Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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(scratch this)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


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The two of them would begin to conversate in whispers as she they tried to get there story straight. It appeared this was one of the more foreign regions of the globe to ask such a question as to what a Moda is, and Kinsa would say he'll cover her due to Moda's reputation. Haika would start first, "Well he's a kitty, but not just any kitty a talking kitty, and they guard people, but often are quite ridilsom, and generally refuse to follow there master before they die having a large future sense for other people." Then Kinsa would speak, "Can you really call something were protecting our master, and anyways Moda's just slang for what you call a angel, they can even feel the suffering of their people, she just seems a little young, and far be it from me to not guard a servant of Jelala.(god)." Though soon after he was getting scolded for saying he was her protector, he would turn in the direction of the museum saying "Let's not go that way turning around and heading in the opposite direction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Outside the museum: Asuka

Waiting for a answer Asuka looked around more to get a feel for her surrounding. Well it looked like there were actual people here which gave her some reassurence. She looked again at the sand. "So Lili and I basically got dumped somewhere in the middle of a area unlike Japan." Her eyes scanned around once more incase she had missed sight of Lili.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yuuka, with Rachel and Nepeta

Yuuka heard the strange narration before it made itself known to the youkai and her new, totally-willing friend. It... looked like some sort of catgirl? Though not quite. It didn't seem to be a youkai, either. She was impressed this little girl had the nerve to speak to her in such a way, especially since she seemed to view Yuuka in a less-than-flattering light. Well, that was hardly anything new, but normally such thoughts were desperately hidden deep within one's own inner monologue, not a vocal narration.

Yuuka removed her arm from around Rachel's shoulders, instead approaching the girl with an unreadable expression, until they were mere centimetres from each other. Silently, Yuuka simply stared at the cat-like person, not a trace of malicious intent or an aura of goodwill. Until...

"Too cute!" Yuuka squealed, throwing her umbrella to the air as she raised her arms and clamped them around the girl's body in a tight hug, "So adorable and cute and cuddly and adorable! Oh my god I want to keep you~!"
Yuuka only loosened her grip when she raised an arm to catch the falling the umbrella. Otherwise, she was hell-bent on not letting go.
Rikka, approaching Shiori

Lost and disoriented was a perfect description for Rikka Takanashi right now.

Left wandering this strange building filled with strange people, the dark-haired girl cautiously made her way around, wondering how she had gotten there. The last thing she could remember... it involved trying to summon a dimensional vortex that would allow her to traverse to a different plane in the hopes of finding the place that her father was. How exactly she lost her memory between that attempt and waking up somewhere in this strange place was anyone's guess.

Could it be... that my powers have grown unstable? Rikka wondered to herself. If she couldn't control her Tyrant Eye properly... that could be very, very bad. How would she ever get home? Maybe she would just have to try again...
Lost in her thoughts, the high-schooler bumped into someone, and after a quick, startled gasp, looked at whoever she ran into. It was... a girl in a strange back and red uniform. Something about her seemed intimidating. Her colour scheme? Her unfamiliarity? Whatever it was, it caused Rikka to immediately step back and drop nto a battle ready stance, one arm raised before her, the other to her side. She could feel the weight of her umbrella weapon, strapped to her thigh. Ready to be activated at the slightest provocation.

"Is it an enemy?!" Rikka pondered aloud as she glared at the uniformed lady.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Shiori is now confused

Shiori barely noticed that some random... civilian was approaching her, not until the foolish girl walked right into her. However, the uniform she wore allowed the impact to be of little consequence. She didn't even stumble. No, instead, she eyed the girl for a moment, an eyebrow raising. Who was this eyepatched idiot, to simply blunder into her? Even disregarding that she had far more important business to attend to then dealing with some clumsy, worthless fool. Even stranger was the way the girl seemed ready to fight... with nothing more than a simple umbrella. What kind of person was this? No matter, Shiori knew that she was already superior to this pathetic display.

"Get out of the way," began Shiori, her lips curling down into a frown, "I have no time for idiots like you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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Museum Lobby

It didn't take long for the red glow from the cracks to be noticeable. Jon looked around and could see glows coming from the base of some of the pillars and behind the ticket desk. He tapped his ID card to the reader and headed into the office, crouching down to look at the crack under the desk. It was an ominous red glow, as if something was trying to break through from another dimension, even though everyone in the room "knew" that such a thing was impossible.

