Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

This is a storage unit for all Blood Act Info, from NPCS and Accepted PCs in the RP Blood Act I to the world's surroundings and other aspects. This OP has all accepted PCs and PCs are expected to post their CS here after being approved by all three Gms or 2/3 GMs, depending on the RL in their lives. Any edits or changes, namely ones that affect the IC or would be ideal to bring to the Gm’s attention before hand to changes being made. It’s advised to make each PC a separate post as I can place links that allow you to jump directly to that post...and make a list of what PCs belong to whom at first glance. There is also a table of contents that will make shifting to each topic easier.

Table of Blood Act Contents

Mechanics of Magic & Mage bloods and Schools
Mechanics of Magic
Lux: Vitamancy & Pyromancy
Aqua: Hydromancy & Cyromancy
Clima: Aeromancy & Electromancy
Natura: Geomancy & Herbamancy
Obiligatio: Necromancy & Demonomancy
Lues: Noxomancy & Psychomancy
Arcanite Magic (Not Available for PCs)
Ancient Magics*: Chantment, Weaving, & Runes

*PM GMs before choosing one of these, they might be inapplicable for certain reasons, conditions or CS not up to determined standards.

The World of Tiien: Maps and Key Cities
Tiien is a world patched worked by the Gods themselves after the nuclear event that ripped it apart. It's cities and important places tend to reflect that, even edged into resources found when magic once more poured into the world again. (I've lost some info and will be slowly re-editing it back in...slowly.)

Twilight College
Orc Lands
Frozen Plains/Glacier Lands
Scorched Lands
Metals, Ores and Minerals Resources

Gods, Lore & Literary Works
These are the stories, rumors, lore and immortal figureheads within Tiien. Despite what one might think, they might hold more sway over things then meets the eye to most folks.

Naga Lore: Origins
Blood, a Naerse Children's Rhyme
Wild Magic
Death, Rebirth, and the Pit
A few Lit. works

Races & Important Figures/NPCs
Demons of interest, Mystery Entities & Notable Twilight Characters

Original Races (None Player created)
Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Snow & Forest Elves, & Esyires

New Races (Player created**)
Naga: Fallenreaper
Foreas & Sannids: Frettzo
Alanian: Pyromania99
Harmony& Sea Naga (TBA): SunderedEcho
Rheven-ari: yoshua171
Weredrakes: Kangusto

Other Minor PCs
Twilight Teachers & Staff

**These are new races created by Players after pitching their ideas to a GM. Anyone wanting to make a PC from one of these races or create a offshoot must gain the creator's approval to make a PC of, then require PMing to 3 GMs about it or mention about it in the OOC. The prior method is preferred but both work.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

UserName: Sundered Echo

Character name: Auriel Lavai

Age: 20

Mageblood type: Lux

Favoured Magic Class: Pyromancy

Previous Magic training: None

Race: Wood Elf

Standing at 6'2, Auriel towers over human woman and even many men, even though she is average height for a woman of her race. Her skin is pale, her hair crimson and her eyes green. She has a small tattoo on her forehead in a simple elven pattern, and three barely visible scars from the wounds inflicted by Siala's arrows, marking otherwise largely unblemished skin. There is a fierce and somewhat feral look about her, as if she is only a word away from tearing you apart with her hands - a fact that isn't particularly far from the truth. Her attire is usually practical, but with a slight tendency towards showing off her body. Many men have called her beautiful, and she makes sure not to give them reason to doubt.

Short Bio: Born into the tight knit community of the forest elves, from the age she could walk Auriel Lavai could be best described as a hothead. She was climbing trees not long after she could walk, and always very physical. In her early years she proved a fairly quick learner, but also very physical, reaching for violence first and thinking second when confronted with trouble. She didn't take long to form both good friends that shared some of her temperament and bitter enemies that couldn't stand her careless attitude. Among these people, one stood out, the antithesis of Auriel, a girl by the name of Siala.

She went on to become a minor trouble-maker, sabotaging hunts and picking fights, in particular those of Siala, yet often proving fleet of foot enough to escape any real retribution. This started early in her life, but as she grew older her actions became more audacious. Her elders did not pay these traits too much heed, calling her young and inexperienced, and she never managed to cause enough trouble at once to draw any more attention, despite quickly getting to know all the forest wardens on a first name basis.

Ironically enough, some of the wardens had begun to teach her their martial skills, as well as the laws of the land, partially in hopes that it might temper her and partially to give her something to do. She took to the martial training swiftly, but found the laws somewhat harder to focus on, largely because she still spent most nights breaking them. Had things continued as they were, she might have eventually become more tempered and made an excellent warden.

However, this was not to be so. At age 17 her life was turned on its head. Having sabotaged the hunt of one of the most skilled of her peers, her lifelong enemy Siala, she was running from retribution as usual, several angry hunters on her heels. Long time rivals, Siala had finally had enough of Auriels pranks, and had begun firing live arrows at her. A day that had begun as a fun escapade changed rather drastically when the first arrow nicked her upper arm, drawing blood from a long but shallow cut. Two arrows later had earned her a cut in her upper leg and one on her ankle, at which point she took shelter behind an Ironbark tree, unable to continue running due to her injuries.

In those long, painful moments of terror as the hunted, everything stopped being fun and light-hearted, and for the first time she feared for her life. Wishing for a distraction, any distraction, she suddenly began to smell smoke. Looking around, she found it coming from under her fingers on the trunk of the tree she was using as shelter. A moment longer and fire was liking at the dry autumn wood, and as it did, Auriel began to run again. What began as a small distraction, hardly a smoke signal, soon grew into a full fledged fire, engulfing the tree and spreading to those around it.

Rather than return to face her people and atone for the destruction being wrought around her, Auriel ran. She knew enough of the forest and its trees to treat her superficial wounds and survive for a time as she moved ever towards the mountains. In rare forethought, she harvested some offcuts of Ironbark to take with her on her exodus, as she had no currency of any type with which to buy her way in the strange lands beyond the forest.

In what would be remembered as one of her most harrowing experiences, Auriel scaled the mountainous passes that lead between Ghannos and Ironstead. She was driven to this immense act by a feeling of wanderlust, a desire to see the world beyond the seemingly endless forest of Ghannos. After the perilous journey, she was only reminded of the violence that sent her away by the thin scars Siala's arrows had left. That was far from her mind as she traded away slivers of Ironbark for food and shelter, followed by exploring the surface portions of the Dwarven city.

Ironstead, however, proved far to staid and orderly for Auriels wild heart, and she quickly decided to trade away the last of her Ironbark for passage to the Eanian capital.

From there, she took up odd jobs to eke out a living, favoring those that made best use of her combative skills and minimized emotional heights. This approach only partially worked. Auriel is and has ever been a creature of passion, and on several occasions her temper has flared. She once almost burnt down a tavern fending off over-interested drunkards. Once, on the cusp of being caught by Eanian guards for trespassing, she set one of their cloaks on fire rather than get caught. She only narrowly avoided discovery and conscription into the Eanian military each time.

In this time, she did not purposefully practice any magic, largely trying to keep her talent a secret - both from the world and from herself. Life in the human city was quite different to the Elven community from whence she'd come. The city was far more detached and uncaring for its people, and everywhere she went she was surrounded by strangers. Partially because of this, she never settled in one place, flitting between Taverns and Inns while in the city, and favoring jobs protecting caravans that would let her get away from it all.

One travels a remarkable amount as a Caravan guard, and picks up a fair amount of combat experience even in a fairly safe country like Eania. Her skills with all manner of small melee weapons were honed against a myriad of opponents in the years in human lands, and her pockets were kept full of enough gold to get by. In these travels, she also heard of the College for magebloods in Aerta. Several times she considered traveling there to learn to control her ability, but every time she choose not to, still unhappy with the very idea of being a Mageblood.

It was only when one of her Caravan guarding jobs went wrong that fate forced her hand. A particularly long trip to the hold of Oerm, it was ambushed by a predominantly elven group of rogues and bandits just past the forest. Auriel had faced down competent raiders before and turned them aside, but when the first arrow struck, nicking her arm in almost the same way as the one that had first driven her away, she began to feel she'd met her match. The raiders refused to engage up close where she could best fight them, and the other guards were quickly cut down in a flurry of both arrows and magic - the raiders having brought a mageblood with them. Seeing defeat, Auriel ran once more. Before she went, however, she knocked over one of the oil lamps in the caravan and with a brief flare of pyromancy fanned the flame to a size large enough that it would consume the Caravan before the raiders could stop it. This marked the first time she had intentionally used magic in her life.

She ran for her life, but also away from the life she'd taken up and all the fearful possibilities she'd come close to over the years, abandoning the helpless merchants under her charge to their fate to save herself. She kept running long after the raiders had stopped giving chase, even with a number of light wounds caused by arrow near misses and a close call with a lightning bolt. Eventually, she could run no more, and collapsed in the grassy fields - almost within sight of the College.

Good Attributes: Physically fit and quick, she is not well muscled or strong, but still capable of running a great distance under duress. Martially skilled - specializing in the weapons she habitually carries, a dagger and a hooked axe.

Bad Attributes: Highly emotional and aggressive, Auriel reaches for her blade at the slightest insult and cannot always maintain perfect control of her magic when particularly aggravated.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

UserName: Lucius Cypher

Character name: Tyrael Marchosias (His current alias), Karnage Urabrask Vorinclex (His true full name), Master Demonology Professor (College Title), Forge Master (Occupation Title)

Age: 361

Mageblood type: Obiligatio

Favoured Magic Class: Demonmancy

Previous Magic training: Currently the Demonmancy Teacher

Race: Fallen Orc


Short Bio: Karnage was once an orc who was part of a great roaming clan, Clan Vorinclex, in times long ago. The son of the clan's forge master, he took up his father's craft at a young age to succeed him when he dies. Karnage was skilled starting out, but took many years before he could even begin to emulate some of his father's more decent creations. His father could create powerful weapons from simple iron, and could turn sticks and bones into weapons that would put the fear into even the most powerful warriors. His skill was unparalleled in all the clans, and Karnage sought to do better than he could. His father approved of this. But he didn't simply live his life as an armorer; in orc culture, an aspiring smith must gather his own materials until he's proven worthy or having others work for him. This meant that Karnage couldn't even buy metals to work with, not until he's proven himself by gathering and making a worthy weapon or armor. And since Karnage didn't really begin his training as a smith until he was twenty, he had muchg more experience gathering his materials.

