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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Terrace of the Damocles, above Britannian territory]

Lelouch only had a slight smile as he moved his knight piece forward. "If things do not go as I envisioned, then hopefully my Knight of Zero would carry the job...besides, I suppose I can trust you with my plans. I did not topple the previous Emperor of Britannia for nothing," Lelouch sighed, knowing that there were always flaws. Like the plan of Euphemia's Special Administrative Zone of Japan, and Nunally's hope to make the Damocles a symbol of everyone's central hate, there was one factor that made everything fall apart, and the same could be said about Lelouch's Zero Requiem. Not that he would fully involve the Doctor into his plans, maybe a little help wouldn't hurt. Lelouch did tell of his plans to the closest people he knew within this Empire.

"We do not have much time before I would have to meet with the Decepticons, and I would like to keep this between us...well, including your incarnations. Simple as it sounds, the task of rallying up possible people to turn their attention to Britannia would make things go by quicker than originally planned. It shouldn't be hard to make me sound like a threat," Lelouch said to the Doctor, knowing that this was a necessary thing if the Zero Requiem were to work. At this time, he happened to get two transmissions, one from Suzaku and the other from CC. He decided to contact Suzaku first because he was probably still on the battlefield.

/"Your Majesty, I am returning to the Damocles. I see that I may be of us from there rather than down below,"/ Suzaku explained bluntly, and Lelouch saw no problem with that, so he only gave a simple 'I understand' before switching over to contact CC.

/"Emperor Lelouch, the Decepticons will be escorted to your location shortly,"/ she spoke, and that confirmed Lelouch's thoughts that this would be really soon.

"Alright CC, bring them here as fast as you can," Lelouch said before disconnecting with her right away. He then turned towards the Doctor.

"I suggest you leave now. I'm sure that you being sighted here wouldn't do us much good," Lelouch said, knowing that it would be good if they were spotted here having a rather interesting conversation. By what Lelouch has said, it was easy to assume he didn't know much on Laserbeak, and only considered it a minimal factor that happened to be around.
CC only gave a nod and began to head her way through the large corridors, and she knew it would lead to where the terrace was. However, she wondered if either Lelouch would go and guide the Doctor away or mention the brief plans of the Zero Requiem to him. No matter what happens with Lelouch there, she knew that Lelouch only planned to ally with the Decepticons to put a threat into himself, create a threat for the world to unify against.
"C'mon, you're putting me to sleep," Corentine laughed as she sounded somewhat bored by now, deciding to use the high frequency part of the gunblades. As she saw Z-X starting to charge, she sped towards her as the energy blasts stopped to allow her this sudden boost in speed. Her blades were ready for another strike, but it wasn't going to be that much of a push-over this time. Moments before she would have the gunblades make contact with her opponent, the blades suddenly glowed in a blue light, the high frequency feature was activated. Regardless of what was in the way (unless really really durable), it would be cut no matter what, this feature made things virtually possible for her to cut up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

The Swarm was so close to the battlefield, that the biotitans the lesser forms clung to could be seen, what followed was a large black cloud of flying biotitans. This was to be the swarms invasion force, they were ready for whatever was thrown at them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Jack smirked at the insecticons. He said "Ive seen worse then robot bugs...and trust me fellla Im not so easy to kill." Jack spun his world war 2 revolver and shot himself. He fell down. In a few seconds, Jack gasps loudly and sat up smiling :see.....now if you would excuse me....I want to talk to that green haired girl more."

[12th Doctor]
He moved a bishop and said "I have a way of helping you with making everyone hate this 'single person'. They are creatures call the silent...my previous incarnations tells me you met them...but you wont remember though." The Doctor nods shaking lelouch's hand,and taking the TARDIS detonatoe. "This agreement is between us emperor.....it must be done to bring peace.." He left into his TARDIS. He pulled a lever down leaving Damocles.
11 called 12 "so how did the meeting go....did you manage to get the emperor to surrender?" "Unfortunately gentlemen I ddnt....the war goes on."

