School of Noxomancy- Noxomancy, without question, is one of the most mysterious and occult schools of magic. Noxomancers are often seen as evil, ruthless, and untrustworthy, but that's mostly a stereotype. Noxomancers have an odd assortment of powers, but all of them seem to stem from Darkness. Their source of power, unlike other magics, doesn't solely come from Arcanite. It comes from a source called "The Nox" by most. It is a well of pure evil which was created at the bottom of the Crag; and was created by Aarem many years ago. Noxomancers pull power from the Nox to supplement the lack of Arcanite they can use. Only Decay magic can be done without drawing from The Nox.
Noxomancers can use the forces of Decay, Pestilence, and Shadow.
Upon reaching the age of Awakening for a Noxomancer, they may choose to preform a ritual and align themselves with The Nox; and choose either Pestilence or Shadow. Aligning with Pestilence makes casting Shadow magic impossible, and vice versa. If the Noxomancer decides not to Align themselves with The Nox, they are stuck with Decay, while both Pestilence and Shadow aligned Noxomancers are able to cast Decay AND Death magic, along with their respective magic alignment.
Decay- The force of Decay is the only magic under Noxomancy which does not require Alignment with The Nox to work. Decay is essentially the speed-rotting of an affected area. In some ways, it is more like some caustic power, as it can eat through flesh, bone, metal, and other materials such as stone. Many Noxomancers who don't want to commit themselves to The Nox end up mastering this magic.
Pestilence- This part of Noxomancy requires an alignment with the Nox for any Noxomancer to use it. When a Noxomancer does this, their bodies undergo a drastic change. All trace of color leaves their skin and hair, turning them snow white. Their eyes turn a puke green, and seem to pulse with sickness. Their veins are all clearly seen on their skin, and are the same puke green as their eyes. Their eyes can pick out any disease, almost like heatvision, in anyone, anywhere. They automatically know all the existing diseases(to man, plant, and beast), and their cures. They instinctively know how to mix and match existing diseases to create new ones, and how to cure them. They can instinctively pick out, in a scenario, where to start a disease for maximum affect among the populace.
Pestilence Noxomancers turn their bodies into living factories for diseases, Pestilence Noxomancers can choose and select what diseases they carry. Contrary to popular belief, Pestilence Noxomancers don't run around spreading diseases amongst the populace with a flick of their wrists. They have to touch, with their bare flesh, their victims to spread a disease to their victims(which may not always be sentiments or plants or animals. They could spread a deadly disease into the water supply of a town, or the food supply, etc.). Then, they let the disease take it’s course throughout the populace, helping it along here and there.
Pestilence Noxomancers must be careful, however, because if a disease crops up and they are known to be in the area, people will blame them and come to kill them to end the disease(a Pestilence Noxomancer's diseases dies with them). Also if they succumb to Blood Sickness(a sickness brought about by spending too much of one's blood), they lose their natural protections and will be ravaged by the diseases they hold in their body.
Novice: Can only have one disease in their body at a time. Cannot mix and match and create diseases. Can only turn on their disease vision(where they can see any and all diseases in a person place or thing), for thirty seconds. Disease is limited to nothing deadlier than a common cold.
Intermediate: Can have up to two diseases in their bodies at a time. Cannot mix and match and create diseases, but only once. Can only turn on their disease vision for two minutes. Diseases limited to nothing deadlier than Gangrene.
Advanced: Can have up to four disease in their bodies at a time. Can mix and match and create diseases, up to three times. Can only turn on their disease vision for an hour. Disease limited to nothing deadlier than Malaria.
Master: Can have up to eight diseases in their bodies at a time. Can mix and match and create diseases, up to fifteen times. Can keep their disease vision on indefinitely. Diseases are unlimited, even to uncurable ones.
