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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Strax shook off the fall. it hurt but he wasnt going down. He saw the girl draw gunblades. He drew his blaster and dagger. "This is your last warning girl...give up or prepare to be destroyed." He said staring her down. "Very well then." He slammed his fist together and said the great Sontaran battle cry, "Sontar-ha!" He fired the blast at her

Captain Jack knee what he had to do. "River keep trying to take out their shield. Im going in." River nods at the Captain. Jack knew he would be useful in this fight. Ever sense what happened with the Daleks and the Bad Wolf, he has been able to die. He got in a Torchwood jet. These were made to take on alien threats. He put on his old WW2 uniform and took the pistol he used so much. He took off and saw Vincent knightmares and began firing at them.

The War Doctor knew why his sucessors brought him here, and he could also see why. The war below was nothing comparted to the hell on Gallifrey but he knew it was hard. No more. The War Doctor looked at the Bad Wolf girl. It took the form of someone he would meet. He said "Tell me...do you know how this will end?" She shook her head "unfortunately no Doctor....what is your plan?" The old warior was silent as he watched the fighting

{The Doctors]
4 TARDISes arrived in the Damocles. Out of them the fice Doctors walked out, armed with the soniuc screwdrivers. The 12 Doctor looked at Lelouch. "Hello were the Doctors from the Planet Gallifrey....." They sat down in a chair and took out a remote. The 11th Doctor said "Were going to talk....and if you dont....were blowing up are TARDISes.....these remotes will blow them up instantly...the combined explosion will hace more power then you know..." The 9th Doctor said "Your going to have your men retreat...your going to tell them to run away."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Understood, I do look forward to meeting you ... in person" Starscream replied to the Britannians communication. He then pointed to a group of nearby flying vehicons (Silver alt). "You two, come with me!" He ordered, "And before we go, I think we should pay the insecticons a visit" He started walking down the hallways towards the insecticon hive located within the Nemesis.

Starscream and his two subordinates arrived after a couple minutes of walking. By now, the two he already had were nervous. It was well known that the insecticons and the vehicons didn't get along perfectly. However, the insecticons were good for their massive size and strength. It would be wise to showcase some of their stronger soldiers. However, the reason he brought a mixture was due to the insecticons ... volatile, and unintelligent nature. As they entered the hive, the room temperature became more humid, and a buzzing noise was heard constantly in the background. A voice, or many voices spoke out in unison as Starscream entered.

"What is your business here, Starscream?" (they?) asked. The rooms atmosphere changed. It became cooler, and bunch of red-glowing optics focused on the incoming Decepticons.

"I need two of your most silent, and well behaved brethren. Diplomatic mission" Starscream explained, hoping to get in and get out quickly. The room was silent for a moment, as if it was contemplating.

"If you wish for quiet, Kickback and Sharpshot will do." The hive spoke as one. At the same time, two massive insecticons dropped from the ceiling. Both of them knelt before Starscream. "Now leave us!"

"Of course!" Starscream exclaimed, then quickly left with his escort. After another fifteen minute walk, they arrived at the landing platform located on the back of the nemesis. It was a massive expanse of flat, way larger than the deck of an aircraft carrier. It had many lighted arrows showing different landing routes and pathways.

"Decepticons! Move out!" Starscream shouted as they began running down the ship towards the stern. After reaching as fast as they could run, they transformed into their vehicle modes. In the back of the formation, there were two massive insect-like robots, obviously the insecticons. In the middle, there were two car-like vehicles with attached wings, the vehicons. Starscream took the lead, his sleek jet form allowing him to go much faster. However, he opted to let the others keep up with him. As he flew towards the Damocles, he sent a message to the Britannian forces, "This is Starscream, we're en-route to the Damocles now"
As Starscream took off to meet with the Britannians, Soundwave remained on the bridge to try and spy on them as best they could. So far, he was decoding a good amount of data. However, he soon detected some interesting signals coming from around the Damocles. Not knowing what they were, he continued to monitor them. However, as they didn't seem to be doing anything g yet, he didn't see fit to inform Starscream.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

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[ Miki's Office, The United Nations]

Tama continued to eat her Cathulhu cookies and play with her yarn as she processed everything her friend said. How bad of a position was Britannia in if they were forced to rely on weapons of mass-destruction? From the information Tama had, she knew that The United Nation's had more destructive weapons, but that didn't mean Britannia had an excuse to use it. Hopefully, this won't start a chain reaction where everyone is firing them.

