Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Ufufu~ Well, don't worry about it!" Yuuka giggled in a childish manner. Clearly, her perfect performance as Yuuka Kazami had totally worked. Which was to be expected when you were that person. Though how exactly this girl knew her exactly was probably worth questioning.

...Actually, who cared about that?

Teasing this girl could provide some fun, given her knowledge. And it had been a while since she'd gotten to mess with a human that didn't strike back just as hard.
Her cheerful, playful smile now seeming to warp into a cold, wide, inhuman grin, Yuuka raised a lightly-curled hand to her face, resting her cheek upon it as her eyes apparently took on a malevolent glow that highlighted just how monstrous she really was.

"Now, little girl, why don't you tell me why you felt the need to bother with me with trivial, disdainful questions?" she asked coldly, a sharp contrast from her little performance just a minute ago. Playing the villain never got old.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"First of I am Victor-55," he said tipping his top hat, "your currently on museum island home to many of these relics before you." he point at some of the other exhibits. The robot walked away from the broken glass thinking about what Arx said about the Sengoku Driver. "Well it was just an accident anyway." he turn to face Arx "try not break anything else," Victor said walking over to another display case examining its contents to determine if there contents are real.
Ignace wiped some sweat off his brow as he walked he had taken his helmet off a few minutes ago to try to cool down from the heat. The guardsman soon spotted several buildings in the distance excited he rushed over to the buildings. But the guardsman soon found himself in the middle of a busy market place and was caught up in the crowed there. After wondering for a bit he manages to work his way out of the crowed ducked into a small alcove to catch his breath. "Hello there young man welcome to my stand," Ignace looked over and spotted the man's fruit stand examining it contents. Igance focus on a strange fruit in the stand; it was a gun-metal gray color with a strange pattern on it "I see you a fine eye. That right there is rare delicacy in this part of the world it will be twenty five dollars for it," Ignace thought over his options he defiantly know he didn't want to eat any more of those Departmento Munitorum ration bars when there's actual food in-front of him. "Do you accept imperial credits?" the man nodded and Ignace paid. The guardsman placed the fruit in his backpack he turn around to say one more thing but the man had disappeared 'that's strange,' he thought walking away from the stand back out into the busy street.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Can I handle a fight? Psh, psssh, psssssssssssssssssh," Roxy waved her hand flippantly as if the idea of her not being a totally butt kicking badass was completely preposterous. In fact, she had many a level on the echeladder to show for her amazing kickassery skills. Though, people outside the game most definitely couldn't see it and as the rad scientist she was, she felt the need to prove that she knew what she was doing. So she pulled her laser gun from her strife specibus (which basically meant it just appeared in her hands from out of nowhere) twirled it as if she was in the Color Guard, then proceeded to point and aim it into the sky. She didn't fire it, only showing that she knew how to handle the ray gun, "This here is my baby," She explained, "And baby's first words were 'gogdamn momma, you are one badass chick.'"

"Now where do we go from here?" She asked, putting her weapon away. She didn't actually need it anymore, after all.
As Antimony continued her pleasant walk, something very strange happened. Or it would be strange if Annie wasn't already used to much weirder. What appeared to be a child with a cat, fell from the sky right in front of her. The girl scrunched her eyebrows as she studied the two. The child didn't appear to be completely human, or so it looked to her, and the cat could talk! They reminded her greatly of some of the beings she would find just outside the Court.

"Are you okay?" She inquired, crouching down so she was more at the child's eye level. They didn't appear to be hurt, but she still needed to check.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

There was another recent arrival to the museum.

Of course, she wasn't joined up with the others yet, and really she wasn't sure if she was going to hang around and wait to see what they needed to do. For the moment, she was trying to restrain herself. But it wasn't easy, not even slightly. And... well, there was one thing she had no intention of restraining herself for. It stood before her, gleaming. she'd even given it a chance, trusted it... and it had failed her entirely. No, it had betrayed her. And there was only one way to get back what she had lost.

