Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


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Haika opened her mouth and began waving around wildlytrying to motion what had happened as she spoke, "So there was this cave and it was all dark and stuff, but there was this door that was all shiney nad had a ring, and then this thing went roar, and I dropped the piece of paper, and then I was sad, but then Kinsa snuck up on me, and I was all like creepy kitty get away from me cause you're a creepy kitty, and he was like no, so i was like........" as her rambling continued she seemed to have lost herself in the story not noticing Kins's interuption, "I''m sorry, but the child seems to be a bit loopy at times, and we seemed to have accidentally activated some kind of warp device that's destination was set to the sky above this island. We're alright because thankfully htere were no predators in the sky but this one doesn't seem the most adept at flying. I'm surprised you don't seem to have any dragons, beast, or even sea monsters from the looks of it, how do you keep them at bay if i make ask? and she's a moda I'm a Jinnalin, but she thinks to think I'm a cat, were both pretty rare so don't worry." he finished making sure to stop before her last couple sentences, "And then i closed my eyes, but i didn't hit the ground so i opened them, and there i was flying, but then i fell on the kitty so my butt hurts now."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

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The girl scrunched up her nose and frowned slightly at the boy. Had he ignored her? Wow, that was hella rude. Sure what she was saying had't exactly been all that nice, but it only some good nature teasing! Oh, but maybe he just simply didn't notice she was there. She wasn't sure if that was even ruder or not.

Turning to Katsumi, she tapped her on the shoulder and bent down to whisper to the much shorter girl, "Am I invinc- er invisible? Like, I have this voidy power but I'm pretty sure I can't go invisible, I think. Do you have a power to see invisible people that he doesn't?"

At first, Annie had been listening intently to the story but as the girl rambled on and on and on, she found her head spinning from all the information. That is until the cat had interrupted her and began talking to Annie in her stead.

"It's.... fine," she replied hesitantly, "You seemed to have had a rough day. Maybe you two should come with me? I believe there are some people on the island who could help you get home, that is if you want to."

She waited for their reply, but then something occurred to her, "You know, I never heard of modas or jinnalins, maybe you could explain them in more detail later?"

"AC purrowled around the strange human museum thingies," The troll girl narrated skulked around the museum, looking quite the sight to the visitors, "There were many purrey for a furrocious meowbeast like her to pounce on. She had no idea how to choose!"

If it wasn't for her small childish stature and her kitty cap, most would think her to be off her rocker. Well, no, they probably did think she was off her rocker. But she was adorable at least! Or she hoped she was. It would be dreadful if she was actually scaring people with her roleplay! She doesn't like scary roleplays, she only wants to have fun and silly times!

Nepeta had been walking around the museum for awhile now and had seen different people but had approached none of them. To be honest, she was a bit nervous with approaching new people. Not that she was shy or anything, fur from it! She just didn't like suddenly disturbing someone she hardly knew. So instead, she had decided to practice her roleplaying in the meantime.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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"Sorry, sorry..." Rain mumbled, turning around to look at their destination: not that far away, now... but she was kind of thirsty; its being a hot day and her own forgetting to eat or drink anything after getting up made sure of that. Fortunately, where there's tourist attractions, there's refreshments... and often cheaper than inside the attractions themselves, too. Seemed like there was a handy café or something just by them.

"Either of you want anything to drink? Especially you, loli; you look like you've run a marathon... having short legs must really suck."
Chris had gotten bored of the beach quickly. How the hell did people spend hours just lying there? Since... really! There was nothing to do, and if you wanted to tan, there were much better things you could do in the sun than do your best imitation of a log. Besides, tanning with as much clothing as half the people there had on would just look... stupid in the end. The martial artist would never understand how normal people chose to spend their free time.

Her path from beach to museum was marked by the loss of considerable belongings by people on the way. A pair of sandals hijacked along the way, the smallest available cash they had on them... aside from the sandals, it was the sort of thing people might chalk up to forgetfulness, or mishap. On Chris's part, it added up--and with her speed and dexterity, no-one was the wiser.

