Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Torack
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Torack The Golden Apple

Member Seen 8 days ago

UserName: Torack

Character name: Eirenver Distonyé

Age: 20

Mageblood type: Lues

Favoured Magic Class: Pestilence

Previous Magic training: A few tips and tricks taught by his mentor

Race: Wood Elf


Eirenver looks much like the picture without the scar, except for the colour of the clothes which is a deep, vibrant green that looks as if it glows and pulsates with his sickly eyes. His waistband is black and continues on where it stops only a few inches from the floor; his gloves and boots are also of the same colour made from fine reptilian leather that he wears as a sign of peace by keeping direct contact away from those he greets. Also, on his waist is a tomahawk, it's blade made from black steel and it's shaft covered with green silk, dotted with pieces of leather for grip.

Short Bio:
Eirenver's life began when he was born to an elven family of merchants who would constantly travel from their home in the woods to the strange lands of men. Ever since he was young, he was fascinated by the shorter creatures that looked so much like them, if not only bulkier and a little less easy on the eyes. Despite that, he had a deep curiosity for them and his parents were more than thrilled to share their experiences they had with the humans with their child. Although it seemed strange that elves would venture out of their lands, Eirenver's father said it was nothing more than pride and arrogance that kept them secluded from the other races - once he had thrown it away, he found himself with a profit so vast he had no idea what to do with it.

Twice yearly his parents would go out of their kingdom and into the land of men to trade their wares, from fine elvish silk to magnificent weapons and arrow heads. They even sold strange trinkets that were common to the elves but rare and surprisingly valuable to the humans. Of course, every so often they would cross paths with those who looked at them with contempt and disgust. Every time they crossed paths with their likes, Eirenver would ask his parents why they hated them so and each time they would change their answer from one thing to another. It was clear to him they were lying, but he couldn't understand why, and he couldn't understand why a few of the humans hated them so much.

At the age of seventeen, during one of his family's trips to the human world, Eirenver decided to take a stroll and see the wares of the other merchants while his parents set up their kiosk and prepared their materials. Although it was the early part of the morning, the streets were alive and a few crowds of people were out and about buying fruits, bread, and other materials. He was going to buy himself a loaf when a sudden mob appeared behind him yelling fowl and unkind words at him. Irritated with their brash behaviour, he retorted in kind and told them to get lost. Angered by his words, the one who Eirenver assumed to be the leader clubbed him in the head with a piece of wood.

When he woke, he noticed the sky was dark and a few figures lay swaying in the wind, their bodies hanging limp from a tree branch, a tight noose around their necks and black bags over their heads. Confusion began to fill the still developing mind of Eirenver and he began looking around, the crowd oblivious to the fact he had woken. He wanted to go and find his parents, run back to their cart and drive off to the safety of their woods, but despite what he wanted, he couldn't peel his eyes from the limp bodies. A dark whisper told him it was his parents, that they were hanged for being elves just as he was clubbed. But he couldn't believe it. He wouldn't. It couldn't be true, his parents were kind and generous to the humans, they wouldn't betray their trust with such a crime. No matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise, the thought still remained in his head and a deep anger stitched with hatred and venom emerged.

He felt his bindings rot away and the earth within a feet around him quickly began to die. He felt a sense of odd clarity as pure hatred surged through his body, his eyes focused on the backs of the humans gathered around his supposed parents. He wanted them to rot. He wanted all of them to die and wither away just like his bindings. With tears streaming down his face he made his way to instinctively touch one of the humans when an arm grabbed and dragged him into the shadow of an alley way, quieting the young elf with a finger to his lips. Then a sudden uproar as the humans realized their third elf was gone and they quickly began searching for him, spreading out like an army of ants that just had their mound destroyed by an unwary child.

The man spirited Eirenver away from the city and into the country side where he lived and explained to him what had happened. It was there that Eirenver found out he had been given the gift of the mageblood and the man before him agreed to train him if he promised to never use his gift to harm an innocent soul or use it to cause mischief and corruption. After giving his oath, his training began, but instead of magic, he was taught martial combat - his mentor reasoning that in order for one to have control over magic, one had to have complete control over himself. And so for two years he trained in physical and mental strength, honing his self discipline and physical prowess.

At the age of nineteen his training in magic began with books after books. He found that he had the mage blood of lues which he shared with his mentor and after much deliberation, he found he was fascinated with the school of pestilence despite the sickly creature it turned its users into. Voicing this to his mentor he warned him of the hardships he would face if he continued on his path, however, Eirenver wouldn't change his mind and was resolute with his decision. Seeing his student's resolve, Eirenver's mentor made him take an oath to never use his mage blood to harm an innocent or cause corruption to the people; after taking his oath, his mentor sent him to the Twilight college where he would be able to do and complete the ritual.

Good Attributes:
-Physically fit
-Well trained in hand-to-hand combat
-Small knowledge of tactical warfare,
-Exceptionally patient.
-His past makes him extremely dedicated in mastering his mageblood and preventing something like that from happening again

Bad Attributes:
One of his weaknesses is trying to keep his anger under check. Although unseen to most, there's a constant struggle inside Eirenver where he tries to subdue the urge to strangle and kill every human and non-elf alive, which usually leads to him leaning towards a pacifistic stance and doing anything to avoid fights. If his anger is allowed to escape, he knows he would no longer be able to control it, and it is the fear of what he would do in that state that constantly keeps him in check.

The trauma he faced as a teenager has caused his young elven mind to split off into two halves giving him double personalities, however, he himself is unaware of this fact. His second personality, is the opposite of his "true" personality where it's angry, impatient, arrogant, and is extremely prejudice against non-elves, especially humans - having to control itself from killing them lest he gets thrown into some dungeon for the rest of his life, although he does try and cause them as much hardship and trouble as possible.

Another bad attribute would be the fact that he's a bit spoiled. Ever since he was young, his parents would spend their fortune on him, buying him expensive clothing, items and accessories. After their death, his mentor began pampering him in his own way, albeit without material things as he was far poorer than Eirenver's parents. Due to this, everything with him has to be just right or he'll feel extremely uncomfortable; while at the same time, he looks down on those less fortunate than himself while making sure to keep all the thoughts to himself rather than voicing them.

His biggest off set (post alignment) is the way he looks. Although he's kind, because of his sinister looks most people tend to stay away from him and keep their distance - because of this sudden power over people to cause them fear, he is in a constant battle with himself to keep himself away from arrogance and hating every living, healthy being there is.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

UserName: ArchangelUriel

Character name: Nhane Freyanon (NAH-nay)

Age: 25, Appears 20ish.

