeon. She could get out of here, but she'd have to take Ella with her; at least until the woman lost her usefulness. Marken would never see his precious fiance alive again, she would see to that. Ella tried her best not to struggle as Ariana backed them out into the hallway and latched the dungeon shut, locking Marken inside. Ella was then shoved before the assassin with the dagger pressed into her back.

"With any luck, we'll be long gone before anyone happens upon your prince," Ariana said smoothly, "Now head to the stables. and don't think of running from me. I can always kill you, then backtrack and kill him as well."

That was a rather poor bluff, but Ella knew not to test the woman, with her backed into a corner like this. Every move Ariana did decided if she lived today; any mistake would bring about her demise. Ella clenched her face, understanding exactly how Ariana felt in that moment. She was just doing what she was ordered to, and trying to escape with her head still on her shoulders.

"Let me help you escape," Ella pleaded softly as she was shoved on to their destination, "I can see you out of here safely, with no fuss. Just let us go free, and-"

"Shut up, I don't need pity from a damned traitor!"

The knife stabbed about an inch into Ella's side before Ariana jerked it back out and shoved her onto the ground. The two of them were in a corridor Ella didn't recognize now, and they were all alone. Ella clutched her small wound and sat up, forcing herself to ignore the pain. She was trained to withstand these kinds of things, at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GranoxFirewind


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He was locked in, that much was obvious, as they took off. The assassin held the keys, so there was no way for him to escape and help Ella that way... But there were ways for him to help. He'd heard their destination, and honestly felt quite lucky that she'd chosen the stables. In times of war, or should someone outside the family try to usurp the throne and use the dungeons, there were escape passages. They all led to the stables, where royalty could be off with a horse, hopefully before it was realized they were gone.

He'd neglected to tell Ella this fact, for the sheer reason that he saw no point in it. If she escaped and was gone, he'd have lost his love, and if she was caught again... It'd implicate her as being guilty, and she'd probably be killed. Either way led to him losing his love, and Marken couldn't stand that. Walking into her still open cell, he felt around. One brick should be loose... Aha! A large stone was tugged free. The wall beside it was thinner, and he was able to slide his hand inside, pulling the wall open, revealing a long corridor, that aligned with several others, from every other cell. They all led to the same place.

He replaced the stone before stepping inside, pulling the wall shut. It was dark, exceedingly so, but it had been built so that one could walk comfortably inside. The walls were smooth and dry, as long as he followed them, he'd reach his destination. "I'm on my way Ella..."
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