Shadows- The most direct connection to the Nox out of the three branches of the school of Noxomancy, that also requires a Nox alignment. The Nox is
opposite. Everything in there is completely opposite from the mortal realm. Light becomes shadows, shadows become light. Everyone who is alive has their opposite in the Nox,personality wise, not build or skills wise. If a soldier who is excellent with a sword and shield and is physically fit, but cruel, selfish, and arrogant, his Nox Soul would be a soldier who is excellent with a sword and shield and physically fit, but who is kind, selfless, and humble. Technically, those who align themselves with Shadow manipulate the Nox. But, in the mortal realm, that is primarily manipulated through Shadows..hence the name.
Shadow Noxomancers can, manipulate shadows around them(In a variety of ways...none of which include making a physical object out of the shadows), enter the Nox to travel distances in half the time in the mortal realm, and summon opposites from the Nox. The only known way for Shadow Noxomancers to enter the Nox is through shadows, not darkness. So, if there's a hint of light, a Shadow Noxomancer can dart through the shadow cast and travel through the Nox(EX: In a battle, they dissapear into their own shadow to reappear behind their opponent.)
When it comes to manipulating shadows, Shadow Noxomancer's can't make physical objects out of them, but they can make themselves near invisible in it, or cover a wide area in shadows, or distract with shadows being things they should not. The possibilities are only limited to the Shadow Noxomancer's imagination.
When it comes to summoning opposites from the Nox, a Shadow Noxomancer has to be careful. For if they summon say a group of opposites of the mercenaries trying to kill them, and one mercenary enjoys fighting immensley, a Shadow Noxomancer might find themselves with a pacifistic soldier. But, Shadow Noxomancers can summon personality opposites, if for nothing more than the ability to screw with their opponent's minds.
Novice: Can only gather shadows around themselves, for one minute.
Intemediate: Can cast shadows in an eight feet area, for two minutes(For indefinetely if smaller area).
Advanced: Can cast shadows in an twenty eet area, indefinitely. Can manipulate one shadow in a variety of ways. Can enter the Nox for one minute. Can summon a single Nox Soul.
Master: Can cast shadows in a 60 feet area, indefinitely. Can manipulate multiple shadows in a variety of ways. Can enter and exit the Nox at will for as long as they like. Can summon up to ten Nox Souls.
School of Psychomancy
Psychomancy is the magic of manipulating the Archanite unique to the minds of all living creatures. All living beings capable of thought, of some form of sentience, who have even traces of Archanite in their being are capable of Psychomancy, but also venerable to it. Most people know Psychomancy as the magic of mind-reading, and while that is certainly one of the abilities, there is so much more available them them. To be able to sense one's emotion, to cause them to witness illusions, to alter their memories, and perhaps most one of it's most powerful abilities, to bend the will. What Psychomancy lacks in direct physical application it makes up for in mental superiority; it is one of the very few magics that involves the mind of mages and mortals alike, a realm that is trended by no other magic.
But for all their power, Psychomancers have their own weaknesses. Those who only recently discover their powers will soon find out that they have no control over it. If they are fortunate, their powers will simply not activate upon their commands. But more often than not, novice Psychomancers will be prone to random bouts of telepathy, reading the minds of everyone around them whether the user wants to or not. The feedback overlord is often too much for the novice mind to handle, and frequently they may end up going into a coma until their telepathy shuts off on their own. To counter act this, one must learn how to create "Wards"; mental barriers that allow those who have a sensitivity to Archanite (I.e. mages) to manipulate them to form a shielding around their minds and protect it from invasion and unwanted thoughts. All mages are capable of creating Wards, however Psychomancers have been known to create the most powerful wards, and one of the only ones who can truly damage them. Creating Wards requires a combination of Concentration, Willpower, and Training. Simply having one of the three in great numbers is not enough to even make a weak ward; without enough of all three, anyone is vulnerable to Psychomancers. Psychomancers who lack any of the three will become victims of their own magics.
Concentration is a mage's ability to actively resist and strengthen his mind. Like a shield, it allows the mage to prepare themselves to stand their own against Psychomancer attacks. Like a blade, it allows the mage to put all their power behind a spell. But like a shield, it can only protect so many areas at once. And like a blade, the mage must master the way they use said blade if they hope to break through any worthwhile wards. Concentration is an active ability of the mage; as it's name implies, it can be broken, and when that happens their mind creates an opening, exposing them or cutting off their attack. How this happens can happen in a variety of ways; most commonly, one all needs to do is distract the mage from their spell. Thus, mages with great concentration can often face many threats undaunted and with an unbreakable determination. Concentration can come in two variances; Wide and Focused.
