Nation ReviewsThis will be linked in the OP for convenience.
Disclaimer: Everything said in this is to be taken in good taste as that is how I meant it
All comments are meant to be positive or else suggestive. If anyone downright fucks up, don’t worry, I’ll tell them. Overall I am very happy with the way things are going so far.
Just remember guys the set date for Sheet completion is the 24th of August, at midnight GMT so that’ll be early evening for those of you in the States for example.
Go team
@Terminal I already discussed a few things with you. Not much more to be said. Great sheet overall presented and written well, as always, and I love the originality of the stoor themselves. Your FTL drive really gave me a nerdgasm. One slight thing; your tech descriptions are very high concept and while I am able to understand it, as would anyone else with an physics background just be prepared to answer any questions from others that may arise in regards to it.
Status: Accepted@Monkeypants First thing is first. The hau is likely the largest empire we have to begin with as far as I can tell; be prepared for the amount of hostility this brings with it.
I’d like more on these so called organic computers? Do you mean literal biological computers, because then they’d just be living beings right? And how are they faster? Everything we know suggests silicon based processing to be more efficient. I’m not saying no, just some more detail on this point would be nice.
With the tachyon beam; I suggest reading up on tachyons a bit more and how they actually would theoretically act. Firing them as a weapon would be hugely energy inefficient. My earlier suggestion of using them within a contained field that matter is dumped into so as to impart impulses onto the matter would work better in my opinion but this is ultimately up to you. ANTIMATTER DEATH RAY
The whole male v female thing is interesting but it seems a little black and white. Actual social networks and systems tend to be far more complex. The whole thing seems a blanketed by stereotypes. Obviously they’re not human so the same things can’t be applied but I think you’ll catch my drift.
Everything else is perfect and it’s overall another great sheet.
Status: Accepted – but I’d appreciate the comments being considered@Kangaroo Some great ideas but I’m not going to say anything for now, I’ll let you work on the sheet and add comments later.
Status: Awaiting Completion.@Theodorable What’s there is all good but as it is yet unfinished I’ll once more reserve any comments for later
Status: Awaiting Completion@Sigma there’s nothing really to go on at the moment. However, I’ve dealt with the federation in the past and know what to expect. Assuming you don’t decide to go bat shit insane anytime soon expect a straight yes once the sheet is done.
Status: Awaiting Completion@Serpentine The sphere looks great so far. Assuming there’s nothing broken in the technology sections, which there won’t be because I trust your knowledge, then you’re in. I’m also finding it less and less jarring that we have so many inorganic races. I mean it’s clearly a natural focal point for tech of any race. Nobody ever complains about too many squishies, so as long as we keep the AIs original they can be as different from each other as any organic and I’m seeing that trend emerge already.
Status: Awaiting Completion.@Darkspleen Well hello there commonwealth and welcome aboard. I can see it is not entirely finished but I’m giving a yes based on what is there trusting you to finish it in due course. I look forward to getting an opportunity to interact with the commonwealth properly this time around.
At first I wasn’t sold on the frozen photon concept. I was a bit ‘hmmm I don’t know about that’ but after a little digging of my own and some rumination it has grown on me in an aesthetic sense and scientific one so that’s no longer a problem
I’ll raise the same queries I raised earlier with monkeypants about organic computers and ask for the same response. It’s something I’ve never put thought into really so I’m looking for light to be shed on it.
Very well produced sheet on the whole
Status: Accepted – minor considerations@Sizzlin Bacon I’m really like the concept but have a few questions: who or what is this Shkar, a race or an individual? Was the interbreeding just with humans or with several species? Are they capable of breeding amongst themselves?
Other than the initial description the sheet is unfinished so I can’t make a decision yet obviously.
Status: Awaiting Completion. @NewSun Man I loved this sheet. Very cool and original to put it simply. At first I was thinking their intelligence was a bit overhyped but with their small population, water restrictions and other factors taken into consideration I began to feel it was appropriate. It's a little dash of biological magic but I'm ok with it's a great concept.
As usual, I've a few questions though. Do they have infrastructure? Buildings, utilities, communication networks etc? Or are they literally each an island of intelligence? If so how are the Cephlonar constructed? Where do the raw goods come from, how are they refined into high tech industrial materials and then assembled? Is it all done by the single individual over a long span of time? Tools and machines would surely be necessary and these would propound some kind of underlying infrastructure.
Food. It sounds silly but how do they feed if in space for extended periods?
The telepathy was a bit of a push at first but it's not really space magic either and it makes sense here.
Also expect a PM soon
Status: Accepted@kyelin another sheet where I very much so enjoyed the basic concept behind it. The asexual all female race had me a little 'eyebrow raised' in scepticism initially but you've made me a believer.
I'd like more info on this harmony concept however. Again I just don't want to fall too far deep into space magic, but I'm assuming it's based within the idea of the nanites and the associated psionics. If so then all is good.
The Govran are a nice idea too. We may use them much later in the RP as an event.
The keep takes up an entire star system? That's massive. As in ridiculously massive. As in you'd need FTL to just reliable travel across it. Or do you just mean it dominated the star system?
I know there's a few bits yet to come but I'm happy to accept the sheet now knowing adjustments can be made :)
Overall another good sheet :)
Status: Accepted.@isotope they remind me so much of a race I created before; also a former hivemind of insects who attained individual sentience. Mine however, brutally overthrew the queens and maintained the hivemind and lived aboard deathstar esque stations. Anywho, enough about that. Great sheet overall. I’m happy with it and enjoyed the collaborated history; it made for interesting reading.
The ships though; I was expecting far more stereotypical insectoid design aesthetics
I look forward to seeing any other additions you may have
Status: Accepted.@duck I’m disregarding the first sheet for now because of the aforementioned issues. What you have so far in the second one seems a-o-k. I’ll as before, reserve final judgement until more of the sheet is present. One thing I will say is maybe just lay it out a little more spaced and formatted. If its easier on the eye the more likely I am to get a nerdgasm over any tech
Status: Awaiting Completetion@Ollumhammersong first things first, consult serp over the human thing if not having done so already. Dibs were made on mankind and I stand by the universal laws of shotgun. I’ll assume you have so. The sheet is fine overall, I like the human separatist vibe going on. Some editing would be nice, there seems to be unnecessary capitalization throughout and just a general formatting edit would make it easier for dissemination of the information for everyone. The actual content is perfect.
Status: Accepted.@Wernher bit on the shortside but that isn’t actually an issue. I would have thought that for a tech focused nation that that section would be rather more extensive. Elaboration is more than welcome. They seem like an antithesis of the Technocracy; wallowing in their own knowledge and scoffing lesser beings and I like it. It shows we can have similar nations in design but different completely in ideal and intent. The sheet is great, and I’ll gladly accept it but would like just a tad more detail on the tech side of things.
Status: Accepted@Abysse at first I was like
Then I was like
And finally
Love the concept of ‘The End’ it’s great and a nice twist on classic ascension based religious beliefs.
I’m assuming the sheet isn’t complete but I’m liking it so far.
Much like I said to NewSun, I was initially against the actual race being so powerful but when they are essentially the race and tech rolled into one it makes perfect sense, if you know what I mean.
I look forward to the rest.