Materials that were guarded by either enemies of his clan, or some of the most horrific beasts he does his best to forget. His adolescence was spent as a hunter, using his own weapons to gather necessary materials while also fending off beasts who sought to use him as a quick snack. Should he manage to slay the beasts, he would also drag their bodies (If possible) back the the clan for meats and materials. After time he had to do this alone though, due to his status as the son of the best armorer of the clan. His own fame fueled the irrational rivalry he had with others he didn't even know. He just wanted help. Alas, in the end while everyone else began to begin their training thanks to their teamwork, Karnage couldn't begin his training until he was twenty two. And that was only out of necessity rather than any effort on his part.

War broke out among the clans. His own made alliances with long time friends and former enemies, while he and the other orcs of his age were either shipped off to battle or sent to the forges to supply those sent to war. His own father made sure that his son worked along side him in the forge, confident in his skills, but Karnage always heard whispers of how he was saved by nepotism. This petty rumor soon began to grow, and soon orcs who learned that Karnage forged their weapons and armors discarded them, ashamed that their equipment was being forged by a "Pretender" like him. Karnage didn't know how to stop this hatred. All he could do was what his father said, to ignore the words and keep doing his best, and respect should come to him. But Karnage decided that it was time to stop clinging to his father's shadow and out of his protection. Karnage hung up his hammer and traded it for an axe, and went into war as a warrior.

Ten years he's fought, ten years the war waged on. Karnage found alongside his fellow clansmen, who begrudging came to respect his willingness in battle. Karnage fought and killed, took many injuries for his clansmen, and did many things that he'd sooner forget. Entire clans were wiped out. Women raped, children killed, some of them done by him. They even attacked non-orc settlements for supplies and materials, than pinned the blame on an enemy clan so that the other races would attack them instead. Cunning tactics. Karnage gain notoriety as a brutal warrior who preformed vile acts in the name of victory, from sending refugees covered in flaming pitch towards the enemy to desecrating burial sites to use the bones of the dead as arrowheads, nothing was "too much" if it meant winning. Because he was told to do whatever had to in order to achieve victory. So he did.

After sustaining an injury that took him out of the battle, Karnage returned to forging weapons as the war was winding down to an end. His relationship with his father and family was strained at best. Because despite leaving to fight in the war, Karnage chose, on his own accord, to leave the family against their wishes to achieve his own desire. He couldn't live in their family home, wasn't allowed to use their forge, and even some of their family friends had trouble being seen with him. His friends and allies during the war were either still fighting or dead, and soon Karnage was out of a job when it came into light that the clan now had a surplus of equipment, making his job rendered moot. It seemed for all his attempts to find a place among the community, all he's done was improve the way he was alienated from it.

At around thirty years old, Karnage discovered he had the ability of mage blood, specifically Demonmancy. During the time, magic was an unexplored phenomenon, so not many of the orcs knew what to do for him. Only the Clan's Blood Priest had any tangible idea of what to do, being a mage himself, and so he directed Karnage to the College of Aerta, a school for mages. Karnage didn't feel sad to leave, knowing that he had lost his place in his clan. Taking what little he could, Karange set off from his current clan camp ground and headed towards the College... But he never made it.

Along his way to the college, he was in Djarkel. There he found what his Clansmen called "The Ravine of Demons", a realm underneath the ground where the veil between the Inferno and their world was next to nonexistent. He found one of their larger entrances in Djarkel and contemplated entering it. He was at a moment in his life where he had neither the support or love of friends or family, where all his efforts went unnoticed and yielded no benefits, and he was really, really bored. He set up camp that night next to the Ravine, and attempted to use his magic.

He was not prepared for what happened next. He did not expect a demon to show up, but due to being so close to the Ravine he was much easier, but this demon was incorporeal. In order to sustain itself in the mortal realm, it needed a host. It figured that Karnage, being an unexperienced mage, would be more than suitable for a takeover. The demon tried to possess Karnage, but he had the willpower to fend off its mental attacks. During the struggle however, Karnage fell into the Ravine, surviving the fall only because of his armor he had. But the fall itself gave the demon an upper hand in the struggle, and it began to morph Karnage’s body. He began to fuse with his armor, creating a mesh of flesh and steel. Karnage and the demon struggled for control for days, and by the time Karnage had regain control of his body and body, his physical form had been warped to the point that it looked nothing like a traditional orc. When Karnage saw this, he knew he could not return to the surface world without further hatred and alienation from the people there. So he moved into the Ravine of Demon, and settled to live among monsters.

Much of Karnage’s life was spent in the Ravine. He didn’t have a home for longer than a month or so due to its constantly shifting nature, or that it would get raided by other demons when he’s away, or that he gets chased off by monsters and can’t return. He constantly lived on the move, but he did not fret nor feared. In fact, the struggle brought him a sense of pleasure in his life. The new monsters he fought and killed provided him new materials for creating weapons, which he found immensely useful as he continued to live in the Ravine. He increased his skills as a hunter and a smith, using everything he can find in the Ravine, whether it be the tooth of a massive Earth Wurm or a couple of rocks he picked up tied to vines, to even the ever rare catches of Godstone and other exotic ores. He grew close to his creations, often giving those names personalities as he began to slip further into madness. Eventually he began to lead of Legion of weapons. Completely mundane weapons, but he didn’t know that. The demons in his head convinced him otherwise.

During his time in the Ravine, he found himself in the service of an Archdemon. How it came to pass is a bit of a mystery on both their parts. Rumor would have it that Karnage defeated one of the Archdemon's entire Legion, others would say that he bested the Archdemon himself. Some would even say that he worked up from grunt level all the way to the Archdemon's court. These, of course, are all rumors with little basis in truth, or heavily exaggerated in order to perpetuate a fearsome image. If you asked Karnage, he would simply tell you that he proved himself, and that's all. Either way, Karnage found himself working under the Archdemon, making weapons for him. Not entirely out of his own will either; the Archdemon was a master Psychomancer and used illusions to trick Karnage into servitude. Still, Karnage liked the work well enough. It gave him purpose and a permanent place to reside. It also began his training in Demonmancy.

Karnage’s skill in the forge quickly allowed him to rise in the ranks of the Archdemon’s hierarchy, becoming his personal armorer. Karnage was given certain benefits, including education with Demonmancy. This was mainly to allow Karnage to summon his own servants in the forge, but on his own he begun to search into improving his magic. So between gathering materials and creating arms and armors for the Archdemon, Karnage was slowly mastering his Demonmancy. It took him about two hundred years, but by the time he was finished, he could have very well taken over as the new Archdemon (Even though he was a Fallen). Instead however, he simply left after his many years serving the Archdemon. Karnage had raised a handful of highly-skilled smiths to replace him, though the Archdemon was somewhat possessive of Karnage. They managed to strike a deal however, a deal that the Archdemon has yet to call upon though.

Karnage continued to travel in the Ravine, now determined to settle down and make a home for himself. During his travels, he found himself among the Naga. These strange snake people initially were hostile to him, and indeed they and Karnage were rather antagonistic towards each other. But after some communication, they managed to, more or less, get along. He still wasn’t trusted, but they at least stopped trying to kill him, and he to them. He traded and worked with the naga, offering them his services and getting paid through supplies and education of their culture and crafts. Karnage settled down not too far away from one of their villages, and served to help them deal with outsiders either through communication or execution. Soon he began to wonder how things were on the surface, and decided that he would try to ply his craft in mercantile. So he left the Ravine with his Legion, and headed topside.

The first place he really tried to sell to was at the Twilight College, when it came to light that the former Aerta College has long since been reduced to ruins. There he faced his first issue; communication. Most of the demons he spoke to used telepathy, and the naga hardly ever used words. The Twilight College required actual speaking, and he only knew the native tongue of his people, which had been phased out for the common tongue long after he fell into the Ravine of Demons. He spent a good while trying to learn the language first before he eventually got himself an amulet that translated his words into something legible. Around the same time he began to fine tune his magical abilities, and after ten years of both language courses and magical training, he was hired to be the Master Demonology Professor, as well as Forge Master on his off hours. He goes by “Tyrael Marchosias” at the college, mostly to protect his students from his past. Even now he has enemies in the Ravine from Demons he’s dealt with and the sins from his time as an orc still haunts him even now.

Good Attributes:
Master Crafter – After many years of practice and experimenting, Karnage is skilled in a variety of crafting, from tailoring to fletching, armoring and engineering.

Well Connected – Though the Ravine is a hostile place, he has many contacts and allies in there, allowing him to get his hands on some rather questionable goods or services when they’re needed the most.

Perspective – In a physical sense anyways. His prey cannot hide from him; assassins will not ambush him. He has a sixth sense for danger, as well as a seventh or eighth for raw materials. He can tell were someone has gone and who they might be, and he can sniff out gems still in the ground. There’s no hiding for him; it’s not a matter of if he finds, it’s a matter of when he wants to.

Skilled Combatant - Years in the Ravine and years of war before that has turned Karnage into a veritable threat even without his magic. He is skilled in hand-to-hand, and give him a weapon and he's even more of a threat. He's been known to set up traps that could take down even giant monsters, and would do even more harm to smaller opponents.

Demonic - After Falling, Karnage had obtained massive power thanks to his demonic blood, as well as power shared with his Familiars. Super Strength is one notable skill of his, as he could sunder walls and tear apart most mortals. His durability is also another trait of his demonic powers, as he can survive a fall down the Ravine no worse for wear.

Bad Attributes:
Tyrannical – Karnage’s methods can be “Cruel and unusual” if you want it paraphrased. While he can’t be overtly abusive now that he’s a teacher, he can certainly be harsh and sadistic. It doesn’t help that he’s fairly extreme in his teaching methods, with a penchant with dealing with morally questionable demons. It doesn’t help that his own morality is whatever suits him for the moment.

Violent - Working with demons (And those who would control them) is not for the soft or the kind, as death and violence is a common problem and situation when dealing with demons. Even Karnage has been known to quickly resort to violence when dealing with problems, be it rogue demons or troublesome students. As a teacher he can't simply beat you within an inch of your life, he won't hesitate to knock some sense into you or destroy your property. Repeatedly if need be. Of course, he's also always willing to help his students using violence as well, and may even encourage his students to solve their problems through combat and other forms of physical catharsis.

Possessive - Don't touch his things. He doesn't like it when people mess with his things without his permission. This may even include people, if you've somehow managed to get on his good side. This also applies to people on his good side too; even if they mess with his things, expect a stern talking to, and perhaps a beating.

Secret Word: Rebrith
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

UserName: Lucius Cypher

Character name: Lucilia Riovas, Master Herbamancy Professor (College Title), Owner of Scarlet Traveler (Trade Caravan & Occupation Title), Sanguine Rose (Alias in Vampire society)

Age: 233

Mageblood type: Natura

Favoured Magic Class: Herbamancy

Previous Magic training: Many, many years studying in the Aerta College.