Defensively, a Wide Concentration allows the mage to remain generally safe from the passive intrusion of Psychomancers, such as those who are still new to their magics. Stronger Wide Concentrations may even allow them to detect the activity of Psychomancy, either Wide or Focused. A Wide Concentration also requires less effort to maintain, allowing the mage to multitask. However a Wide Concentration lacks the same level of resists of a Focused Concentration, as even those using a Wide Concentration is still capable of being attacked and their wards penetrated if they do not react quickly enough to switch their levels of Concentration.
A Focused Concentration allows a Mage to muster their Mental power into creating a particularly strong shield against Psychomancy attacks. Even novices who have a grasp of Focused Concentration Wards can potentially resist long enough to break the enemy's Concentration or just escape. Focused Concentration is most effective when the mage has a "source" to focus on. Typically when two Psychomancers fight each other they will switch their Concentration to Focused on each other. Stronger Focused Concentrations is also capable of locking up to multiple targets at once, allowing the mage to better defend against all of them. However, Focused Concentration is as sensitive as it is powerful; unlike Wide Concentration which is also passive in it's effort, Focused Concentration requires the mage's full power, and can drain them quickly if they do not know how to manage it carefully. A stronger Focused Concentration takes up more energy, but if the Concentration lapse for any reason that energy disperses and is subsequently wasted.
Offensively, a Wide Concentration allows a mage to use psychomancy spells in a general area of effect. They are fast hitting do not consume much energy to use depending on how large of an area of effect or the strength of the spell. These sort of spells are most useful on the unsuspecting or those who lack Wards, as they are both energy efficient and have a good range to allow the mage to "hit" their target. Wide Concentration can be used on groups or individuals, to either effect a large number or to simply ensure that you don't miss. But Wide Concentration spells are often weak or just barely as strong as the caster themselves, as more notable effects requires an exponential amount of power for even a fairly minor increase. Those who can maintain a decent Ward as the same or similar level as the opposing caster can at least detect their attempts to use offensive spells, and stronger wards will simply be unaffected.
Focused Concentration allows the mage to use a Psychomancy spell to much greater effect. The spell itself will have a higher chance to affect the target, and is more likely to be able to break through their wards. Focused Concentration is typically used on a single person or selected individuals. But the difficulty of Focused Concentration is that unlike Wide Concentration, Focused Spells are slower and need to chase or intercept their target to affect them. Like before, should the concentration break before the effect is achieved, not only does the spell cancel, but the energy used to cast the spell is lost. Focused Concentrations spells are often much more costly than Wide Concentrations, so a mage must ensure that every spell counts.
Willpower is a mage's raw potential for their Psychomancy abilities. Those with great willpower have the potential to create impenetrable Wards or unstoppable Spells, but having Willpower alone does not create these things. Willpower merely determines how much the mage has to work with; and a true master of Psychomancy does not need much to be able to make what they need (Which will be covered in the section of "Training"). Willpower itself is a chaotic trait of a mage that they do not have any true control over, as it is linked to their ever changing emotion state and consciousness. Certain emotions can provide a certain range of Willpower, which can result in a mage who can easily change their emotion as they require. There emotions can effect the amount of willpower being produced and exerted, which is additionally added by one's state of conscienceless. Some mages have been known to derive more Willpower under certain emotions better than other types, and there are a large variety of emotions that a mage can obtain their Willpower from. These are the basic six emotions: "Anger, Disgust, Fear, Surprise, Happiness, and Sadness".