" Hmm, they really are in a bad situation. I usually have Meiya deal with these situations, but since she is busy dealing with other things, Miki will try her very best in planning with you! What do you think we should do? I know directly getting involved would be a bad thing, but there has to be some way to make sure this situation doesn't escalate much farther. These kinds of weapons could destroy the planet."

Well, Tama would never let that happen anyway. She was sure that sending off one of her weapons and making it collide with the other one would surely stop it, right? That is EXACTLY what would happen.

Oh Tama, never stop being you.
[Outer Heaven Island, Safe Spot]

Well, it seemed like everything on the beach was destroyed,


However, there was always a chance that they would come back.

" Ahem, excuse me sir. President Tamase wanted us to deliver this letter to you. I would also like to suggest that your men keep guard, just in case they stage a followup attack. I'd also suggest arming up the coast some more. If anything suspicious flies by, shoot it until it is dead. Thank you sir Big Boss for the hospitality, and I wish you and your people a bright future."

One of the men on the boat handed Big Boss the letter Tama wrote for him, and then went to join the rest for food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

[Craver recon squad inbound to Britannia]

"2 minutes!" the pilot shouted into the bay, the warrior nodded before turn to the drones "do your final checks I want no drone unready," he ordered the gathered drones in front of him. The drones quickly checked over there weapons making sure they were ready. The dropship slowed down and hovered over a clearing in a forest. The ramp opened up and the Craver squad landed into the clearing. Once its cargo deployed the craver aircraft flew off leaving the squad alone "spread out and search for humans," the warrior ordered, the drones nodded before spreading out into the forest looking for any human civilization.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

[Port of Tama, League of Legends]

"I see. Then we will await the time we can discuss the future of our respective nations." Kayle, as well as Gangplank and small yordle by the name of Lulu, had followed the guards and took their spot in the lounge. It would seem others have arrived before them, which hopefully wouldn't hinder their plans of peace. Sure, they wanted to get home, but who knew how long they were to be here, and burning bridges early on would not benefit anyone.
[Somewhere on the Island, League of Legends]

It would seem that either this creature had no intention of listening to the request Jarvan made, or had simply just not heard it, which was doubtful. Being this disrespectful to the Prince of Demacia was intolerable, especially since this small yordle-like being was apparently trying to form an alliance of some sort, but threatening them as though they were superior. How untasteful. How ignorant. How....


Jarvan had no interest in what she was yapping on about. Judging by their tone and audacity to sneak onto an island full of Valoran's greatest warriors, they weren't too bright and they would only serve to be a thorn in the League's side. Though he did not like it, he couldn't help but feel they needed to eradicate this rat and its nation. Whomever would put something like that in charge would be a very poor ally, and they weren't likely to be bright enough to remain neutral. It may contradict Demacia's hope to ensure justice, but considering this rat could feasibly become an obstacle to the League's return to Valoran, they needed to be dealt with.

"Begone! You underestimate Valoran's greatest champions, and your blatant disrespect towards myself and the other champions is unwelcome." Jarvan replied. Meanwhile, Twisted Fate began shuffling his cards and then he glanced through them. Hopefully for the rat's sake, things wouldn't get too heated right here. "The League has no interest in partnering with you, so leave immediately."

Jarvan raised his extendable lance threateningly. "You will not be told again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

[Somewhere on the Island, League of Legends]

The lance's tip, practically shoved in her face, sparked up her own personal 'survival mode'. Almost falling out of her seat, she retrieved her shovel, and in a swift motion slammed it down on the weapon. Meepo hoped to break the tip off of it. Either way she stood on her bag, now eye level with champions.

".... or what?"