Misaka Mikoto squared herself up, standing at the ready. She swung her leg back... and swung it forward, hard, driving it sharply into the side of her foe. There was a clank, as it rocked... and then dispensed her choice of drink.

The vending machine kept a hold on her money. While this was pretty irritating, at least it had actually given Mikoto her drink. It just needed an extra little push, which she was used to giving. It's just that this vending machine she'd given a chance to. It was in a different dimension and all. But no, it had simply done exactly one a certain vending machine in her home dimension usually did. She shouldn't have given it the chance.

The brown-haired girl pulled the tab on her drink, popping it open, and took a sip.

At least it was cold.
"Great!" replied Katsumi with a grin. Oh yes, this was awesome. It was perfect, even! She'd still have to go meet up with her fellow officers... but if she ran into the bad guys first, well... taking them down was priority, right? Stopping them from hurting anyone and doing any damage! She wasn't about to just let them run off if she could help it, no way, never in a million years! "You've got just the right kind of attitude!"

It was worth noting that Katsumi was only around 4'5. She was not a tall girl at all.

"We're going to meet up with my fellow officers! But if we run into the bad guys on the way, well..." Katsumi's grin grew wider. There wasn't a single person in the whole multiverse who could stand up to her! "I'm going to take them down! After all, I'm the girl who's going to stop every villain I can!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 42 min ago

Moerin - Outside Rain's hotel room

Moerin couldn't help by giggle at Anno's reaction. She was so easy to fluster... And so adorable when she was flustered too. If she was any bolder, she would've gave her a pat on the backside as a follow up, but that would just make things awkward.

"Heeey... SPEAK YOUR WI- ...Oh wow, she's right~ That is a cute butt, nyahah~"

Unheard by either of them, Moerin's sandy stalker seemed to have given up on her cause for now and had simply resigned herself to ogling Anno's posterier... And Moerin's too. She wasn't exactly picky, after all.

Soon enough, Rain exited her room, and Moerin tried to keep a straight face. She was still wearing that embarrassing outfit... What was she even thinking?

"Um, hey, Rain," she said, trying her best not to laugh, and not doing a particularly good job of it. "Nice, um... Nice outfit, eheh..." ...She needed to change the subject, and fast. "So, um, museum time?"
Raiko - Museum

"It's a dump, that's what it is," Raiko glared at Lili, looking almost offended at the fact that she had dared to try talking to her. "And I'm sure if I was dreaming, things would be much more interesting."

With a flick of her hand, Raiko's silky hair fluttered about, the dyed-locks swaying in a manner that made it clear that she was showing off. Of course, she felt she was more interesting and valuable than anything contained in any museum, so she had to show off a little.

"Everything contained within these walls... Their combined worth would only equal a small fraction of my own. For in this world there can only be one perfect human being, one who will inherit the world..." Finally showing a smile after scowling so much, the arrogant girl finished her introduction. "Yagami, Raiko. Spelt with the characters for "Eight Gods" and "Thunder Child". Enscribe my name to your memory, for it is my destiny to stand above all humans as the ultimate existence."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Anno shook her head, trying to shake off her embarrassment quickly. It would just... she didn't like being embarrassed, and being seen being embarrassed was even more embarrassing! However, her cheeks just flushed more, even though she desperately tried to shake it off. It was a good thing she couldn't hear the... other individual who was present, certainly, because that just would've made things even more embarrassing for the poor girl. After a few moments, Anno finally managed to recover, taking a deep breath... and really took in the weird outfit Rain was wearing. It was... it was strange.

Why was Rain wearing that? It wasn't a bathing suit either, it was... just... weird... Anno inclined her head to the side slightly, not sure what to say at all, really. It was kind of an embarrassing outfit, she had to be honest about that... she could never wear something like that.

"U-um... why are you wearing that, Rain?" Anno couldn't help but ask, "It's, um... it's kind of..."

Trailing off, Anno decided to follow Moe's example.