Race: Naerse Vampire


Short Bio: Lucilia was born to a couple of alchemist who lived near the college of Aerta. They themselves once went there as they both were mages, and it came to no surprise when their own daughter turned out to be one either. They supported her through her earlier years, and made sure that she had a place at the college when she was at age. Back then, Lucilia was rather shy. Her home was away from most places, and she made friends with random fauna. She named plants after people she’s read in books, fed wild animals, and sometimes would follow strangers to see where they would go. Even after heading to the college, she didn’t change much.

At the college, Lucilia was a quick study, but terrible in group work. Half the time it seemed like she was stuck in her own world, and even when she had her orders they came after her own whims. She had difficulty working in large cooperation. Mostly, it was simply because she had no tact. She spoke honestly about her feelings, which often times offended those she had to work alongside of. She ignored them just as much as they ignored her. She was worked alone most of the time, but also wanted company. Lucilia felt that people were just too sensitive, and the life of lying and pretending just didn’t suit her own beliefs. Despite this, people still felt that she was simply too unsocial to be of any use to them. This made her life in the college a lonely one. Until the one day she met him.

She didn’t know him. She didn’t even remember where he came from. But even after she said harsh things about him, he still stayed by her side. He made her feel important, that she could do more than what she has. But it was all a sham; the man was a Vampire, who used his powers to trick Lucilia into complacency. He drained her of her blood to the point it would have killed her, had it not been for one thing; Vampirsm. Without it Lucilia would have died, but it was not a blessing but a curse.

Lucilia never knew she was infected with it. She simply thought she had been attacked, and soon began to grow ill as she began to become starved of blood. Her family took her in to nurse her back to health, but their good deed would not go unpunished. As she became blood starved, she killed her parents, drinking their blood until they were shriveled corpses. When she came around, she realized what she had done, what she had become. For the next few days, she simply ran in denial, sure that it wasn’t her, that it was someone else. After a while, her lies became truth to her.

Lucilia never went back to the college afterwards. She fled to Djarkel, where she began to menace the countryside when she would go into hiding, starve herself, and then go on a rage to refuel. It got so bad to the point that Djarkel officials hired vampire hunters to find her and kill her. She rampaged for a good year before she was finally caught, but not by just vampire hunters. She was caught by vampire hunters who themselves were Vampires, but they were gifted their powers from Aarem himself. They took her in, taught her their ways, and made her join a coven worshipping the evil god. It took time, but time was all she had now. After many years, she managed to regain a semblance of sanity, as well as begin to make better use of her immortality.

Lucilia returned to the college. Or at least, it's replacement. She had long since been forgotten, and indeed she had forgotten herself from all those years ago. So now she entered the college a new her, expanding not only her skills but her own life. She made friends, made enemies, but also managed to live, despite all that had happened. She lived long enough to work under three different Herbamancy teachers, and after fifty years of study and practice, she found herself the new teacher of Herbamancy as well as Alchemy. She also started up a thriving trade business, using her contacts from her Coven to improve and protect shipments as well as open up a market to wealthy clients.

Good Attributes:
Vampirism – Thanks to the Coven who found her, Lucilia has mastered her vampirism, and gains the benefits from it.

Charismatic – Lucilia has an air of dignity and nobility about her, allowing her to stand as an equal to various aristocrats and even get in touch with lower class people.

Well Connected – Lucilia has made a long list of connection in various businesses, from mercenary companies to wineries, mine overseers to even royalty. Given time, she can get anything on the mortal realm in her office.

Lucky – But no matter how much skills Lucilia amasses or doesn’t have, it seems like her luck factors into everything. The wind of fate blows at her digression, and while not something she can manipulate directly, it’s always something she can use to her advantage.

Protective - Lucilia watches over all her students and friends, and makes sure that they are in good health. She can't stand by and let bad things happen to them, but at the same time she knows what it's okay for her to get involved. There are some things people need to do on their own, and she understands that. She just makes sure that if it goes wrong, she's there to help them out.

Bad Attributes:
Manipulative – Behind Lucilia’s words isn’t always kindness. She’s more than willing to sacrifice people if they can serve a greater purpose over all, be it friends or enemies. Lucilia will use whatever methods she needs to get on someone’s good side (Or trusted side anyways) even if it means giving up something or even if she just plans to betray them later on. Her tendency to do this, when discovered, has made her loose many friends and allies, and worse, turned them into enemies.

Vampirism – Despite the great powers it can bestow upon her, even Lucilia suffers from the weaknesses of Vampires.

Gambler – Though Lucilia always ensures that the cards are stacked in her favor, she’s often lets things boil down to chance and random occurrence. While her luck and manipulations can help tilt the favor her way, her plans and schemes have many moving parts, parts that if interrupted or change, can alter or even bring down the entire idea.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

UserName: Fallenreaper

Character name: Mar, her full name is Marya and only used by her race.

Age: 260, but 26 in appearance.

Mageblood type: Lux

Favoured Magic Class: Vitamancy

Previous Magic training: Novice

Race: Desert Naga


Mar is built like other Naga females, her upper half from head to below her naval is human while the pelvis and below melts into a snake tail. When at ease, her height is around 5’7” though with provocation she can rear up to 7’ high and tail curls underneath her, tense and poised to lash out. Most of her unique features are centered on her human torso. Her hair a light brown and have a wavy appear to it, often pulled back into a ponytail by a bone clip but when it’s loose, the hair ends just below her shoulders. Eyes deep and serious, their warmth slightly lingering under the depths, are colored a rich brown. The pupils are able to dilate between slits or completely engulfing her eyes, turning them completely black.

Her skin is white and rosy by the slight color flooding her surface. Scales appear along her shoulders, starting large at the top and shrink in size along her arm to end about her elbow. The flesh closer to the navel has a tint of desert brown that trails into a deeper color, melting into the tail of a rattle snake without the rattle. There are diamond pattern markings along the top which follow the tail to the tip. On the scales are faded crisscross scars from dangers and battle in her duties, but the most vivid one is where the dagger had sliced into chest and barely missed her heart. Time to time it still hurts.

Short Bio:

Mar was born as all Naga were. Her early memories- faded now- was in the Eastern territory of Mesa Gaan, a Naga city within Matash in Yarsomere region, and mostly in darkness from a hole in the desert landscape. She was born among a small family of five siblings as like her siblings, the moment her eyes opened she felt an immediate pull towards the first thing that caught her sight: Her mother, Vynir. For twenty years, most of her world was made of her mother, siblings, and her, deep within the burrow’s sandy and dark place. It was also during that time she learned the outside was dangerous when one of her siblings, a sister, had been snatched by a desert lizard’s head seeking an easy meal during her mother’s absence.

It was when she was 63, her appearance looked like a young six going on seven year old girl, her hands had wrapped about her mother’s sickle before she started to lift it up. Her muscles still too weak, Mar was taught by her mother alongside her remaining siblings to craft crude weapons suited for their small hands as well as fighting basics to hunt with and defend themselves. Over the years that ended her childhood, Mar watched her siblings fall to the dangers of the desert, learning from their mistakes and ensuring her own survival. Still feeling attachment to her mother, Lyamis, her remaining brother, and her remained about Vynir until they turned 130. It was then she was able to survive on her own and with it, her need for independence kicked in. Over the following ten years, their mother and even her brother seemed to be less and less apart of her life. Occasionally she would cross paths with Lyamis from time to time in her hunts, but it would be months at a time when she saw her mother. 148 years, their mother gathered both her children, driven by an innate instinct, then introduced them to Mesa Gaan, the Naga city and Vynir’s home. Among her family was six other surviving Naga that had joined up with their migration and it was there, they were sorted into one of two castes: Hunter or Crafter.

After examining her crudely made sickle, Mar became a huntress alongside Lyamis. She learned to exist among other Naga and the duties that came with being a huntress, from protecting the tribe in the watch stations to one of the few willing to guard the Ravine entrance deep underground that Mesa Gaan had once been part of. It was task few chose willing, but it was Mar that seemed to enjoy each time her turn came and often wandered Ravine’s passages and tunnels. Sometimes bring back meat, a strange carcass, and more from deeper parts when she hunted in small groups, her brother among them so often, until her 220th birthday.

This was the year she was chosen to be a Matriarch Tyro, a strictly female position, and was starting to learn a new level of responsibility. It was sudden and unexpected as Matriarch Amaryllis had announced the selection just a year after a most promising Tyro had passed in the Ravine, Mar among those on guard duty and the very Naga to end the Tyro’s life when the female had entered Malice. It was also the same event that sent a Naga party deep into the Ravine. There was little hope those lost would return until that very day, when they arrived with a strange slivery skinned biped: an Orc or demon named Karnage. Years passed in Amaryllis’s teachings and Karnage’s escort within Mesa Gaan, spending equal time in Karnage’s company as she did the three castes while they developed a connection of sort. It was a deep respect for each other’s skill and unique ability; eventually Mar stopped seeing her duty as a chore and more akin to a daily habit. Besides tending to Karnage, due to Amaryllis’s wishes, there was a subtle animosity between her and her fellow Tyro, Amaryllis’s oldest Ellys, which had slowly grown Mar’s since her acceptance into the caste.

Mar didn’t know just how far that hate would go in the end or how the effects would’ve changed her life forever. After turning 260, Mar and a male Naga were on duty just outside the Station north of Mesa Gaan’s territory when he suddenly attacked her. His coils wrapped about her causing Mar’s nature to fight back. Mar’s first impression was that the male was attempting to force himself upon her, but that was far from the truth when pain erupted from her chest. It dug in, barely missed her heart, and made her pinned coils fight harder. He had a bone dagger and fully intended to kill her! Fear, a sudden and unexpected emotion, washed over her causing her to take hold of the male’s head back. Tingles rushed up her fingers and disappeared into his skin, her fingers took a fistful of his hair. Her mageblood activated. Witnessed by several Naga that had timed their arrival to relieve them perfectly, the male Naga’s eyes bled and face contorted into an agonized expression, his skull crumbled in upon it and killed him instantly. Once the body was limply discarded off, her body crumbled to the ground, weakened by the effort spent. Mar was soon surrounded by wary spears pointed at her throat. Finally pulling the blade and discarded it from her chest, she was herded slowly to Mesa Gaan where she was placed on trial by the 3 matriarchs.

It was clear during the trial, Ellys’s hidden hatred and spite came out in persuasion to banish Mar completely. It wasn’t until Karnage requested to talk with the Matriarchs and offer another solution: He offered to lead Mar to Twilight College. Amaryllis, the eldest and most respected of the three, seemed relieved at this. Not soon after had Mar and Karnage departed, their back upon Mesa Gaan and loaded down with his goods, towards the College. It was at the end of the Summer Solstice when they arrived at the College Gates just hours before the new flood of students would be arriving shortly. The idea made Mar uncomfortable, mainly since Karnage was chiefly the only biped she had something closer than brief acknowledge towards. Naturally while Karnage was settling in, she decided to explore the area outside the gates.

