Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Shinji really wished that there was something wrong about this place; the shear normalness of it was making him uncomfortable considering how he arrived. Everything was just so painfully normal that it was driving him crazy. He knew there had to be something wrong with this place, there was no way that black hole sent him somewhere even remotely normal. Then again...what was normal? Hell, could his own life even be considered normal? After his parents were killed by a monster, him getting super powers, time getting reset but with his parents somehow erased from time, did he really know what normal was anymore? Come to think of it; id his parents were erased from the world completely, how was he still alive? Bah, that question could wait. Right now he had to find......something. 'I hate having no idea what to do' he fumed silently, still in the lobby, unaware that people were watching him and keeping a safe distance
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lili noticed another woman muttering to herself. Akhibara? That name too was familiar to her as Asuka had talked about it. This place was not her home tho. In fact nothing in the displays was anything she recognized. "What good to me would a sword or amulet do?" She mused looking over some objects. " Maybe I should ask her..no I do not know her. But maybe she could have the answers?

Slowely Lili approached the woman. "Bonjour..hi. Do you know anything about this place?" She asked casually.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Arx regained his composure after his outburst. Obviously, he needed to be extremely careful. The center of the Earth could be a very dangerous place after all! He took a deep breath. First, he would have to find some sort of civilization. The only problem would be if they were dangerous. Luckily Arx had the Geo Driver, just in case. He brushed the sand off of his clothes and cautiously walked uphill. He found himself in front of a very large building, where tiny rivers of people trickled in and out of its doors. The word "Museum" could be made out along a sign in front of the building. Okay, obviously the center of the earth wouldn't have a giant museum located in it. However, a museum would have some kind of information on his surroundings! Arx entered the building, stealthily sneaking past the admissions desk. Beyond him stood a vast plethora of glass casing and artifacts. He meandered towards the back, taking note of each artifact. Some were amazing, some were meh, and some were downright goofy. Arx stopped at case and examined it. The name plate read "Sengoku Driver". Arx cocked his head and pulled out the Emerald Shard Key that the exploration team has given him. He twirled it in his fingers as he thought. Was this a device like his own Geo Driver? Did it transform the user as well? The Shard Key slipped from between his fingers. Arx gasped and fumbled a bit, but to no avail. The Shard Key landed straight into the glass, its extremely sharp point impaling itself into the glass and creating a spiderweb pattern. Arx panicked and he looked around. "Oh man...oh man oh man! Arx frantically attempted to cover the exhibit with his body, hoping no one would notice the damage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rachel wandered through the museum aimlessly, glancing at the assorted exhibits and occasionally stopping for a closer look at the ones that she recognised. As she paused to investigate one of the many "relics" the building held, she couldn't help but chuckle. Props, toys and replicas passed off as relics of some epic battle? It was so cheesy and ridiculous she couldn't help but laugh a bit, not to say she didn't enjoy the gimmick immensely. As she looked up to continue, she caught sight of something. Or rather, someone.

The brunette's jaw dropped and she stared for a few seconds, mouth wide at the sight before her. Green hair, red eyes, umbrella, plaid skirt and vest. This was...She shook her head. It was obviously an employee of the museum, cosplaying to help sell the whole "fictional characters are real and fought here" gimmick they had going. Right? Nodding to herself, Rachel approached the green-haired woman. There was one thing that bugged her about her otherwise perfect explanation.

"Um, excuse me, miss? Um, I really like your costume, but why aren't the other employees dressed up too?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lili was also in thought as she asked the woman she came across. She wondered how her rival was doing. Last thing she recalled was Asuka trying to jump into the light or whatever pulled her in but she was forced back as if whatever it was did not want her to come along. Lili did not want to admit it but she was feeling lonely already and she had not even been here long.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Hm?" Yuuka turned her head towards the Brunette, an eyebrow raised slightly. Costume? What costume? The flower youkai could have sworn her clothing would pass as something that... well, someone would wear in a logical setting. It wasn't like she was wearing a shrine maiden's uniform. Or a witch's costume. Or an awesome cape.
Then again... it seemed that this girl had mistaken her for an employee. Dressed up as a 'character', also known as herself. Interesting mistake, but...

Yuuka smiled deviously for a brief moment. It was time for a little harmless fun.

"Costume? What costume?" Yuuka asked, sweeping her hand dramatically towards her own chest, chin held high, "surely you recognise greatness when you see it, young miss? Who else could I be but the elegant..."

Yuuka twirled.

"...The beautiful..."

The flower youkai placed a hand on her, umbrella sliding from her elbow to her wrist in the meantime.

"...The one and only Yuuka Kazami!"

Closing this performance by stretching to fingers outward, before her eye, the adult-looking woman winked playfully in a manner reminiscent of a Magical Girl. With this amount of over-acting, she was sure that the girl would either believe she was a fake Yuuka Kazami... or the worst imitator of Yuuka Kazami ever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Okay, okay, uh..."