In his ear, his radio chirped as someone reported some sort of disturbance at the dig site, calling for ERU intervention, but he wasn't on that shift.

"Are we sure they didn't build this place on a hell-mouth?" He asked one of the desk-jockeys.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kyzan's eyes scanned the room as people entered, left and talked. She needed to find out what kind of dimension this was, the lack of killer robots ruling everything was comforting. Most everyone was human... Simple way to find out. Flying down from the ceiling, she flew unseen through the crowds towards an empty bathroom. Landing, there was a bright flash of light as she transformed back into her normal form, and locked the door quickly. "Dammit... Humans... Why'd it have to be humans?" she sighed, hitting the back of her head against the door. Humans were nothing but trouble... She should know, she married one. They were undisciplined, primitive, not the most attractive things, and all of them exceptionally horny. But for the purposes of this mission, it looked like she was going to have to blend in with them. Cycling through the corrupted Ultimatrix Database, she found the human setting. Pressing it down, she transformed in another bright flash of green light. Now, she looked as human as any other woman of her age. She looked down at her human form. "Yuck..." She inspected the green jacket with the 10 on it. "It had to have Tennyson as a gene-base, didn't it?" she sighed. Well, no use in complaining she would go out and blend in, try to act as though she is from another country. Most humans were ignorant and would probably let Generisian pass for Russian. stepping out, she blended in with the crowd. Looking around and waiting for the inevitable crisis to break out, as always seemed to happen whenever she dimension hopped.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Moerin - Outside the museum, with Anno and Rain

"Heh, um... Yeah, I could use a dri-"

For a moment, Moerin froze. Something... Something was creeping over her... She felt something inside her, a voice that didn't belong to her...

Nyahah, sorry~ I can sense something big's about to happen, and I can't let you get in any danger~ The voice in her head didn't seem all that convincing, as though it was just using whatever was going on as an excuse. So I'm going to take control of your delightful body for now, nyahah~

Moerin closed her eyes. And when she opened them, they were suddenly a shade of pink. A simlarly coloured streak had appeared in her hair, and somehow her clothes had changed too. Whilst before she was wearing a fedora and a Den-O t-shirt, now she was wearing a kitty cap and a Double t-shirt.

"Nyahah... I'm coming~" The voice that issued from her mouth was no longer hers; it was lower, sultry, as though everything she said was some kind of innuendo. "How could I refuse going out for drinks with two deliciously sexy girls~?" As she walked on after Rain, her hand reached under Anno's skirt, rather nonchalantly flipping it as she took a good look at what was underneath.
Raiko - Museum, with Chris

"Hmmm? Oh, you were addressing me?" Raiko stared at Chris as though she were a dead cockroach she had found on the floor. Asking such ridiculous things... Adding her physique to that, it was clear that the tanned girl was all muscles and no mind. How amazingly droll... "I do not belong to any group, for no group could possibly be worthy of my presence."

This would usually be the point where Raiko casually dismissed the other girl and left, but she had noticed something. Two things, actually. First, there were strange cracks starting to appear all over the museum, which didn't exactly seem usual. And secondly, the fruit that hung in the exhibit... It looked almost real. She'd expected it would be some kind of plastic replica, but... She began to read the description beside the display.

Devil Fruit: legend stats that anyone who eats this mysterious fruit will be granted superhuman powers, but will forever be rejected by the sea.

There was something about it... The fruit seemed so real, after all... Maybe she should at least try it? That would be stupid, though, but... But she had been drawn to this island, to this very point... Maybe this was what she was looking for? Showing no concern for the cameras or the muscular girl beside her, she reached out and grabbed a piece of fruit for herself.

"You are rather fortunate, actually," she said with a smirk, eyeing the luridly coloured fruit in her hands. "For you alone shall get to witness my apotheosis. Once I eat of this fruit, I shall no longer be simply the perfect human... I shall transcend humanity. I shall become... Well, even a musclebound brute like you can probably figure it out."

