I can't wait to see what the daemon is going to be xD.
Marx said
A viking seizes all that is before him! And points to you for knowing Vinland Saga.
Vicier said
Bonus points for using a community gif of abed and troy
Vicier said
I just had an idea for the roleplay thanks to this little conversation about a point system, it eould help with giving jobs to the students! Thanks guys!
Vicier said
I just had an idea for the roleplay thanks to this little conversation about a point system, it eould help with giving jobs to the students! Thanks guys!
Kush said
Do I get more bonus points for this?
Aristo said
What's the difference between 'combat' and 'weaponry?' I'd assume a combat class would cover certain kinds of weaponry by default. After all, you don't take a class for sculpting and then another for hammers and chisels.
Aristo said
Ooh, didn't catch that till now. What would you say to a sixth-year mentor-kind of figure to the group?