Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PureThoughts
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PureThoughts The Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I think the more the merrier. :3 I just hope the posting doesn't get too too crazy, cause I can post like once or twice a day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Although I sorta brushed it aside earlier when Lowkey mentioned it, she might have a point if we don't communicate throughout this rp. The numbers certainly will keep things spicey but they could bite us if we ain't smart about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 4 mos ago

If we get a sort of posting order up before the IC starts we should be fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

Yeah I hope no one post to much or 2 people togeter then it would turn into a 1on1 post type thing. and if we go to fast some people might not be able to catch up. So a medium writing would be good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

We probably should at least have a (wait for two other people before posting) rule. With this many people it hopefully shouldn't hinder anyone.

Also, another helpful thing a rp of mine did was post your characters current location , or relocating to as long with all the people they interacted with.

For example.

Kingdom of Skies || Falor City
Town Market
Affected Players: Ellric, Sarah

Blah blah rp

And yeah xD

Just so people can know who to respond with their character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PureThoughts
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PureThoughts The Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yeah, that would be nice :D It'll be interesting how our characters will interact with one another. That's what I'm looking forward to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ike
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Ike The Deft

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jeebuz Christopher... so many things

Where do I begin? For one, after this post NO MORE CHARACTERS WILL BE ACCEPTED, we're closing the gates since we have a ton of people. Which is a good thing, considering its almost impossible that everyone of you will stick with the RP so if we have the few who are lost along the way it won't ruin our numbers so that's good. I'm going to post the IC soon, don't fret young Padawans and Padawanettes.

I'm gonna have the address the concerns raised, mainly about posting and a few other in game scenarios. But first read this :

Yuuji said
Y-Yuuji with Tyrant-san.

Except she believes basics should be applied.

There are also two words that are really important in Yuuji's eyes.

Player Intuition.

To avoid this being turned into a number/stat/power grinding role play (which isn't really what Ike-san wanted, Ike-san wanted something that revolved more around character development and context growth wise), Yuuji believes flat numbers should be left out completely. Player intuition is important. It dictates maturity, oversight, and a general willingness to put aside petty things such as personal pride for a greater cause. Yuuji feels with numbers involved, focus shifts away from role playing and players get their creativity gimped, not to mention lazy with their words.

By basics, Yuuji means this:

Fire is weak against water, so if your character is a Fire Mage that gets hit by water magic, you should obviously receive a greater amount of damage than your average Joe. Role play it out. Numbers don't have to be there necessarily. Elemental weaknesses and their general rule of thumb should be kept in mind and considered without them having to be forced down your throats with numbers.

If a target is wearing armor they obviously take less damage. Y-Yuuji is sure the capable role players here all know that. Again, numbers aren't necessary. Be mature about it. Basic physics, chemistry, knowledge. Fighting against armored knights and you're a(n) Thief/Assassin?

-Fall back and gracefully call for the aid of party members.
-If you're alone you can just run. They'll get exhausted chasing you.
-Go for the spots between the armor, trip them, do some basic actions. You don't need to be over dependent on skills.
-Hinder their movements and act as annoying disruptions for your capable front/back line mages or warriors.
OR if applicable
-Surround them with fire and smoke them out of their thick and heavy armor. Players still feel pain/heat. NPC as well. Unless they're possessed armor mobs/undead/some other heat/pain resistant creature.

This is role playing and Ike-san has given us a vast variety of freedoms. We get to be creative~

Even characters with high levels can't fight the terrors of gravity. While this is a video game like Silver-san mentioned, this isn't any regular video game, it's a VRMMORPG. All players are able to

Because this basically hits the nail on the head, a lot if not ALL of this will come down to you as a player. An RP can't run on a single person's back (especially mine because I'm pretty sure we've all realized I'm still new at running one of these). If we reach a point where conflicting events take place for instance Jimmy said his sword broke and explodes into tiny data particles and then two posts later Sarah decides her armor broke but instead it just falls apart and sits as a pile of metal, sort of contradicting what Jimmy said happens. Just let it roll, it won't destroy the universe.

For mounts which is something everyone seems interested in I've decided this: In the start there will be no mounts but as we go on, we can make up quests or situations where you gain a mount (since I want them to be something rare not the average player has), as for flying mounts those are even more rare so maybe if we delve so deep into the RP it gets to that point we can use them but mostly your travel between kingdoms is restricted to Skyships and the like. Stats/Numbers and that whole song and dance can be spoken about but won't make up the structure of the RP. You should limit your abilities and possibly use situations like warning your team that you're out of MP, Mana, Energy or whatever you'd like to name it. This is a team-based RP so we should interact with one another as much as possible.