She froze as the attack cut off her right arm. Sparks and oil fell out of it. She screamed and looked up at her. She closed her eyes waiting for her time to die
A TARDIS sound was heard and the War Doctor came out firing a gun at her. "This weapon is made to take out Daleks....it should be more then enough to take out you....leave now....I dont want to do this..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

ActRaiserTheReturned said
Their would be another job for the sorcerers of Orochi's Alliance. The Damocles and the strange machines and modern soldiers found themselves facing ghostly counterparts. . . on the ground, there were what appeared to be very high tech cannons capable of firing bursts of energy. Over twenty of them lied scattered around the battlefield, their shots fired straight through the ghostly apparitions the sorcerers had conjured. Although the mysterious Damocles double and all the other machines could not be harmed by friendly fire, they were not invincible, and could be harmed by enemy forces. Nonetheless, the battlefield was prepared for long in advance by Sun Tzu, Zhuge Liang and Taigong Wang themselves. . . meanwhile, there were still other contingencies prepared for, in the case that this plan could not work.

Well...there was a sudden increase in activity back on the Damocles that Suzaku knew that his assistance towards Lelouch was needed, but that was going have to wait as he was also starting to get reports from the ground-based forces that there was still more of the enemies down on the ground, and they happened to have a variant of energy cannons of some sort. Suzaku was pretty sure that the Blaze Luminous shielding was more than enough to hold off the incoming blasts, but those would have to deal with those as soon as possible.

In a burst of speed, a green blur that was the Lancelot Albion sped right through one of the ghostly energy cannons, and it was certain that it would be highly damaged from that. The Lancelot stopped its blinding fast movement in the air, the green energy wings spreading wide open as the Knightmare drew out its twin masse vibration swords.

"My only warning. Leave now or I will have no choice but to eliminate everyone on site. Emperor Lelouch has no time for these attacks," Suzaku announced on the speakers of his Knighrmare. He was not a ruthless person, so he gave a single chance for them to consider leaving the area. Besides, he would fight as Lelouch had told him to ever since his friend had taken the throne of Britannian Empire.
Corentine grinned madly under her helmet, and was going to go ahead and cut up the rest of Z-X with the rest of her gunblades' high frequencies. However, that was interrupted by another...geez, have any of them hear of a fair one on one fight?

"Really now? Well...that just makes a better challenge...in fact, let me fill you into something..." The Knight of One smirked as she actually had her helmet retract back into her suit, revealing she was covering up her left eye. Even if that was the case...she took off her makeshift eyepatch and revealed that her eye was permanently enveloped in Geass (will add the info on this soon). Now that this Geass eye was revealed, anything in range to her would start to feel a strange kind of pulling feeling.

"The power of absolute 'Remembrance,' or should I say weakness finder? Cmon, what's got to be the hardest thing that you can remember..." She said with a sadistic grin.
CC ignored Jack, but his sudden reveal of some sort of immortality scared her. He did not bear the code of Geass...and he was immortal. For now, she focused on heading towards the terrace, which they were just entering. they would see Lelouch sitting at a table that had a chessboard on it, as if he were expecting them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Starscream and his minions followed CC quietly. He would make sure to send video of the humans revival to Soundwave, not that the obsessive Decepticon already knew. It was always best to assume Soundwave knew everything, and drop your plotting immediately.

After seeing the man shoot himself, the Insecticon gave no response. For one, it was sure that it would take the human longer to repair himself if he was a smear on the ground, or a few atoms floating around the room from a energy blast. As the group entered the terrace, the Decepticon escorts decided to wait on the edges while Starscream continued walking.
As the Doctors left, Soundwave ordered Laserbeak to follow after Starscream. The small bird managed to follow the group quite well without being noticed. The main reason for this wasn't espionage against the Britannians, as much as it was to keep Starscream in line. That Decepticon was always plotting something, be it for the Decepticons, or against them.

((I was gonna post after, but now that Gummi's done two I figure I'll go))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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"There's more up our sleeves than petty parlor tricks and borrowed technology, although neither of those is anything to scoff at. You had better hope you have the bite to back up your bark, if not, we'll give YOU a bite so vicious you will wish you kept your hand in your pockets." The cannons returned to fire. . . some of them were damaged, but they returned fire with mysteriously potent beams of light. These weren't the ghostly weapons from before, they were real weapons constructed by the Alliance. However, it was time for the ghostly fleet that was flying in the air to attack on their own. If an opportunity would arrive for them to attack in a kamikaze attack, that would leave them with a larger advantage than before in the battle, they would take it, since these things were illusionary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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[War Doctor]
The War Doctor felt some pull inside him. Not inside his body but his mind. His very memories itself. The old warrior smirked but irt was a painful smirk. Pain of guilt. "Very well....I will show you my most recent memories...." Flashes were shown of the time war. All the things the Doctor has done. seen and heard. The Nightmare Child destorying planets. Innocent screams on familes and children. Daleks destroying entire worlds. People begging for mercy. Sun engulfing, and dying out.Ships exploding. A war greater then the one happening now."I am showing you things your mind couldnt imagine....what I am showing you is hell..." The old warrior said in a somber tone. He remembered the question the bad wolf girl asked. "How many children from Gallifrey did you see?" He asked Correntine.