Good Attributes:

Most her strength lies in her coils. Once constricted about, they are able to crush bone into dust by grinding them within her tail’s grip. However, solid objects like rocks, trees, etc. can withstand to the intense pressure and some larger races, like Orc and Esyire, with some time can break out of it. When stationary, the tail allows for surprising balance due to the wide stand it provides even during small tremors. It allows for her to lash quickly and retreat, much like a cobra even if appears to be cumbersome.

Naga have an extra sense and heighten ability in one of the five original. The first is the ability to sense heat thanks to two nearly invisible heat pits lay near the eyes on the nose bridge, allowing her to see a variety of heat signatures in the surroundings. Being part snake she can also taste scents in the air keener then a dog’s nose, simply by flicking out her serpent tongue.

Having a slightly different natural body temperature then a human but higher than a snake’s cold blooded type, Mar is able to tolerate hotter climates without breaking a sweat. In fact she’s rather comfortable in them and enjoys basking in the hot air when she can. It could also be due to the fact her kin doesn’t wear clothing and often go bear skin, seeing little problem with it.

Like most desert Naga, Mar has venom pouches in the room of her mouth and edge down into two longer fangs that replace her canines when they emerge. When completely retracted they look like two normal teeth. Immune to the effects from it, the venom isn’t poisonous or deadly as it is a numbing and paralyzing agent which can last up to several hours before fading away depending on often a victim is exposed to it. Some creatures, after being attacked, can develop immunity to it over time. More of a defensive trait, the liquid is rather potent and stored in low amount within her body. Once she ‘spits’ it into a victim’s eyes, her body takes several hours (6-12 ) to once more replenish its store making it a once shot deal.

Bad Attributes:

Naga have limited mobility, due to not having legs, which is a great weakness. Cliffs are her main problem. Unless there are rocky trails or wide paths to travel upon, the steep rock face lacks the sturdy ground for which her belly scale are made to grip. This makes it impossible to just climb vertically up the rock face and down the other side since her upper half would have to likely bare the weight of the climb and their arms aren’t built for that.

Her human part is a key vulnerability and almost as vulnerable as normal humans. It’s susceptible to blazing fire, sharp or blunt weapons, and more. The snake part is more durable to damage able to withstand it like leather armor, but with enough force or sharp enough can break though the tough hide.

Though being able to see the world in heat and smell, these senses are easily confused and limited in the message they deliver. Cold blooded creatures, places that emit vast amounts of heat or simply blocking heat signatures would make her sense useless in the end. Strong smells like sulfur and harsh perfumes would cause an unpleasant reaction, too strong to tolerate forcing her tongue to remain in. Another limitation is Mar would have to continually flick her tongue in and out for an updated data for the scent.

Though she can survive well in hot climates, Mar’s low heat makes colder climate difficult to bare. Often she is bundled in layers upon layers of thick, warm fur just to retain body heat. This also means she’s not a big fan of cold inducing magic. Naturally Cryomancers make her edgy in their presence, their ability able to hinder, sending her into hibernation, or possibly even kill her if not careful with how long she’s exposed to it.

Like most female Desert Naga, unless they prove themselves otherwise, Mar has a low expectation of males. This reaction is just as strong to other race males as well as is to her species making more of a learned trait. She doesn’t go out of her way to insult or degrade them, though her actions and gestures wouldn’t hide her true thoughts, but rather not entrust anything important or critical to a male who had yet to prove he is capable. At best times she just seems like a bitch while at worse, Mar might seems she has an air of nobility against those around her. Only time will tell if this habit will fade or not.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

UserName: Fallenreaper

Character name: Khan Avrea Jevarath

Age: 98

Mageblood type: Obligatio

Favoured Magic Class: Demonomancy

Previous Magic training:

Race: Eysire


An 8 ft tall Eysire, his scales reflect his blood, Demonomancy, with bright red coloring and large wings. A genetic birth defect one eye is green and the other is brown, under stern looking features that give him a fierce and intense look when he frowns. At the back of his head is a black ponytail braided, streaked with red, coming down to his shoulder blades. He rather wear a tunic then a suit of armor since he rarely engages into too much combat, though when wondering he wears a breast plate and light armor crafted from the Scorch land smiths within his home city: Felldor. Upon his lithe, sinew body are five distinct scars upon five areas of his body. Each one claims a place related to the demon that engraved it, one on chest, left arm, leg thigh, right wing and right palm. All the scars are recognized as a runic symbol, artfully applied and about the size of a human palm. They are seemingly self-mutilated and crude at first glance, created to bind the demons in a special way. Those Runes are unable to be erased though healing means as they are forever a permanent part of the Esyire and his soul, going beyond just the flesh.

Like the image only with large wings in back, peering from his armor.


Twin boys were rare occurrences for Esyires and so it was little surprise at the pride that filled both Thais and Yuna Jevarath when their first sons were born. Khan was the first out of his egg followed by a smaller Riddic and from that day forth they were inseparable as children. Thais, their father, was the High Chieftain’s cousin and a demonomancer among the court of Felldor which placed Khan’s whole family under the alliance of the High Chieftain. Khan’s childhood was mostly spent within the black stone walls and alley ways among the beautiful Esyire city, farther enriched when his brother often joined in his adventures. Riddic aided in his hunger for knowledge and seemed follow the older twin around like a puppy to a well-liked owner. In time they both took the rite of passage for all Esyire in their late teens, determined to explore the Scorch lands and prove their worth to their kin. It was a tradition in Felldor that served two purposes: to bring out their mageblood and test their merit to survive.

It just around the boy’s 15th birthday when both boys had just camped upon what Khan assumed was a stable rock piece after a long day traveling. Unknown to him or his brother, plates underneath them had shifted causing the world around them to tremble and shift violently. A large cracked appeared, the land underneath Riddic gave way, his attention distracted and unable to fly away before he tumbled into the seemingly endless gorge the quake had created. For a moment, Khan’s heart sank when Riddic’s grip was lost and he disappeared from sight! Unable to move he stood there frozen with fear. It was then, his brother’s voice crept into his head and called out to him. His brother’s mage blood was Psychomancy. Khan followed the directions towards where his brother was, sprawled out on a ledge, and begging for help. All Khan could remembered was holding out his hand to his brother and wishing for help as the veil around his hand was weakened. In his pure luck a small demon appeared. It edged to Riddic and started to pull smaller Esyire from the ledge, reaching where he was standing. That’s when his father, who had witnessed everything, arrived. Drawn by Khan’s demon summoning, he had never seen his father beam then when he had watched Khan’s first summoning. With a finger snap, Thais banished Khan’s first summoning back to the Inferno easily.

Both boys were returned to Fellldor and back into the arms of their Psychomancer mother, one who kissed and coddled them after hearing about their experience. Now there was a choice to be had: to either send Khan and Riddic away to Twilight College immediately or learn under the parents. It wasn’t until the pros and cons had been weighed that in agreement with the boys, they felt the later was best. For the next six years, Khan’s lessons were hard and relentless. It tested his body, mind, and soul, all of them left aching after the sun had went down. It wasn’t until couple of years later when his brother had displayed signs of ill that they had begun to drift apart. It had no known name but the effects were harsh as the younger Esyire’s mageblood was blocked and then faded, leaving him with nothing outside memories of what it was like to read minds.

Feeling helpless during Riddic’s recovery, Khan did the only thing he could and poured over book after book to seek a reversing cure. Any glimmer that had given Khan a small hope turned to ashes upon learning it had been tried and failed. In time Riddic had come to terms with his lacking mage blood and moved to Ironstead where he sought somewhere he wouldn’t be reminded about his lacking traits. The absence had left a hole in Khan’s heart which drove him steadily onwards. He journeyed across Tiien in search of a Leper. After 4 years, he finally located the man deep in the marshlands between the Orc Holds. The hermit, Orlando, turned out to be a fellow demonomancer who had discovered a unique way of binding demons using runes. Orlando theorized that one demon in the Inferno might have the cure to his brother’s aliment. In exchange for the information, the dying man taught him how to complete a ritual with one condition: the Esyire had to kill him afterwards. Khan grimly agreed.

It took 2 more years but Khan finally preformed his first ritual, driven on by his brother’s latest visit and the younger Esyire’s sober mood. The first demon Khan summoned was a powerful familiar level. The creature easily defeated him due to his lacking skills and experience. However, instead of killing him, this demon made an odd choice: he asked Khan why he was carelessly summoning demons. Having nothing to lose, Khan told him as the strange demon listened, a time spent in digesting the story before the demon decided to willingly bind himself to Khan. Surprised, the Esyire named him Rathel. That seemed like a life time ago. He was only 30 at the time and the thirteen years passed in a blink of an eye, each new demon challenged and bound during his researching for a certain demon. This was when he arrived at the Twilight College. A very young and still green demonomancer, Khan truly had little idea what he would get himself into until it was too late. The two years spent preparing before this moment were a waste in the end.

Something went wrong during the ritual causing the Twilight’s Archmage and previous demonomancer teacher to be summoned and interfere. They managed to save most of the Esyire, the young demonomancer hauled out in a broken and near death state. The events that transpired were unknown to anyone but Khan and those involved in an attempt to keep panic in check. It took two years from his life before Khan woke up in the medical wing. It was the crippled demonomancer, damaged during his attempt to hold off the creature that attempted to devour Khan, which greeted the Esyire. He delivered both the Archmage’s message, ending in an offer to remain at the College, and one other being a devastating piece of news. His twin’s death. While Khan had been in an almost comma like state, his brother had taken his own life after fearing the worse, Riddic’s last dream being of Khan torn up and slowly dying.

Pain beyond words had settled in Khan’s heart leaving him guilt ridden and depressed, the Archmage’s offer delayed until a better time. Grieving took well over five years until Khan was almost ready to start a new. He finally officially took the Archmage’s offer, agreeing to aid the College in areas it needed and lacked in as long as he was allowed room and board. Naturally the Archmage agreed. Another notable event in his life came when he was 58 after he met Karnage for the first time, a clicking Orc that didn’t seem to speak or understand common language. It wasn’t until Khan had requested the Pyschomancy teacher to translate while the Rune teacher prepared a translation stone for their guest. With the demonomancer teacher gaining in age and Khan’s responsibilities rising, Karnage had been requested to aid in the classes for a few years. Khan couldn’t remember the exact day the Orc went along his way but it was only a few months, forty years later and making him 98 that Karnage returned to Twilight College. Thankfully it was in the nick of time because Khan had become the headmaster to enact in the Archmage’s stead recently!