She uncharacteristically grew firm, keeping a glare locked on the prince. The creature after a few moments smiled once more. She rested the shovel on her shoulder, and laughed as if the situation was a joke. "Ah' right, I get ya'.... you thinkin' that I'm kiddin' around right? That we're lesser than you...? Might be true, might be so wrong that it hurts! Like, shovel to the face kinda hurt," She trailed on her words, as if she was expecting something. Meepo glared past Jarvin apparently at nothing before continuing. "So, 'Mister High and Mighty', what happens when some bozo like me comes stormin' on in here, with fire and technology that you ain't even READY fo'? 'Valdorf-ian's' greatest champions are gonna melt like ice! And it's gonna hurt! Like, shovel. to. the. face. kinda. hurt!"

Meepo pronounced her last sentence as if she was trying to get the attention of someone. Once again the air around her grew awkward, and she ended up spoiling the surprise, "Clinkz! That's the cue! Get yer head in the game!"

a distance away from the champions, fire exploded from nothing. Out of the flames, an arrow flew at the direction of Twisted Fate. It struck the tree he was on; stabbed a mere few inches above the man's head. Embers seared from the arrow's tip. The fire ceased, but left in it's place stood a small, skeletal archer. It locked it's gaze on the target, and almost immediately after launching the first arrow he loaded up a second. Meepo's screaming broke Clinkz' concentration: "Could you be any more oblivious?!"

"I didn't hear it the first time," it spoke out in a raspy voice,

"Yeah! I noticed!" She barked with a cross of her arms. Her thoughts were brought back to Jarvin, and so was her attention. "Now, 'Jarmive', I'm sure that we can come to some sort of solution; I'd hate to start useless conflict amongst us, we're all pretty much equal." She raised her free hand to the prince. "Lets start over; I'm Meepo! I run an island full of the world's strongest warriors! I think if we don't band together, we're gonna get wrecked by every other island out there! And I mean it's gonna hurt! Like, shovel the face kinda hurt!"

Once again there was a pause, resulting in Clinkz looking at her in confusion. "Wait, are you doing the signal-"

"Yes," Meepo growled, cupping a hand over her eyes. "Shoot the guy dead, for the love of..." Clinkz took her command and fired off another arrow at Twisted Fate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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[Imperial Military Base]
(Hope this is a good enough response)

It had been a bit since the air fortress Damocles had ascended into the sky, leaving Suzaku and the ground based forces to handle the sudden assault sent in by the Orochi faction. It seemed like the Lancelot Albion was doing what it was designed to be: a force that would shatter all other forces. If things continued as they are, the ground-based Britannian military forces would handle the threat soon enough that they could meet up with where the Damocles could be at. Their Emperor was up to something.
[The Empire's Borders]

"Heh, don't underestimate the Tempest Winds of Britannia!" Corentine shouted, fully immersing herself in her nickname many of the military had given her. Living up to her name, she sped right towards Strax, smoothly and just barely evading the blast, and closed in with the attempt of getting some sword swipe at her opponent. The way she used her blades was almost lightning fast, but yet, she didn't dare use the high frequency effect of her blades for now.

Meanwhile, the other Knightmares that were present for this battle would prepare to use their defensive features, which were also Blaze Luminous shields but were gradually weaker versions compared to the shielding used for the airships above.
[High above Eastern Britannian Coastline, Damocles]

As the four Doctors had appeared right to them once again, CC was rather busy on keeping an eye out for the Decepticons for their arrival here via signal, due to the fact that they were not that far to begin with. The threat that the Doctors had wasn't exactly what they would want to happen right now, so Lelouch had to think of something. As if Lelouch had realized at what a tight spot he was in, well, before their soon-to-be allies would show up, he let out a fit of laughter. It was like he was realizing how things started to turn out for his Empire.

