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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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My bad I thought I had changed it. Fixed now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Name: Lowri Couch
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Mental Gender ( If you know what i mean, i want everyone to play anyone the would want): Female
Personality: She is not the most sociable of people, and the virus didn't exactly help matters, she makes all attempts to avoid contact with people and if she must make contact, it is very limited.
Base(do you have one?/describe): She hops from rooftop to rooftop to take supplies in each house, and if she finds one that is suitable to sleep in, with blocked windows and doors she checks all of it through and sleeps there, moving onto the next rooftop, it has got harder since there aren't as many supplies now, so she might have to find other ways to get food.
Bio: On the first day she was with her family, as infected broke down the door, their only hope was to get up to the attic, Lowri was the only one who could manage to get there, and her mother and father were torn apart by the infected, luckily, the attic was where they kept their tools, so after a few hours of hitting away at the wall Lowri finally managed to break through to the roof, and from there she went from rooftop to rooftop, dealing with infected at night and finding supplies in the day. In the third year of the apocalypse she had a particularly nasty fight with an infected and it bit her left little finger, having seen how people turned before she had no choice but to amputate it, it healed but there is a pretty gnarly scar from it.
Relationship status: None
Crush?: None
Sexual Oreintation: Straight but romance isn't happening any time soon.
Appereance: Lowri is of mixed race, she had an Indian mother and a German father, she has short frizzy blondish hair, medium brown eyes and caramel coloured skin, she is quite tall for a girl, standing at 5'10, and she has quite a small nose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xLillyliciousx
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Olivia Erickson



Mental Gender;

Olivia is a tough girl, she doesn't deal with people's bullshit, and she hates liars. If someone causes her a problem, she won't be a whiny bitch, she'll face all of her problems on her own, and she isn't afraid to get to in a fight with people. Olivia can be a sweetheart when she needs to be but she usually is watching her back, and on high alert. Olivia isn't afraid to get dirty either, she doesn't mind having some dirt under her fingernails. She has a short temper which can get her trouble quickly.

She sleeps where ever she finds a safe house or building.

Olivia was living on the streets, she used to live with her parents but because she could never keep a job, and have money; they got tired of her living on their couch, and finally kicked her out. That was a week before the infected started crawling through the streets. Ever since then, she had been roaming the streets, trying to find food, and weapons to protect herself. Before it's night, she finds an empty house or building to sleep in during the night; she's tried being the sewers but each time, she would run into a swarm of the infected, and almost got killed so she tries to stay away from the sewers.

She's lost hope on getting off this island or the so called doctors and scientists finding a 'cure' or at least a vaccine to protect the uninfected. She believes that all the survives are on their own, and it's very man (and women) for themselves. Olivia isn't completely heartless, if she sees someone needing help or food; she will stop to help them but than she'll go on her own merry way. She doesn't know about the status of her family and she tries to stay clear of her old house because she honestly doens't want to know.

Olivia usually have black bags underneath her eyes because she doesn't sleep that well, her night terrors keep her awake. Living on the streets, and instead of a safe house, she's seen a lot of deaths and horrors; she won't talk about it but anyone can see that something has deeply effected the girl.

Relationship status;


Sexual Orientation;

She has crystal clear blue eyes and stands at 6 foot.

Olivia travels the island on her skateboard, her only fastest transport.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Totts


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guys I don't want to ruin the fun for anyone but in roleplays I've been in which have featured User he has tried to basically god mode the situation and steer the rp any way he chooses, also his spelling and grammar aren't the best, I'm not saying he hasn't changed now it's just something to keep in mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Totts said
guys I don't want to ruin the fun for anyone but in roleplays I've been in which have featured User he has tried to basically god mode the situation and steer the rp any way he chooses, also his spelling and grammar aren't the best, I'm not saying he hasn't changed now it's just something to keep in mind.