And with that... She took a bite of the Devil Fruit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 7 days ago

Abraham, arriving at the museum

Directional travel is a fascinating thing. No matter how many times he experienced it, Abraham still never got over the thrill of literally traveling between dimensions. When one thinks about it, it's the ultimate thrill; It requires you to literally breach the wall between dimensions, and travel through that breach into a completely different world, one that might be radically different from your own. He supposed that was why he chose his job; Working for a multiversal delivery service meant that he got to travel between worlds all the time.

This time, however, the job was a bit different. He didn't really know where he was going, though the client had offered up a series of coordinates as a suggested starting place. Additionally, he wasn't using his usual transportation. In its place was a sleek gunmetal gray motorcycle outfitted to travel between dimensions. But for all that was different, when he gunned the engine and raced towards the approaching gray square that would take him to his destination, he felt that same rush of excitement. He rode through the threshold at several dozen miles per hour, grinning as it spat him out-

Into clear, fresh air. The motorcycle's wheels touched down on pavement, and he slowed to a stop, taking in his surroundings as his coat tails began to settle once more. He was on a hill, and on a less used road, by the look of it. There was no traffic in sight, in fact, there wasn't a soul in sight from his perch. Looking to the horizon, he seemed to be on an island... A more populated region looked to be a kilometer or so to his north, a large building the center of a clarge cluster of slightly smaller ones. The town looked very much like a resort town, but that building seemed off... Frowning, he pulled his phone from his pocket, entering his coordinates into his company's database. Maybe he could find out where he was. Almost instantly, a hit came up, and Abraham's eyes widened slightly.

Why was I told to start looking here?

After a moment's silence, he put it away again, laning forward and beginning to drive towards the populated area, accelerating as he went. He wasn't going to get any answers by standing around.


Reaching the parking lot of what the entrance sign informed him was a museum, he pulled into a parking space, switching off the motorcycle and withdrawing the key from the ignition. He dismounted in a single, smooth motion, tightening his coat around him. Truthfully, it was a bit too warm for it, but he was loathe to take it off. He might lose it if he did that. Flipping down the kickstand, he reached around to the back of the machine, picking up the silver briefcase from where it was secured, before turning his attention to the building.

It was an imposing sight. At least, it was for he and others aware of the multiverse. It was a collection of artifacts from the war that everyone knew, the one conflict that was ubiquitous in all the worlds one might visit. The people here thought it was a gimmick... But others knew better. Taking a deep breath, he began walking towards the lobby.

But even from a distance, he could tell that something wasn't quite right... The view of the lobby seemed far too red-tinted to be accurate.

Perhaps it was an aesthetic choice.

That made sense.

His rationalization continued as he pushed open the door, briefcase held tightly in his right hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Pretending to look at the Exhibits, Kyzan began to notice growing cracks in the walls around her. "What the hell?" She shuffled off to the side where few people could see and looked at a crack. she pointed the Ultimatrix symbol on her chest at the crack. "What am I looking at?" she asked. A green beam shot out and scanned it.


"Cross-reference with all information on Doctor Strangefate and Professor Paradox..." she sighed. Those men had both sent her on a number of reality-hopping adventures, if this was one of them, then she was going to kick their ass.


"Not enough to say for definite..." she said. "Is there any way to reverse this?"

"INSUFFICIENT DATA!" it replied. Kyzan stared at it. a Chronosapien might be able to contain the Chronotons, but that was one of her currently unavailable DNA slots.

"Continue scanning it..." Luckily, her Vaxasaurian form was still available, meaning she would probably be able to punch her way out of most situations...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Anno, with Moerin Meowrin and Rain

Anno proceeded slightly ahead of Moerin. But when her friend suddenly stopped, cutting herself off midsentence, she looked over her shoulder. What had just happened...?


Anno stared in confusion. Moe had apparently just... put on a different hat... and... contacts, and... where did the pink streak in her hair come from... and the shirt was definitely different! What had just happened while she was looking away? There was no way to do... all of that so quickly, was... was Moe okay? Anno was starting to get a little concerned...

... And then the blonde girl said... said she... and then said... Anno's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. Where was that coming from?! It was... so sudden, and... and... Moe had even changed how she was talking, her whole tone was different, and... the things she was saying were... were just... so...

"M-Moe, wh-what are y-you..."

She hadn't at all been prepared for it. She hadn't even turned fully. No... she really wasn't able to even do much about it. All she could do is freeze, and feel her cheeks heat up even further, as her skirt was suddenly lifted to display what was beyond. For a few moments she simply remained there, rigid and blushing deeply. And then...