"Um, well, um, we should get to the museum soon, eh-heh."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Member Offline since relaunch

Rin said
Moerin couldn't help by giggle at Anno's reaction. She was so easy to fluster... And so adorable when she was flustered too. If she was any bolder, she would've gave her a pat on the backside as a follow up, but that would just make things awkward.Unheard by either of them, Moerin's sandy stalker seemed to have given up on her cause for now and had simply resigned herself to ogling Anno's posterier... And Moerin's too. She wasn't exactly picky, after all.Soon enough, Rain exited her room, and Moerin tried to keep a straight face. She was still wearing that embarrassing outfit... What was she even thinking?"Um, hey, Rain," she said, trying her best not to laugh, and not doing a particularly good job of it. "Nice, um... Nice outfit, eheh..." ...She needed to change the subject, and . "So, um, museum time?""It's a dump, that's what it is," Raiko glared at Lili, looking almost offended at the fact that she had dared to try talking to her. "And I'm sure if I was dreaming, things would be more interesting."With a flick of her hand, Raiko's silky hair fluttered about, the dyed-locks swaying in a manner that made it clear that she was showing off. Of course, she felt she was more interesting and valuable than anything contained in any museum, so she had to show off a little."Everything contained within these walls... Their combined worth would only equal a small fraction of my own. For in this world there can only be one perfect human being, one who will inherit the world..." Finally showing a smile after scowling so much, the arrogant girl finished her introduction. "Yagami, Raiko. Spelt with the characters for "Eight Gods" and "Thunder Child". Enscribe my name to your memory, for it is my destiny to stand above all humans as the ultimate existence."

Lili: Museum

Lili had a feeling Raiko was offended she had attempted to make a conversation as apparent by her glare to her. "You must really have high and unrealistic intentions yet I understand your dreams of perfection. I too imagined myself on top of the fighting world but that is of course a dream." She then realized Raiko introduced herself so she responded in kind. "My name is Lili Rochefort. Nothing special about me except my father owns a prestigeous oil company. So Raiko do you have any idea where we are? Last I remember I was in Tokyo."

Lili also smiled back. "But I like how you think of such high goals." She added.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Yuji's first inter-dimensional wasn't quiet as pleasant as he had hoped. During transit, he felt like he was constantly spinning around, it almost made him sick. However, it didn't last long. When he reached the other side, he found himself in midair, plummeting to the ground. "Gah!!!!" He cried out as he landed face first near the feet of a girl roughly his age with light red eyes, black hair, a hairband with a flower on it, and surrounded by a ring of swords, his head coming painfully close to a few of them. "Okay, maybe just jumping into that portal wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. Oh well, live and learn." Using his guitar to help himself up he saw that the spot where his head landed was inches away from a sword and cringed. Then he addressed the girl in front of him "hey, this might sound odd; but are there any monsters around here that need fighting? Also, would you mind telling me where I am, that portal I went into didn't have a sign by it." Suddenly, a thought occurred to him "oh crap! Please tell me you speak my language!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


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After her incident Haika would stand up and dust herself off. Kinsa would begin apologizing but only to be interrupted by Haika's childish yelling, "Why you kitty I;m gonna find a river and throw you in it. Don't push no more buttons." After her verbal assault on the cat she heard a voice behind her ask if she was OK. "Oh yup I just had a fall on my tushy." before Kinsa would say in a irritated tone, "More like her tush fell on me, but for a proper introduction I am Kinsa nice to meet you fair lady i hope to cause you no trouble, and i've only sustained minor injuries. This child seems to be unable to take care of herself though and i need to gaurd her like the honorable feline I am." Suddenly Haika would let herself fall down onto Kinsa who give a loud meow before she said. "Quiet kitty. I'm Haika, He talks to much."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rachel - Museum...except probably nowhere near the rider, robot, fighter, perfect human being, space cop, special forces guy or Sparky

Normally, Rachel would've taken umbrage at being called "little girl". However, between the glowing red eyes and terrifying grin, she was willing to overlook it, just this once. She swallowed hard, taking a step back from Yuuka. Even if this was just a cosplayer...a fact she was starting to question again, the act they were putting on now was both convincing and extremely unnerving.

