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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nemeses
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Nemeses Plouton

Member Seen 1 mo ago

LegendBegins said
*Holes form in my stomach*Well would you look at that. You can see through me.

*Does nothing else to you for the moment*
Extra said
*grins, and slams my fist into the ground and a bright blue! ice like energy come up and block the blast*

*The beam obliterates the shards, hits the ground in front of you, and explodes violently*
Valiance said
*Blasts a teal beam of energy back at you, which is slightly larger than yours*Ridge: *Another beam of energy hits you in the back, as another me has appeared behind you*Martyn: *Waits behind Rythian until I get an opportunity*

*Seeing that your beam will over power mine, stops, and cuts yours off with a red wall of energy*
Level three. You may actually be fun.
*I am surrounded in a large yellow aura, then am instantly at your side and punches you in the neck*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

Member Seen 12 days ago

Nemeses said
*Does nothing else to you for the moment**The beam obliterates the shards, hits the ground in front of you, and explodes violently**Seeing that your beam will over power mine, stops, and cuts yours off with a red wall of energy*Level three. You may actually be fun.*I am surrounded in a large yellow aura, then am instantly at your side and punches you in the neck*

*Is knocked several feet to the side, slides, and rolls back up onto my feet. Your yellow aura is surrounded by a brown one of the same size, and I blast you with more teal energy*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Extra
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Extra Maki

Member Seen 8 days ago

Nemeses said
*Does nothing else to you for the moment**The beam obliterates the shards, hits the ground in front of you, and explodes violently**Seeing that your beam will over power mine, stops, and cuts yours off with a red wall of energy*Level three. You may actually be fun.*I am surrounded in a large yellow aura, then am instantly at your side and punches you in the neck*

*jumps back once the blast hits the wall of blue energy*
Whoa...destructive much?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dedalus


Member Offline since relaunch

*A nun walks in and lightly touches the boy's shoulder.*
Sister: This way, child.
* She leads him through several doorways until they come into a separate room that is packed so full of beds that there is barely any room between them.*
Sister: This is where you will be staying. pick a bed, they are unassigned. But if you sleep in a bed, the next morning you are responsible for making that bed and keeping that area tidy, is that clear?
*The boy nods. and looks down at the floor. The sister looks at him with sympathy.*
Sister: It gets better... I promise.
*She leaves. several other kids are in the room, but they all ignore him. There are new kids in all the time, so no one cares. after a while a girl walks in and sees him. She has dark black hair and blue eyes. she is several years older than the boy, not much, but things like that matter at a young age. She smiles and walks up to him. By this point he had found a dirty old picture book and was looking at some pictures of animals that used to live on the continent he was on. there were yellow ones with long necks and fat grey ones with long mouths and stubby legs. He even saw one that had sharp teeth and a gigantic puff of hair around it's neck.*
Girl: Hello, I'm Fray. I just got here last week, so I'm pretty new too. The sisters thought it would be nice if I talked to you.
*She looks down at the book and then back to him*
Fray: Can you read?
*he shakes his head*
Let me show you, this one is a lion....
*she continues to point to animals and her enthusiasm is infectious. soon the boy smiles as the girl explains what a giraffe was. *
So, you never told me your name.
Boy:*in a small scratchy voice* I'm Dedalus.
*she gives him a weird look.*
That's a long name. How about De?
*he shrugs, and she continues to show him animals.*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nemeses
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Nemeses Plouton

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Valiance said
*Is knocked several feet to the side, slides, and rolls back up onto my feet. Your yellow aura is surrounded by a brown one of the same size, and I blast you with more teal energy*

*Effortlessly deflects it with a reddish energy and directs it so that it strikes Martyn in the chest*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nemeses
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Nemeses Plouton

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Extra said
*jumps back once the blast hits the wall of blue energy*Whoa...destructive much?

Stuff happens.
*The ground below you and around you for an 8-foot radius turns magenta for a fourth of a millisecond before completely deatomizing, leaving a massive pit directly underneath you*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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Nemeses said
Stuff happens.*The ground below you and around you for an 8-foot radius turns magenta for a fourth of a millisecond before completely deatomizing, leaving a massive pit directly underneath you*

Can this happen later?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Extra
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Extra Maki

Member Seen 8 days ago

Nemeses said
Stuff happens.*The ground below you and around you for an 8-foot radius turns magenta for a fourth of a millisecond before completely deatomizing, leaving a massive pit directly underneath you*

*falls into the pit*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

Member Seen 12 days ago

Nemeses said
*Effortlessly deflects it with a reddish energy and directs it so that it strikes Martyn in the chest*

Martyn: Hey!*Jumps over it and spreads my leg out so that the beam travels between them. Then, while I am in the air, I throw my sword at you. It glows green and travels at mach 25 and passes through you. The same instant, it travels through you again from the other side and I catch it as I land. 6 streams of life energy are flowing from you to my sword*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Extra
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Extra Maki

Member Seen 8 days ago

Extra said
Wha-!*falls into the pit*

*my hands and feet are glowing red and a crimson flame is lifting me from my feet*
I won't fall that easy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nemeses
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Nemeses Plouton

Member Seen 1 mo ago

LegendBegins said
Can this happen later?