I think spelling and grammar have to be at least understandable, but I'm not sure, it's Rosemoss' RP, we'll just have to wait until she comes back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


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Totts said
guys I don't want to ruin the fun for anyone but in roleplays I've been in which have featured User he has tried to basically god mode the situation and steer the rp any way he chooses, also his spelling and grammar aren't the best, I'm not saying he hasn't changed now it's just something to keep in mind.

I will give him a chance but posts do have to be understandable and I did state in the rules that if they broke a rule ( like godmodding) I would kill off their character so that WILL happen if anyone takes over this roleplay because its mine and because I can. But thank you for bringning that to my attention.

And everyone is accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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Totts said
guys I don't want to ruin the fun for anyone but in roleplays I've been in which have featured User he has tried to basically god mode the situation and steer the rp any way he chooses, also his spelling and grammar aren't the best, I'm not saying he hasn't changed now it's just something to keep in mind.

man im offended i try my best to change but you dont help. if this is how im remembered i dont see why i keep coming back. you may not like me but dont make others dislike me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Totts


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user I'm just giving them notification that in the past you were a bad roleplayer, I'm not telling them to dislike you
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dessie777


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dessie777


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Valkyr Pacific Standard Time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This looks like fun. Might I reserve a spot? I can't write a CS tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Valkyr Pacific Standard Time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Picture: N/A

Name: Aaron Clifford

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Mental Gender: Male

Personality: He used to be a pretty cheerful guy, but no more. He seems angry or depressed most of the time. He dislikes the idea of grouping up with others.

Base: After the infected tore down his home, he wanders from house to house, looking for a place he deems truly safe.

Bio: When the infestation broke out, he tried to hold out in his house with his girlfriend. He under-estimated the strength of the infected, however, and they broke in. They had nothing to defend themselves with, and he had to watch his girlfriend ripped apart before his very eyes. He managed to tear down some of the barricades and escape through the backdoor at the last second. He ran for what felt like hours. He finally found an abandoned house and held out until morning.

Relationship status: Single

Crush?: N/A

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance: 6'0, white, shaggy black hair, dull blueish grey eyes. He wears a black jacket over a white t-shirt. He wears his old hiking boots as well as a pair of dirty jeans.

Extra: He used to go hiking and camping with his girlfriend. He's built a decent amount of stamina for running and vaguely knows a few survival techniques, but barely remembers them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


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Oh thats sad^^

accepted though
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Picture(If Any):
Name: Milo Cash
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Mental Gender: Male
Personality: Though he's now one to sort of shove people off now, he cares about people he doesn't want people to die ever again, and now days he feels he is the cause.

Base(do you have one?/describe): All it really is is a camp site on top of a roof. Door is the only way to the roof so keeps that blocked. Has three ways out, Fire Escape, Roof jumping, and that same door to get up.

Bio: Milo feels like a failure from what has happened with this virus, first he abandoned his family for 2 days to find his Girlfriend Tiffany he thought the could survive without him, it had all just started. Sadly this was wrong, he found Tiffany and traveled with her back to his place to find his parents dead and his little brother and sister Alexander and Zaniyah were missing. Tiffany and Milo quickly resorted to building a base, and searching for Milo's family. They found them, Alexander crying over Zaniyah's "dead" body because as they approached she came back only rip Alexanders throat out, Milo couldn't hold it in the cry he let out brought more to them surrounding them. He found the only way out was up, he got up but couldn't get Tiffany up in time before she got dragged down into the mass. Her last words to Milo, "I'm sorry" he never figured out what for. Since he's been alone, afraid that if he goes with anyone they'll because of him.

Relationship status: None, Girlfriend may be a little dead at the moment
Crush?: N/A
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Appearance: Literally the picture, has a hoodie in case it gets cold at his base

Extra: Trains in martial arts, and parkour (Clearly only one of these is helpful, but gives a reason fro the body buff)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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you say that but parkour could save your life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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when are we starting?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


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User said
when are we starting?

When I wake up enough to make a post so probably in the next hour
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