Amy was still unconcious as she was rolled into the hospital/ ER adn the doctors surrounded her running blood test and doing X-rays to look at her lungs. All the test shows she has peneomia and that Amy had to be on heavy anti-biotics. The nurses gave her something to get extra oxygen in her lungs then moved her to another room so they can watch over her for the next few hours. "You are welcome to stay with her sir just let her rest.' The nurse siad to Philip and left the room while AMy was asleep.
The doorbell soon rang and once Ariel would open the door she would see an old man wiht a cane in his hand. 'You called about my granddaughter Amy?"
The doorbell soon rang and once Ariel would open the door she would see an old man wiht a cane in his hand. 'You called about my granddaughter Amy?"