….Ren help him, it was likely to be a long day.

Good Attributes:

Khan has a wide selection of knowledge due to his history seeking a way to help his crippled brother, namely with Arcanite itself. An addition to this trait, Khan also has developed a high patient level which aids him greatly against any unsavory attitudes towards him. A great sense of organization and sometimes overly neat, he can easily dig up information instantly and without trouble. He can also see the potential within people on first glance and often grows slightly disappointed when they don’t show/see it themselves.

A perk in his demonomancy is any of his five demons die in battle then they merely return to the Inferno realm where their wounds heal for the next day. If a demon is banished there during battle by Khan, then they are unable to enter the same battle again. This rule doesn’t apply to when a demon isn’t injured at all, the Inferno having nothing to heal or reason to keep them there other than storage. There are a few demons, namely Zaad and Rathel, which Khan trusts unsupervised and free roaming.

He’s a traveler to some degree having been all over Tiien, so he’s able to determine routes and directions well enough. He also knows a wide range of languages though some he might be more limited when comes to speaking then others since it might require a finesse he doesn’t have.

Bad Attributes:

Negatives to his binding of the five demons:

*Each time he summons a runic demon, the weight on his body increases and Khan’s chances of dodging become harder. Any attempts, usually, might end with him being more damaged then if he actually braced himself against it in the first place. Having all five out, he’s at the mercy of his demon’s abilities combine team work and only able to direct them until all the enemies or his demons are defeated. Any demon killed in battle is unable to be summoned for the rest of the day but if they are withdrawn however, have to be uninjured; they are unable to pop right back into that same battle.

*The binding scars also have a downfall: his body has suffered for the price. His ability to fly is mostly limited to gliding over a few miles before he has to rest, unable to keep it for very long and constantly. If he’s killed then Khan’s soul will be ripped apart, no longer existing and unable to be reborn again. It is as if he doesn’t exist anymore…

His hobby, fireworks, can sometimes be both a problem and a blessing. While amazing and pure eye candy, it’s no hard to catch things on fire. During his experiments, he has incorrectly mixed his powder in seeking for a desired effect which could result in huge explosion. He has received a number of complaints from a few of the teachers, namely the Geomancy and dwarf Rune crafter, Val, that cause him endless grief. Old habits are sometimes hard to break for him. Though he encourages students to put out the fires as they need the practice after all to become good mages and it spares him from having to ask the other teachers...

Khan tends to keep his problems to himself, a combination of his pride and belief he’s sparing others the burden. It does become clear something is bothering him when he begins to isolate himself, becoming more and more withdrawn with excuses of projects to school matters, letting the worry, frustration and anger pent up over time. Until they are finally release as this could happen of its own will or though outside interference, but rarely it is in anything more violent than a shout… so far.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

UserName: Sundered Echo

Character name: Xyden. Centurion of the Myrmidon Order.

Age: 391

Mageblood type: Aqua

Favoured Magic Class: Hydromancy

Previous Magic training: None

Race: Naga (Ocean)

At rest Xyden is 6'9. However, being possessed of the formidable stature of a Myrmidon, when he raises himself to full height and extends all fins he is 8’2. His eyes are a malevolent yellow and his teeth are razor sharp like those of an ocean predator. While his skin is an uninteresting shade of Aqua, his fins are more pearly white and his scales darken from the same colour as his skin at his waist to an almost black dark blue at the tip of his tail. Like most Naga, he bears a number of scars, and several of his fins are slightly tattered along the edges. When expecting battle, he wears his Myrmidon armour, which is made predominantly of Shark Leather with bronze plates and scales covering less mobile areas such as the chest. The armour does not in any way impair his capacity to swim, other than adding weight. There is a faint smell of the sea surrounding him at all times.
He wields a bladed Steel Trident with a bronze finish, customary of a Naga Myrmidon.

Short Bio: From the moment Xyden emerged from the egg he was different to this kin. Even at such an early stage, the extensive fin structures of a Myrmidon could be observed in their vestigial stages. Because of this, the moment he reached maturity he was given to the Myrmidon sect in the Hunter caste for training. He learnt the ways of the Myrmidon for several decades, but after a time it became apparent that he would never grow to the size of a Myrmidon and match their awesome stature. An aberrant amongst an already unusual branch of his species Xyden never once truly belonged anywhere in the fairly rigid caste structure of the Naga of the Depths.

Some among the leaders of the Myrmidon were ashamed of this apparently ‘runty’ Naga amongst their ranks, and thanks to them Xyden received all the most outlying Myrmidon positions, positions which often proved the most dangerous as well. From this, Xyden’s armour was heavily scarred with regularity, and his combat skills were honed considerably. He developed techniques that did not require teamwork and made use of the environment to his advantage. The first event to mark him out as a Naga of importance occurred on one of these distant guarding assignments.

Xyden was stationed to defend one of the furthest afield volcanic forge-vents. Several Naga lived and worked there, forging various high quality bronze and steel implements for the city, and there were a number of air-filled buildings built up for the Naga to ply their trade in. Near the end of his watch for the day, a large, multi armed monstrous creature appeared from the murky depths, taking him by surprise, intent on consuming him and the people of the outpost. He played a vicious game of cat and mouse for it for half an hour. Even as a Myrmidon he was unable to defeat it, and fell back to the Naga dwellings. In order to survive, he was forced to enter one of the air filled buildings. He’d weighed the chance of holding his breath there as being favourable to being eaten by the beast.

It was within that air filled dwelling that he expected to die. However, instead of gasping at the air and suffocating, he found he was able to breath the air. This new revelation in hand, he was able to manipulate the control system inside the dwellings for the Volcanic vent outside. He redirected it to flow in the widest stream possible and took once more to the water. He lured the great beast into the heated Volcanic stream and, in desperation, forced it down with blows from his trident, and, though he didn’t know it, a small but potent change in the currents through hydromancy.

Upon returning to the City, he slithered right into the hall of the Matriarchs dragging the head of the beast behind him. He was known enough that everyone stood back in shock to see a Myrmidon breathing air. But that was not the only thing that shocked the gathered Naga. The beasts head was impressive, but all around Xyden water was seeping from the various pools in the halls floor towards him, as if with a mind of its own. He did not get the chance to brag of his abilities though. Instead, he collapsed before the Matriarchs eyes, and the water that was following him became lifeless, flowing back to the pools across the sloped floor.

The Matriarchs knew what was happening. They recognised change of the sort that had not occurred in the deeps for a very long time. They saw to Xyden and formulated a plan. Xyden had suffered from blood sickness due to not knowing what he was doing He eventually awoke and within the day was accoutred once more in his armour and sent to lead a boarding action against a nearby ship, a number of the Naga’s best hunters at his back, and one of the Matriarchs Tyros to conduct the questioning.

Xyden and his Hunters boarded the ship in a storm, taking the majority of the crew prisoner. The ships crew stood no chance against the surprise assault from the deep, and not a single Naga was lost. The crew was questioned at length by the Matriarchs Tyro, with a specific focus on magic as it was on the surface, but also to determine the state of the world. The Naga of the Depths had long been out of touch, the occasional ship raid never taking prisoners to question. The Matriarchs wanted to fix that.

Among other things, the Naga learned of the Twilight College, and after some deliberation, Xyden was charged with locating this college to learn to control and master his abilities For the good of the Naga. As well, he was to be the eyes of the Naga on the land. The Matriarchs knew his appearance was the signifier of momentous events to come and they did not want to be caught by surprise.

Xyden set out for the land, taking his armour, his trident and some of the strange gold ‘coins’ the sailors kept offering the Naga to spare them. Apparently the Surface-Dwellers used them to trade for items. He came ashore as close as the Naga could figure to the College, and set out to cover the land between his mighty sea and the College.

He received a poor greeting from the villages he passed. No-one had ever seen something like him, and his monstrous visage even among Naga did not help. by some Miracle of Fate, he is due to arrive at the college on the same day that it accepts new members.

Good Attributes:
-Myrmidon Traits: Xyden is large and heavily muscled, needing little effort to maintain this shape due to the Myrmidon mutation. He has a large number of frills and fins across his body that make his swimming exceptional even among the Ocean Naga, as well as providing him with a fierce visage and making him appear bigger. His coils are not as strong as those of the Desert Naga, as they are suited more for swimming than constricting, but they are still considerable. The scales he bears are slightly tougher than a Desert Naga’s though. He still possess the ability to strike with great speed due to his coils.

-Naga Senses: He has an acute sense of smell and taste, but it functions best in underwater situations, leaving him at a disadvantage compared to a Desert Naga in this area. The heat sensing abilities of the Ocean Naga have, however, largely atrophied.

-Naga Venom: Identical to Desert Naga Venom, with two exceptions. It is not spitted, but injected via fangs instead. It is stored in somewhat higher amounts due to the much greater physical size of a Myrmidon.

-Calculating: Xyden’s mind is often as cold as his blood. He observes situations and acts only once he has determined an efficient and logical course of action. This means he often goes into battler well prepared, but it does have downsides.

Bad Attributes:
-Ocean Born: Xyden is born to exist underwater. His body is made to operate best there, and he is not nearly as swift on the land as he is under the water. AS well as this he suffers from the same mobility issues as a Desert Naga due to his tail. He is not tolerant of particularly dry environments, and they can have a similar effect on him as particularly hot environments. In addition, his fins present vulnerable areas. They can regrow and do not inflict much pain when damaged, but damage to them can severely hamper his swimming ability.

-Calculating: Xydens mind is driven by logic and efficiency. While this has definite benefits, it also means that he can be callous and insensitive, even impatient if he thinks his time is being wasted.

-Matriarchal Society: While not as heavily gender biased as the Desert Naga, the Ocean Naga society is still Matriarchal. As such, Xyden has a slight unconscious deferance to females in positions of power.

-Superiority of the Deep: Xyden, like most Ocean Naga, thoroughly believes that the ‘Surface Dwellers’ are foolish and inferior for their choice to live above the water. This colours his interaction with disdain for all those that live on the land, which is everyone except him. He has more respect for those that dwell below the ground like Dwarves, but they are still at least ‘Land Striders’ and not to be fully trusted.

-Language Barrier: Xydens mouth structure has changed sufficiently from that of a human to make it slightly difficult for him to speak the common tongue, and this combined with normally using Myrmidon sign language to communicate has left him at something of a disadvantage when using the common tongue. He speaks slowly and with many pauses and likely will not improve.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

User Name: EliteCommander

Character Name: Ssarak Dyreackthanose

Age: 27

Mageblood type: Lues Mageblood

Favored Magic class: Psychomancy

Previous Magic Training: Mostly self-taught, with some training from elders in his clan.