Eventually, she arrived at the only point of interest on this island--and the place she was supposed to have headed to in the first place--and found her way into an exhibit with plenty of fruit-themed... padlocks? Along with some actual, if ridiculous looking, specimens of fruit. Damn, this was making her hungry... maybe she could take one before anyone noticed? Wait, cameras...

And that green-haired girl over there. Japanese, by the look of it.

The tan female headed over to Raiko, switched to what she thought was the right language, and asked, "What brings one Japanese girl to a place like this? Aren't we supposed to move around in large tourist groups?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Katsumi, with Roxy and Yuji

"Well, like I said to..." Katsumi paused for a moment, not recalling if the other girl hand mentioned her name. After a moment, she recalled that she'd called herself 'Rolal'. "Like I said to Rolal-san, strictly speaking I have to take you to safety... but hell no am I doing something so boring! If you can fight, there's no reason that I can't let you help! Just be warned, I can handle every bad guy all by myself, with my swords!"

The blades gleamed, as Katsumi raised one hand and clenched it into a tight fist. "And no, they're not invisible. But it doesn't matter if they are or not! A true warrior rips down any walls, any obstacles in their way, even if it seems foolish or stupid! We touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable! That's how a true warrior does it!"

And... then Rolal tapped her on the shoulder, asking if she was invisible, since the boy didn't seem to have reacted much to her. Katsumi's response came swiftly. "Of course not! You're as solid and clearly there as I am! Now... let's go!"

Katsumi pointed... off in the direction she was facing. She was pretty sure those were the direct coordinates she had been sent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Mio - Museum

"Ahaha, how rude of me. It's just that when I see a cute girl wearing something so unsuitable, I can't help but say something." Mio stated, as if her comment had been a perfectly normal response to seeing someone kick a vending machine. "I'm Mio Saito, part-time waitress and warrior of love and justice." She added, curtseying to the younger girl.

"So, who is this "Kuro" person?" She asked, smiling pleasantly. She honestly had no idea, but was far from willing to pass up a good opportunity to try to get a reaction from the other girl. "A friend of yours? Or perhaps...something more~?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lili: Museum Near Raiko and Chris

Lili turned away from Raiko now and completely ignored the girl who had now attempted to speak to Reiko as well. Why that girl did bother was something she brushed off. Raiko seemed impossible to make a conversation with. She also picked up that the new girl knew Japanese.

"Please excuse me." Lili said curtly directed at Raiko as she walked away now looking at more stuff closeby. She also looked to Chris. "Konnechiwa and Sayonara.." Lili did not know much Japanese however being around Asuka taught her some. It was mostly basic stuff tho.

Outside Of Museum/Island (Asuka Kazama):

Someone fell from the sky. Not literarly but another flash of light opened up and a girl was seen landing facefirst into the sand. "Kusoo.."(dammit) the girl cursed as she quickly got up spitting out some stray sand that she managed to get in her mouth. Then she narrowed her eyes as she looked around. "Lili has got to be here somewhere. I saw that same light that dragged her here cause me to end up here. Need to find her.." Upon saying that the girl walked around until she saw the museum. "Maybe shes in here?" She asked herself. This was Asuka Kazama.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

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The poor girl was quite frightened, Yuuka could tell. It was almost cruel to fool around with her head like this, but hey, it was amusing!

Keeping a firm grip on Rachel's shoulder, the flower youkai led her somewhere else within the Museum, chattering excitedly as did, "Oh, I think I've seen everything worth looking at, already~! This war thingy's quite fascinating, gm? Makes you wish it were still happening, doesn't it?"
Yuka then went on to list several reasons why one would wish such a thing. A vast majority of said reasons erring towards a more uncomfortable stance. Whether or not these reasons were her true feelings was another matter entirely, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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Misaka Mikoto, in front of a Vending Machine with a Pervert

Mikoto stared blankly, one arm raised slightly and bent in front of her in an almost defensive fashion. What was this girl talking about? A Warrior of Love and Justice? Her brief experience with the multiverse told her that there were worlds like that, but seriously? Who just introduced themselves like that to someone they didn't even know? Who acted like this to someone they didn't even know?!