No. Thieves must be executed. All thise who attempt to harbor criminals shall suffer a similar fate. I am not kidding around, here.
Extra said
Wha-!*falls into the pit*

Phh. Too easy.
Valiance said
Martyn: Hey!*Jumps over it and spreads my leg out so that the beam travels between them. Then, while I am in the air, I throw my sword at you. It glows green and travels at mach 25 and passes through you. The same instant, it travels through you again from the other side and I catch it as I land. 6 streams of life energy are flowing from you to my sword*

*Starts feeling weaker*
Okay, you're next. Can't be having you around.
*Appears next to you, punches you in the side, appears on your other side and punches you again, and repeats seven more times before stopping. All if this happens before one can blink, and is done with my hands coated in the translucent energy*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spiritblitz
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Spiritblitz Eclipse

Member Seen 8 days ago

*I fall in the area, weapon drawn*
It seemed like something wasn't right here.
*my face turns red as I notice Lunar*
Hey! It's you!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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Nemeses said
No. Thieves must be executed. All thise who attempt to harbor criminals shall suffer a similar fate. I am not kidding around, here.Phh. Too easy.What?!*Starts feeling weaker*Okay, you're next. Can't be having you around.*Appears next to you, punches you in the side, appears on your other side and punches you again, and repeats seven more times before stopping. All if this happens before one can blink, and is done with my hands coated in the translucent energy*

*Hits you in the back of the head with a frying pan*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Extra
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Extra Maki

Member Seen 8 days ago

Spiritblitz said
*I fall in the area, weapon drawn*It seemed like something wasn't right here.*my face turns red as I notice Lunar*Hey! It's you!

Ah! No!
*quickly lands and sprints off*
I said I'm sorry!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valiance
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Valiance Roland

Member Seen 12 days ago

Nemeses said
No. Thieves must be executed. All thise who attempt to harbor criminals shall suffer a similar fate. I am not kidding around, here.Phh. Too easy.What?!*Starts feeling weaker*Okay, you're next. Can't be having you around.*Appears next to you, punches you in the side, appears on your other side and punches you again, and repeats seven more times before stopping. All if this happens before one can blink, and is done with my hands coated in the translucent energy*

Martyn: *Collapses, drops my stick blade, and the energy stops*
Ridge: You punk Noble!
*Four of me form a perfect circle around you, form massive hammers of white energy, and hit you in the face simultaneously with incredible force*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spiritblitz
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Spiritblitz Eclipse

Member Seen 8 days ago

Extra said
Ah! No! *quickly lands and sprints off*I said I'm sorry!!

Get back here you pervert!! You're going to pay!
*sprints off after him*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

*a man in a high tech armored suit arrives through a portal*
hello all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Extra
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Extra Maki

Member Seen 8 days ago

Spiritblitz said
Get back here you pervert!! You're going to pay!*sprints off after him*

*notices that she's right behind me and I go at a extremely faster pace*
It was an accident! I swear!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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souleaterfan320 said
*a man in a high tech armored suit arrives through a portal*hello all.

We're having a fight!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dedalus


Member Offline since relaunch

-months later-
* The boy and girl have become good friends and she is teaching him how to read every night. Tonight they are reading an old advertisement for Waternaux.*
Frey: And everyone can have their own personal robots, and no one gets sick because they have these pods that you get into and they fix anything!
De: *Rolls onto his back and looks at the ceiling.* I'll bring us there one day. I'll save up my whole life to get us a ticket.
Frey:* her brow creases* What about everyone else?
De: *looks confused* What about them?
Frey: Why can't they go?
De: Well I won't be able to afford for Everyone to go.
Frey: Well, That's not fair.
De: Nothing is.
Frey: *her face is set with determination* Well, I won't go unless everyone can.
De: *shrugs*
Frey:You're supposed to day 'me too'!
De: Grins and shrugs again.*
Frey: * punches him, but she is also trying not to grin.*
-Years later-
*Both De and Frey are laying down on a hill of dirt in the dying sunlight. she draws a symbol on his hand. F+D and above this she draws a circle.*
Frey: Frey and Dedalus forever.
De: * smiles at her* Right, Forever.
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