John rummaged through his bag for bit, shooing away the parrots again and giving the strange boy a bottle of water and some of the raisins. What was a kid this age doing out here? And why would his parents abandon him in the jungle.

"Come on, I'm headed back to the hotel. My name's John Shirkwood and we'll get you something decent to eat there."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Near the museum in a cafe sat Victor-55, the steampunk style robot calmly sipped some tea that was brought to him while he worked on the cross word in the local newspaper. He had been there for the past two hours enjoying the nice weather on the island. Victor set down the paper and checked his pocket watch, he realized the time got up and left already having paid when he first came there. Victor quickly crossed the street into the museum. Once inside he began to wander it halls aimlessly looking at each display trying to determine if there contents were real. As he wonder deeper into the building he notice a young man blocking an exhibit, giving in to his curiosity he walked over to him, "you know young man other would like to see that exhibit there," he said pointing at it with his cane.
'By the Emperor I hate this planet!' The guardsman Jericus "Ing" Ignace thought as he brushed foliage of his away as he aimlessly wonder through the jungle of where ever he is now. He can't remember how long he’s been there. But the last thing he could remember was stabbing a cultist then there was a bright light then he woke up here. Ignace soon heard the faint crashing of waves echoing through the trees. Getting excited about finding his way out of the jungle, rushing towards the sound he burst out jungle on to a sandy beach face first. The guardsman knelt up in the sand he took out and clutched the Aquila pendent around his neck thanking the Emperor for guiding him out of the jungle. Ignace then thought over his next course of action, after debating it for a few minutes he deiced to fallow the beach to try to find any trace of civilization unknowing he was about to get himself into.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

While Roxy was doing her ongoing search for civilization, or at least a ticket off this island, she spotted a girl practically dive bomb the ground with her foot. To say the blonde was impressed was way beyond an understatement, so beyond that it could touch the bottom of the ocean, no problem. Though as impressed as she was, which was so fucking impressed, she needed to not do the thing where she got lost in thought and actually communicate with her. Or she would have if it didn't start raining swords.

"Hopy hoofbeast," Roxy yelped, falling back on her butt. Luckily, she was no where near those swords and it was just the surprise of seeing them that made her fall. "Remind me next time I decide to chat up a girl to check if it's cloudy with a chance of fuck ton of swords," She muttered to herself before standing up and dusting off her bottom.

"Hey girl, if you're done being badass and shit. By the way, that was a pretty rad entrance, 10s all across the board," Roxy lifted up her thumb and winked saying 'wonk' as she did so,"Could you tell me where I am and when's the next inter-dimensional flight out?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Katsumi's focus changed swiftly. From a determined gaze forward, she quickly turned to face the blonde girl who had appeared from seemingly no-where. Arms still firmly folded across her chest, she simply smiled as she listened to what the girl needed from her. Yes, yes, of course her entrance was awesome. Everything about her was awesome, so of course her entrance would be, too. She was the awesome Nomura Katsumi, best officer in the entirety of Zyguard and the entirety of the multiverse!

"If you've been unwillingly teleported across dimensions," Katsumi began, "Then you've come to the right person! I'm Nomura Katsumi, officer of the badass multiversal police force Team Zyguard!"

Katsumi jerked a thumb towards her chest, grinning widely as she did.

"Team Zyguard originally formed to help out people like you. But now we also take out bad guys who cause good people trouble, which is my specialty!" she eagerly continued, "In fact, that's just why I'm here! There's some idiots who think they can cause trouble, but they're no match for the best officer in the whole of Zyguard!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roxy's grin grew wider as she listened carefully to the officer. This was great, she couldn't ask for a better person to come across in this predicament. This Team Zyguard business seemed seriously cool. She'd consider finding out more about it if she didn't have this thing of complete and utter importance to do first.

"Hell to the fucking yeah I came to the right person, give me a high five," She lifted up her hand, "Come on, don't leave Rolal hanging."

Regardless of whether she got a high five or not, she continued speaking to her current companion, "So you're like this super cool world hopping cop? Sounds like a hella awesome job."

"So..." She continued on, getting to the root of her problems, "How do you plan to help? Like, what's the uh... what's the word, protocol?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Arx's ruse was immediately dissolved by the appearance of...what the heck was this? A robot...in a suit? The hell? The machine spoke to him while motioning his cane towards the broken display case. "You know young man, others would like to see that exhibit there." Arx froze. IT TALKED? There was no way that this was a robot, it had to be a guy in a suit. Curiously, he knocked on its hard exterior, expecting it to resound in a hollow tone. Instead, it sounded as solid as a rock. "W-well...it's closed! For...uh...cleaning?" Arx half-heartily gave his trademark smirk. This guy obviously wasn't going to fall for his folly, especially since he stood so much taller than Arx, he could probably already see the broken display. Arx nervously grinned ear to ear...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Katsumi did indeed respond with a high-five. A high-five with... perhaps a little too much power behind it. Oh, not enough to hurt, or even shove, but... definitely a bit of inordinate strength behind it. It wasn't even intentional, Katsumi was just a pretty enthusiastic girl. And to see someone respond to her enthusiasm with more enthusiasm made her even more enthusiastic. In a very enthused manner. Enthusiastically.