"I must admit, you are very persistent on what you aim to do...not to realize what I really want to do. If it must be some option for you to try and kill me here, what will it accomplish exactly? Actually, let 's hold off the hostilies, I mean,"Lelouch spoke after his laughter, keeping up that confidence that the Emperor of Britannia, and in a quick swipe with his hands, he revealed his Geass in both eyes,"You shall listen to what I say." Lelouch was not aware on how Geass would work on people that weren't human, but maybe it would since it worked with the collective unconscious, or pretty much the 'gods' of his world. It all happened fast, so some eye contact as Lelouch spoke those words would have some effect on them.
[Outside Britannian Imperial Capitol]

As the drones would venture out through the forest, there were a brigade of Knightmares that were stationed right at the gates that would lead into the imperial Capitol. Some of the Knightmare's Factsphere systems started to pick up unknown signals, getting most of them, including their present commander Jeremiah Gottwald, very nervous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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It had been a bit since the air fortress Damocles had ascended into the sky, leaving Suzaku and the ground based forces to handle the sudden assault sent in by the Orochi faction.

Their would be another job for the sorcerers of Orochi's Alliance. The Damocles and the strange machines and modern soldiers found themselves facing ghostly counterparts. . . on the ground, there were what appeared to be very high tech cannons capable of firing bursts of energy. Over twenty of them lied scattered around the battlefield, their shots fired straight through the ghostly apparitions the sorcerers had conjured. Although the mysterious Damocles double and all the other machines could not be harmed by friendly fire, they were not invincible, and could be harmed by enemy forces. Nonetheless, the battlefield was prepared for long in advance by Sun Tzu, Zhuge Liang and Taigong Wang themselves. . . meanwhile, there were still other contingencies prepared for, in the case that this plan could not work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Twisted Fate was not born with the abilities he now possessed. No, before, he was a simple conman who could bluff his way out of the worst of shitstorms, and always had a 'knack for pulling out a royal flush' when the stakes were highest. And he did that with the only other human being he could have ever considered a 'friend'. He'd desired magical power for so long. Why? He... wasn't entirely sure. He just did. And the desire was more than enough to trade his friend's life to gain the magic he was born without. It's how he ended up in the League, and soon after, his friend did also.

It is also the reason these little rats would regret opposing the League.

FamishedPants said Meanwhile, Twisted Fate began shuffling his cards and then he glanced through them.

If there was one thing the Card Master trusted, it was the cards. These cards had led him since he was a normal human being, and even after. These cards had never once lied to him. And these cards, well, they told him the truth. Mainly, two truths. The truth of the world. And the truth that has yet to come. But he did not wish to waste magical energy on everyone. Just the people on this island would simply do.

Twisted Fate did not seem to budge much, despite the apparent attack at himself that did not miss by much. He remained calm and collected, his mouth curved in a grin, although you couldn't see it since his head was lowered at the moment. Perhaps if he wasn't already so confident he could be bothered to get irritated at the banter between these two, since it reminded him way too much of interacting with yordles, experiences he did not particularly care for. But the smirk remained throughout the short delay between the skeleton's, and throughout the motion of him twisting his body as he dropped his cards (which did not fall to the ground, but instead floated in the area around him), before dashing a short distance from the tree, and picking a red card from the air and tossing it at the archer, just before he'd actually shot the arrow. This was a fairly redundant use of his abilities considering anyone could predict what would happen given the talk between those bumbling allies, with or without the cards.

Nonetheless, the being fired an arrow at him, though it was a bit too late. The arrow and card collided at a closer distance to the skeleton, and unlike a normal card, it detonated with the force of a small grenade. Perhaps it wasn't enough to kill the little rat, but, well, it certainly didn't feel good.
Jarvan did not worry much about the Card Master, he could handle himself, as he wouldn't still be on Demacia's shitlist if he couldn't. Instead, the Prince of Demacia focused his eye on Meepo, whom was puting on a comedic routine with his ally, whom had revealed himself to be the source of the presence from earlier. That did not matter to Jarvan. He had his small foe before him, and although he was almost certain these two were fools, even the yordles were to be feared in some cases. So, around the time the second arrow was fired at Twisted Fate, Jarvan launched his own attack.

A swift, horizontal swing of his lance, untainted by meaningless motions or desires.
It had but one focus, one goal: to kill the foe before it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Strax cursed as the girl moved fast. Faster then anyone he seen. The Sontaran blocked some hits but took some wounds. The Sontaran said "You are very strong girl but I am a Sontaran and wont be taken down easily." He took a few striked with his dagger, and tried to shoot her with his blaster.

