Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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She was looking for a larger pack of chakra which she found and moved over to between two trees and held her hand out. "A daughter of the moon wishes to come home..." She hand a hand sign and there was a flash and a tunnel appeared. Bane jumped up and ran over to the tunnel, looking around it and said "You can't see it from the sides...just between the two trees. I want to learn how to do that" Megumi sighed and lowered her hand, needing to catch her breath.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James opened his yes and followed, while unsealing his sage robe from a storage seal he had tattooed on his shoulder, putting it on over his usual outfit while he walked up beside Bane.(think of Naruto's sage robe, except it's a light silver with golden lining, and has the kanji for Okami(wolf) on the back.) He looked around. "Yeah. It's genius. So long as nobody knows how to open this passage, we're fine. Basically as long as no Uchiha bastard sees anyone do this. Stupid fucking copycats..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 22 min ago

Megumi nodded and said "I doubt they could copy it anyway by just watching...the chakra around the gateway knows its own...come on, lets get going. I have to seal the gateway behind us" Bane nodded and ran into the doorway, Megumi waiting for James to go ahead of her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James chuckled and just did a seal-less Shunshin(body flicker) to a few feet inside of the doorway, causing Bane to run into him. He turned and grinned at him. "Shouldn't you watch where you're going, Bane?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 22 min ago

Bane went bright red and said "You cocky jerk!" Megumi went inside and closed the gateway saying "I told you too to knock it off. We need to get inside the village without drawing attention. I don't know what's happened here since I left"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James chuckled. "Okay. I'll try to behave." 'keyword: Try' he thought as he followed them towards the village. He was actually wondering what this village was like as the only thing he'd heard was stories and rumors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 22 min ago

Bane sighed as Megumi moved past both of them. She was nervous now, not sure what was going to be waiting for them. Her hands were shaking as they came out of the tunnel and before them was a site that wiped away any stories or rumors. They were above on a cliff side above a valley where in the middle sat a huge village, a large temple in the middle. She sighed and muttered "I'm home..." They couldn't see into the city for they were too far but Bane moved forward and asked "You want me to take a look before we head down there?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James looked at them. "I could always just dispel the Shadow Clones that are gathering Nature Chakra so I enter Sage mode," he said. "The sensory abilities of Nature chakra can tell me if there's anyone with ill intent or anything."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megumi shook her head and said "The village is protected in chakra lines, its a Moonbeam defense...they will be cut down. Bane, can you use your eyes?" Bane nodded and made a hand sign. "Ninja style, eyes of the beholder jistu!" His eyes glowed green again and he could see into the village, looking around. "Its quiet down there...no one in the streets...wait a sec....it looks like everyone is gathered outside the temple...oh crap" He blinked and his eyes returned to normal. "They have the leaders gathered in the village square. It looked like a.." Megumi turned and looked out and said "A Kinbowin...trial of the Moonlight. We have to get down there now. My father is down there" She made a hand sign and said "no more holding back now." She pulled a scroll from her sleeve and rolled it out, her blood already on it. "Summoning Jistu, Shadow Pack!" There was a pop and three huge shadow wolves sat in front of them, the biggest in the middle. He bowed his head and said "Lady Megumi, its a pleasure to see you again. What are your orders?" Megumi said "We need to get the village fast and silently. Can you do that?" The wolf nodded nad looked at James and Bane. "I am Night Fang, this is my pack brother Night Claw and Night Beauty my pack sister. We will get you to where you need to go" Megumi jumped onto Fang's back and said "Come on, you two. We don't have time to waist"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James nodded, and got on one of the other two shadow wolves. "Megumi, what's the objective?" he asked as he pulled up his right sleeve, showing a number of different seals on it that appeared to be storage seals. "I can help with whatever it is you need."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megumi looked at him and said "The objective is to save the council leaders...and my father" Bane jumped onto Beauty and said "wow, your name doesn't do you justice" Beauty chuckled as all three wolves took off running, Megumi in the lead. Her mind was full of worry. "I have to save father, I have too" was all that was running thru her mind as they got closer to the village.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James got an idea to get there on time as they were hurrying towards their objective. He grinned and attached a chakra string to each of them before using a Shunshin to transport them all, including the wolves, to right outside the crowd. Afterwards, he wiped sweat from his forehead. "Damn. Transporting three people and three bigass wolves that far is tiring."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 22 min ago

Megumi looked around wildly as Bane jumped off and went to James, steadying him. "Easy, brother...that was a little on the risky side but cool all the same" Megumi jumped off fang and looked at the center muttering "Most of the council is being held there...some of the leaders are missing though...but my father isn't here" She sighed with relief then said "Alright. James, we need a distraction, then biggest you can give me. Bane, use your eyes to see thru whatever James uses and get those leaders out of there. I'll head to the temple and stop the trial. It will start in five minutes so make it count" Bane asked "What is the trial exactly?" Megumi looked at them both and said "The moonlight will hit that seal in five minutes, and if the ones holding my home use the chakra that's about to come from it to increase their power, they can use that energy to turn all those in the seal to Moon Jade. Its harder then stone and nothing can cure it, and it kills its target in minutes. So please, hurry..." Bane nodded and looked at James "Are we going Big and loud or scary and stampede?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James grinned at Bane and pulled out a foot tall stack of explosive notes. "Does this answer your question? You know I always keep a couple hundred explosive notes on me at all times." His grin widened as he made a hand seal with his free hand, before the explosive notes multiplied, making the stack three times as tall. "Heh...cloning explosive notes. If I remember correctly, the Second Hokage used to do this a lot during fights."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 22 min ago