Mageblood type: Obiligatio

Favoured Magic Class: Motemnecromancy (hates mortumnecromancy)

Previous Magic training: No official training

Race: Wood Elf; Vampire

Appearance: Nhane is pale, white haired, tall, and lithe of form, as any elfish vampire would be. HIs features are as angular as most elves, though he bares a scar running under his left eye. The elf usually keeps his hair short, though unkempt. He carries a somber visage under a dark hood most of the time. However; few have caught him off guard laughing or smiling with Shala. He wears a grey cloak with a fur trimmed hood and many pockets either sewed to the cloak itself one of the several belts he wears. Several tribal markings line the underside of his jaw stretching under his cloak,

Short Bio: Nhane was born in the forests of Ghannos like most other wood elves, and grew up in the trade village of Bayahm. Everything about his life as a youth could be defined as quaint, not unlike most of the wood elf culture, and for the most part Nhane greatly enjoyed it. The part he didn't enjoy was being son of the Farathel, the elven equivalent of a Duke, meaning Nhane inherited all the responsibilities of royalty without any of the benefits or titles. So while Nhane would rather be out climbing, or swimming in the river like the others, he had to attend a ceremony, meeting, or whatever preparative garble his father designed. On the rare occasion he could join the other children, they would avoid him for reasons he didn't understand until got older, so his only friend was a wolf dog, Shala.

At the age of ten, Nhane stumble upon a bear's cave, and to protect him Shala attacked the bear. While the bear did retreat, Shala received a fatal injury. Nhane managed to get the wolf back to Bayahm, but nothing could be done for her. In a fit of rage and despair over the loss of his only friend, Nhane animated the dead wolf in front of the healer and his parents. His parents pleaded with the healer to keep it to herself, but to no avail, everyone soon knew how Nhane defile the natural order, breaking a sacred connection to nature. He was shunned from that point forward.

Nhane soon started to become a man, but between the constant pressure his father put on him, and the disgust from the villagers he had to endure daily, the young elf only wished for freedom. On the night he tried to escape Bayahm, he witnessed his father and two other men outside his home, arguing. His father and one of the other men came to an agreement, and in the blink of an eye, took the third's life. It clearly wasn't the first time it had been done, and it dawned on him why everyone always seemed cautious of him. His father was nothing short of a tyrant, and that's what Nhane had in his future. That was that last straw; that night Nhane fled.

Travelling beyond the mountains, Nhane found himself in Hearth. The town seemed so different from what he knew; stone structures, round-ears, and the purest lack of connection to the natural order. In short, Nhane finally felt freed of those bindings; the shame, the responsibility, and the misery. However, it was soon that he would pay the price for freedom. A couple moons passed, Nhane found himself on a late delivery for a some coin. An ambush sprang on him; three or four hooded figures surrounded him. They attacked pinning him down, biting him. Final thoughts of his dreary life passed through his mind, just as a few arrows met the attackers, causing them to flee. It seemed a few passing guards saved him, but little did they expect the elf to have survived. When he woke, he was met with a wolfish grin, one of a vampire named Meyia. She told him what he'd become, and told him of her plans to make use of his magic. He didn't know how she knew this, but he didn't let her finish. He fled, heading for the only place he could think of, Bayahm.

When he arrived, stumbling in out of exhaustion, and fatigue, he expected the shunning, but what he got shocked and frightened him; fleeing villagers. Making his way to his home, his parents met him with shocked expressions. He pleaded with them to help, but they wouldn't get within ten feet of him. Nahne got angry, letting all of his frustration out, blaming his father, and yelling with all the energy he had left in his body. A the height of his furry, he mindlessly tackled his father, feeding on him. After the first taste, he couldn't stop himself. His mother was next, then whoever he could get his hands on. Finally, when the hunger subsided he found himself in a pool of his parents blood.
Intense Writer Mode Activate

A soft dripping echoed through motionless blood-spattered surrounding. The room had once been an eloquent living space, entirely of woods, and soft fabrics and furs. Now it stood, a monument to a shattered way of life, devastated and devoid of the living. Two bodies, fallen limp, lay in a pool of their blood, shrouded by the night, sorrow twisting their faces in the pale moon light. A soft sob broke the relentless dripping. Another figured, a silhouette almost as dead as his company, kneeled in front of them. A tear caught the light of the moon as it hit the blood. If felt like time stood still, and living this moment forever seemed the punishment for wrongs committed. Something shifted on one of the fallen figures, falling into the light. The figured looked up as it glistened, then crawled to it and held it in his hand, a necklace. He gripped it in his crimson soaked hand and stared at it.

Almost as if in response, and voice broke, "Nhane, stand," it said in the soft caressing tone of a woman.

"Mother?" he responded desperately.

"No," the voice said carefully.

"Who...," he said as he stood.

"I don't know, but I know you," the voice seemed to sooth Nhane. A shadow moved into the soft light, and Nhane turned toward it quickly. A wolf moved gracefully toward him, and circled, not breaking eye contact. "Nhane, my master." Looking closer, the elf noticed fur did not cover the animal, just stone. Before him stood the statue that cover the grave of Shala, Nhane's only life friend. "Come master, they will soon be on us," the beast strode off through the door. Still baffled, Nhane hesitated, but eventually followed out into the brisk night air.

The nocturnal light pressing through the treetops filled him with a strange energy, something he could not get used to for a lifetime. The golem moved deftly between blackened oaks. "Wait," he called as he quickened his pace.

"There is no time," the voice called back, almost a whisper, "You are in danger, master. Can not stop moving." With a growl, Nhane quickened to a run. The forest floor seemed to begin to slope, though he could not recall any hills around Bayahm. Soon, the statue vanished into the night. "Shala- she wolf?"

"Shala," a soft voice echoed behind him, "That is a fitting name." The stone wolf padded softly passed him. Nhane's expression grew stern at the discomfort with the wolf taking to Shala's name. Another voice echoed, but this time not the golem's. Shala looked back quickly, "Hurry," she urged. The elf bounded up the ever sharper slope. Finally the two emerged over the top of the mound, looking over the expanse of the forest just as it touches the mountains beyond. The moon shimmered brilliantly of the treetops, and countless stars lit the night sky like a thousand souls dancing across the sky plane. Nhane could not help but gap.

When it finally seemed to settle, the young elf looked at the statue, "Where did you come from she-wolf?"

With the most unexpected yet soothing chuckle Shala looked up, "I came from you, master. I came from your pain, from you tears and your blood. I came from magic."
After escaping Bayahm that night, Nhane and Shala went where the wind took them. She reminded of his friend once lost, but more importantly, she became the one friend he had in the world. One whom without, he would have died or gave into another rampant thirst.