She attempted to move forward, but... Anno wasn't even sure if that was the best idea, she just wanted to try and get her skirt back down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 23 min ago

Rachel - With Nepeta and Yuuka

Rachel spent a large amount of Yuuka's "tour" trying, with varying degrees of success, to focus on basically anything other than what the green-haired woman was talking about. Reading exhibits' plates, listening in on the conversations of other people in the area and at one point even trying to get an overly catchy song she half-remembered stuck in her head.

Then, something that did a very good job of dealing with the unpleasant line of conversation happened. A young girl, another cosplayer as far as she could tell, appeared. As the green-haired woman released her, Rachel breathed a sigh of relief. Soon, a smile crept onto the brunette's face, thanks to a combination of the newcomer's general adorableness and the fact that Yuuka was no longer being...Yuuka.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Rain turned to look at what was going on. And stared. Then she stared at something else. Then she took her eyes off of Anno, and back to Moerin. Or, well, not Moerin. Moe would never act like that; something was very wrong here. The white-haired girl wasn't sure what, but she didn't want to just stand and gape... so she went with the first accusation that seemed at all appropriate.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Moe!" the tall girl demanded, pointing dramatically and... realising exactly how stupid that sounded. Maybe she'd done theatre at some point and learned how to get changed and stuff really fast?

"You? A god? Don't make me laugh; you don't look like you could even pull this much off, and I've seen old ladies that could kick my ass," Chris commented, rolling her eyes... and swiftly punching the wall beside her. With a normal person, you would expect slamming your fist into solid concrete to break something. Or, you know, at least cause bruising and bloodshed. Even if they were as muscular as the half-Japanese girl, you'd still be expecting something like that.

Instead, the wall cratered, chips flaking down to the ground and perfectly normal cracks spidering out across the wall. That was when the much more ominous cracking really got the tan girl's attention, along with the boss's message. "Uh... the weird cracks aren't mine. Just the normal one."

The blonde spun around and headed for one of the doors, needing to find the right room, but paused at the edge, "If you want to see just how far away you are from getting any respect for power, let alone that stupid claim, you should come with me. It could be fun."

"Affirmative," was the girl's terse reply, and Yui eyed up the cracks. Not good, Looked like there'd be something bad happening momentarily... time to get ready to move out. Fluidly, an ostentatious belt buckle was retrieved from her pocket and thrust into position over the rest of her clothing, somehow summoning the rest of the belt from nowhere. A trio of medals, held in her left hand, followed into their respective slots as her hand slid over: Cheetah, Peacock, Hawk. The entire buckle was twisted, the scanner hanging from her right hip was seized by the appropriate hand and dragged over the medals, and finally, the elaborate sequence was completed, scanner flung into her right hand and brought to chest level.

She'd gotten over announcing her transformation after the first time.

The sudden enormous medallion from nowhere that crashed into her body was probably startling for anyone nearby, if there was anyone, as was the plastic-looking armour. Red head, red body with a shield... and bright yellow legs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ignace was walking near the museum as he passed he heard the tour guide call. With nothing other to due he wonder over to the group and waited for the tour to start, as he waited he felt hungry he dug around in his backpack and found the strange fruit he bought from that vendor. Ignace took an unknowing bite from the Devil fruit an immediately regretted it because of how the fruit had tasted terrible, worse than anything labeled as ‘food’ by Departmento Munitorum. He only manage to swallowing the first bite he chucked the rest of it into nearby trash can using every human (and some non-human) profanity trying to get the horrible taste out of his mouth while swearing several oaths to find that vendor and get his money back. Once he is finished with getting the taste out his mouth. He notices the red glow and cracks “what the frak?” He asked unslinging his lasgun from his shoulder flipping the safety off.
Victor-55 wanders through the museum checking on all artifacts on display he stop when he notices the cracks forming and glowing red. ‘Odd,’ he thought examining it closer trying to see why it glowing. He stepped closer to it a poked at it with his cane to see what would happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Museum: Lili.

Lili moved her hand over the cracks once more. "This does not look like the work of Pandora. I wonder what they could mean." By Pandora she remembered that time in her world she and Asuka went to Alaska and looked for the box only to encounter alot of competition for it including a cop names Chun Lee and a androidic girl named Cammy. She felt a slight burning sensation in her hand and pulled away as the energy given off slightly stung her.

