Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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She sobbed into his chest, her whole body shaking. She felt like she had failed, and after hearing the whole reason those ninja had come was for her and it pushed the knife farther into her heart. She muttered "Its all my fault...he died because of me..."

The masked Ninja stood outside the temple as the villagers cleaned up the scene, Bane walking up to him and said "I'm surprised to see you here...I thought you had a case going after them..." The ninja looked at him and said "This is personal. Master Shade was a dear friend...and that girl is very important to a lost people...that other ninja is not to know who I am until the time is right...so" He suddenly grabbed Bane and slamed him against the wall, covering his mouth. "YOur father will most likely have me killed for this, but I must for that girls sake..." He made a hand sign with his free hand and his eye glowed. "Ninja style, trance of the mist..." Bane fought but then his eyes clouded over and the ninja moved and put his mouth to his ear and muttered into his ear. Then he let Bane go and lowered him to the ground, leaning Bane against the wall. He sighed and said "I'm sorry lad...but this is for the best..." He vanished and Bane's head fell forward, his eyes clouded over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James let out a quiet sigh as he let her cry into his chest, and while keeping one arm around her he ran the other hand through her hair. "It wasn't your fault Megumi...You had no way of knowing he would do that. I actually know what you're going through...I went through the same thing once, except with my whole clan..." He gave a sad smile. He was only really talking about this because he needed to get her thoughts of failure off her mind. It was also partially to get this off his chest, but he'd never admit that. "We were naturally connected to Nature, and feared for our skill with the Sage arts, so Kumo decided to take it upon themselves to get rid of us...I was out at the home of the Wolf Summons training to become a Sage when they attacked...it was the only reason I survived, and by the time the other villages came to check for survivors in order to try and recruit them, I was the only one left, and Konoha found me first. The current Hokage found me crying over the bodies of my parents. Heh...so I guess we're not so different. I'm feared and envied for my natural connection to nature, while you're feared and envied because of what you carry inside you..." He let out another sigh, before giving her a soft smile. "You know...if you need to talk about anything...I'm here for you...okay...?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megumi looked up at him and said "why didn't he fight back? Father was a master ninja...they shouldn't have been able to hold him let alone..." She lowered her head again, tears running down her face. Then she said "this isn't over...the man I killed tonight wasn't the leader...I want the leader...I want his blood on my blade...I want to watch the light of life leave his eyes like I watched fathers..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James sighed. "You shouldn't live just for revenge...if and when you meet the leader you can kill him if you'd like, but don't make revenge your only goal in life. You'll be just like many of the Uchihas are with their 'curse of hatred' as it's called. And I've seen it firsthand. It's not pretty the way people like that end up. And you don't have to do this alone. If you need it, I'll be there to help..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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She looked at him, the gold fading from her eyes as she asked "Why would you help me? Your and Bane's mission is done...the village is safe for now...why risk your life for my cause?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James shrugged his shoulders. "Well, there's actually not all that much in Konoha for me." Then he grinned. "And I was never really one for just getting the mission done and going home. I would rather prefer to help you instead of sitting around in a place where I'm feared an envied by everyone except for one dumbass that I call a friend. Not so boring that way, and after all this, I think I'd go so far as to call you a friend by now...Maybe more eventually...oh well." Of course the last part wasn't said aloud, as he didn't want to embarrass himself right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megumi smiled weakly and said "Thank you James...speaking of your other friend we better get back to him and the village...I'm sure we will be needed" She stood up, wiping the rest of her tears away. "Thank you James...for everything"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James smiled at her. "I'm glad I could help," he said, before walking with her over to where the others were. "You know, I still have some explosive notes left. I think I'll have some fun with it after we get back to Konoha to report the mission...maybe."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megumi smiled at him before Bane stumbled around the corner of the temple, swaying badly. "James..." He grabbed onto a pillar as the pair ran over to him. Megumi asked "Bane, what happened to you?" Bane shook his head, his eyes clouded over. "I don't know...I can't...remember...uh" He fell forward, his legs buckling under him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James was over beside him in an instant in a Shunshin, putting Bane's arm over his shoulder to help him stand and helping him hobble over to a place to sit. Of course, just to lighten up the situation, he grinned and decided to crack a joke. "Damn. You got fucked up, Bane."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megumi sighed and said "james..I don't think this is the time..." Bane looked at James and said "I don't know what happened...I can't focus..." Megumi looked around and asked "Where did that masked Ninja go..." Bane suddenly went stiff, then his eyes turned his green color for a moment then he gasped in pain, holding his head. Megumi turned back and said "bane?" Bane was shaking and panting, his face in one hand. He muttered quietly "Something happened to me...but I don't remember..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James sighed. "He probably didn't want you to remember his identity...one of those 'under the radar' types who don't want to be noticed. He wouldn't have had enough time to draw a seal on you, so he probably used a mind jutsu on you to block away the memories..." Of course half-way through that he'd switched into his 'analysis/report' mode as he liked to call the way he acted when he started to talk seriously in the middle of an explanation. "He was probably at least part Yamanaka, since they're the only ones with the capability to directly access your memories."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane nodded slowly and said "most likely...I think I might be sick..." He moved to the railing and vomited over into the bushes. Megumi frowned and muttered "I think I know him...but I can't place him..." Then she looked at bane and said "what can we do for him?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James sighed, did a few hand seals, and placed his hand against Bane's neck, where a seal formed, causing him to feel not quite so nauseous and to relax more. "There. It's a special seal I've been working on. It's not completely perfected yet, but it'll work for now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane took a few breaths then nodded slowly. "That's a bit better...thanks buddy..." He turned to sit back down, Megumi helping him. "So, what's the plan? I'm guessing we aren't just going home right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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"Not yet. I guess we could help out a little with helping them recover a little before we leave. And we're not leaving until I'm completely sure you're feeling better, so we're staying at least a week, even if you're feeling better by then."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane smiled and said "Thanks buddy...its good to know you..." he shuttered and fell forward again, Megumi catching him and said "LEt's take him home...he can rest there while I take care of father's...you know..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James nodded. "Yeah. I know," he said, grabbing Bane and simply slinging him over his shoulder like a sack of rice(similar to a fireman's carry. But a little rougher). "Just lead the way. I'll make sure this idiot gets to bed so he can rest."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane muttered cursing at him as Megumi lead them thru the village. They reached a big house at the other side of the village and she jumped up to the door, opening door and sighing. "Here we are...?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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"Hm...nice place," James said, carrying Bane inside. "So, which room can I drop this idiot in?" he asked, grinning slightly.
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