Which brings me to the next point. "But Ike how can we constantly interact without spamming the IC" and my answer to that is Collab posts. Say guy 1 and guy 2 decide they're going to do a small quest/dungeon together. The majority or bulk of this event can be kept in 1 single albeit large post. How you go about writing it together is up to you but I would recommend something like Player 1 writes a paragraph then PM's it to Player 2 who continues the story and writes the second paragraph. Then you go back and forth slowly building onto the post until you reach the end or a point where you would like to end and possibly switch it back to a solo posting sequence, allowing others to maybe join in on your situation or something else, be creative. I've only ever done Collab posting with one other person, but I imagine in this format you could possibly go up to 3 or even 4 players working together on a single post. The downfall is this would create this god awful beefy monster posts. But I think that's better than coming back and seeing three people have created literally 4 pages of them just interacting with one another. I hope that idea works for everyone.

Now I will have to make the IC post and approve the last of these characters/character changes, so I have a little bit of work to do. Real world work kept me longer than they said they would so I got home later than I thought, sad life. PM me if I haven't added you to the guild list (WHICH STILL LACKS A NAME AND IF NOBODY COMES UP WITH ONE WE WILL BE REINCARNATED OR REINCARNATION OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Just an FYI). I'm not sure what else I need to really say other than good luck, have fun and remember to always brush your teeth.

I hope I got everything...

Ooops: Things I forgot to add.

Yes there will be items that have special traits but they will be shit at first and won't really get good until later. Please do not ever really focus on levels or leveling up since leveling up means you gain more abilities, we will be forced to complete a requirement before we can level up (refer to first post). I would recommend the first section of the RP we focus on trying to build up what exactly we are as characters, try adding information on to help define the game and the world. Also various aspects of the real world are present here. Such as marriage, owning a property and the like since I can't think of other things right now. I imagined most players are forced to reside in their guild hall for a bed (also safety since everywhere in the world is open to PVP) but if you wish to have your own place my only requirement is you wait and 'earn' it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

Ike is Lyon accepted I pmed about what I would do to bring my char opish ways down xD.

EDIT: you can use titanpad.com people create online sheet thing, and everyone online can write in it, at the same time, just send everyone a link to your pad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

DragonBeastMode said
Ike is Lyon accepted I pmed about what I would do to bring my char opish ways down xD

I'm surprised you didn't use me as a resource.
Never really was good at making guild names, so go ahead and laugh at some all of them.

Fate's Hand
Destiny's Sword
Fate's Sword
Destiny's Hand
Forbidden Kingdom
Libertas (Liberty/Freedom in Latin)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

What would you suggest Ryu and nothing to outrageous he's still a tank class so cant go from opish to weak. xD.

And I like Fate's Hand I just like how it sounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

DragonBeastMode said
What would you suggest Ryu and nothing to outrageous he's still a tank class so cant go from opish to weak. xD.

Listen, my friend. Your character is a tank. He's not a DPS class who has such overpowered abilities, he is a class that is meant to ensure the safety of his team mates by taking up all the damage. You have to fix these skills, you have to fix the passive, and you have to have a definitive mindset on what you want your character to be. He cannot be what you're envisioning right now, that would be absolutely too strong, especially for a "two day" character.

Decide, do you want your character to be a DPS or a Tank? If you want him to be a tank, fix everything right now. If you want him to be a DPS, fix everything right now.

This is a less detailed version of what I had originally and a much more nicer version, but basically, everything about this character just screams out "OP."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ike
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Ike The Deft

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Made first post, finally gonna look over and add a few characters to the roster. If your CS is in the first post you have authority to make your IC posts. If not, please wait and possibly you'll be added onto the list later.

Also, if anyone can find a sexy picture of something to put in the first post (because I'm a scrub that couldn't find one) I would appreciate it, because it looks ugly and that makes me sad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A true tank actually doesn't have too much attack power or speed. They focus on defense and provoking. Which is why they usually have abilities to bring in hate or buff up defense.

Cause if they don't, DPS or mages will get hate <.< always the white Mage I swear to god in every video game I've played. Always.

*goes through montage of rages with white Mage death*
FF7: Sephiroth you doushe! I leveled her soooo much now I need to prep a new one!
FF9: Screw you silence! *insta death Dagger* GraaaAh! And screw you no magic area!
FF10: Yuna how can you die in a hit? Now I need to go level so I can at least summon my summons as well.
FF11: Guys... Hey guys, the white Mage is down again! Yeah I think they got aggro'd by five gobs!
Dragon Age: Stop killing my Mage you stupid dragon! Hate meeeeee! Damn it Alistar Tank!
Tales of Vesperia: Ya know Estelle, I'd really appreciate it if... You heal faster!!!
Tales of Symphonia: Raine... Your a Mage so do me a favor. Stay the hell away from the enemies so you don't get mauled you dumb AI!!!!
Etc, etc

Anyways <.< since everyone's doing it, and it doesn't mean I'll change anything since I don't really want to give Ike extra work, Ryu can you look over mine? Yes there's typos but spare me because I blame the works of a iPhone >.<

Ike said
Made first post, finally gonna look over and add a few characters to the roster. If your CS is in the first post you have authority to make your IC posts. If not, please wait and possibly you'll be added onto the list later. Also, if anyone can find a sexy picture of something to put in the first post (because I'm a scrub that couldn't find one) I would appreciate it, because it looks ugly and that makes me sad.

