So the characters are named after the 50 states?
Sep said
Also to Mista I'm not sure if Dessie wants to GM, I think Dessie just wants to gather people who want the idea.
Mista Slaya said
I understand that. I'm just not wanting to step on anyone's toes here so to speak.
Sep said
Also in terms of AI even if we start with AI we should make our chars then chose an AI who we think compliments them well.
Revans Exile said
Here's how my character would do it.Virginia looks at all the available A.I.s. She doesn't bother to pay much attention to anything about them and randomly chooses one.
Sep said
Freelancers don't chose the AI.AI are assigned to them based on skills/personality. I meant OOCly we'd have to chose whereas IC we'd have no influence.
Ispep said
It's Pepsi spelt backwards.
Sep said
Indeed as the special abilities can only be used once we get A.I. unless we have a connection back to the command server (I.E. Alpha on the ship) to do the calculations.For those of you behind on the AI of freelancer they all stem from one AI, Alpha who is actually the consciousness of the someone though there are differences as Alpha doesn't have the same life experiences. The Director is unable to get more AI to perform his experiments augmenting soldiers with AI and fancy tech, as a rival to the Spartan program (Pre-war as Pre-War makes sense) so he has an idea. If you put enough pressure on the AIs mind will it fragment, like reverse engineering a multiple personality disorder? (For this intense pressure needs to be caused and varying stimuli are used). Also we need an artifact with something inside of it that splits the AI. As Alpha is subjected to different torture different pieces of its personality fragment. A fragment off its logic Delta(I think we should keep the names for our sanity), its childishness Theta, Deceit Gamma, Creativity, Sigma and so on so forth. I think Tex should be ignored unless we're keeping the Director as the same guy.
Revans Exile said
You need to be more clear. Besides when we are talking about an alternate universe the rules of the previous do not necessarily apply.