And then... the gothic lolita girl asked her question.

Mikoto couldn't restrain it. Electricity crackled about her forehead. Oh, Zyguard didn't want her to just shock people, but this girl was really, really pushing it! It wasn't as if it'd be any permanent harm, after all...

"What?! What kind of question is that?" Mikoto snapped, "Why would you even ask that?!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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Near the restrooms of the Museum
Nicholas was soon greeted with a teleported member. He was a little unnerved by the leather robe and red eyes, but he calmed himself down. He had his trust in Zyguard.

"Hey there." Nicholas said to Yui. "You're here to assist me with the mission?"
The Front of the Museum
At the front of the museum, a tour guide stands outside, waving to anyone who would see the entrance.

"Welcome! You've come just in time for a grand tour of the museum!"
Further into the Museum, the Robotic Animals Exhibit
"... And its claws seem to be able to latch onto something. Perhaps this Falcon was meant to be an add-on for something bigger." The tour guide commented on a mechanical white falcon. Danny didn't really pay close attention to the tour guide. Instead, he skipped along his merry path to what he heard: crackling thunder.

"What?! What kind of question is that?"

Danny giggled as he noticed two girls by the vending machine. He'd figured he'd just watch and not speak until spoken to.
The Beach, just near the archeological dig

The two Foundation X members walked up to an encampment where one of the archeologists looked at them. One was a man with a headband, the other was a big, tall woman.

"Wh-who are you people?" The archeologist said.

"We've come to offer you something..." One of the members, the man, took out a briefcase and popped it open, revealing it to be full of money. Half of them were yen notes, the other were American bank notes. "We wish to fund your operation... But we require some of your discoveries as payment."

"I... We can't just give these things away! These are relics and we must keep them safe!" The archeologist said. The man smirked.

"Really? Well then... Peg?" He gestured his head towards the big, tall woman behind him. She gave a grin as a faint, colored image of a monster's face appeared over her own. Her body morphed, revealing an even bulkier humanoid, though. However, it looked much more like a humanoid horse with long blue Pegasus wings. The archeologist stepped back until he tripped over his own legs in fear of the Pegasus-like monster. The man turned to the archeologist, taking off his headband to reveal a strange tattoo that looked almost like a port. "We're not coming home empty handed. We'll just simply take these relics..." The man shows the archeologist a USB with a ribcage design. On its label was the letter U, shaped to be like a horse with a horn. "By force." He presses onto the button on the USB.


With that, he forced the USB into his forehead. It sunk in as his body transformed into a horse-like monster as well, though this time with a long green horn than wings. The archeologist screamed, getting up and running.
Site of Battle
The Black Cross King looked over the Museum. He put two fingers to his forehead and sent a telepathic message to his followers.

"Now that you have gathered, I shall tell you the objective of this gathering: There is something that was recovered from here just recently. A red egg that shall prove vital to our further operations. Bring it back, and I shall reward you all handsomely. However... the Museum may have hidden it somewhere inside its chambers. I shall provide... a distraction while you all go in and get it..." He thought. He waved his hand over the Museum.
The Museum
To any keen-eyed people in the museum, they could swear that certain cracks in the walls and crevices between the furniture and the floor began to glow red.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

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Nepeta continued to prowl deeper into the museum. The exhibits weren't really catching her eye. Sure, she thought they kinda neat, but nothing was as great as all the people interacting with eachother! They looked like they were having so much fun! Well, except for maybe one pair. One of them looked to be having fun, the other looked a lot more nervous and uncomfortable.

"AC stealthily appurched the pair of humans. One of them was very strange with green hair and gave AC a most ominous feeling, making the meowbeast's fur stand on end," The effect of stealth was diminished by the fact that she was narrating this whole thing as she approached Yuuka and Rachel.

"Oh noes!" She gasped, bringing her over-sized coat sleeve to her mouth, "She has a purr and innocent girl trapped in her evil grasp!"