Z-X sawStrax Fighting the girl she tried to shoot down. She jumped down next to them "Strax go...this fight is mine..." Strax was about to say something but nods. He left to help out the others. "I tried to shoot you down...looks like potato head beat me to it....I dont wish to fight. The Doctor wants peace...if you want agree to this then I will be forced to stop you." She was ready to fight

Jack dropped bombs on the Britannia forced and tried to shoot them down. He saw a blew Box flying past him. "Wait Doctor?" He saw inside and saw a old man. "That none I know." who ever it was it was the Doctor

The War Doctor remembered the plan. His succesors would disract the emperor enough until He would come in and end him. The war doctor wondered now if their plan would work. They told them this emperor was no idiot

[The Doctors]
11th Doctor smirked "You have no idea how serious we can be and how high we take the stakes......" The 10th Doctor said "Lelouch we know your intelligent....you brilliant....in our time you will be revered celebrated. You can end this madness here.....Together all of us can bring peace.' The Doctor eye narrowed when he laughed They knew he was up to something. They saw the Geass and froze. The felt something but resisted it.9th Doctor smirked "Funny mind controlled...trust us we resisted it before. The 12th Doctor, and the oldest of the four, said "Very well we will hold off our hostilities and talk..." He saw the Chess board "I see your a man of chess....you know our species invented chess.." He walked over to the chess board "lets have a game and talk....." He put down his detonator. "My colleagues wont detonate the TARDIS. This is the only weapons we have on ourselves. Beside the sonic screwdrivers but they are not deadly." The Other Doctors wondered what their oldest self was up to. 12th Doctor said "I have no other motive but just to talk and have a chess match. Well emperor do you accept my challenge?"

[The Silent]
Several of the Silent walked into the Britannia. They went to the citizens telling them to revolt agains the emperor and they would leave without a trace. The Doctor had no knowledge of this, As River told the Silent to do this. River let Madam Vastra and Jenny work on the weapon as she walked in the Britannia Capitol. She knew Her Doctor wouldnt like whatshe is doing but she had to help him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the Decepticons passed the Damocles shielding, they noticed some weird blue boxes. However, they decided to ignore them as they weren't doing any harm at the moment. They started circling the massive fortress, awaiting a location for them to land.
Back on the Nemesis, Soundwave was busy analyzing the threat the blue boxes posed. After a bit of remote scans, he could tell they were probably very powerful. He decided to deploy Laserbeak, with the intent of gaining a sample of the potentially hostile object. The small blue bird-like robot detached off the Decepticon communications officer and flew out of the bridge and down the hallways. It eventually made its way out of the Nemesis and towards one of the blue boxes.

While Laserbeak exited the Nemesis, Soundwave doubled the shields in the direction of the blue boxes, in the case that they were some type of weapon. He also alerted Starscream of his suspicions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

[Craver recon squad Outside Britannian Imperial Capitol]

The drones stopped a few meters away from the Knightmares to remained out of visual range. The warrior looked at the Knightmares looked through a pair of binocular and mutter an alien curse under his breath. Normal the warrior would have his drones attack the large mech suits but with fear of what Borgon would do to him if he figured out you disobey him it would weeks to clean the mess he would make. Shaking the thought of dying horribly to an enrage warlord he order the drones to back off and to look for other to find other human civilization.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Imperial Military Base, Holy Britannian Empire]

Knowing that this could not be good if left alone for too long, so Suzaku had the Lancelot Albion attempt to take down their cannons, using it's Blaze Luminous shields to try and get close without getting harmed and had it's swords ready for use against these.
[Borders of Britannian territory]

Corentine has the Leodegrance back away as the man left and the girl from earlier had decided to jump in. Well...there were a few things to share from her point.