"I...um...that is, um...I-I..." The brunette stammered, trying to work out an appropriate response. Unfortunately, none seemed to be coming to mind at the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

clanjos said
"Okay, okay, uh..."John rummaged through his bag for bit, shooing away the parrots again and giving the strange boy a bottle of water and some of the raisins. What was a kid this age doing out here? And why would his parents abandon him in the jungle."Come on, I'm headed back to the hotel. My name's John Shirkwood and we'll get you something decent to eat there."

August beamed at John with his best possible smile as he handed him the water and some of the raisins. He popped all of the dried grapes in his mouth at once and munched on them, all of his apparently mentioned dislike for raisins forgotten along with his promise to share with the birds in the face of actual food to eat. The water managed to last much longer than the raisins did. In fact the boy seemed to savor the taste of it slowly instead of gulping it all like someone in his situation might be expected to do. He grinned at it and then at John after a minute.

"First water in days that hasn't tasted like the jungle! I could almost hug you if it wouldn't get jungle grime all over you and the scent of not-jungle-y human all over me. The mosquitoes and snakes and boars and stuff don't seem to like it very much y'know. Not to mention...the monkeys." The boy shivered for a second when he mentioned monkeys, the first time he'd shown any sort of fear since he approached John. He seemed to get over it quickly enough once he remembered what John said about the hotel. His eyes lit up like fireworks at that.

"I...guess it wouldn't be cheating to go there and eat now that someone's found me! You seem nice enough too, Mr.John, I mean Mr.Shirkwood, or um...Mr.John Shirkwood! I'm pretty sure my jacket still has some money in it, or that I can probably get some if you can take me to the hotel!"

August trailed after John, still occasionally sipping from the bottle of water as he limped after him, seeming even cheerier and more out on a leisurely stroll than he had beforehand. Had he realized he was not at all playing the proper part of a child being heroically rescued from a traumatic situation, he would have doubtlessly been much more upset with himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"So, you had no reason whatsoever to attract my attention?" Yuuka continued her emotionless, hateful drawl as her lips grew into a much wider grin. "Well, that's a shame, isn't it? Now I have no choice..."
Yuuka approached the girl, reaching a hand towards her with all the atmospheric tension of a horror movie's villain preparing to claim yet another victim. However, instead of gripping Rachel's throat and crushing it effortlessly... she simply threw an arm over the girl's shoulder, all murderous intent gone in an instant.

"...But to invite you to tour this place with me~!" Yuuka exclaimed with childish excitement, "this place is really cool, right? Any exhibits you wanna see?!"
The flower youkai kept her arm wrapped securely around Rachel's shoulders, as if preventing escape.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"I used to do gym and stuff... it's not like I haven't worn this sort of thing in public, really," Rain explained, still seeming embarrassed--though apparently not so much due to the leotard as to the unfortunate timing when Moerin had opened the door, "I'll be ready in just a minute."

Sure enough, that was the case: boots were put on and laced quickly enough, with rather a lot of fumbling on top, and the hat was placed firmly on Rain's head. All that was left at that point was the coat. After making sure that neither of her friends were in the way, the white-haired female put it on the quickest way she knew--though it was mostly for showing off. Coat held in front of her, facing away, spin it around (and hitting anyone at head height with the trailing hem) and put her arms through immediately after letting go. It was a good thing there was plenty of space, else someone or something would've gotten hit.

The girl took the lead, moving... well, fast enough to leave most people behind. Rain's default pace was one step short of rushing; long legs and impatience really contributed. Down the stairs, taking them two or three at a time, out through the lobby, and then onwards towards the museum... only then stopping to check if she had, in fact, left Moerin or Anno behind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Okay, cool! Let's hit this show on the road, slap some bitchass baddies around if it comes to that!" Roxy was so pumped for action right now. In fact, her kickass meter was definitely at it's max. Hell, she probably broke the meter by now. She was ready to march herself with Katsumi to their destination, that was until some dude decided it was a most opportune time to faceplant and eat dirt in front of these lovely ladies. What is with it raining people and swords?