Race: Esyire

Appearance: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Your-Soul-is-Mine-147402964 (with much larger wings in relation to the body and this: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Comish-So-Close-397900213 armor, but black in color and with full gauntlets and boots, and this: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Black-Axe-of-the-Baruman-85605036 battleaxe, but much more solid, with material between the empty spaces, especially near the top)

Short Bio: Ssarak, being an almost eight foot tall Esyire, looks even at a glance to be a seasoned warrior. It was a role he was born into, a role that shaped his entire life. He was born into Dyre clan, a collection of a few nomadic villages in the Eastern Scorched Lands. His father Taraesar, like himself, was born with Lues Mageblood and was a proud warrior of their clan. Lues blood was rare among the Dyre clan, and due to the stigma they held against Noxomancy, most of that blood pursued Psychomancy.

Ssarak would have been trained in the use of his mageblood by his father, but unfortunately, he perished in battle early in Ssarak’s life. Since Taraesar had been the only practicing Psychomancer in his village, he was left to learn to use his gifts by his own devices, receiving only basic training in the use of mageblood from the clan elders. In the Dyre clan, all warriors must have and be able to use magic, so no matter how skilled he became in mundane combat, he would have been ultimately rejected if he could not learn to control his blood. Nevertheless, his fervor for his training allowed him to learn enough to become a warrior his father could be proud of by the time he came of age.

Despite his intense training, Ssarak is more skilled in martial combat than with magic. He inherited in arms and armor from his father, who crafted them by his own hand. Ssarak has a good deal of physical strength to back up his axe, and though he was at a disadvantage with magic compared to his fellow warriors, he was generally intelligent with its use. Since he lacked a proper tutor, Ssarak’s casting was inefficient, but he was able to teach himself to create a number of different types of illusions that could be used for misdirection in combat. He has been less successful with the more direct applications of psychomancy, as the only minds he can have a forceful, direct influence on are those of simple creatures.

Part of Ssarak’s duty as a warrior was to escort trading groups between the Dyre’s villages and to the cities of the Scorched Lands’ settled Esyire. The relationship between the Dyre and the Esyire who settled in the cities was sparse, but peaceful. They traded from time to time for resources the Dyre could not gather on their own, so Ssarak received more exposure to outside cultures than most of his clan. He became somewhat familiar with the territories of other races beyond the Scorched Lands through these trips to the cities, but he was still very much focused on the needs of his own people.

Most of Ssarak’s early career was wrapped up with fighting the Dyre’s rival clan, the Xhoth. The two clans had been at odds for generations, and since they were of roughly the same side, neither were able to keep the advantage for long. Ssarak survived several battles with them, but he never felt proud of those achievements. In his eyes, he was simply a participant, unable to really influence the tide of the war. He longed to be the warrior his father was, to be the hero that could end the conflict in its entirety.

While in his early twenties, Ssarak found a wife and had children of his own, but secretly, he was still dissatisfied with his life. He loved his family, but still desperately wanted to bring an end to the conflict that consumed his people. After years of conflict, he finally thought he found the answer. For as long as the war had been raging, it had been a battle strictly between their warriors. Ssarak viewed the Xhoth as a plague upon the land, one that deserved to be wiped out completely. Over the course of a few months, he drummed up enough support from his fellow warriors, mostly younger ones, to plan an attack to completely wipe out a Xhoth village. Both clans had several villages, but Ssarak hoped that, by eliminating one entirely, it would push the war enough in their favor to finish it once and for all.

Under the cover of darkness, Ssarak and the warriors who supported him made their way to the outskirts of the village. Ssarak took a small team with him and used his skills with misdirection to stealthily eliminate a few of the lookouts. His team then proceeded to slit the throats of as many warriors as they could find before they were discovered. Ssarak then sounded the horn to signal the attack. The battle was quick but bloody. About half of Ssarak’s force was killed, but they won the battle. Instead of taking prisoners and accepting the village’s surrender, they slaughtered everyone they found, save for a few that managed to escape.

Once they returned and reported their actions, there was an intense debate among the village’s leadership. They had violated the honor that had driven their warfare for generations, but enough of their warriors had supported Ssarak’s plan that they could not be punished outright. The debate had been raging for about a week when they received word of an impending Xhoth attack on a neighboring village. Ssarak was among the men who was sent to aid them, but to their surprise, they found no Xhoth forces anywhere in the area, and the village they had been sent to protect had no knowledge of this attack. They returned home as quickly as possible only to find it in ruins. Evidently, messenger who informed them of the supposed Xhoth attack had betrayed them to get the majority of their warriors away from the village. The few survivors explained that the few soldiers remaining had not been enough to defend from by the massive attack by the Xhoth. Just as in Ssarak’s attack, they killed everyone indiscriminately…including all of Ssarak’s family.

Ssarak was overwhelmed with grief and anger. He wanted to personally execute the traitor responsible, but was powerless to do anything to attain his vengeance. He considered suicidally attacking the Xhoth alone in the hopes of killing as many as possible before being killed himself, but he eventually decided to leave his people entirely. Many of his clan resented him and the other soldiers who took part in the initial attack, but he simply wanted to be away from it all. Ssarak left the Scorched Lands and wandered for a while, acting as a mercenary for about two years to support himself. During that time, the anger he felt toward the Xhoth had been replaced by immense regret. It had been his actions that had instigated the Xhoth’s attack, his fault that his family was dead. He continues to wander from place to place, unsure of what to do. Part of him wants redemption, but mostly, he believes himself a lost cause. After hearing of a College that could teach him to use his mage blood more effectively, he decided it would be as good of a place as any to begin a new chapter of his life.

Good Attributes: As an Esyire, he is capable of flight. He has a great deal of strength, even when compared to other Esyire, and is a rather intelligent individual, capable of planning tactically to make the best use of the skills he has.

Bad Attributes: Ever since the traumatic event that caused him to exile himself from his home, he has been prone to fits of rage that can severely impact his judgment and make him more violent than normal. Reminders of his family can also lead to episodes of depression that harm his ability to motivate himself.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

UserName: Lucius Cypher

Character name: Annabeth Gulch

Age: 19

Mageblood type: Lues

Favoured Magic Class: Psychomancy

Previous Magic training: None. She doesn’t even know she has mage blood.

Race: Narsea Human


Short Bio: Annabeth is the youngest child of three. She grew up on her family’s farm, which her father got after serving some time in Eania’s Royal Guard. Her mother died giving birth shortly after she was born, so she grew up under the same mannerisms as her brothers, at least until she was old enough to care about such things as being feminine. Her eldest brother, Rendar Gulch, one day left the farm when he discovered that he had Mage Blood and went to train at the Twilight College so that he may join the Royal Guards like his father had. This left Annabeth to help run the farm with just her father and her other older brother Brendan.

But about a few years later, Annabeth’s father grew ill. He was old, and his time was coming to an end. By this time it would be up to Annabeth and Brendan to take care of the farm. Rendar came home to help take care of their ill father, but things took a turn for the worse. Bandits attacked the farm one night, stealing nearly everything of value and burning their home to the ground. Annabeth was saved by Brendan, but he was struck down just as they were about to flee. It was then that Rendar went into such a rage that he killed all the bandits in a single lightning strike, so powerful that it leveled the entire farm into a crater. Annabeth was lucky to not have been killed herself.

That day Annabeth and Rendar had to bury the remains of their brother and father at the same place where their mother was buried at. Rendar told Annabeth to move with some family back at Eania, and since she didn’t really know what else to do with her life, she did as he told. She lived there for a short while with her other family members, but part of Annabeth didn’t want her to stay. She wanted to become more powerful than just the frail farm girl, someone who could take care and protect her friends and family. She felt weak, and she was going to do something about it.

Though it was difficult finding one willing to teach a girl, she took up swordsmanship. She fought with a sword and small shield, and even learned grappling using knives. As she continued her training, she received a message from the Twilight College from someone named Lucilia. Apparently something had happened to her brother, and they would like to extend a helping hand to his next of kin. Fearing the worse, Annabeth packed her things and headed towards the college. She didn’t know what happened to her brother, but she was determined to save him.

Good Attributes:
Silk Hiding Steel – Annabeth may look like a demure young woman, but hidden underneath her unassuming appearance is a fierce warrior. She hasn’t gotten into a real fight personally, but she has honed her mind to be able to operate in the heat of battle with grace and efficiency.
Horse Rider – Annabeth is an excellent horse rider, and while some may be more difficult than others, she can easily adapt to different horses and riding styles.
Archer – When she lived back on the farm Annabeth helped her brother hunt when her father was growing too old to do it himself. She’s not the best shot, but to dismiss her as an amateur would be a mistake as well. She can land an arrow into a buck fifty yards away if she has time to lead it, and she has and is quite good at using her bow while on a horse, even as it’s galloping at full speed.
Domestic Skills – Annabeth took care of the house back at the farm, and she didn’t lose any skills when she moved. Her family owned an inn, and despite owning it for twenty years, Annabeth pretty much took care of most of the physical duties and chores during her time there. Cleaning, cooking, organizing, talking to customers, if she didn’t do it, it was because she was busy doing something else important.

Bad Attributes:
Unexperienced – Despite all her training, Annabeth has only done just that: training. She’s never been in a serious confrontation before, and the only time she did she had to be saved by her brother. She’s no warrior despite what her skills may tell you.
Light Weight – Referring to Annabeth’s physique and to her alcohol tolerance. Annabeth is strong, but she’s also rather small. She can train her body to lift and use a ten pound sword with ease, but a hard blow will likely shatter bones if she doesn’t protect herself properly. And it only takes half-pint of ale to make her loopy. Worse if she actually gets poisoned, as her immune system isn’t the best.
Naïve – Annabeth’s something of an optimist. This isn’t bad in itself, but it’s almost absurd how often she thinks that some people or things could be reasoned with or how good something could be. Though it is partly so she can cope with whatever tragedy she’s going through at the moment, the denial can be more detrimental than trying to make light of a very bad situation.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

UserName: Toxic Diamond

Character name: Aruna Mortista, Lady Mortista

Age: 19

Mageblood type: Lues

Favoured Magic Class: Noxomancy

Previous Magic training: Only what she could learn on her own

Race: Esyire/Human


Tiny by esyire standards and average by human standards, Aruna stands at 5ft 4in and has short cropped raven black hair and green dragon eyes. She has black scales and skin across her body. Her scales are prominent most at her forearms, middle back, shoulders, and calves. She has dragon wings and a long slender tail that is surprisingly muscular. Her prefered choice of clothing is usually a long jacket, pants and a black, usually sleeveless shirt. (Black because it matches her scales and helps her hide in the dark.)