"You know, as much as you seem to hate the Emperor's actions, I honestly don't care. I don't care if peace or war occur, I don't care if I have to decide on some sort of morality or something like that. I just care if I get a good fight out of things, you know? Hacking your opponent into bits with these blades, causing suffering with the power you are given to fight with, it's so...captivating if you ask me. So...I'm going to stick around with "His Majesty" since he happened to give me a position that would allow my fighting to continue, and I suppose you'll be a good opponent to start it off for the new Knight of One," Corentine said while twirling the two assault gunblades with her hands, giving off the impression that she was only on the Britannian side to fight with a great favor to kill others. Quick, she aimed both gunblades at Z-X, firing off several blasts that would be alike to the Hadron Cannons but slightly weaker.

The bombs were of course stopped by the shielding, but it was just enough to have the Blaze Luminous shielding of the airships to go off due to how much Sakuradite would had be used to equal the power of the bombs for the shields to work.
[Damocles, high above Britannian territory]

This helped Lelouch realize that Geass could be used on non-human entities as well, it would depend on some as the Doctors were able to resist it completely. Lelouch only put back on the contact lenses that would nullify his Geass, his eyes reverting to it's purple eye color. "Very well, I see that we can talk in these...circumstances, no matter how short-lived it can be," Lelouch said as he sat down, hinting a bit that he still knew that the Decepticons would arrive at some point based on Corentine's earlier report to him. While he sat down, he saw no need for CC to stick around, the immortal does get bored easily.

"Oh, CC, I would suggest that you leave for a bit, you wouldn't take much interest with this anyways. If something were to happen to me, just remember our contract," Lelouch said over to the immortal, also hinting again on some connection between himself and CC. He also said it in a way that CC would understand it as "go and escort the Decepticons here."

"Alright Emperor Lelouch, I will remember," CC nodded and then left the large terrace of the Damocles and towards the hangar. With that out of the way, Lelouch also pulled out a key of some sort, but this was actually the firing key of the Damocles, the very one used to fire the F.L.E.I.J.A.s.

"This is used to fire the weapons aboard the Damocles, a mass destruction weapon known as the F.L.E.I.J.A. Unless necessary to be used, I will leave this key here on this table, that way, I will not show any hostility as we talk," Lelouch said as he put the key of the Damocles on the table right next to the chessboard. However, it was hard to tell if Lelouch was being truthful or that this was another trick he was setting up. However, this was no doubt the Damocles key, and with it there, there was no way that Lelouch would use it unless he grabbed it immediately.

"Care to go first? I will take the black chess pieces. Also...would you like to know on what I mean by...'destroy the world'?," Lelouch smiled in an innocent and yet suspicious manner, and he waited for what this 12th Doctor wanted to tell him in response.
[Damocles (Landing Hangar), High above Britannian Territory]

CC wanted to make sure that it would be easy to bring these 'guests' into the large outdoor terrace (which is surrounded by a very strong type of glass) that Lelouch and the Doctors were at, so she decided to go to the hangar that was closest to the top. The Decepticons that were circling the Damocles would see a landing zone become available to them, and it was a very spacious one too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

[Hive Fleet Kraken Territory.]
The Swarmlord was ready to move his forces, but he heard the voice of his master echo in his head "Consume..... Timelord...... West....Help Britannia.... Use of me...." The Swarmlord not wanting to disobey The Hivemind turned his forces west towards Britannia but what did his master have in mind with these humans, why were they of use to it, but it didn't linger on these thoughts. As it consumed one of it's own Harridan's and turn the biomass it received from it into it's own set of wings "Move Faster..." He telepathically told his swarm and they did, for the most part leaving their lands unguarded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(the Doctors)
The 12th Doctor put the Detonator next to the key. "My detonator is the master one can destroy all four at once. Like you with tbhat key i wont use it as we talk." He said looking him in the eyes. He moved a pawn. "Yes I will like to know why yu want to destroy the world. But by the tone of your voice Im guessing you have other plans right?" He waited for Lelouch to make his move "I had a old friend who you remind me of....a very brilliant man. He couldve been so much more." He sighed and looked at the young emperor He then said to his previous selves "Gentlemen go help our allies. I have this handled." The Doctors looked at their 12th incarnation but nods leaving the room.