Finally, years later, the she-wolf asked the young elf why they had not considered traveling to the mage's college, where they would not be persecuted, but in fact accommodated. Nhane reluctantly agreed, and the two set off.

Good Attributes:

Kind: When it matters, Nhane is always willing to help, but the situation is usually dire one's before he get's involved with others.

Adventurous: Being naturally inquisitive, and an outcast by most standards, he has traveled to many corners of the land and grown keen, and agile as a result.

Quick-Learner: When he was younger, nothing was more imperative to his father than being quick of mind and hand, and so it is something that he still strives toward.

Fighter: Though he's never raised a weapon to another, being attacked comes with being a vampire, and so he has gained skill in observing and reacting quickly to such attacks.

Agile: From both being an elf of the forest, and a strengthened monster, he has gained incredible speed and agility when compared to the average human.

Vampire: Stronger, faster, and keener than most.

Bad Attributes:

Introverted: Nhane keeps to himself, for obvious reasons, and often lashes out at those who intrude upon him bubble.

Sarcastic: Not the most pleasant conversationalist, often coming across arrogant and a bit narcissistic.

Vampire: Thirst, sunlight, etc.

Fear of the Undead: Ironic, but since bringing Shala back to life, when he was young, it sickens and angers him.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mechanics of Magic

Within Tiien, Magic reigns supreme and is the most powerful forces common. It is what created all things, from the tiniest speck of dust to the towering behemoth of a demon, and there is nothing in existence that doesn’t have a trace of Arcanite in it. It is the world’s essence, its origins, in its purest form. Mage Blood is the catalyst from which allow mortals of all races to access magic.

All Races within Tiien have mages, the percent different between each one, and each individual is able to manipulate one Mage Blood. The Arcanite within each individual is as unique as their blood, without it they are unable to manipulate Tiien’s magic or even live. Mage Blood in particular is a concentrated source of Arcanite, and nearly 50% of the blood which diminishes whenever one uses his/her magic. Now not all those able to perform magic learn to become mages or possibly ever realize they have such a gift throughout their whole lives. Usually magic is discovered through stressful events or emotional trauma resulting in either a lack of control or minor spark in magic. However it’s possible for magic to fade from an individual if not regularly used over long periods of time, unique in each individual, but rarer cases have been known to cause the opposite. Instead of losing their ability, there’s a sudden magical spark that soon grows out of control on their own due to the novice’s inability to control them. With these mages it’s required they seek training in hopes to learn to control their magic or risk one day falling victim to ‘Blood Sickness’.

“Blood-Sickness” occurs when too much Arcanite has been used and a Mage’s blood is unable to replenish new Arcanite to replace the old without sacrificing the bodily functions needed for a being’s health and life. This sickness results from events of constant magic casting and most common with untaught novices. It puts a dangerous strain upon the body and can lead to an untimely end when the heart busts, stopping completely. Often there are symptoms that serve for warning signs when a mage is nearing their exhaustion limit, including but not limited to: nausea, disorientation, sudden fainting, weakness and shakes. These side effects become worse when ignored, most likely leading to death when there’s no Arcanite left.

However, more advance mages learn to control their usage of Arcanite within their blood. In the end, mages getting more power in exchange for less blood, creating minimal waste. Sadly this trait comes with practice and knowledge, novices barely able to continuously cast for long periods of time (several, endless hours of continuously casting with only a few minutes break between each spell is considered a long time period) without quickly succumbing to the effects of Blood Sickness. Any time spent not casting magic will slowly regenerate the Mage Blood, longer periods, usually hours, of rest means more blood replenished while short, few seconds, means only trace amounts are regained.

Most individuals only have the capacity to control one School of their MageBlood and this School would be their focus. In time, and after several years, they are able to learn and master both Schools of their Mageblood. However their power wouldn’t quite match up one that is specialized in a single School.

Mage bloods and Schools

Each Blood is made up of two different schools. The separation of powers that really only applies to those less experienced in magic because in time most mages will or can become a master in both Schools of their Blood if they choose to. The Magic levels are listed below and divided into 4 basic levels: novice, intermediate, advance, and master.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

UserName: Crossark

Character name: Cynn Ellime

Age: 19

Mageblood type: Natura

Favoured Magic Class: Geomancy, with some barely-tapped potential in Herbamancy.

Previous Magic training: Some shared learning by her friends, but nothing official.

Race: Forest Elf

Appearance: Is fairly tall, standing at 6 feet. Has brilliant white hair that she prefers to keep short, in a sort of thick pixie cut. (By the way, this might seem pointless, but her cup size is 36B. Trust me, it will help.) Has a very fair face.

Short Bio: Cynn was raised as the daughter of an important family in her tribe. She had no siblings, but her parents were the wealthy owners of a major technology organization. From an early age, her parents noticed her potential as a trophy, and brought her to every business party, corporate meeting, and publicity stunt that they scheduled. When they learned about her magical ability, she suddenly became not only a trophy, but a parlor trick, as well. She was never good with people, and talking to strangers wore her out. The only escape she could find was in her private tutoring times and fencing practice. However, other than in those two safe areas, she never felt in place, and always felt used. Luckily, at the business events, she could often escape to a quiet place to work on her trinkets or read, but she was not so lucky when it was a simple family matter. Her father turned a blind eye to her, which hurt Cynn, but it was her mother who caused the real problem.

It was her mother who would find her and harass her about not being social whenever she would disappear. It was her mother who, when she noticed that Cynn's tutors were assisting her in avoiding the situations, fired every one of them and got new ones who weren't permitted to leave the family home. It was her mother who blamed Cynn for any mishap the company was undergoing, and insisted that she still loved her daughter.

And, alas, it was her mother who sought out Cynn in the courtyard at a particularly lengthy holiday party, when Cynn was just 14.

"Honey, I have someone I want you to meet," she said, sitting down next to her daughter. "The Happs's son made a comment earlier on your beauty. He's a few years older than you, but I think you two could get along well. You just need to come out of your shell a bit."

Cynn couldn't remember this Happ family, much less their son. Frankly, she didn't want to talk to them. She was worn out already. And she didn't feel beautiful. She haited how her mother forced her to keep her hair long, and wear froofy dresses.

"I don't want to meet him," Cynn whispered under her breath, not looking at her mother. "I don't...I don't want to meet anyone else... I'm too tired for this."

At this, Cynn's mother's face darkened. "Cynn Ellime," she said, her voice returning to her normal, angry tone. "You will go in and meet that boy."

