Russia if I may?
Pasta Sentient said
Preferences for me would be 1.Japan2. Italy3. Spain.Also, Aegon asked me to put down his requests:1) USA2) France3) Columbia
NarcolepticSailor said
Hey Stein, isn't Taiwan currently under Japanese control at this point in time?
Chairman Stein said
AegonVI said
Yes! Thank you my Sentimental Pasta!! Although it looks like if I went to bed at a decent time I could've done it, but this kept me awake!
Kho said
Hmm, why no Egypt? It wasn't completely under British control at this point...there was still some hope...must Abbas II...If not, then Afghanistan please :)
Pasta Sentient said
You're welcome. :) I look forward to Japanese-US relations. I'm getting smexy thoughts of their canoodling. :P
NarcolepticSailor said
Any ideas on what kind of role you'd like to fill?
Heyitsjiwon said
Not a major power, but secondary/regional power that plays more on the diplomacy game rather than YOU RAISED IMPORT TAXES BY .5%? WAR!!! ALL YOUR BASES ARE BELONG TO ME.