Short Bio: A cautious girl who has lived most of her life on the edges of the scorchlands, surviving by her self. Her father being an Esyire chieftain and her mother a low class noblewoman of a village that is not far from the outskirts of the scorch lands. She died giving birth to Aruna and her family blames the monstrosity that is Aruna for that fact. Her father did not want such a puny child. The nobles let Aruna stay until she was five, then left her to her own devices. When she returns, as she does from time to time for supplies and to warn of the dangers that may lurk beyond the village, the townsfolk and nobles mockingly call her Lady Mortista. She harbors a deep set paranoia molded from years of living alone and fending off attacks from beasts, Esyires and people. She is slow to trust, but won't be overly rude to those she doesn'ht know. She has few people she would refer to as friends, and even fewer of them she actually sees more than once every few years. She doesn't talk much, but can be an amazing listener. Though she acts all tough, deep inside she harbors a dream of being free from the life that holds her now. To have friends and those she calls family. (Though she doubts it will ever happen)

Good Attributes: Good at anything requiring survival techniques, independent, good at reading people's intentions, has mostly good intentions (though she has a hard time showing it) familiar with most weapons, can make almost anything into a weapon, and is an expert with the knife and her own custom made tail whip

Bad Attributes: Paranoid, slow to trust, doesn't often work well with others, though familiar with most weapons lack of any real training with most weapons leaves her at a disadvantage in a fight with anyone who has any training. She has no magic whatsoever. She has a fear of large bodies of water.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

UserName: Konan375

Character name: Leith Calder

Age: 25

Mageblood type: Aqua

Favoured Magic Class: Hydromancy

Previous Magic training: None

Race: Naerse Human

Appearance: Leith was born with albinism, so his skin is about as white as it can get. His eyes are a very light blue, and he has no hair. He stands at 6 feet tall and is very skinny. He usually wears dark green pants and a hooded cloak of the same colour. The cloak has a clasp, and it was given to him as a gift.

Short Bio: Leith did not have a nice childhood. the other children were afraid of him. They had heard stories of vampires and what they looked like, and in their minds, Leith was a vampire. He had learned quickly that fear could turn to violence, and had gone home with bruises, and one time, a black eye.

As he got older, the fear disappeared, and he made some friends. He discovered his ability to control water, and started to try and figure out what he could do with it.

When he was twenty, Leith Heard about Twilight College and decided to go there and get a better grasp on his hydromancy. He figured it wouldn’t take that long. A few weeks at most.

He got there five years later.

After a few days of travelling, he encountered two men who immediately apprehended him and tried to kill him because they’d "be doing Eania a favour. The only good vampire is a dead one, right?”

Leith tried to explain that he wasn’t a vampire, and that the men were making a mistake, but they wouldn’t listen. The men took him into a small clearing off the road. He stumbled and fell into puddle of purple liquid, which disappeared almost as quickly as he landed in it. His head was buzzing when the men picked him up, tied him to a stake and one of the men went to set him on fire. In his panic, the buzzing increased, and Leith felt water nearby and pulled at it. He was splashed by something warm and lost consciousness.

He was found by a herbalist who was restocking his inventory. When Leith woke up, he felt like he needed to repay the old man, and decided to become his apprentice. The buzzing in his head didn't go away, and his hair started falling out days later.

Near the end of Leith’s fourth year of being an apprentice, the old man got sick, and quickly died. After burying him, Leith stayed at the little hut in the forest that they lived for a few more weeks, and then started out for the Twilight College for a second time. Fortunately, the second time was uneventful, and he arrived the day they were accepting a bunch of new mages. And who knows, maybe somebody there might know what's making his head buzz.

Good Attributes: Very knowledgable. He has a love of learning and can learn more quickly than other people would. He is a very kind person, and will try to help people when he can. After working with the herbalist for four years, Leith knows quite a bit about Earnia plant-life and can usually tell which ones are harmful, and which ones are helpful. He has a good sense of humour, and he doesn't let what other people say to him bother him.

Bad Attributes: He never was a strong person, but after his encounter with the men, he was weakened physically, and when he feels that his weakness stopped him from helping someone, he can get very depressed. There is a constant buzzing noise in his head that started when he was almost killed, and it can get to the point where it is distracting. Sometimes the buzzing gives him insomnia. He also trusts people too easily. He doesn't like to let other people know if he has a problem because he doesn't like to bother people with his issues.

Secret Word: Fade... wait a second. Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

UserName: Sundered Echo

Character name: Ponders. Mordent. The Twenty-seventh.

Age: 36

Mageblood type: Natura

Favoured Magic Class: Geomancy

Previous Magic training: None

Race: Awakened Harmony

Ponders’ form is pale blue by nature, comprised of a number of separately moving stones. The central glow is pale blue. When arranged in humanoid form, he stands at an imposing 8’1. Given the variable nature of his shape, however, his height at any moment can vary greatly.

Short Bio: Like all Awakened, Ponders rose from the lakes beneath the harmony at the last Awakening. At the time he was given the name ‘Mordent,’ which he retained for a number of years. He also bears the title ‘The Twenty-Seventh’ as he was the twenty-seventh Awakened to rise from the waters. Like all Awakened, he immediately set out to explore the world and gain knowledge. Ponders particular journey took him first to the Dwarven City of Ironstead. There he learned the dwarven language, as well as the common language, and first began to comprehend the world he now lived in. The Dwarves found him and his brothers fascinating, and for four years Ponders spent his time exchanging information with several Dwarven Geomancers as well as a Necromancer of the Motem-Necromancy learning. He was treated almost as an experiment, a being to be studied, however, he did not mind as the mages around him merely observed, and they also told him of the dwarven ways, their culture and history.

Young Awakened, however, are voracious learners, and rarely stay in one place for long as they hunger for knowledge. He departed Ironstead at age four, travelling south. He wandered the wilderness for 12 years, observing the many plants and animals of Eania and northern Djarkel, remembering all but never delving very deeply into the study of any one being. During this time, the Accelerated learning of a newly formed Awakened wore off, leaving him more in control. Many a month he would find a vantage point to watch an animal's den or hunting ground and stand as still as as a statue, simply watching.

This time of observation ended when he was found by a curious Eanian villager. It was much to the villagers surprise when the glowing statue struck up a conversation with him, but his curiosity won out over his sudden fear, something Ponders greatly approved of. The pair travelled back to the village, where Ponders once again took up an observing role. He remained here for 6 years, and it is here he received his name. One day one of the villagers asked him what he was actually doing while he stood watching and he replied ‘thinking.’ The villagers response was ‘what are you pondering?’ Though the villager did not know it, Ponders took a liking to the idea that he was forever pondering an idea, and so adopted it as his name.

After a time, Ponders had learned much of what there was to know about that particular village and asked if he could travel to the Eanian capital city. Instead of simply walking there, the villager who had first discovered him devised a plan. He would take Ponders, who would pose as an ancient statue, to the archeology guild in the capital and sell him. From there, not only would the village have a large source of gold, but Ponders would get to observe all that went on there unhindered.

The plan mostly worked. Ponders was sold to the guild. However, the guild had seen the harmony and the Awakened before. Two months into his observations, one of the Archeologists discovered Ponders true nature. When he was questioned, Ponders simply asked to be allowed to observe the goings on. This was allowed for a time, as long as he contributed occasionally to the Guilds knowledge of the Harmony. When he eventually asked how the Guild was storing what he told them, he was introduced properly to the idea of books - objects the fleshy creatures used for storing information.

It took Ponders a number of years to read the majority of the Guild Library, a feat that quite astounded the faculty. They knew of the Awakened’s hunger for knowledge, but to witness it in action was quite something else. Eventually, Ponders discovered the books detailing the sum total of Eanian knowledge on his own kind. He learned many things from these that had before been simply instinctual, but one discovery would stand out, bringing forth a new hunger for knowledge, a very specific kind of knowledge.

When Ponders discovered from the books that he was capable of Geomancy, he decided to travel to the best place the guild could point him for learning it. The Twilight College. However, his journey has not been particularly direct. He was distracted first at the forest in southern Eania, never having seen such a concentration of trees before. He observed it for six months before eventually moving on. He was once again delayed when he encountered the Twilight lands, and stopped to observe this strange phenomena and try to fathom why it was like it was. Three months he roamed the area before finally making it to the Twilight College, only a day before it was accepting new members.

Good Attributes:
-Knowledgable: 36 years may not seem like much, but when you need almost no rest and have no other interruptions to learning, it is a long time in which to accumulate knowledge. Ponders’ travels have taken him to many strange places, and he has learned all manner of things. From time to time, one of the facts he knows can come in useful, though only if he remembers in time.

-Patient: Even for a rock, Ponders is patient. He is content to act like a statue for extended periods of time, during which he will watch and think. He has also been known to read entire libraries of books with no concern as to the time it takes.

-Body of Stone: Ponders has all the advantages of being an Awakened Harmony outlined in the race description.

Bad Attributes:
-Curious: Ponders is a curious being. Far too Curious for his own good in fact. He will gladly risk damage and destruction for more knowledge, such is his thirst. As well, he has a particular hatred for secrets. As far as Ponders is concerned, no-one has the right to withhold information from him for any reason.

-Mind of Stone: Ponders may be a sentient thinking creature, but he is still made of stone. Ponders’ thought process and reaction times are slow compared to most beings. This can make dealing with him frustrating, as well as providing a potentially significant disadvantage in combat.

-Body of Stone: Ponders has all the disadvantages outlined in the Awakened Harmony race description.

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Username: Freeshooter92.
Name: Alaira Taenn, the Berserker.
Age: 39, Roughly equivalent to a Human's 24 in terms of physical appearance and maturity.
Mageblood: Clima.
Class: Electromancy, knows a small amount of Aeromancy (High jumps are the cornerstone of her fighting style; thus she can jump quite high or reduce the impact of a fall, but no more)
Previous Magic Training: Barely any. Just enough to know he can actually cast. All other training comes from repeated practice.
Race: Half-Forest Elf, though Elf is dominant.
Appearance: Alaira stands at an impressive 7' 4", tall even for her kind. Unlike her kind however, she has a much thicker, more muscular build as opposed to the thin, slender frames of her Elven compatriots. This likely owes to her human heritage, as her mother was built like a tank. She has long dark brown hair that reaches to about a third of the way down her back, as well as bright Cyan eyes. Her skin is bronzed, owing to the massive amounts of time spent outdoors (She can hardly remember a time she had any sort of building to sleep in save the occasional time she could afford to sleep at an Inn and eat).