"Team Zyguard's jurisdiction runs throughout the multiverse! We handle dangers and crimes all across every dimension," explained Katsumi. Of course, the fact that there were dangerous people here made that the priority. As much as Katsumi did like helping people(though she liked helping people through beating up bad guys even more then that), it was priority to handle the dangers and then move on to the next issue.

"We can take you back home," she added, "But first, I'll need to handle the bastards who think they can get away with threatening and harming people! There's no way I'll let any jackasses hurt innocent people, that's not the Nomura way!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rachel stared at Yuuka, an expression of utter confusion on her face. If it weren't for the sheer ridiculousness of the idea, she would've almost considered the possibility that this was the real Yuuka. After all, an employee trying to pass themselves off as a character and acting so...wrong would probably end up jobless pretty quickly. Which left the possibilities that she was the real thing, or a cosplayer...and people cosplaying when they went to museum just seemed odd...

Which would make this the real Yuuka! Mentally slapping herself for reaching such a ridiculous conclusion, she decided that given the kind of "museum" this was, the expected ettiquette was probably more like a convention than a museum...so it made sense for there to be cosplayers around. The brunette sighed and decided to just humour the woman. After all, even if her acting could use a bit of work, she had done an utterly amazing job with the outfit and hair.

"Ah, of course. Um, I don't know how I could've thought you were anyone else..." She replied.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Woah, did this girl know how to give a high five. She definitely had a lot of mangrit in her. Maybe even... all of the mangrit! However, what she was saying didn't sound good in terms of Roxy getting back to the game anytime soon. That was definitely a one way ride to bummersville.

"Well that sucks, I really need to get back fast, but, like, I get that you're gonna be busy beating up some lameass bad guys," Roxy cupped her hand under her chin as if in deep thought. Then a most genius idea occurred to her, "I got it!" She cheered pumping her fist into the air, "The sooner you kick some major ass, the sooner I can get home right? Then, fuck yeah, count Roxy Lalonde as your number one ally! Let's rock the socks off those mothertruckers!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Victor was quite perplex by Arx strange actions in till he looked behind him and saw the damage on the exhibits glass. "I see why you were acting strange," he sighed releasing a puff of steam as he did it. The robot stepped past him and up to the glass and read the plaque quietly "Sengoku Driver, I've never seen something like this." Victor pointed his staff at him, "do you know what this exactly this is? It's quite different than most artifacts I've had seen so far." he ask to Arx trying to figure out why he would damage the glass.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The large machine pushed Arx aside and examined the case, asking if he knew anything about the supposed Sengoku Driver. Arx knew that his ruse had fallen through. "Look," He started. "I didn't mean to bust it up." Arx removed the Emerald Shard Key from his pocket. "It reminded me of a device of my own, and I kind of accidentally dropped this little guy into it." He began twirling it in his fingers again, apparently not having learned his lesson. "I'm not even from here man, I woke up on a beach half an hour ago after...certain events." Arx cut himself off short. The fact that he had already revealed the presence of his Geo Driver to this robot was already a step in the wrong direction, no need to reveal its capabilities too. He sighed deeply. "Listen...I'm just really confused as to where I ended up...and with as much respect as possible...what the hell are you, Steam-man?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lili was definently confused now. "Wait so.." She looked at everyone in curiosity and confusion. Alot of the people here did not seem normal. People with weird hair and clothing...nothing like she had seen before.

"Excuse me." Lili said loudly for someone nearby to possibly hear her. "As much as we all are admiring and questioning each other about this place..I would like to know where the heck I am. I was in Tokyo Japan before coming here. How can we be sure we all are not dreaming this whole place up.."

At least she hoped this was a dream. If not...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Katsumi considered this for a few moments. On one hand, the person she was speaking with was a civilian lost in another dimension. On the other hand... she was hardly one to talk about civilians just staying away and staying safe during Zyguard duties. Given how she originally met the organization and all... really, what mattered most was if this girl could handle herself! That was the real issue! If she could get fired up and handle herself in a fight, then it didn't matter if she was a civilian! What mattered was the soul of a warrior, the true willingness to fight for good and to protect what mattered!

"... You might be a civilian, but all that really matters is if you can handle yourself in a fight!" declared Katsumi, "Anyone can have a soul that burns with the willingness to grab victory can go ahead and do it!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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