Cynn stood up, facing her mother. "I said I don't want to, mother. Just this once, I ask you to take my needs into account, or else your little business trophy is going to wind up getting tarnished." It felt good to be on a topic she'd had enough time to think about. Ranting was a relief. "I want to do what makes me comfortable, and that isn't going from party to party, meeting to meeting, smiling at people I don't know and don't care about, making conversation that doesn't progress at all. I'm a living being, and it's time I get the respect I deser-"

A sharp pain spread across her left cheek. Her mother's hand retreated back to her side. "That is no way to speak to your mother, young lady." She stepped closer to Cynn, invading the small amount of space Cynn had left. "I have done everything for you to give you a good life. I have given you books, tutors, everything an heir to a business needs. So, when I tell you to do something, you do it! No back talk! You owe me the respect any mother deserves! YOU ARE NOT EXPERIENCED ENOUGH, SMART ENOUGH, OR SOCIAL ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? I KNOW HOW THIS WORLD WORKS, AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME-HE-WHOA!"

Cynn's crouched, balled up figure was surrounded by the gravel from the courtyard path. Her mother now lay on her back, the part of the path she'd been standing on moments earlier now hovering as chunks of earth in front of her trembling form. Cynn screamed, hands over her ears, to get the self-doubt and sadness out of her head. Unfortunately, she wasn't prepared for the gravel projectiles that resulted from this, battering her mother and leaving her unconscious, but alive. She ran away, sobbing, wondering how one person could be so illogical and hurtful.

The first thing she did was cut her hair.

Quickly, she found a new family, a close circle of friends that stuck together. That had lasted two years. Slowly, though, Cynn's inability to phrase things properly caused divides, and she eventually left them to save them the trouble. She wandered about, selling books for three more years, She learned how to act like a salesman, as much as she despised doing so, to get by. However, she caught rumors of a college for mages, and she set out to find her way to it.

Good Attributes: Cynn is a major reader. She has a very logical outlook on the world, and can understand technologies easily. She also has a very inventive mind, and will come up with her way of solving issues, despite the possibility that the solution might already exist. She understands strategy.

Bad Attributes: She is such an immense introvert that not only is it difficult for her to accurately connect to people in the first place due to her need to think her sentences out so far in advance, but she probably won't stop stuttering for a good while after she actually does connect with someone. She also has some trouble with keeping her mind in reality, her imagination having a tendency to run wild at random.

Secret Word: Re-fucking-birth, baby!

P.S.: Her butt is was a magician, but became known as half of a slowly rotting lemon. </IRCRef>
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 4 days ago

UserName: Pyromania99

Character name: Lyris (Leer-is)

Age: 20

Mageblood type: Clima

Favoured Magic Class: Aeromancy

Previous Magic training: None other than personal practice

Race: Winged Child (Alanian)


Lyris stands at 5’10” at her head and 6’0” with the top of her wings. Her wing span at max is appx. 14 to 16 feet.

Bio: It was a normal day, but than everything changed when the demons attacked. They came without warning, and without mercy. They slaughtered many of the townspeople before they could take up arms, and the few that did couldn't fend off the horde. Lyris' father stayed back to hold off the demons just long enough to get her mother and Lyris out of the town. But as they fled, they were chased down by the demons. Lyris’ mother ran and flew as far as she could, but the demons did not give up. Soon she knew that she would be caught by the demons. But she wanted Lyris a chance to survive. Near the bottom of the mountain where their town resided, there was a cart of vegetables and other food supplies, it's owners killed not too far away. Lyris’ mother hide her child in the cart, and with a final good bye, pushed the cart away as she led the demons away from her child.

The cart continued to roll down the hill, and eventually reached the bottom. There, another demon found the cart, unaware of the child inside. With only the gods watching over her, the cart was taken to the leader of the demons, for him to feast upon. When he came to reap his bounty, he found the child inside. For some reason, anger took over him. He took the child somewhere safe, and forced his demons to fall back. The town was left in ruins, much of it's people dead. The demons left the village without so much as looting the ashes by order of their leader. All the while, Lyris was carried away by the leader of the demons, protected in his arms.

From that day forward, Lyris was adopted by the leader of the demons, raised by the him and his followers. The leader took time to visit her, but more often than not she was raised by the leader's Demons. She was sheltered, and in some ways, spoiled. Material pleasure was always given to her, but the only company she ever had where other demons. While they did take on more human forms for her convenience, as she grew older she was able to handle their more demonic appearances.

Her adoptive father would sometimes arrive for visits, doting on her more than the other demons. But as Lyris grew up into a young woman, she wanted to see the world outside her home. Her adopted father was hesitant to allow it, and even when he did Lyris was always kept closely guarded, and only allowed to explore areas that her adopted father approved of. And those areas were frequently simply just places populated by more of his demons, who treated her just as well as the others did. It became monotonous. There were times when, against what was desired of her, she attempted to escape. Whether by trickery or pure running, she would be caught and returned back. While it was not anything hostile on her part, she just wanted to see the world.

Occasionally, when she would sit down, some of the demons would tell her tales from places she's never been before, or bring her souvenirs and other objects of the outside world. Her desire to be outside the walls grew, until one day, she discovered something about herself. She learned that she was capable of magic.

It was then that she started to hatch a plan. A plan to escape the demons that held her as a prisoner, and see the world. In some of her past attempts, due to lack of use over the years, her wings were weak and could barely keep up on their own. To counter this she practiced magic as secretly as she could until one day she jumped from the highest place she could and “flew” away with the wind and somehow stayed just out of grasp of her adoptive father’s minions looking for a place elsewhere in the world and later returning home.

Good Attributes:

Crafty- In her many prior attempts to escape her guardians/guards, she has developed a wit about things and a cunning that seemed to only help her “enemies” develop a better sense about things.

Culinary Sense- Lyris, in her sheltered life, took a liking to cooking. It was something she could do herself, and was hardly ever bothered, though she disliked the feeling of having someone looking over her shoulder when she handled a knife.

Winged Child- As a member of the Winged Child race, her wings give her the ability to glide and fly. (Even without Aeromancy)

Bad Attributes:

Unknowing of the World- While she wants to visit the outside, she doesn’t really understand too much about it. Her thought process is that things are handed too her. While food she did happen to make herself, the ingredients and other things of the sort were purely handed to her.

Likes to do things on her own: While having demons help was nice, Lyris preferred and prefers to do things on her own. Even if she is struggling with something tedious, like a mountain of laundry, she will shove off anyone insisting to help. If she seriously cannot do something, she will ask for help, albeit begrudgingly. Dangerous situations don’t count though.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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The World of Tiien

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Twilight College

Landscape: Dreary and grey, it seems like someone had just rushed through the area and drained all the from it. Everything is shades of grey, black and white that creates a bland landscape separating it from its Neighbors more contrasting s. Its location is within the triangle area closed to the Djarkel border and the castle within the area that most travel worn roads lead to. It’s always casted in a seemingly endless twilight (dusk to dawn) setting the sky in several s from early morning blood red to deep purple of night, though the hours seem to change the brightness ever so slightly. Twilight is borders by many lands and land markers. To the NE is Eania and its land, to the E is Djarkel, and to the South is an Orc Lands as well as a large, forbidding forest called DeadWood to the W.