Anger causes the mage's Willpower to fluctuates to extremes. Considered one of the most "powerful" emotion, but it lacks control. While Anger certainly is capable of providing the most Willpower, whether it does or not is dependent on how one acts in their anger. Those who throw their emotions around wildly will find that their Willpower drops considerably, to the point that it begins to go into the negatives. They no longer have control over their own thoughts, and this is before an opposing Psychomancer would even begin to attack. Those who can control their Anger, to transform it into Wrath, they are the ones who can access the most amount of Willpower the mage is capable of, which can often be more than they originally thought. True Wrath is a difficult state to achieve, despite what some may think. Wrath requires the mage to be in an almost constant state of Anger, both in their waking moments and subconsciously. Thus Anger is best when a mage requires Willpower for offensive Wide Concentration Spells, but leaves them vulnerable to be attacked themselves, as Anger is ill-suited for creating Wards.
Disgust is similar to Anger in that Disgust is capable of being used for longer times, but with lower extremes. Those who merely find everything to be grotesque things would have slightly more Willpower to work with, but still a constant low. This emotion often allows the mage just enough willpower to get away from what they find disgusting, but the further they go the less Willpower they will gain from this emotion. But Disgust has a powerful form, one that rivals Anger in the Willpower produced, but in a more Focused state. Hatred. To truly Hate something, Disgust must become a constant factor. Familiarity breeds contempt, and the pure insanity of living through the constant Disgust will turn into a hone edge of Hatred that can cut deeper into the minds of the enemy. The path to Hatred often gives way to Anger and eventually becoming Wrath, but Hatred is more concentrated and focused, allowing the mage to do the most damage to where it would be the most effective. Thus Disgust is best used when a Mage needs the Willpower to make a single powerful Focused Concentration Spell, but like many spells of it's typing it is a fragile state.
Fear is considered one of the more detrimental emotional states. Fear generally creates a low amount of Willpower, hardly enough to even make a basic Wide Concentration Ward. But fear has it's uses, both offensively and defensively, but both must be used carefully. Fear itself is capable of growing into Anger or Disgust, and while both have additional weakness, to allow Fear to grow into either one of them and allow them to grow will allow the mage to access a source of power that may catch their enemy off guard. But there is a worse state. To live in constant Fear will eventually break down a mage's Willpower to the point that achieve anger would not resolve, causing uncontrollable panic. Those who's Fear turns into Horror will begin to have their mind work against them, turning them into a emotional wreck and causing permanent crippling brain damage.
Surprise is a unique emotion in that it does create a high amount of Willpower initially, but how it is used can allow a mage to better manipulate the emotions of themselves or their enemy. Surprise is a risky emotion to use as it can supplement a mage's Willpower if they are already under the grasp of one of the other Basic emotions, but at the same time it can turn a beneficial status into a debilitating one, or vice versa when applied to enemies. Surprise itself tends to happen less as the mage becomes a better Psychomancer or if the mage is simply a preservative person, which causes Surprise to manifest into Anticipation. Anticipation does not provide a large bulk of Willpower as Surprise does, but it does allow an increase depending on the current Emotion. This itself could be a negative trait in in a start of fear or sadness however, as it will also increase the rate in which Willpower is being lost if they are in the extreme states of said emotions.
Happiness is provides a stable amount of Willpower over it's duration, enough to manifest a strong Ward or Spell. Considered the "best" emotion due to it's stability and the general fact that being happy is a good thing. While some mages achieve Happiness differently, Happiness is not the default emotion. Simply going about your business neither angry, worried, or all that concerned about the world does not create Happiness. Happiness is created when the mage personally feels a sense of ecstasy and pleasure, which can be caused by whatever they like. Being impressed or given words of encouragement can cause happiness, which can feed itself into creating a stronger sensation of Happiness that will evolve into Confidence, one of the most powerful emotional states. While it's raw Willpower potential is not as extreme as ones built from Wrath, Confidence is much more flexible in use and still provides a large amount of Willpower comparable to Hatred, and it is more consistent. But the bigger you are, the higher you fall; all it takes is one well-placed spell or move to destroy someone's confidence, and the resulting shock will zero out someone's willpower. Whether they can rebound depends on how well they use their Surprise, otherwise the fall can be harsh.