Yaaaaay :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Silver Fox said
Anyways <.< since everyone's doing it, and it doesn't mean I'll change anything since I don't really want to give Ike extra work, Ryu can you look over mine? Yes there's typos but spare me because I blame the works of a iPhone >.<

In a bit~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryu said

I hope you know I'm afraid for my life right? <.<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 9 days ago

Silver Fox said
A true tank actually doesn't have too much attack power or speed. They focus on defense and provoking. Which is why they usually have abilities to bring in hate or buff up defense.

Yea, my character is pretty defensive so it's a pretty decent base for tanks IMO. Maybe minus the heal.

Silver Fox said
Tales of Vesperia: Ya know Estelle, I'd really appreciate it if... You heal faster!!!

Yea, I recently ran through Xillia with a friend. I found the Elize AI subpar so played her myself. . . Leia link. . . Megaheal op.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pyromania99 said
Yea, my character is pretty defensive so it's a pretty decent base for tanks IMO. Maybe minus the heal.Yea, I recently ran through Xillia with a friend. I found the Elize AI subpar so played her myself. . . Leia link. . . Megaheal op.

Omg yeah. I missed Elize and Leia so much when playing Tales of Symphonia (got the ps3 new version) and dear lord the AI's in that game are so stupid xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Right. You lot. Question before we begin, mm?
Do we all start off willy-nilly? Or is there a specific place we should be able to start?
Not that it matters, but if Ike-sama is around and I can just clarify this...
I really don't want to start off falling off the edge of a sky-kingdom by SHEER accident and down into the pits of hell below because Alexandra, Lovissa's creator, was a bit of a clumsy highschooler and a bookworm and what is agility where did it come from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Note: Your character has already been accepted, this is what I would rework if I were you, but these are suggestions.

Prince, the Buccaneer

Class: Buccaneer

Okay, this is good, a good description for a pretty and nice looking class, has a high difficulty curve, and you understand your character and the direction you want to go with, so this is good. Nice work, gold star.

Jobs: Mercenary, Bard, Pilot
The mercenary and pilot thing kind of relates to the Buccaneer and the general hint of what I think your character will act like, so this is good, and the bard thing also relates towards the Harp you have in the inventory, so this is also good. No problems here.

Run and Go: Temporarily boosts speed.

And here's a problem. This seems more like an active than anything else, not a passive. So, why not we rework this, eh?
Why don't we change this into an actual passive, like let's give Prince a small boost in speed, and I mean very small. Unnoticeable small.


The Buccaneer class is already hard to master, so why not give it a passive that is basically useless in the short term?

Wait. What about the long term?

That's where this passive will shine.

So, every ten levels or so, let's increase the speed by not too much, but not too little. If we put this into respective terms of numbers as an example (I must reiterate, example). The starting passive would be Five. So every ten levels, let's increase the passive by ten or fifteen. Not a lot, but not too small. End of the game, however, let's say you're level seventy.

Let's say the base movement speed is 320.

So at level one - or whatever level Prince is before ten - that's 325.

So at level 70, that's 395 movement speed if we increase it by ten. 430 if we increase it by 15. Agile, quick, and deadly. A bad passive in the short term, but a great passive in the long term.

Now, that was just an example, but again, it's to give you a general idea of how strong the passive is late game.
Skill One: Serpent Strike
Alright, clarification time. How much damage would this do? This seems more like two basic attacks in quick rapid succession, so, this question will now turn into: "How much do those guns hurt someone?" and also "Are they accurate?"

Of course, it's stupid for a Gunslinging class not to have accurate weapons, so of course they're accurate, but how much damage do they do? Try to find the right tone in damage early on right now for the weapons and this skill. No need to change this.

Skill Two: Ensnare
Quite a bit of time. How long? How long is the paralyze? Again, there is not a single reason to change this, but I want you, the RPer, to have a general idea of how long it'll last so you can translate it into the RP. A good number to go to right now would be two - four seconds, paralyze being two - three seconds.

Also, how much of a chance? 10? 20? 30? 40?

Generally, at this stage, it should be around 10 - 15%.

No reason to change the skill, but I do want you, the RPer, to have a general gist of the skill. Now if this was for a MOBA or MMO? Oh dear word I would have so many numbers, but since there is no reason for numbers in this RP - unless they are examples from me :D - then really, numbers are just served as examples for the skills and the general "gist" of it.

Skill Three: Piercing Marlin
How much damage? Higher than the average basic attack? What kind of chance? No reason to change this.

This is all fine, and I think the slightly boosts thing should be exactly what you said. Slightly. Not a whole lot like for an example say ten, but more like one or two.
Okay, so I did this one a bit differently, didn't order you to change anything around, really. Basically, I want you to have a general idea of how much damage your skills do, the chance of it doing this or that, and how long it'll do this or that. Only thing I did order you do to differently is the passive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ike
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Ike The Deft

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Start where ever you wish, I have an idea on how to bring us together/form the guild. So just try to keep up with me. I'll let everyone have time to explore/set themselves up/etc.

You can begin in any town you wish just please don't venture into the Womb yet. Spoiler: We're going to be the first group to enter it.
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