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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mammalia
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Mammalia Ruby Jean Fitz

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

May i point something basic out?
Humans wrote the bible.
As such, even if god told someone to write it along with what to write, it is very likely that there are human errors, and that something may have be lost in translation.
That being said, there should be some kind of flexibility applied when reading it as it is religious material and not a literal guide on how to live your life. Besides, everyone has a different view on things in life, and that is especially true of the things we read, as words, although descriptive, can have many different meanings, making them imprecise.

That's all i have to say.
If you want to point out something to me, I'll be happy to listen.

Well, under Christian beliefs, there are actually no meaningful human errors in the Bible, because it has been perfectly guided by God over the centuries. Here's the reference verses, if you're curious as to what we believe about the Bible: 2 Timothy 3:16: "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,"

John 17:17: "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth."

2 Peter 1:20-21: "knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. 21 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." (Under the context prophecy means the revelation of the Holy Spirit, who according to other verses is the ultimate source of revelation and interpretation of truth.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji (Endgame Form)

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


He knows what he is doing, and he doesnt care. He wants me to move out and has stated it before.

Basically, the way he views it, he believes that i want to be treated like a child the rest of my life, which is wrong. I dont want to be, and ive talked to him about that several times. Our current bond has broken down and our relationship as father and son has become toxic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mammalia
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Mammalia Ruby Jean Fitz

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


He knows what he is doing, and he doesnt care. He wants me to move out and has stated it before.

Basically, the way he views it, he believes that i want to be treated like a child the rest of my life, which is wrong. I dont want to be, and ive talked to him about that several times. Our current bond has broken down and our relationship as father and son has become toxic.

I understand. But when you tell him you're going to leave, don't be angry. "Do not let the sun set on your anger." As Christians, we're supposed to set an example of love to all people, and though it's hard to love him, you need to make sure that your relationship doesn't end in hate. I'm sure that at heart you have at least some love for your father, and he for you. Let him know that, and then you can be free.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mammalia
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Mammalia Ruby Jean Fitz

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Also, Dark, about the "many meanings" thing, here's my two cents: I've been learning Latin, and I used to wonder why words had so many meanings. Several had over ten. But eventually, I realised that they didn't really have that many meanings--instead, they communicated a concept. Think about the word "perform", which could mean doing something in front of an audience, or just doing a task. But it communicates a general concept that we understand.

Here's a Latin example: ago is a verb which means, among many, many things: "I do, act, make, behave, accomplish, manage, achieve, perform, transact, drive, conduct, push, move, impel, etc." But you can see that there's a pattern, here.

All the words that David said "Tima" meant communicated the same general concept: holding something in proper regard, or, basically, honouring it. When I translate Latin, I don't just choose a meaning willy-nilly, because I don't really need to. And so it is with Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew.

I'm not trying to prolong the argument; I'm just explaining the actual method of translation so you can understand better what exegesis--and, in fact, any translation--really is.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji (Endgame Form)

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I never once said that i hated my father. Hes a great person. He just gets like this a lot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji (Endgame Form)

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Im going to wrap this ic thing up here in a minute, since i do work today
, and i wont be on much this week.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mammalia
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Mammalia Ruby Jean Fitz

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I never once said that i hated my father. Hes a great person. He just gets like this a lot.

That's the perspective I was hoping you had. So talk to him from that perspective.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji (Endgame Form)

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


It doesnt work. Its his way or the hogh way.

He talks to me like im some sort of slave of his.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mammalia
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Mammalia Ruby Jean Fitz

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


It doesnt work. Its his way or the hogh way.

He talks to me like im some sort of slave of his.

That's not what I mean. If you can't convince him to stop, just tell him--not in an angry manner, but gently and firmly--that you are leaving, and why. Where he says "good riddance," tell him "I love you." Where he says "I'm glad," tell him "I'm sorry" (although don't lie about that if you're not actually sorry). That's what I mean.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji (Endgame Form)

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


He wants me to move out.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Efficacy
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Efficacy Bryson

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


He wants me to move out.

Then so be it. My advice still stands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

May i point something basic out?
Humans wrote the bible.
As such, even if god told someone to write it along with what to write, it is very likely that there are human errors, and that something may have be lost in translation.
That being said, there should be some kind of flexibility applied when reading it as it is religious material and not a literal guide on how to live your life. Besides, everyone has a different view on things in life, and that is especially true of the things we read, as words, although descriptive, can have many different meanings, making them imprecise.