Sadness challenges Fear as one of the most detrimental emotional states. Unlike Fear, who have some Willpower being made to at least react, Sadness creates none at all. Sadness in a mage will cause them to zero out in the production of Willpower, relying solely on what they had left over prior to entering this state. Not only that, Sadness can make certain spells or the energy needed for creating Wards to increase, to the point that the mage simply won't create Wards or casts spells. Sadness has a worse form, one that can win battles without even drawing blood: Despair. A mage that reaches Despair often lack the will to even battle, making defeating them a walk in the park. Despair is often the aftermath of living in Horror, though there are many paths to Despair, including loosing one's Confidence in a massive way.
Training encompasses much of Psychomancy as a whole. Training improves a mage's ability to Concentrate, to control their emotions, and the amount of Mageblood and Willpower they need for their spells. Without training no one will ever become better than "Novice", as no amount of natural ability will ever be enough. The idea that one has talent may act as a placebo to promote confidence, but the truth of the matter is that everyone requires training, even if they have achieved the rank of Master. There are many ways to train one's Psychomancy, different methods to reach the same results: Improvement.
Ward Training is best accomplished by using either a Wide Concentration or Focused Concentration to defend against Psychomancer attacks. Typically starting out easily, one must simply be able to create a ward that can at least pick up on the weaker level Psychomancy, and over time they will improve as their mind becomes conditioned to maintain a strong Ward. It is a good idea to practice a bit of both, though a Psychomancer will naturally do that anyways. Others will have to make a choice depending on their own styles.
Spell Training is accomplished in a similar form as Ward Training; simply use your spells against those using Wards, working up in power over time. However one must figure out the "Style" in which they wish to master their spells, using whatever style fits them best. Some may chose to bombard an area with many Wide Concentration Spells until their attack finally hits a weak point or simply to overload the Ward of their opponents, or break down their wards more harshly with precision Focused Concentration Spells or simply overpowering them with one with all their energy. Mages are free to mix and match and find whatever suits them best.
Concentration Training is passively achieved during the course of Ward or Spell Training, though what type once again falls under the style of individual mages. Those who train with Wide Concentration create a better spatial awareness around them, allowing them to detect the presences of others even when they're trying to hide. Wide Concentration also allows Psychomancers to be able to handle the massive feedback of reading minds of people around them, allowing them to be able to do such thing as reading minds in the middle of heated combat and incorporating Wide Concentration Spells in between their attacks or in critical moments. Focused Concentration are capable of observing subtle, even borderline none-existence details. Focused Concentration mages can pick up an ambush from a mile away, giving them ample time to plan a counter attack.
Emotion training is more complicated. Mages would be taught to develop "Persona" for their various emotions. In a sense, they learn to tap into a "Role" that emphasizes a aspect of themselves. Creating a Persona is more difficult that one may imagine, as being inconsistent breaks the Persona and subsequently the emotion they try to derive from, or possibly become completely engrossed in their Persona to the point that it takes over their mind. Emotion training itself is also Willpower training, as maintaining said Emotion invests more Willpower.
Among the basic necessities of becoming a decent Psychomancer, one must learn the variety of spells of Psychomancy. And despite what some may think, Psychomancers do not have access to Telekinesis (That is actually under the power of Necromancy), though this does not make from useless in combat. Psychomancers are unique in that they are one of the few magebloods that deal with the Archanite surroundings the mind of mortals, and they are the only ones who can prepare a proper defense against them. Even though Warding is available for any mage, only Psychomancers would naturally develop them during the course of their improvement. But Wards do not simply protect one type of spell; there are many types of Psychomancy Spells, of both Wide and Focused Concentration, utilizing different emotions, and having different purposes. Psychomancy spells have been know to be able to "Hit" their opponent easily, as unlike other magebloods they don't really have a visual sign of their spell being active. Wards can be used to detect when they are about to or are occurring, but each type of spell can be avoided or noticed in their own way.