{River and the Silent}
She got in the jet and watched the Silent do the mission she sent them on. She knew her love would hate what she did but River was doing this to help the Doctor. To help him bring peace. She took off leaving Britannia.

Zaina dodged the blast and her wrist blade came out. She fired the flamethrower at her. Zaina glared at her and said "THe Doctor has dealt with men like him...and people like you. You have no idea the man you are going up against...He is a man who can make armies retreat instantly by just showing himself or mentioning his name." Zaina swung the wrist blade

[War Doctor ans Jack]
The War Doctor saw the Shields held fromthe bombs the men dropped. He used the sonic screwdriver on the shields hoping it could turn them off for a short period of time. The other Doctors(9-11) Came and used their screwdrivers to help.

Jack and the other soldiers continued firing and dropping the bombs. He saw Damocles and flew to it. He ejected from the jet landed on a hanger. Jack Drew his pistol and began running. Jack heart beat quickly. He saw CC and smiled. She was cute. "Hi, Captain Jack harkness." He said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Decepticons flew in behind the intruding human, Starscream being the closest, transformed behind him.

"You know, it's considered rude to interrupt a meeting" He said to the human who had interrupted their meeting. Meanwhile, the vehicons were giving the two insecticons nervous glances, as they still didn't trust the gargantuan robots. The insecticons were oblivious to the stares of their fellows, instead they gave a condescending look to the puny human technology around them. Their massive forms were probably the most noticeable part of the Decepticon diplomatic group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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[Outer Heaven Island, Outside]

Big Boss took the letter and went up to dry land, then opened it up. Kaz came up to him and was now standing beside him. "What you got there, Boss? a letter, from who?" Kaz noted the kitty stamp on it.

"Let's find out together.." Big Boss said, then began to read.

" Hello Mr. Big Boss sir~! I'm Miki Tamase, The Leader of The United Nations~! I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house some time~! We could drink some tea and maybe play a game or two~!

I hope I hear from you soon~!

- President Miki Tamase "

They both looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "Kaz, I think whoever the President is, she doesn't take things very seriously." Big Boss said, a bit confused. "And besides, we can't go right now anyway." Kazuhira pointed out.

"Luckily she didn't write any certain time, so it's okay. And they'll be paying for all of the damages to the beach and ammunition used, but I need to go tally up the exact amount. Boss, go talk to some of the soldiers, raise their morale. We'll respond to the letter after we get everything in order." Kaz said, then went off.

Big Boss went off, going to go check on his men. Today was a rough day. But, just like always they had toughed through it. That was MSF.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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[Terrace of the Damocles, above Britannian territory]

"Yes...if you put it that way," Lelouch said with that smile of his, placing one of his pawns that would be in front of one of the Doctor's pawns.

"I can't give you much on what I mean by that and what I plan...but I can give you an idea by what I mean. Say that all of the factions in this world are a simple neighborhood, and as much as there will be allies, there will also be enemies. Given that there's so many of these threats, everyone is bound to have many enemies, people to aim their hate towards. From that, the hate is spread out wildly upon different people, and even if I were wiped out of the picture...people will still have those to hate. Now, if the neighborhood had a single hate shared amongst themselves, a single person to put the blame and hatred towards, to be put against the entire world, it would had to be a very dangerous evil. If that evil is wiped out, and it was that great to have even the most common of enemies to tag along, then the hate will be lost as the greater evil had been sent away. From this analogy alone, the answers to what you want to find out about my plans will be there, that even the world wouldn't change if you try to keep your hands clean. I might be trailing off to what I was speaking about, but I remember a line being said that "before creation, there must be destruction." That is a simpler way of why I had said I had the will to destroy, destroy what is our world currently, and even myself in the process," Lelouch explained in a way that was the most vague he could possibly be. It was strange to hear this from the "Demon Emperor" that Lelouch made himself to be, to even speak about self-sacrifice and that he had the will to do this to make a change, it was like a strange little way to contribute for the world's greater good. As if he were still taking the stance of the "Demon Emperor," Lelouch decided to add one more thing, just in case if there were people spying on his very conversation.