"If only I knew what was going on here.."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kyzan looked over to see someone else was examining the cracks. Getting up, she slowly walked towards the woman, pretending to look at other things as she did so. "You... You ever seen anything like this before?" she asked. "I'm new to the area but... Boy, where I come from, giant cracks would be considered a Health and Safety violation." She extended her hand for the woman to shake "Kyz... Kathrine Bexley." she said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lili jumped slightly at the sound of another voice. Taking a stance at first she turned to face Katherine."Sorry you just startled me that is all." hearing her question she shook her head. "No I have not and I have no idea." When Katherine offered her hand she shook it with a slight smile. "Lili Rochefort."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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(accidental double)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Hmm, you might want to run away from those."

Before Alex stood two massive pillars, glowing with energy, vaguely purple tendrils licking at the air, two such tendrils started to converge in the air, forming a circle. Upon which were the words "Non-standard magical source: Identified" Internally Alex mused that's why he needed to leave. Suddenly alarms began to spring to life all around him, as guards appeared ready to apprehend the anomaly.

"Boy! Drop all your gear and surrender."

"Not a chance!" Alex and the Dragon retorted in unison, though the Dragon only in his head. "Don't fight them Alex, just run, use the teleport ring." The always calm voice spoke to him. "Where?! I need a focus!" He glanced around the room, it was apparently a control room for the Sorcerer, numerous screens showed dozens of other places, including one that caught his eye, a very grand building. "Just use that! We can get home just as easy. Hurry up!"

"We repeat, mage, drop all your gear and surrender or we will use force!"

"Nope" Alex muttered to himself as he palmed his belt "Connect, Please" And focused on what he wanted, the Teleport ring. Reaching across time and space, he pulled it from the sigil in the air, the guards surrounding him began charging their attacks, he hurriedly put on the Teleport ring and focused on what he saw on the screen "Teleport, Please" And in a flash of light was there.

Museum: Alex and Dragon Phantom

It was certainly a pretty place they had arrived at,plenty of decoration and exhibits, featuring dozens of peculiar artifacts. Alex couldn't help but be captivated by it all, and his Dragon didn't seem eager to urge him back home either. They carefully examined all that they saw, so many things they didn't recognize, but some things they did, they even found a handful of magical rings, though they were ones that he already had copies of. As he proceeded through the area, he found some people, nobody he recognized of course, but he had never really left his home much anyway.

"Alex I don't know if you noticed this but, look at their hands, no rings? no belts either, magic must work differently here" Alex agreed, and wondered what it must be like, he didn't feel like asking anybody though. He continued to walk through the crowds. Strangely enough, there seemed to be an aura about the place, Alex closed his eyes and focused, he had read about aura, but not enough to utilize it. Something just felt consistently off, and he couldn't place what it was. He opened his eyes again and looked around him. There appeared to be red streaks of color on the wall. As he got closer, he could feel a definite power coming from them. His Phantom had no answers, and he didn't want to touch them. Strangely enough, nobody else seemed to notice them. He followed the wall and rounded a corner, and around it appeared to be two people who actually noticed the cracks.

"Something about these means only certain people can see them, that or they are so mundane here that most don't notice. Those two seem to know, why don't you ask." Alex was hesitant, but he approached the two girls, one in green and another in white. Internally the Dragon was nudging him forward "Hey um, do you two know what there are?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

August stared at the frankly amazing looking figurine for a while as he walked with John. "Nope, I wasn't allowed to bring any luxury items into the jungle with me, definitely not a whole bunch of toys like those. Although um, those are some seriously awesome figures! Is that one a giant chicken monster man? It looks like something from a monster movie or one of those things where the heroes strike dramatic poses with explosions! Do they have special actions or powers or something? and-oh wow!"

They'd come in sight of the museum and the hotel and even at this distance August had to take a moment and stand there with his jaw dropped right to the ground. "This was COMPLETELY worth five days in a jungle! Or...maybe five days alone in a jungle's screwing with my ability to perceive how nice things are in comparison to a jungle but still, this is nice! Do I get clean first or go to the museum first or do I get food and what d'you think Mr.John Shirkwood?"
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