Z-X froze as the girl would see everything the Doctor has dne in the war. She only saw glimpses of the war, and she could barely last a minute seeingit all.

Jack looked at the insecticons and said "Now if you will excuse me.." He turned seeing A Silent. "How did you get in here?" He asked it. Jack quickly put oin the eyepiece and said "want to see my friends before you forget them?" Two of the Silent walked behind Jack Jac then said "Now tell me where the Doctor is..."

[4 Doctors]
The four Doctors were in the council room. 10 asked "So....how was your meeting....did our threat work?" 12 didnt mention the plan he had with Lelouch and said "Unfortunately no..." 11 took a bite of detonator, which was really a Jammie Dodger. "It worked on the Daleks....well Almost." The other doctors all took bites of the Jammie Dodgers and 9 said "I think we should use the Silent.....trick him into revealing his secrets.." the 11th Doctor said "We tried that.." 10 turned back t the 12 version "Are you ure he didnt say anything.." 12th nods again at his younger selves
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Imperial Military Base, Holy Britannian Empire]

Suzaku wasn't sure on what the properties were with the enemies' weapons, but it wasn't something that he was going to risk finding out on. Using the "live" command planted in his nervous system, the pilot of the Lancelot Albion was able to weave and maneuver through the beams of light that the cannons were firing at them, but the same couldn't be said for the average Knightmares that were still in the area. Since most of the Knightmares were not as advanced as the Lancelot, those weren't able to dodge majority of the beams, being simply wiped out without much help...
[Borders of the Holy Britannian Empire]

Sure, she had to see these memories too, that was a weakness of her Geass...but after a few moments of seeing these rather...twisted memories, a true and genuine look of pain appeared on her face. There were two reasons for this sudden reaction. One: it was a given that these memories were much worse than whatever Corentine had been through herself, more than enough to shake her off of her violent nature. Two: this was also more than enough to remind her of some event in her past that led to her loving to kill others for the sake of battle. A few minutes pass as her mental state was being gradually becoming unstable once more, and then she finally closed her left eye forcefully to snap herself and the War Doctor out of this trance, her breathing was unsteady and her right eye (her only 'normal' eye) was twitching and several tears rolled down her face.

"...it hurts...it hurts....all over...hehehehe...pain everywhere!...more pain...more pain...more than yours...right Petunia!?...I'll give more pain to everyone!....Ha....ha...ha..." Corentine was basically saying things without even knowing it, sometimes regarding it to herself, to others, and to some person named "Petunia." It was hard to tell if she was crying, if she was happy, if she was laughing, if she was in pain, or all of those combined. No...maybe it's her own insanity? Either way, her mental insanity fit was snapped out of it as she was receiving a brief audio transmission from Suzaku, to head back to the Damocles. Quietly, she put back on the makeshift eye-patch around her left Geass eye, and had the helmet come back on to cover her head.

"Alright..." she muttered to the communicator before she cut off the transmission. She didn't feel like attacking the enemies here anymore, they seemed to have enough pain for now due to that memory, but she departed with the words "More pain than Petunia..." towards them before leaving with the some of the Britannian forces here, but that didn't mean that the attack was called off.
[Terrace of the Damocles, high above Britannian territory]

Walking up to Lelouch, CC did a slight bow before saying,"The task is done, what shall I do now Your Majesty?" Given with her emotionless attitude, it was like she were a personal servant to the Emperor.

"I will leave you in charge of our nearest military forces. The Knight of Zero had contacted me that there is still some commotion occurring back at the Imperial Military Base, so you can lead several other of our forces to that location to assist him there," Lelouch explained to her, having her leave the area since she had done her part of escorting the Decepticons to the Damocles' terrace. Now, it was time to have that diplomatic meeting, and he did aim to ally with them at first and it made it quite easier for him as they had come to him.

"So...what is your reason for coming to me?" Lelouch bluntly asked towards Starscream, having a basic idea on what they were here for but asked just to be sure that his assumption was right. In his head, he was also thinking on where to use the F.L.E.I.J.A.s next, on which place was weak enough to use the weapons on and what places were a huge 'no' for the time's being to use the weapons.
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