Telepathy - The simplest and likely first spell a Psychomancer will pick up. Telepathy is basically reading the mind of someone. the mind is a fickle thing however; rarely does it actually speak in complete and understandable phrases. Indeed when a novice first uses Telepathy for the first time, they may find that everyone's thoughts are usually rambling run-on sentences. But with enough time, even a novice can begin to make sense of someone's thoughts, translating it into something with meaning. This is especially helpful for communicating outside of languages, more so once the novice begins to learn how to speak to others using their Telepathy. Instead of words they can translate their own thoughts into others. Sometimes they end up a rambling mess, but again, training allows them to fine-tune it into a more understandable messages. However, Telepathy has a range dependent on their level of ability. Most novices don't have a range further than a ten-yard radius of their current position, and only within eyesight. But as they become more skilled, they can read minds at a further distance in every direction.
Illusions - For more educated mages, many would associated Psychomancy with primarily Illusions, and while there is correlation, Illusion is simply another trick up Psychomancer's sleeves. Illusion is also known as "Perception Manipulation", as they are not merely image tricks. Most Novice Psychomancers will begin learning Illusions first by using a spell that will save their lives many time in the future: Invisibility. Basically, they will use their magic to manipulate a person's visual perception, causing the mage to disappear from their sight. This works well on most creatures who use sight as a their main means of finding people, though creatures using different means would need to be affected by different spells. But illusion allows the mage to do that; a advance illusionist can do more than turn invisible, they could make it so that their entire existence disappears. their scent, gone, the noise they make turns to silence, even their touch no longer registers. Thanks to Illusions, a psychomancer could potentially do anything, and leaving none the wiser. But there is a flaw; for all their potential, illusions ultimately do nothing at all. No matter how powerful the illusion, now graphic or detailed the illusion is, it is ultimately nothing. Some can be creative and cause the enemy to cause more damage to themselves using Illusion, but Illusions themselves do no physical harm, and even the mental damage can be recovered from.
Pathokinesis - Also known as Emotion Manipulation. Pathokinesis is essential to a Psychomancer, as it allows them to control not only their enemies, but also their own emotions. Certain emotions allow for a better efficiency with their magic, while others will debilitate it. Pathokinesis can also be used to cause the enemy to become reckless or turn against each other, or to bestow confidence in your allies and alleviate their fears. Pathokinesis is considered one of the more controversial magics in Psychomancy, and while it can still be officially taught, many in the world will be uneasy to know that you could potentially control their emotions against their will. The effects of Pathokinesis are usually temporary, but they can provide a spark to cause someone to succumb to a pattern of emotions thanks to the caster's manipulations.
Doppelgangers - A variant ability of Illusions, however Doppelgangers have the advantage that they can be used on opponents no matter what level their wards are since the spell is targeted at the caster instead of their opponent. Doppelgangers allow a mage to create multiple copies of themselves or others. Like illusions, these doppelgangers are incapable of causing any physical effect, though with enough mageblood one can emulate the effects. Doppelgangers are easy to dismiss, but also easy to see through; typically a solid blow will cause the Doppelganger to vanish unless the mage constantly pumps energy to maintaining the illusion, but each doppelganger requires a constant upkeep of energy, as well as the base cost to cast the spell. A weak doppelganger to last a few minutes won't take much energy, but more realistic doppelgangers for longer time is a skill largely reserved for advance Psychomancers. Psychomancer themselves can discern Doppelgangers using telepathy, as doppelgangers do not have any thoughts.
Precognition - Considered the pinnacle achievement for mages who are skilled Wide Concentration magic. Precognition is a telepathy variant that allows the mage to detect their opponent's subconscious; those subtle cues that the mind sends to it's body before the body reacts. Precognition allows the mage to be able to understand instinctively what their opponent is about to do, from combat to the poker table. Precognition occurs when the Psychomancer is Synchronized with their opponent, meaning that their thoughts are one. Synchronization is achieved mainly when a telepathic link is created between the mage and the target long enough that the mind of their opponent is assimilated into the mage. This intimate connection is often achieved between close individuals, but Emotions play a large part of how one's Precognition occurs. To be the source of one of the mage's basic or hybrid emotions allows for a greater chance of Precognition of the emotion itself is in it's highest form. Thus there needs to be a certain understanding between the mage and their target, an understanding that requires an open and accepting mind, but at the same time the mage must be capable of manipulating their own emotions appropriately to use Precognition to it's fullest.