"Either way, I suppose that there wouldn't be much...agreement between the two of our factions. Our insights are quite varied and drastically different as I see now," Lelouch said, knowing by now that CC would return with their diplomatic meeting with the Decepticons to happen soon.
[Borders of Britannian territory]
BGM - Comrade's Song 'Gabriel'

"Heh, is that really all you have to say?" Corentine rose an eyebrow under her mask, but couldn't help to laugh. She was either a person that only signed up to fight others, or some person that has lost their sanity over time.

"Not a poetic person, but how about I rehearse some lines for you to get my point straight to you?" she scoffed as she swiftly blocked the wrist blade with one of the gunblades, sliding under the arm of the wrist blade with the help of her suit's capability for swiftness and attempting to swing her other blade at her opponent's arm. Not once did she try to use the high frequency mode to try and cut through her opponent yet, it didnt' seem right and she wanted to see her opponent struggle first, give them a taste for her.

"When dizziness overcomes me, I transcend time. Drenched in lies, I falsely perceive my memories. You, blood, death, and madness, shall become my life. Reason, pain, the world, and sight, shall someday know my significance. ...Well, can't wait to see my truimph over you!" Corentine said as she had the energy wings that were still activated to spread out and she immediately activated it's offensive maneuver, energy blasts being launched at a rapid rate at Z-X

(Note: The 'poem' that Corentine says is actually the english lyrics of the music used for this bit. ^^)
[Damocles, Large Uppermost Hangar, Above Britannian territory]

As if her job wasn't going to be this packed...anyways, she only cared if their 'guests' were escorted to Lelouch's location and be done with this, so it seemed like she paid no mind to Jack.

"You are here to see Emperor Lelouch, I am here to escort you to His Majesty," CC said, taking on the role as Lelouch's 'servant' pretty well. She's been a servant before a couple hundred years ago, so it wasn't hard to mimic that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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[1th Doctor)
The Doctor moved another pawn andlistens to Lelouch's plans. He undestood what he had planned but however he did see a flaw in it. The Doctor folded his arms over his chest and said "I see. Your plan is good Lelouch...but there are some problems. Som factions wont stop fighting...even if someone everyone hates is...dead....some wont stop" he sighed and looked the Demon Emperor in the eyes "If your plan is what I think it is...then let me help you....." The Doctor said calmly "So what do you plan on doing to bring hate on this *single evil*." The Doctor asked
The Tardis had a sheild around it. As Laserbeak came near it, the woodlike paneling wouldnt break The 12th Doctor stopped and heard something. He used the sonic screwdriver hoping to scramble Laserbeak's system. "One of yours?" He asked Lelouch

Z-X caught the gunblade in her hand. It made a cut in her hand and some sparks flew out. She jumped back dodged the energy blast. One nearly hit her side. She fired several rockets at her. Z-xBegan charging another plasma blast. She cursed as it charged the 5 seconds.

River flew across Britannia as the Silent did their Job. She left the place and decided to fly to another faction. MSF. She heard of it and knew they could make a great alliance.

Jack looked at Starscream. "Im with antoher fraction buddy. A friend of mine is here visiting the emepor." He looked at the insecticons. His expression didnt change. He had seen worse. "Nice bugs....seen better though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Starscream ignored Jack, trying to do his best not to squish the man for his impudence. "Show us the way." Starscream said, now thinking of all the ways that he could tear the human apart. They were such fragile creatures ... and when they popped it was always messy.

Although Starscream knew better than to interact with the humans, the insecticons did not. One turned it's head towards Jack and it gave him the best glare it could. Which to a human would only appear as it's mouth frowning and its optics glowing slightly brighter. Although most insecticons would squish the human for referring to them as mere 'bugs', Sharpshot and Kickback were quiet. Although it did not stop them from growling at the rude organic.
Having his systems scrambled was not something that happened every day to Laserbeak. After being temporarily stunned, he dropped out of the sky for a bit, before recovering and avoiding a crash. From there, Soundwave determined it would be best for the bird-like decepticon to follow the blue box from a distance.
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