Background: Once known as Deathold College in its older years, namely named after its original Archmage, the more commonplace name is Twilight College due it being seemingly stuck in permanent twilight.

Twilight College outlay for PC Reference

Twilight was known in its history as Deathold castle, the place in which the students and staff moved after Aerta College had fallen into ruins, in the early days of magic. Though over the years the castle itself went through some revocations to enable it to hold the vast number of students, some older remnants of its still linger in the grounds. Within in the towering walls of the college area there’s three main sections, all made from similar materials, each one has their own purpose and fills key needs: The Watch Towers, Castle and the Manor Dorms.

A note to PCs, if you got an idea or something that you think would be interesting to add to the outlay then send us a PM!

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Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Let’s meet the races that dwell within the world of Tiien and the possible PC choices. Hybrids of these races are possible but depending on the combo,very rare occurrences. Most times frowned upon, resulting in the offspring being banished or killed. Now these are the basics for each race, details found upon the character depository for behavior, cultural habits, or other important information.

Name: Humans: Naerse and Yarsomere

Lifespan 60 years

Brief Description:
Pretty self explanatory, however humans are divided into basic groups based on origins and appearances. However they can vary between each individual. The two types are Naerse and Yarsomere. Naerse are white skinned, their hair ranging from dark raven black to sandy blond, and their eyes usually blue or green. Their height reaches up to only 5’5” in average height through some are both shorter or taller depending on the lineage. Yarsomere are darker skins ranging from tan to pure black due to their more desert like surroundings. Their hair is often black to brown with blond being rather rare, though not impossible. Their average height is up to 6 foot and higher, their built made more for running long days in the hot sun.

Biological Traits
  • Yarsomerians have a high tolerance to heat from the sun, their bodies use to wandering and traveling long hours in the hot desert. The sun burns their skin very little while being out there. This means cold can take a terrible toll on their system causing sickness and gain frostbite easier. Naerse are more resistant to cold weather though they still fall short of Snow Elves, their tolerance to prolonged exposure being around -20 degree range without the right equipment. For Naerse, hotter and humid temperatures give them higher risk of heat stroke and sickness.
  • Out of all the races, humans are the most versatile and individual when it comes to aspects. While they might not reach the extremes of the other races, no single two humans are exactly the same in their agility, speed, strength, endurance, or stamina. This enables a wide range of individualism among one single race.

Most Commonly Seen:
Most commonly seen in Eania, Djarkel and Yarosmere, humans have a wide range they can live in throughout Tiien. However, the Scorched Lands are toxic to any but the Esyire. And some areas like the Ravine are too dangerous save for the most determined soul.

Additional Information:
Humans have the highest mage population out of all the races, their aptitude for triggering their much higher than other races. This not to say they are much better at it however. Like other attributes, mastery and power often depends on experience, training and the individual themselves.

Name: Orcs/Orks

Lifespan Natural lifespan of 50 years, though half-orcs can last as long as humans

Brief Description:
Large humanoids with colored skin, tusks, and naturally tough bodies. They average around 5-to-6 feet, however orcs beyond 7 feet is not unheard of. Commonly depicted as green-skinned, orcs can actually have a variety of pigments from brown, red, purple, yellow, even more human skin-tones.

Biological Traits
  • Large bodies with greater-than-average muscle mass. However, while they are thicker and able to resist more physical damage, their strength is still considered within human limits.
  • Tusks of varying sizes, typically suitable for tearing through flesh and even inorganic matter. Orcs only get one set of tusks, so if they are damaged this can hinder their ability to chew through hides, bones, and more on a carcass.
  • Dense bones with more resistance towards impact and trauma, particularly in the skull. This also adds weight, resulting in them
  • Thick leathery skin which allows them to shrug off minor cuts and bruises. Even includes the inside of their mouth, allowing them to consume more dangerous food. While it can protect them from outside elements for a limited time, it both numbs their sense of touch and traps excess heat requiring them to use other means to cool themselves.
  • Greater metabolism which allows them to process foods and nutrients faster, this even allows them to eat almost anything edible or inedible with little issue. However, while their metabolism is high in strength and speed there’s one big flaw that comes with it. The metabolism shortens their lifespan compared to the other races.
  • Certain orcs have been known to have keen noses like that of a dog or boar. This also means intense and new scents can be distraction, even crippling if too powerful.

Most Commonly Seen:
Torrin and Oelik Hold Any other places by chance or merely those two? Also, might want to put a link in the names so players can click to get to that section easily for cultural info.

Additional Information:
Orcs are capable of creating hybrid offspring with most other races, humans being one of the more common half (When one calls themselves half-orc, it’s generally assumed the other half is human). While most would recognize an orc by his strength(It would likely be by their tusks and appearance), the true value of an orc is by their endurance; next to dwarves orcs can take quite a beating and sustain some life even after taking mortal injuries. Magic is known to orcs, however for some reason or another orc mages are quite few. Due to their relatively short life spans, an orc who doesn’t reveal their magical ability early into childhood may not have the opportunity to master their magic if they discover it in their adulthood.

Name: Dwarves

Lifespan 75-90 years

Brief Description:
Dwarves are compact and short, reaching only to the heights of 3-4 feet tall. They are built tough and suited to remain long time underground without suffering lasting side effects. Many male dwarves have adopted facial hair where they can braid and tie in various ways, each culture of dwarves having their ways to style their beards. Females tend to braid their hairs instead through they ensure it still battle fitting.

Biological Traits
  • Dwarves are strong for their size and able to lift about double their whole weight, putting small strain on their compact figures. However their stamina and speed suffers, falling below normal humans when it comes to lengthy tasks.
  • Dwarves have limited reach due to their small stature, their legs need to take double to triple strives in order to keep up with people. Their bones are much sturdier as well enabling them to take as almost as much damage as orcs.
  • They can see in utter darkness thanks to an additional sensory, but 2-3 feet beyond them at a time. It means they require no light at all to get a black and white image of what's in front of them.
  • An innate sense of direction, Dwarves are difficult to get lost due to their connection to the ground, earth and rocks. Drop them almost anywhere and they are able to instinctive find their way to the nearest familiar landmarker. Despite their great navigational skills, magical means can still cripple their ability leaving them just as lost as everyone else.