Scry - Considered the Pinnacle achievement for mages who are skilled in Focused Concentration magic. Scry is a unique spell that allows the mage to be able to create what is known as an Astral; their own minds freed from the restraints of their body. A Scry is capable of using their Astral to go into places their bodies cannot, and in their Astral form their Psychomancy power is increased exponentially. Scry can also be used to see and find something in the world regardless of location; often scrying will be used to find lost artifacts or people. But Scry has it limits. While the Astral form is powerful, it must be near it's body; without it's mind the body is an empty defenseless husk. Should the body be "killed", the Astral form will be trapped, and without a body to feed energy off of, the Astral will fade. The Astral form itself derives energy from the willpower and mage blood of the body, as well as the Astral's spells. The more spells the Astral uses, the less time they have to remain in that form before they must return to their body; if they run out of energy before they reach their host body, their Astral form is destroyed, as is the mind that created it. Even Scrying is not safe; the further away an opject is, the more energy needed to find it. Scrying as a form of searching itself uses much more energy than an Astral projection does, causing the scenes found during scrying to be come short, more so the better hidden the subject is.
Dominance - Unlike Pathokinesis, Dominance is an illegal variant of Psychomancy in most areas of Tiien. It is more commonly known as memory manipulation; it allows a mage to manipulate the memories of their target, either by diving into their minds and discovering information kept hidden in their thoughts, to to alter and hide memories to change their personalities entirely. Dominance is a powerful ability of master mages, requiring a godly amount of Concentration, Willpower, and Training. But with enough of the three, Psychomancer can potentially puppet any sentient mortal being. Even if the Dominiance does not take over for any reason, the power of Dominance itself is enough to shatter any Ward, leaving the victim exposed to further attacks. It's power has it's own drawbacks of course, such as the mageblood required to cast and maintain the spell, as well as the fact that Dominance can only occur in close physical relation to the target; further ranges require additional blood for an already high-energy spell. Dominance Mages must be closely guarded, and apostate Dominance Mages are often hunted down and executed before they use their magic for evil.
But not all minds are alike. Each living creature has their own thoughts, as well as different ways those thoughts are used. Mortals themselves have their own variances per race, and alternating factors depending on each of their own life choices. Generally however, the mind of each creatures can be divided into colors, though each psychomancer may somehow perceive each differently (More so if they're color blind).
Sentient Mortals like Humans, Elves, Dwarves, etc have Black minds.
The living undead such as lichs, spirits, and vampires have Purple minds.
Wild creatures like animals, monsters, and nature spirits have Green minds.
Demons and Fallen Mortals have red minds, though Fallen mortals have a more dull red due to their former association of merely being mortals.
Constructs such as homunculus, golems, and certain zombies have Yellow minds.
There are many more different types of minds as new creatures are discovered or created. Additionally, no one type of mind is easier to take over than others; like everyone, it's simply a matter of knowing how to create wards. Some wild creatures have adapted to create wards despite some not having mageblood, even certain Archdemons have no wards due to their own arrogance. Even constructs, who don't truly have a mind of their own, can be hijacked if a Psychomancer's ability exceeds the strength of their creator.
Now that you have read all the way through, here is a quick list of abilities and limitations of each level for Psychomancers.
• Spell List:
Telepathy - Mage will be capable of understanding the thoughts of an mortal mind that is not Warded.
Illusion - Capable of casting Invisibility on oneself or on another target for a short duration.
Pathokinesis - Capable of casting a Calm spell on oneself or another mortal mind that is not Warded.
• Ward:
Basic - Capable of protecting themselves from low-level Psychomancy, including haywire telepathy attacks.
• Concentration strength:
Wide - Able to create an area-of-effect of 5-10 feet within ten feet of themselves. Capable of going unaffected by haywire telepathy attacks.
Focused - Able to hit a slow moving target up to thirty feet of their current position. Capable of surviving one master level Psychomancy attack.
• Training Level:
Concentration: Basic - Easy to break and long to build up.
Willpower: Produces an additional 5%.