"El em ei oh," Roxy had to cover her mouth at the laughter that gurgled up from the guy's misfortune, "That was some landing, bro. Smooth as fuck, I can feel myself swooning over here."
Annie giggled lightly at the bickering the cat and child did. Then she realized that was probably rude and stopped herself. She nodded to each of them as they introduced themselves. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, I'm Antimony Carver, but you can just call me Annie."

"If it isn't too rude to ask," The girl continued, her tone laced with curiosity, "You don't appear to be a normal cat and child, what are you? And how did you get here?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 42 min ago

Moerin - Headed to the Museum with Rain and Anno

"Hey, wait up!" Moerin grabbed Anno's arm as she rushed off after Rain, down the hall, through the lobby, right out into the streets... When Rain she learn to run so fast?

"H-hey... W-wait..." Stopping to regain her breath, Moerin finally took a good look at the rest of Rain's outfit. "...A fedora? Really? You know that's my thing... And a white one? What, are you trying to be Skull or something?" Bursting into laughter, she gave Rain a hearty pat on the back.

"...Well, I know what my wish is..." The sandy stalker approached from behind the girls, eyeing their... Assets most intently. "I wish to have some fun, nyahahah~ So many cute girls... And there's probably some cute guys on this island too... Nyahah, I think I might just..."
Raiko - Museum

"I did not ask for your name," Raiko snapped. It seemed that everything Lili said to her just insulted her more and more for some reason. "For mine is the only name that matters. You say you father owns an oil company? Soon it shall be my oil company, as will all things." Turning her back to the other girl, she began to walk away, but stopped after a few steps.

"My goals are neither unrealistic nor a dream. Soon I shall stand at the apex of existence." With another flick of her hair, she turned her head slightly to look at Lili over her shoulder. "You're on a dump with the highly inspired name of "Museum Island". As for how you got here... Maybe you got drunk or wasted and can't remember getting on your plane? I would expect no less from a lower being..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katsumi, in a Ring of Swords with Roxy and Yuji

Okay, this had thrown her off for just a minute. But only a minute. She wasn't going to let it shake her, nothing shook her! Katsumi raised an eyebrow for a moment as she watched the boy who had... fell from the sky somehow get up and ask his questions. She folded her arms once more, and her grin returned in full force. Asking about monsters, huh? She only had one response for that kind of talk.

"Monsters, huh?" said Katsumi, "There's no need to worry. If there were any monsters, I, the Great Nomura Katsumi of Team Zyguard, would have destroyed them effortlessly! They're no match for me!"

Katsumi's native language was Japanese, so she understood the boy perfectly even without the aid of Zyguard translation devices. Though she had to wonder why he had just jumped through a portal with no indication of where it went. That was a pretty strange choice, even she admitted that. On the other hand, he had a guitar, so that redeemed him slightly in her eyes. "And it looks like you're my business too. But first, I still need to take down some jackasses who're trying to hurt innocent people. That's the Team Zyguard way! That's my way!"
Anno, with Moerin and Raineh

Anno decided that being patient and not questioning Rain's bizarre choice of outfit was the best choice. She didn't want to be rude to her friend or anything, regardless of how questionable her choice of clothing was. Really, it was... it was very very weird. Instead, she remained beside Moe and waited... and then Rain was off incredibly quickly without running. Anno barely had time to wonder just what was going on before she was off.


And then Moe grabbed her arm, pulling her along in a bid to catch up to Rain. Anno stumbled as she tried to run with her taller friend, but... it wasn't working very well. The poor girl panted and struggled to keep her feet under her desperately as she was half-dragged with with Moe after Rain. While she wasn't completely unathletic(fencing was fun! She liked fencing!), running was... not her strongsuit. Not at all. Her skirt fluttered about as she tried to keep running until finally, Rain stopped, and so did Moe.

Anno nearly fell over.