The troll girl quickly pounced in front of them, giving Yuuka an even stare, "Ac thinks- er I mean, I think it's not very nice to make someone uncomfurrtable. You should stop." Nepeta crossed her arms over her childish body and tried to look as imposing as possible. However, the effect only seem to be more adorable than anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Museum: Lili:

Lili paused in her viewing of the relics and artifacts. She suddenly noticed the place was beginning to glow in certain places..mainly the cracks and areas hidden by some furniture and walls. "I am sure this is not part of the design in here?" She mumbled as she walked over to get a closer look. Why she did this she really had no idea. Maybe because she was curious or ..a idiot perhaps. Part of her thought she was imagining but when she did a double take..the glows were still there. "This is unusual.."

Outside the Museum: Asuka

She saw the tour guide and walked up to him. "A tour of this museum you say? Actually I have a question I want to ask. Have you seen a girl..." She paused for a second. "Blonde hair...tall..stands at about 5.8 and speaks french?" She of course was referring to Lili.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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Lydian Private Music Academy Dorm

The phone rang, shattering the stillness of the summer evening.

Slowly, Hibiki sat up and started fumbling around trying to find it while still half asleep, before grabbing it, nearly dropping it off the bed, and catching it again. She opened the message, and her face seemed to turn a bit grim.

A pair of hands reached up behind Hibiki and tried to pull her back down into bed. Of course, “tried” implies that she managed to resist being dragged down onto the mattress with a thump.

“Something wrong?” Miku asked as she rolled up to Hibiki. Hibiki blushed. A lot.
“I don’t think so. I gotta go to work though.” She sighed as she pulled herself clear and started to get dressed.
Museum Island
There was a brief crackle in the air as Hibiki’s MPS dropped her into the museum. Literally. She materialised a good foot or two off the ground and landed on her behind with a thud. Wincing slightly, she stood up and tried to work out both where she was, and who had sent the callout.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

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Having left the hotel, he wandered around until he came across the Museum. Once inside, he slowly made his way through, looking at all the exhibits he came across 'what they are these things? Just what kind of museum is this anyway?' It was then that he was a young girl materialize in mid air right in front of him 'wow! If that wasn't how I got here myself, I might find that a lot weirder then I already do.' Approaching the girl, he asked her "h-hey...um, this...this is going to s-sound a little w-w-weird but; did you get s-sucked into a black hole i-inside the chest of a r-rhino, snake, a-and manta ray m-monster?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Katsumi, with Roxy and Yuji-Wait, was that a scream?

Katsumi raised her MPS, and pressed a button on it. It was customized, not a big change but exactly what she needed. Gray Walls appeared above the hilts of each of her swords, and drifted down, consuming each of them entirely. Transporting them by hand was pretty cumbersome, even for her. She knew from experience. But she needed them, and she loved fighting using them, so there was no way she'd leave them behind.

... And it was right about then that the black-haired girl heard a scream.

"Eh?!" Katsumi spun on her heel, facing the direction of the sound, "Hmph... that scream... it sounds like Team Zyguard's business!"

And with little more explanation then that, she was off and sprinting. She was fast, appearing as a blur to anyone watching. Roxy and Yuji would have to be quick to keep up, because there was no way Katsumi was slowing down! Not when someone was in danger! And not... not when there was a chance for a fight... The small girl sprinted through the foliage. Any second now, and she was sure she would find out just what was going on...!

And there... there was the source of the screaming. It was a man, probably one of the people who was working on the digsite, fleeing in terror from two monsters. A unicorn like creature, and a winged humanoid horse monster... The unicorn monster man was in the lead. Katsumi didn't stop. Oh, no, instead, she lept into the air, thrusting both feet forward...

"Justice... KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!" she cried in as she sailed through the air. This wasn't a specific move or anything, that just sounded like an awesome thing to call it. Both feet were driven into the side of the Unicorn monster's head with a loud crack and a burst of air at the impact, sending it toppling over and crashing down on its side. Spinning in mid-air so that she landed on her feet, facing the two monsters, Katsumi dug her feet into the sand of the beach. It was tossed up, as she skidded along the ground to a halt. Swinging her right arm out, clutching her MPS, the girl pressed the button once more. Almost immediately her swords appeared from a set of Gray Walls, dropping and stabbing themselves into the earth.