That's all i have to say.
If you want to point out something to me, I'll be happy to listen.

If God did tell someone what to write, then there is no reason to believe there are errors. If God is all powerful and all knowing, then there is even less, because he would know how to set up the variables correctly to achieve the results he desired. If you want what Dark said

<Snipped quote by Darlit Glitch>

No but see David and Spirit believe the bible to be completely literal in its entirety.

Here, he's incorrect. But it should be interpreted literally unless there is reason to believe otherwise.

<Snipped quote by Legend>

So did one of the apostles in their sections. Don't remember which. Might have been Luke.

It's a pretty apt parallel.

Not if he's the one who wrote the first howevermuch of the NT.

That's because people know the OT was in all sorts of languages. I'm pointing out to you that, even before the errors into greek, there was translation that allowed for errors. Then again, the stories were heavily altered so they'd be related by the Jews, so... Kinda a moot point to a point.

Okay, dude. The topic is demonology. You're basically saying that no sources means no proof when discussing what happens in Harry Potter. You may as well be saying that I don't have any proof that Dynamo made X because I don't have a link to the post where it was stated.
I don't know how few sources you're getting your "views of historians" on. Probably ones still saying that yoshua's existence isn't contested much? And seriously, the reason people don't debate over stuff like that is because they're fucking historians, not theologians. Theologians have pretty much universally split down the middle on, for example, whether Satan and Lucy are the same person. It generally depends on whether they're christian or not, funnily enough.

Yes, but I'm talking about the parts written first in the NT. The NT wasn't written all at once, and a lot of it came after other bits of it. You're even saying "primarily in greek" because you know that there were other languages used in writing the NT. That fact means that the translation of it matters, just like it matters when talking about the OT.

Another fun thing about sources is that, unlike you, I don't specifically go after sources that share my bias for information. The meaning of Cain's story was by jewish sources and directly opposed the demonology sources I had, yet since it made more sense, I adopted it. You've literally said that if the bible said the earth was flat in blatant terms, you'd believe it over any evidence otherwise. Which is why I specifically avoid that topic anymore, because I don't want to convince you that the earth is fucking flat.

Now kindly, shut the fuck up, because we know how this ends, we know this goes on forever, and we know we're both stubborn enough to keep going so long that we veer off into completely unrelated topics and argue for days or weeks over what could eventually turn into fucking plant science or something else equally unrelated, and we've been really good about not dominating the OOC with long pointless arguments, so

To the first four, we're discussing the NT; the OT is essentially ubiquitously Hebrew. If you want to claim someone made up words, find an example. Burden of truth.

Historians care what the past was, including the documentation of alterations in literature. To use that example, it would be like you saying Harry Potter was originally a Thomas the Tank Engine fan fiction with no legitimate sources to back it up.

I say "primarily in Greek" because I don't know of any books that weren't written in Greek, but I'm not certain that there aren't any. But there literally is no translation issue.

The key is that it doesn't. I don't recall saying this, but it's a hypothetical that means literally nothing. The Bible is either a book of truth or a book of lies, and a hypothetical like that entirely undermines the premise of the debate, making it invalid. You have no sources to back up your argument and I have a plethora peer reviewed documents that I've linked several times.

I wrote this as I went and don't feel like putting all of the effort to waste. Besides, it's a cheap tactic to end it after making all sorts of claims.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji (Endgame Form)

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

^ its amazing that all this started becuase of a statement i made XD its not that serious, guys XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legend
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Member Seen 18 days ago

^ its amazing that all this started becuase of a statement i made XD its not that serious, guys XD

I've done a Psycho-Edge and have gotten no response. It's saddening.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji (Endgame Form)

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Sorry, had to cut it off :(
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Galaxy Raider
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Galaxy Raider Kat

Member Seen 21 min ago

My internet is being doubly bad today. Maybe even triply, actually. It's hard to post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mammalia
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Mammalia Ruby Jean Fitz

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

My internet is being doubly bad today. Maybe even triply, actually. It's hard to post.

No worries.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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Techspert Star

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

My internet is being doubly bad today. Maybe even triply, actually. It's hard to post.

Mine too. Strange.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mammalia
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Mammalia Ruby Jean Fitz

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry, I'm doing something where I have to be gone for quite a bit at a time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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Techspert Star

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Was eating. Back now.
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