Most Commonly Seen:
Ironstead, a settlement with both above and underground spect to the city. It’s mainly a dwarven made city through it welcomes surface dwellers.

Additional Information:
Most Dwarves, mentally, have a high tolerance to pain. However this is less of a biological feature and more dependent on the individual, upbring, and outside factors. Many believe this comes from their stubborn streak and how they refuse to give in.
Also, Geomancy and Herbamancy seem the most common blood among Dwarves possibly due to their environment.

Name: Snow Elf

Lifespan 87-90

Brief Description:
Living in the Glacier Lands has taken the most changes upon the Snow Elves, altering from their height to body structures and even coloring. Their height now reaches up to around 2-3 foot, being the shortest of the races within Tiien, and lowering their food needs in order to survive. Most Snow elves appear to look as they have been lightly frosted, giving their skin a bluish hue and their hair ranging in pure white to lighter colors of white. Like their woodland cousins, they have various pointed ear lengths that can range from being as big as their heads to human size with a tiny point.

Biological Traits
  • Snow Elves have a high tolerance to below zero temperatures because they grew up with it all their lives. This means they can’t freeze and remain in frosty weather for extended periods of time compared to the other Races without risking frost bite. On the other hand, magical means like being attacked by cryomancy or runes are unaffected and will do normal damage. Heat is tough for them to work through and even the milder warmer temperatures can be uncomfortable.
  • Their small structure allows more energy from small amounts of food or water. This means they can eat one large meal and endure days before they can catch their next one. Even Snow Elves, however, have their limits for how long they can go without food and any longer than half month results in starvation.
  • In addition to not needing much food or water, they are very light compared to the other races. This makes walking on thin ice or other surfaces with high weight restrictions a breeze to get across. On the down side, they are rather easy to knock about since there’s little weight to hold them down to earth.
  • Snow Elves can’t be blinded by sudden flares, flashes or other light sources. This can range from snow blinding in storms to glare off the ice, even sudden blazes of fire. Effects that mental is another matter, like from psychomancers to runes. Another weakness is that the light source can be distracting if there’s little to no warning, keeping the Elf from completing their assigned task, even damaging their eyes when staring into the source too long.
  • Snow and Wood Elves, have one trait in common. Their higher hearing range and-as mentioned in the Wood Elves- can reach up to half a mile radius and just as sharp. Magical and soft stepping, however, can often bypass an elf’s sharp hearing through any small mistake will quickly alert them to their stalker’s presence.

Most Commonly Seen:
Glacier Lands or other wise known as the Frost Plains, this hostile land is nothing more than small part pine forests and greater part frozen waste lands.

Additional Information:
Snow elves have a deep bond with their tribe, often moving nomads, and often their choices end up being determined what is best for the tribe. Murder among tribe members, thievery among tribe members, or Snow Elves generally not doing their best to help their tribe is practically unheard of.This mentality often explains their phobia of homosexual relationships between themselves and others, often causing mental breakdowns to anxiety attacks. Mainly the reason is because since two of the same gender can’t produce children, there’s little chance this relationship type will prove to be beneficial to the tribe’s future. Usually magical means can alter their state of mind but it is rarely done willingly.

Name: Wood or Forest Elf

Lifespan 100 years

Brief Description:
Wood Elves are taller than their snowy cousins, reaching up to 6-7 foot. Overall their appearance are slender and thin, giving them an agile look over all. Additional features are their slightly pointed ears on each side of their head, the actual length ranging in numerous sizes through it doesn’t affect their hearing abilities. Their skin tones range from pure white to rich earthen colors and hair types vary much like humans.

Biological Traits
  • Slightly pointed ears give them a wider range of hearing compared to most other races, their hearing is able to reach up to half a mile radius all the way around them without strain. However, this doesn’t include keenness and a person with a quiet and careful step can still sneak up on them.
  • Natural climbers, Wood Elves are able to get their fingers and toes to find purchase on about any coarse surface they come into contact with. As long it is not smooth or easily broken by too much weight, they are able to climb up it to the top.
  • Due to their slender built and thin frame, Wood Elves are often more agile than the other races. They have greater flexibility, but this means their strength and durability are more on the human side.
  • Wood Elves have excellent vision in the daylight, allowing them see several feet further than humans. Sadly they must have a light source light in order to see otherwise they can in pitch darkness. Mainly because they lack pitch black vision and has poor night.

Most Commonly Seen:
Ghannos is where the Elves originate and most of them still remain, through their frozen cousins live within the Glacier Lands within Tiien.

Additional Information:
Wood Elf village’s are surrounded by Iron Wood Trees, which are hard as steel and often preferred for their weaponry, armor and even trinkets. This means nearly every Wood Elf born within Ghannos can easily determined the difference between real Iron Wood and passed off fakes, often wood soaked in dark dyes.

Name: Esyires

Lifespan lives up to 200 years

Brief Description:
Esyire are large, anthropomorphic dragons standing at about 7-8 feet height, for both male and females. Their wings reach to about double their arm width when spread out, increase their size through door ways by considerable measure. They can neatly fold their wings back against their back. Tails don’t add to their heights and are often half or as long as they are tall, the bones considerably flexible allowing it to be used like a whip in times of need. Esyire’s scales tend to reflect their MageBlood:

  • Lux: Pearl or White
  • Aqua: Sapphire or Blue
  • Clima: Copper or Gold
  • Natura: Emerald or Green, sometime Brown
  • Obligatio: Ruby or Red
  • Lues: Black or Midnight Purple
  • Ancient: Grey

Biological Traits
  • Large frame with a high level of strength, though they lack in agility.
  • Wings enable flight abilities over distances, obstacles, and more using heat pockets within the air. However, they are the most fragile part of the Esyire’s skeleton with a thin webbing that can be easily damaged by arrows, crippling their ability to retain their flight.
  • Their bones are light and designed in a way which lowers their weight, despite their muscle. However, while the bones are as strong as human’s, when broken they don’t break in the same fashion. Instead of a clean break, it will shatter into larger chunks often hindering the limb’s ability to move correctly until it is properly mended.
  • Hide provides minor protection against scrapes, bruising and minor injuries not caused by sharp implications like weapons or predatory claws that can slice through flesh. The scales also protect against radiation within their homeland.
  • Hearing is weaker than that of the other primary races of Tiien, mainly due to their hearing being done through holes and no other structure to aid sound into the eardrum. Normal hearing voices are easy to pick up but sounds often ranging to a low whisper or sneaking foot step can often be missed if the Esyire isn’t on alert, easily blending in.