"Haah... haaah... M-Moe... d-dragged..." Anno was kind of tired out from her desperate attempt to keep up. "Th-that was too fast!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Member Offline since relaunch

Lili: Museum with Raiko.

Lili's smile quickly changed once Raiko seemed to become less friendly and became very rude and annoying. "Now you watch what you say! My company would never be handed over to someone so inconsiderate and rude as you. How dare you judge me when you do not know me. I am very capable of handling myself." She then heard her reveal that this place was called Museum island..wait she was on a island? That statement made no sence to her. It did not seem possible to go from Tokyo to a island...was it?

Avoiding saying anything more to Raiko other then growl in frustration she went back to looking at the displays but not before she muttered. "Lowely being? I am not as worthless as you claim. Besides you believe you are so above everyone..gahh!" Having said that and to avoid possible conflict with someone she hardly knew even tho she loved to fight she walked away from Raiko a bit .
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Eh, there's already bad guys to fight here!?" Yuji asked shocked. "Sweet! Count me in" And then he transformed. Picking up his guitar, he played a few cords, electricity sparking on his strings and fingers as he did. "I'll make them feel the full force of my Rock and Roll Soul" he wailed that last part out. Resting his guitar on his shoulder like it was a sword, he asked "so, where are the bad guys?" as he looked around the nearby area for any signs of ne'er-do-wells "I don't see any around here." Then a thought occurred to him "oh crap. Please tell me they aren't invisible! Fighting someone you can't see is such an unbelievable pain. I'm just lucky that there was plenty of copper wires around last time. I'm not sure I would have been able to get him otherwise"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rachel - Museum

Like a deer gazing into the headlights of an oncoming vehicle, Rachel just stood, unable to make her body move as Yuuka reached out towards her. As the green-haired woman's hand approached, she closed her eyes while she waited for death...Only to get invited to check the place out with the youkai instead. Well, that wasn't quite right. An invitation would suggest she had a choice in the matter, but the way she was being held made her doubt she had the option of declining.

"Could she pick a personality and stick with it already?!" Rachel thought. "Preferably one that doesn't involve murdering me..."

Recovering from the sudden and jarring personality changes from the flower youkai, Rachel tried to think of somewhere to go. However, given that she was indecisive at the best of times, this didn't exactly pan out. As such, she ended up going with her default response for these kinds of situations.

"Umm...I-I don't really mind..." She replied. "I-is there anything you want to see?"
Mio - Somewhere else in the museum

A girl in her late teens approached Mikoto, having witnessed her attack on the vending machine. The older teen was, rather oddly, given that they were on a tropical island, wearing an overly elaborate and frilly blue and white dress and a matching top hat, which was several sizes too small for her. Of course, the Predator Rinshi that had sent her here didn't exactly give her a chance to pack appropriate clothing beforehand. The newcomer had her arms folded across her chest, and was shaking her head disapprovingly, a look of...disappointment on her face. As she got closer, she spoke up. However, it was not to do with the younger girl's assault on someone else's property, rather...the other girl had something far more important to object to.

"This...This is unacceptable!" She announced, pointing dramatically. "A cute girl such as yourself should not be wearing shorts under her skirt!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Misaka Mikoto, With her Spoils of Battle in the Museum

The words reached Mikoto before the differences in the voice did. Perhaps it wasn't precisely the way the... other girl in question would have said it, but the simple reason that the brown-haired reacted the way she did. However, this was also a burst of... of... well, she'd been away for a little while(though as she understood it, not nearly as much time had passed in her home universe as it had here), and... well... for a moment, she mistook the voice for someone she knew... There was surprise that she was here, among other things...

... Which didn't change her reaction.

Gritting her teeth, Mikoto began to turn. Her cheeks were just barely flushed "Kuro-"

And... then she saw who it was. And it definitely wasn't the girl she had thought it was.

Folding her arms across her chest, Mikoto raised an eyebrow, the other lowering as a distinct unimpressed look came to her face.

"... Who are you?" she asked, her tone reflecting her annoyance.
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