Her features are as strong as she is, though still quite feminine. Coupled with her slightly shorter ears, Most other elves are easily able to tell she isn't a full Forest Elf, Which usually leads to the other Elf avoiding her on that principle alone. But if they took the time to get to know her, they'd realize she is an abrasive ball of malignant fury, and would probably be discouraged from speaking with her anyway. There are three slash-shaped scars on her left cheek, likely made by the claws of a beast of some sort. She has other scars, but most of them are covered up by whatever clothes or armor she happens to be wearing.

Alaira owns a fairly impressive suit of Fortite armor, which originally belonged to her mother (Although it did require a slight reforging, given that Alaira is two feet taller than her mother was). It's Pearl-pink color often leads to ridicule when she is seen in it among the more... terminally stupid members of society, but she's quite fond of it anyway. The plate-armor's most defining feature is the Silver trim inlaid among the plates, as well as the imagery of stars and constellations engraved and inlaid with yet more silver. Her lance, however is much less impressive, being a simple Iron spear.

Bio: Alaira Taenn, as she is known today, is a wandering adventurer known locally for her incredible strength and her short temper. Apparently she had once pinned a man by his pantaloons to the top of a spruce tree when he made the less than wise decision to invade her personal space. She doesn't like to be touched, and espescially not in the chest by a drunken bar patron. Anyway, she had managed to forge a bit of a name for herself among a village or two, before a near death experience with a drake caused her to rethink her abilities. It was with great reluctance that she admitted she needed training in her magic as well as her spear, and so she set out for the Twilight college.

Apparently she has been through terribly traumatic experiences during her childhood(Including the destruction of her village), but nobody save her seems to have survived, and she certainly isn't telling. Any attempts to learn more about her are often met with extremem indiscriminate violence. Whether this is caused by a desire to keep a secret or some involuntary rage at the memory is uncertain. She also seems to hate plants, contrary to most of her race. The only thing most people seem to know is her extreme belligerence and her equally extreme bloodlust and apetite for destruction (She has caused more property damage to the college in the past week than most students do in a year. Mostly to potted plants), but why? what warrants this immense hatred of... well, everything? However, though she'll never admit it, even to herself, she is a bit lonely.

Positive attributes: Brave, Strong, Athletic, determined, High magical endurance, protective(Not that this ever seems to matter), Talented Blacksmith and armorer, Great at making Jewelry and engraving, good hunter, Reasonably good cook, Knows how to survive out in the wild.
Negative attributes: Aggressive, belligerent, Short tempered, Trust issues, violent, Claustrophobic, Illiterate, Fear of caves, Fear of Psychomancy, Vulnerable to Psychomancy (Though impossible to control, she often breaks down into a gibbering wreck if she can 'feel' someone poking around her mind, and she has an extremely difficult time seeing through illusions), Possibly Schizophrenia, Her personality seems to be split, though the other fragments are not 'awake' yet, dislikes Eysires greatly, and is just plain rude.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Username: Luna

Character name: Colette Filiatraut

Age: Appear 16-18 but is 231

Mageblood Type: Obiligatio

Favoured Magic Class: Demonmancy

Previous Magic Training: None

Race: Vampire

Appearance: [

Short Bio:
She lived in a large manor with her parents as a young girl, an aristocratic family. Colette was but a human child. Her family had been a very social, and rich family, hosting many parties for others. Colette was always expected to behave in a very polite, and lady like manor, and she did so quite well.
One particular party, however, Her parents hosted a much larger social gathering then normal, An uninvited guest, snuck in, a vampire. Late at night for a midnight blood lust. He layed his eyes upon the young human girl who had secluded herself in her room, brushing her hair in front of a vanity before bed, The vampire had calmly brought himself into her room, was quick to cover her mouth and bit into her neck.

She started changing over the next few days, and it wasn't until a little while later that her parents had caught onto her bizarre changes. She'd keep all the curtains in her room shut, staying in her dim room. She wouldn't come out during the day very much, and during dinner she'd request meats 'rare', which before then she had been a strict vegan. This had gone on for a good little while, and Colette had been suppressing her blood lust for quite some while, but being such a young vampire, she'd found herself growing weaker and weaker by the day, she knew she would wither away if she had gone on any longer, during the night she had attacked one of the maids of the manor. Unfortunately, being inexperienced she had bit incorrectly, causing the woman to bleed out to her death- Colette had screamed in terror and agony- this wasn't her intention, and she never wanted anyone to die. The scream echoed throughout the mansion, as butlers, other maids, and along with her parents ran down to the kitchen, to find Colette over top of a lifeless body, covered in her blood- particularly by her mouth.

The Filiatrault manor was a family filled with their own pride, word could not set foot outside of the immediate location about the happening that night, and the transformation of the sole heir of the Filiatrault family.
So they locked her away in a small cage located inside of her bed room, twisted in their own sick secrets, the parents would every Friday evening sacrifice one of the guests at the luxurious parties in order for their daughter to live, at such a frail age of thirteen, her blood lust was much to strong to be satisfied, so it took the lives of many, but the burden was too deep and ultimately the Filiatrault family, and help, withered away into their own madness.

Of the surviving help, many had run away, insane from having to sacrifice the lives of many. One maid had taken pity on Colette, such a young girl who had to kill to survive, Before attempting to escape she entered Colette's room, offering her freedom from the tiny cage in exchange for her never leaving the manor expect when she needed to feed. Agreeing, she allowed Colette to escape, before Colette had greedily taken the life of the poor maid, although keeping her word, she never left the mansion expect for nights she needed to feed. Living like this, for a century.

Good Attributes: Unknown but will be find out

Bad Attributes:
Blood Lust: For centuries she had trouble with her blood lust and it always gotten control of her o the point she would kill

Memories: She is surrounded by a dark past that she could never escape from and her eyes will always hold sadness

Secret Word: Rebirth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

UserName: WitchChild

Character name: Lord Haklo Thalen Desol

Age: 23

Mageblood type: Lues

Favoured Magic Class: Psychomancy

Previous Magic training: Haklo comes from a long line of Lues blood and is a natural psychomancer like his father. He was taught by his father and his warlocks on the philosophy of the Desol family psychomancy. To put it simply, he is booksmart about psychomancy yet has yet to gain first-hand experience in it's use. He did, however, get first-hand experience on being attacked by psychomancy, to spot between reality and illusion.

Race: Human

Appearance: 6'2" and 190lbs and healthy mix of masculine and athletic built. He wears finely made clothing and carries himself with confidence and authority. His hair is midnight black and his eyes hold an icy cold glare.

Short Bio: Haklo Talen Desol was bron to Baron Thalen of Port Slaughter and House Desol, a powerful noble and even more powerful Psychomancer and former warlock. Although the Port is one of the least savory locations in the world, Baron Desol has a secret control over it's criminal activity. He has the know how of each criminal boss and they make sure to "give" the baron a tribute for good favor. Skara Desol later fathered a son which he began to mold in his image which was already happening. Haklo Desol had the same midnight black hair and the same icy cold eyes of his father. As Haklo grew up, he studied under his tutors and learned about important royalty and nobility as well as their secrets from his father's spies and assassins. From them and the honorguard he learned how to ride a steed and handle a sword. From the street contacts he learned how the streets worked and their filth survived.

Haklo told that he was to inherit the Harken ceremonial armor and the responsibility of the Desol Honorblade named "Malus", when his father's time would be over. It was a longsword of precious metal and with a brilliant yet cracked gem of amethyst at the middle of the crossguard. The precious broken generations ago in a devastating war where the current Lord Desol had been bombarded with waves of magical energies that overcharged the gem. Within the gem was the demonic spirit of Muardu, the Aether Serpent., a demon who devoured magical energies and was trapped ages ago by the paragon of the Desol family, Kairon Desol. With the gem cracked, the demon is capable of freeing itself by ingesting residual magical energies. To keep the demon from doing just that, the latest Desol blood acts as the serpent's jailer like his forefathers before him, suffering through excruciating amount of pain when the serpent tries to get out. This is not widely known by the common folk but it is the highest of responsibilities of the Desol Family. He once held it by his father's order and his connection with the demon was set into his being.

As Haklo got older, his training got a bit tougher. Once he was training with one of the underling guards and it ended with Haklo stabbing him through the neck without remorse in the heat of the moment. Haklo was barely punished by it, the guard's family given a meager payment for the incident. He was becoming more like his father with each passing day though they were different in ways. Haklo did not agree how his father was, in his eyes, obvious with the way he ran things. He didn't agree how he let Port Slaughter be such a cesspool and letting the dirt show for all to see. He saw that it would be far preferable to put more facade to it, to clean the curtains that hid the mastermind. That is how he thought barely into his adult years.

As his own magical abilities began to develop, Baron Desol himself along with his warlocks took it to themselves to help him to keep his powers in check and inform him of useful tactics to use against other magebloods. He had inherited his father's abilities of telepathy and mental manipulation and trained to keep it from being a detriment and cloud his mind with unguarded thoughts of those around him. With that, his father insisted that his son get proper training at a collage as Haklo was the latest generation of a long line of Desol Psychomancers and to prepare to carry the Desol family duty of keeping the Aether Serpent in check.

Good Attributes: He is trained in various weaponry by his father's loyal guards and riding. He is learned in sophistication and court rules and history of his family line. He has basic knowledge of noblefolk and royality of importance. He can be single minded in the good way that little will stand in his way of his goals. He is a master with a sword and knife and ruthless in his attacks with them, going for Achilles tendons and hamstrings when not going deadly on his foe.

Single Minded/Driven: When he sets his mind to it, there is very few things that are able to stop him. He'll go to the ends of the world to achieve it.

Tactical: He is very tactical in his mindset. He is not one to make unnecessary risks and make meaningless sacrifices. He prizes his resources and allies.

Informed: Mostly in the areas of Djarkal and in the court of nobility, he is very knowledgeable. He can blend in easily in such crowds

Wealth: With his father's wealth, starving is the least of his worries.

Rank of Nobility: Mostly in the lands of Djarkal, his authority is high when he shows the emblem of House of Desol; A black scaled snake stabbed through the mouth with a golden sword. A symbol of the Desol resolution, determination and responsibility.

Words of House Desol: "Power for those who can take it"

Bad Attributes: He might get too ruthless towards anyone he sees as a detriment to his goals, be that persona a friend or foe. If an immediate detriment, he will not be above outright killing the person. If such action would put him in danger, he would try and orchestrate the person's demise or to be just out of his way.

Self-Centered: His number one concern is with himself. He has very little concern for others as that is how he was raised, to set his own goals above others unless helping would further his goals.

Little to no Empathy: He rarely cares about other people's pain. They do not concern him. His respect is to those who are able to take it.

Other: The Desol Family are often known by another name, "Snakeguards"

Secret Word: Rebirth
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