Most Commonly Seen:
Virtually all people who inhabit the Scorched Lands are Esyire, and in general, it is rare for them to enter the lands of other races. Their close connections with the Dwarves make it less unusual to see Esyire in Ironstead, and there are often group of Esyire who arrive at the Twilight College as students each year.

Additional Information :
Esyire can easily breath their element up to 2-3 feet effectively, though novices can only managed a shorter distance if lucky, and unable to be harmed by their own magic. However this doesn't prevent others of the same blood from causing damage.

Eysire children hatch out of eggs, developing outside their mothers and breaking free of their shells. Rarely and couples often brimming with pride, will one egg hold twins.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

3 cities within Yarsomere-

Mesa Gaan

The largest Naga city on recorder, at least in the Desert variety, and is really nothing more than a massive, complex maze of carved out tunnels. It seems more like a hive, with areas made for commune sleeping as well as individual space for the cold desert night to an underground water supply. However they spend much of their day between the underground and surface, the latter better suited to their tastes, as they exist with the natural world around them. Adapting it only when needed as is expected of all Naga.

Territory range- Several hundred miles over seemingly vast desert, something like Death Valley, and less inhabitable for humanoids these serve as both home and birthing ground for Naga. This area takes about the top fourth of Matash, from the border to the coast and several miles from any city.

Population- About 2,600-4,500


The second largest, Hassam is located in Baldum from the border to the river and settled between the two cities, Thead and Fiel. About half the size of Mesa Gaan, these Naga live in an oasis type environment filled with lush greenery and limited water which makes their scales green instead of the desert brown from those of Mesa Gaan. The city itself isn’t a winding series of tunnel and the only Naga City not located near a Ravine entrance within Yarsomere.

Territory range- Lust, green oasis caused by the river’s rich soil and slightly akin to a jungle. Unlike the other Naga cities, they are only a week’s journey but due to the harsh desert wildlife that seemed to cluster about the Naga, few have dared ventured there.

Population- About 950-2,800


The smallest city, it’s more of a tribe then an actually city made from several tribes that cover the area in the middle of Ranad’Ko, Shala’pha, and Taw’si Isth. They are most focus near the river, their homes tunneling out and all connect at one large area where the Ravine entrance exists.

Territory range-Shh’ Fet

Population- About 700-1,500

Basic life of a Desert Naga (These are estimation to give an idea of when it’s supposed to happen as well as appearance.):

~ (Unless a Naga male knows a female carries offspring conceived by both, he doesn’t influence the child’s early life from any possible breeding partner and even then it’s not heavily.) After carrying her offspring within her for 4-6 months depending on number, she will move off into the desert wilderness to seek out a burrow. Usually it is the same one she herself was born from, laying soft shell eggs between 2-9 once the burrow has been cleaned or situated enough for rising young. In a few months, a Naga is born from their egg and they are more developed then most children of other races. Babies have their eyes open immediately bonding with the first thing they set sights upon as their vision comes into focus after a few hours. The pupils dilated making the eyes completely black and a thin film over. They are rather active, compatible of movements like a few month year old, but unable to make the soft cries until 2 weeks to a month after birth. The mother ends up watching her offspring emerge from the egg shells that when the child is old enough, has grown weaker due to the nutrients being absorbed from it, easily punctured by small tail spike at each newborn’s end. This ‘spike’ falls off shortly after the infant is born, still covered by the wet egg fluids and clinging bits from the burrow. In a few hours they are up and slithering around and when 20 years hit, they are slowly start wandering towards the burrow’s entrance which will at some point end up exiting to explore the world around them with the Mother lingering close by.

~60 years (appearance: 6 years old), a Naga child is about to hold a weapon. This is when the mother teaches her children to craft a weapon from animal carcasses brought back to the burrow, learning to fight and defend them, building up muscles, as well as slowly hunt food shepherded towards them. Usually small and only mildly dangerous creatures that make easy kills are chosen, slowly becoming more dangerous as their age/skill advances.

~130 years (Appearance: 13 years), the Naga independence kicks in, weakening the dependence upon the mother. Now the mother freely wanders, only so often wandering back to the burrow and reconnecting to her children though brief, small moments as well as keeping tabs on their development. Now the children are fully able to survive alone without aid or need, their link now only one made from desire to be close to another of their kin rather than a needed measure to live.

~140 years (appearance: 14 years) Now accepted as an adult, the Naga children are introduced to the place of resident for his/her race and the true challenge begins. Since Naga are both Surface and Subterranean creatures, their vast tribes are created under Tiien’s surface filled with new dangers then birth. This where the social development occurs in a Naga’s lifetime and thus, this time has the greatest determining factor to their state of mind drawn from their surroundings. On arriving, they are sorted either in the Crafter or Hunter caste depending on their skills, weapon crafted and any information discussed in private between the mother and 3 Matriarchs.

There are 3 castes where they would spend the rest of their lives in, though only the third is accessible later in life and to selective female Naga changing their role.

When a Naga child is introduced to the Matriarchs, they are placed into one of two castes: Hunter or Crafter. A third caste, the Matriarchs are the highest cast and always female, taking one or more promising Huntresses under their care to later chose one to become the new Matriarch when her last breath escapes. Though there are genders within the Hunter and Crafter caste, the females hold the leadership roles and blunt of the responsibility.

*Hunter Caste: Warriors, hunters, and law keepers, these Naga are defenders of their race and their city. Equal parts of males and females are found within this caste and both rather serious about their duties. They spend much of their time topside filling out their duties but hunker down beneath the ground for rest, food, retrieving the Matriarch Caste orders or during their inactive moments.

~They often are posted in stations, temporarily tribes about 20 or more, that exist to ensure no one accidently wanders into their home. It is there, they live and watch and taking shifts as Naga rotate from here to Mesa Gaan. This migration happens, like an inner clock, every fall equinox day (Sept. 23) and ends usually sometime in late October to mid-August when the last of the shift happens. A group never leaves until another arrives to take their place, traveling over miles of hot desert.

*Crafter Caste: Builders, architects and physical labors of the Naga race, it is their responsibly to enable the tribe is taken care of. This caste is made of mostly females and some males that show talent in their crafting skills and creative thinking, including the crippled or recovering Naga as well. Unlike their sisters and brothers within the Hunter caste, they tend to shift frequently, and by choice, from the surface to underground since their tasks are mostly made from physical labor. This caste requires consistent team work throughout the rest of their lives and thus the most sociable and diverse while retaining the calm and controlling nature.