Energy Consumption: Novice Spells 100%, Intermediate 200%, Expert 500%, Master 1000%
• Spell List:
Telepathy - Mage now able to communicate with others using Telepathy, including Demon and Wild minds. Now able to go through Basic Wards.
Illusions - Mage now able to temporarily simulate certain senses on targets with Basic Wards or less.
Pathokinesis - Mage now able to cause themselves to tap into one of the six basic emotions.
Doppelganger - Mage now able to create a weak doppelganger.
• Ward:
Decent - Capable of protecting themselves from Intermediate level Psychomancy attacks. Now also able to selectively chose who they allow to read their minds while still maintaining a ward.
• Concentration strength:
Wide - Able to create an area of effect of 5-25 feet within twenty yards of themselves. Capable of minimizing their presence.
Focused- Able to hit multiple slow moving targets up to fifty yards of their current position. Capable of escaping some master level Psychomancy attacks.
• Training Level:
Concentration: Decent - Steady and is better practiced.
Willpower: Produces an additional 10%.
Energy Consumption: Novice Spells 50%, Intermediate 100%, Expert 250%, Master 500%
• Spell List:
Telepathy - Mage now capable of handling feed back of multiple minds during Wide Concentration Telepathy. Will go through decent wards, can be used to weaken and eventually break Strong Wards.
Illusions - Mage is now able to alter the Preception of targets with Decent Wards or less, can be used to weaken and eventually break Strong Wards.
Pathokinesis - Mage is now capable of manipulating the emotions of Decent Wards or less. The mage can also learn how to create Personas to obtain Willpower from.
Doppelganger - Mage now able to create a few weak Doppelgangers, or maintain a strong doppelganger.
Precognition - Mages skilled with Wide Concentration Magic are now able to read the subtle signs and Synchronize with those they know personally.
Scry - Mages skilled with Focused Concentration magic are now able to create an Astral projection. Incapable of long range Scry or casting spells.
• Ward:
Strong - Capable of protecting themselves from Expert level Psychomancy spells. Can detect the presence of Master level spells and find the source of lower level spells.
• Concentration strength:
Wide - Able to create multiple an areas of effect of 5-30 feet within fifty yards of themselves. Capable of hiding their presence.
Focused - Able to hit multiple targets or a fast moving one up to a hundred yards of their current position. Capable of resisting some master level psychomancy attacks.
• Training Level:
Concentration: Strong - Is unwavering and skilled.
Willpower: Produces an additional 50%.
Energy Consumption: Novice Spells 25%, Intermediate 50%, Expert 100%, Master 200%
• Spell List:
Telepathy - Mage can now read the minds of everyone around them, and able to set up a filter to find whatever they're looking for. Will go through Strong Wards and will strain Master Wards.
Illusions - Mage can now manipulate the way they, their allies, or their opponent perceives the world around them. Will go through Strong Wards and will strain Master Wards.
Pathokinesis - Mage is capable of causing themselves or others to achieve extreme states of their emotions. Mage will create their Ultimate Persona.
Doppelganger - Mage now able to create a many powerful doppelgangers with mass.
Precognition - Mages who master Wide Concentration Magic are now able to understand and Synchronize with utter strangers.
Scry - Mages who master Focused Concentration magic are now able to use spells with their Astral projection and Scry.
Domination - Those who seek out the right person can learn the spell of Domination.
• Ward:
Master - Able to protect themselves from all types of Psychomancy assaults. They break the Concentration of strong spells and strength or weaken the wards of others.
• Concentration strength:
Wide - Able to create multiple powerful areas of effect of 5-50 feet within a hundred yards of themselves. Can disguise their presence and obfuscate their power level.
Focused - Able to hit multiple fast targets or one instantaneously within a thousand yard of their current position. Can redirect the spells of Psychomancers to other targets, including the caster.
• Training Level:
Concentration: Master - Indomitable in mind and unstoppable in ability.
Willpower: Produces double the amount of willpower and can no longer go into the negatives.
Energy Consumption: Novice Spells 1%, Intermediate 10%, Expert 50%, Master 100%