"I am an officer of Zyguard," she began, tucking the MPS into her jacket once more, "Nomura Katsumi, Agent of Justice! If you come quietly, I won't be forced to kick you ugly asses to the ground until you can't even dream of resisting arrest!"

Her fingers wrapped around the hilt of one of her swords. It gleamed in the sunlight, the blade a shimmering silver, the hilt gold. She drew it from the sand, and raised it to point at the horse monsters. Katsumi grinned, eagerly. This was her job, and she absolutely loved it.

"So you can come quietly, or learn exactly why I'm the best officer in the whole multiverse!"

She hoped they resisted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

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John sighed, pulling up another one of the strange figurines out of the soil as he continued leading the young boy to the hotel. The parrots had long since returned to the trees, John having run out of raisins. He looked over his shoulder to August.

"I've been finding these toys all over the jungle. Are they yours? They've all got this weird... symbol on the foot. Well, the train's is at the front, but same sym- oh hey."

Soon enough, they broke through the jungle and ended up on a road leading back to the museum and the hotel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

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"That sounds like my cue!" And with that, Yuji was off. Sprinting at full speed after that girl from before he quickly found her staring down some kind of Unicorn and Pegasus monsters. "Ah ha! I knew there had to be some around here!" He declared "and what luck, there's one for each of us. This should be fun" he said as he walked to the girl's side. "So, are we waiting for something, or can we just go nuts?" he asked while playing a few rifts on his guitar, sparks flying from his fingers as he did so

((According to the Kamen Rider Wiki, Todoroki's max running speed is; 100 meters (it really just says 'm' but I'm assuming meters because Japan used the metric system). per 5 sec))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Shiori. In the Museum. Alone. At the Moment.

"Very well."

The black-haired girl nodded. Yes... this is what she was here for. To push onward. To gain more power, to become the most superior, powerful existence in the whole of the multiverse... Yes. Her goal would be in her grasp at that point, and never again would she ever lose sight of this. Her jacket fluttered behind her as she strode forward, quietly adjusting her hat as she walked on through the museum. Where would these foolish people hide such an object? Naturally, they would likely have guessed its worth, and hidden it somewhere protected.

It did not matter, however. Any protections they employed would be effortless for her to destroy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

A portal appeared near the entrance of the Museum. A metal ball tumbled through and smashed into the ground at the bottom of the stairs, before uncurling into a large creature with it's face in its torso. It looked around. "Alright, i knew the evolved Arburian Pelarota's shell would offer protection." she said. At that point, the symbol on its chest seemed to spark and crackle with green energy. "What the-" In a flash, she was now in her normal form. "What the hell?" she asked. She brought the Ultimatrix on her wrist up to her face, she shook it next to her ear. The symbol in the middle flashed between red and orange. "Piece of crap..." she moaned. The portal closed behind her. "Crap..." she pouted. The Ultimatrix on her wrist beeped. "Ok, now we're back in business." she pressed the safety release and the dial popped up, flicking through it, her library of alien DNA seemed to suffer from interference. Attempting to select her [url=]Merlinisapien[/url] form... however, the hologram was distorted, the dial locked and wouldn't push down. "Come on, Kyzan, safety override omega delta two two seven zulu." she said.


"Dammit..." replied Kyzan. "Full Diagnostic"


"Get going..." She looked at the ultimatrix and twisted through the distorted DNA library. Most of the big hitters were out, including her To'Kustar and Celestialsapien form. However, one of her stealth forms were available. Pressing it down, she shrank down into the form of a Nanochip. Shrinking down to a form that they wouldn't be able to see, she easily flew through the keyhole before flying through a hall of guards. "Hmm... These guys look dangerous. Then into a room where several people were talking about an orginization called Zyguard. claiming to be an agent of justice... She didn't trust this, the last dimension hop she had partaken in that had "Agents of justice" turned out to be the boot-boys of power-hungry madmen. Hiding in the top of the room, she stared at them, listening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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