*Matriarch Caste: Not assigned when coming of age, these Naga are the only strictly female caste. It also the smallest and most important one because this is where their decisions, orders and determined leadership comes from and filters out into the others. Built from Naga from both Hunter and Crafter castes, there are 3 matriarchs (spend all their time underground and use heated rocks to keep their temperature) that united decide the fate of their tribe while the rest are Naga ranging from a variety of ages which are learning under them. This caste consists of only 6-12 at most under the three, replacing their rank only when there’s a death among of the Matriarch’s chosen, dubbed Tyros. They learn the role of the Matriarch from the decision, tasks, and experience each caste by assisting in their tasks daily while also tending to their teachers well-being.

~the only caste that regularly requires and practices reading, this skill isn’t widely practiced among Naga since it serves little purpose other than distraction. Not to say the Tyro hasn’t passed on the learning and enable others from other castes to read, etc. Only those chosen to decent into Matriarch are shown the history of the Naga race written deep within Mesa Gaan itself.

~Joining age is 190-260 (19-26) but there are expectations since it’s the Matriarch’s individual choice when to select her Tyro. In time, those that are chosen spend more and more time underground. As a side effect, their scales lost coloring and become albino in appearance as well their eyes become blind because they begin to rely more on hearing and smell.

Important abilities of a Naga:
Heat sensory- ability to sense heat from surroundings as far as the eyes could see. The organ is small but powerful, plumping constant information that is stored within the Naga brain and accessible any time.

Tongue sensory- ability to scent smells within the air, from recent to a few days old unless affected by water, enable them to track prey. Strong odors can overwhelm this sensory and ruin, for a short time, this highly sensitive sense.

The Malice- this is a state when a Naga’s body is damaged, not aged, to the point it can’t contain the soul any longer. Once the soul is released, the still living body goes into a sort of berserker rage and mindless rampage that results in attack upon both enemies as well as allies. This can last anywhere from several hours to days depending on the adrenaline amount pumping through the Naga’s body. However quick and simple ways to kill them is by damaging the brain, the safest method with the fastest result, or the heart in which the body will simply die.

~Low body temperature then humans. Not low enough to allow them to freeze but Naga can’t tolerate very low temps without slowing down and drifting into a hibernate state, bit by bit shutting off their bodily functions until they warm up. To most this seems as if they are dead and a state that can only last for few hours until it starts to kill off the Naga’s tissues and brain functions, killing them instantly. Extreme heat on the other hand, doesn’t affect them, enabled to live in long spells without passing out or needed to sweat.

~Their scale areas are tough and durable like leather armor. The scales themselves unable to feel pain, yet if something managed to get past it then it would struck the nerve endings making the Naga notice.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago


Important City: Shimmerstone

The capital sits in the middle of Shimmerstone lake it is named for and surrounded by four natural lakes, each named after the ‘Angels of Life’. It’s common to see temples or scattered statues dictated to the city’s Patron god, Billant, as an annual event is held in his honor called the Sun Festival at the Shimmerstone capital. Most the population is human with the occasional Elf, Dwarf, and even rare Esyire or Orc seen. However, despite their acceptance of most races, Vampires are about the only ones not welcome within their lands or city walls.

Landscape: Lush and full of life, green grass grows throughout all of Eania, among one of beautiful within Tiien. Meadows, farmland made from cleared fields, and vast rolling hills make up this scene coupled with the four natural lakes. Their water sparkling and clean, it almost looks like they are made from diamonds.

Culture: An Empire, they’re armies are comprised of mostly warrior-priests called “Paladins” that dub in the blood of Vitamancy. In the past it was once known as Empania, once connected to what is now Djarkel before the black wars of 1312 after the nuclear event. Black and binding magics such as Demonomancy and Necromancy are highly discouraged among its walls.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Foreas (both plural and singular)

Average lifespan: Most Foreas get killed before the hundred years mark, but the few that are smart and quick enough to survive, have been known to date as far back as the first generation of Foreas, hundreds of years ago.

Brief description: A photosynthesizing species of humanoid plants, the Foreas are blind, seeing only because of their heightened sense of hearing. Because they do not need to eat to survie, they never developed mouths, which led to them never being able to biologically speak. Therefore, to make communication easy with other species, they've invented Speech Artifacts which allow verbal communication through selective thoughts.

A Foreas barely ever wears clothes (And when they do, it resembles armour more often than not), as their natural tough bark-like skin protects them well enough from the elements. Also the fact that they have no genitalia is another reason to not fear being naked. Instead of hair they've got foliage. They lack any facial feature with the exception of two slits for nostrils.

(Remember, no facial features]

The Foreas live to bring memories and experiences back to what they call The Great Tree, an immense tree located deep inside the Caves of Origin, which is believed to be the tree from which the first Foreas emerged. This Tree functions like a vault of the collective memory of the species, adding to its limitless banks every time a Foreas connects with its vines. Every Foreas can access the memories at free will and experience them first hand.

Location: Forests of Symphony

- Photosynthesis: They don't need to eat. Just inhale CO2, go for a swim and get a tan and they're good to go.

- Echo-Location: Mist, total darkness and all other vision-impairing phenomenoms have no effect on them, as they rely on their hearing to see forms and shapes.

- Vault of Collective Memories: Free to access it at any time, as long as they're in physical contact with the Great Tree, they fix most of their present problems by searching through old solutions to similar problems.

- Heightened sense of smell: Without their Speech Artifacts, Foreas communicate with each other via diminute changes in their natural scent. This heightened sense also aids in helping them in navigating through their environment.

- No eyes, No vision: They can't see colours, can't see faces or eyes. Even with their senses of smell and hearing, they have a hard time getting around in plains, where scents are wide-spread and sound only returns vibrations from the ground.

- No voice: Without their artifacts, effective communication with other species becomes near impossible.

- Silence is scary: especially when it's an uninvited silence, as it means they have nearly no feedback from the environment, and can't see anything. Otherwise, in meditation, silence can be refreshing.

- Cold Burns: Wood gets dry in winter. Wood burns easier when dry. Never get close to a mad pyromancer while it's winter.

Mage blood rate: 0%. The only Foreas individuals with mageblood have obtained it with the help of different Gods and Goddesses. It doesn't occur naturally in the Foreas population.

- Each Foreas adopts their own particular scent in their early weeks, either knowingly or unknowingly. Some smeel like Chocolate, others like leaves, others like human.

- When a Foreas female plants a seed, it grows into a small tree which eventually grows a pod-like structure on one of its branches. When old enough, the pod opens and drops a fully sentient and aware Foreas out into the world. These Foreas are the same in height as a ten year old human child, and take twenty years give or take two years to grow to their full height (5'7-6'2).

- At the age of 100 years, each Foreas must bring an exceptional experience back to the Great Tree. Most get killed in the search for this exceptional experience/memory.
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