Bane smiled and said "Yes he did...man dude I forget sometimes how much fun it is being on missions with you." He looked at Megumi and said "We are ready whenever you are, Megumi" Megumi nodded and said "Wait for the signal then let loose, I need to get closer to the temple before we start" Bane said "What's the signal?" Megumi smirked and added "You'll know it" She vanished into the shadows and Bane said "Just if I didn't make it clear before...I so call dips"

Megumi appeared in the shadows of the temple on the other side of the courtyard, Fang by her side. Fang asked "What is your plan, My lady?" Megumi smirked and said "I believe its time to remind this village why we are the ninja of the moonlight..." She pulled her shirt down to show a seal on her sternum and she touched it. "Time to let the gods play..." She made a hand sign as her eyes glowed bright silver. From the steps of the temple the shadows started to gather and the wind blew hard thru the courtyard. Bane looked up and said "I think that's the signal..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Using his free hand, James did a few one-handed hand seals before blowing out a breath, causing the explosive papers to scatter in the gust he released, all of the papers sizzling before going off. Of course he only got rid of his low powered ones. They would still hurt, just not kill anyone. He then looked at Bane. "Dude, you're not calling dibs on shit."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 22 min ago

Bane smiled and started to run thru the crowd, setting off the other bombs while he headed for the leaders, his eyes green as they looked thru the smoke and chaos. "Oh heck yes I am. I smiled at her first. Your not the loving type remember?" He got to the leaders just as the seal was lighting up. "Hello folks, welcome to Bane's wild transport. Please keep all hands and legs on the wolf at all times and hang on for dear life" Beauty appeared next to Bane and the leaders started to climb on. One stopped Bane and said "is Megumi with you?" He nodded and the woman said "Her father is being held in the temple. He was to be used as example any minute now" Bane cursed and hit his mic on his collar. "James, You better help Megumi. Her father is in the temple and she doesn't know yet. He was to be used to set an example"

Megumi moved inside the temple, looking around. She walked on the balls of her feet, her eyes sharp. Then she heard voices and one voice she knew all too well. "You won't get to her now...my daughter is long gone. You won't find her here. So all of this was pointless" Another mans voice said "She will return for you...your the only thing she has left in this world...and when she does come, our trap will be set for her and the god locked within her...." Her father laughed and said "You honestly think you can come close to beating my daughter? Even if you could trap her, you wouldn't last long enough to break the bond before she killed you all" The other man said "What makes you think that?" By this point MEgumi made her way to the doorway into the alter room, seeing her father tied to a chair, bloody and beaten as he said "Because in her blood rests the power of more then the gods...and she will never give into you..." The other man nodded and said "You may be right...my best men haven't been able to even pin her down...I guess the best way to draw her in isn't the love for her father...but the hatred of his killer" He suddenly turned and ran a katana thru Megumi's father, the master ninja coughing up blood. Megumi almost cried out but a hand covered her mouth to stop her and wrapped arms around her gently to keep her upright when her legs wanted to buckle. She didn't know who it was, only the site before her was burned into her mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James disappeared in a shunshin, reappearing crouched on the ceiling inside the temple, using chakra to stay in place as he watched them. After staying in place long enough to gather enough nature energy for sage mode, he dropped behind the ones who killed Megumi's dad, slowly drawing a Kunai. He took one glance over at Megumi in the shadows before shoving the kunai through the throat of one, then slapped a high-powered explosive note on the other one's back. He vanished over to beside Megumi in the shadows and made the hand seal for Ram, and looked over at Megumi, before looking at the person behind her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 22 min ago

The one holding her was a masked ninja, covering most of his face. He looked down at her, sadness in the one eye that could be seen. He looked at James and nodded. The one who killed Megumi's father looked around, seeing his men taken out. He looked back and saw the three, then smiled. "It looks like I acted too hastily...you did come for him..." Megumi was shaking, her eyes changing into gold and wolf like. The masked ninja moved back, resting a hand on James's shoulder. Without a word he pulled James back gently, Megumi walked towards the man and said "You made a huge mistake...that man was all that stood between me and the darkness inside..." She held up a hand and waved it. A huge shadow leapt up and wrapped around the man, Megumi walking right up to him. "You wanted to see what I can do? Let me show you first hand!" She yelled and suddenly the charka cloak appeared in a burst of energy and wrapped around her. She started to change and shift, becoming a mix of human and her inner spirit creature. The man stared and tried to get away but Megumi howled and jumped at him, blood spraying everywhere. It was over in a moment, the remains of the man in piece. Megumi was panting, the cloak fading and she soon was back to normal, soaked in blood. She turned to her father and ran to his side, cutting him from the chair and checking his pulse. Then her head lowered as tears fell and she hugged him to her chest. She cried, holding Master Shade tightly against her chest. The doors burst open and Bane ran in with the other council members, Bane seeing Megumi and his face fell. The masked ninja looked at James and said quietly "We need to get her some place secure and away from anyone else..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James nodded, then walked over and placed his hand on Megumi's shoulder after taking his explosive note back, kind of glad he had set it to be manually set off instead of just timed. He vanished with Megumi in a Shunshin, reappearing on a nearby roof as he pulled her into a hug, trying to comfort her. He wasn't exactly good at these situations, so he just let her cry into his chest, since he really didn't know what to say.
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