Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

As it says on the tin. Whether they were all-out pathological villains or were unfortunate folks that had no choice but to make sadistic choices, what are the most morally depraved things you've written for characters you've RPed?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 17 days ago

I believe the most fucked up character I had the pleasure of playing would be a man named Lao La Lugara whom was a mobile suit pilot who was a full on sociopath. Abused by his only known family and used as a child soldier Lao later defected from his men after killing one of his two partners. He would take out his full rage out on innocents and children and deliberately prolong a war just to feed his sick twisted sense of being. He is only alive so much as he keeps fighting without it he'd have no idea what to do. He was also, not by choice, a drugged up as well.

The others I can't explain in more detail are doctors whom experiment on anyone in order to further their research even children/unwilling patients and use drugs and or magical machines to force them into their services.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I wouldn't want to fuck with Lao.

I'm tempted to know more about what these doctors did. PM me, unless you don't want to talk about it further.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dracogenius
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Dracogenius Legendary Creature / Dragon Wizard

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Hael is a dick."

So I don't know where to begin with Hael because when I think of this platinum blonde angel of green eyes, I think, "Hey, what an angel!" But nope, just nope. Nope that is so wrong beyond this world. No one can tell me otherwise that Hael is a sweetheart I mean. Originally, Hael wasn't even mine. He was just an all-about-justice angel. He was supposed to be that and only that, but once he fell to my ownership thanks to friend being like, "Hey! Yeah, I won't be using him anymore, so here, have fun with him for you and your friend's role-plays!". I kinda snapped him in half and went, "Nope." Like, ugh, it makes me MAD to think about all the crap he's done and to think he is still an angel in this universe. I don't know where the hell he goes once he leaves, but it better not be back to Heaven, or I'm like "God, how are you still an angel." Rhetorical, too. And I can't even type properly it makes me so angry and frustrated to even think about his existence and ugh okay -- I haven't even started how much of a plain old butt-wipe he is like.

I made him this way. -sobs into hands-

I decided to put everything as to why this thread reminded me of him out because well... he makes me really mad, and really ramble, and a bit of it mentions blood, references non-consensual, and in general has a lot of caps while I tried to limit the language.

Ugh. He makes me so mad. Puts a fire in my heart when I mention him. But I love him anyways. I hate him, but I love him. No. I take that back.

I love him, but I hate him more.

edit :: "But Draco, what about that ramble thing you mentioned?" "I saved it because it amuses me. I did not post it because of reasons above. If you're really curious though, you can get your free copy by messaging me, or allowing me to put it in a spoiler, but um... The first would be better."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The most deplorable character we've written was probably one that could easily justify rape and enslavement. A rather interesting fellow. The hardest bit in writing it was in trying to learn how such a person would think. Despite him being very much deplorable, he was also one of the better characters we've ever written. He had that spark so many characters lack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

A pedophiliac, manic-obsessive sycophant whose admirable level of power results only in his further descent into madness when it doesn't get him the things he wants. He sees other people as nothing more than pets at best, toys at worst, things to use to make himself feel better because at his core he's a demented, tortured soul that never really grew out of childhood... And because of that he's one of the most capricious, cunning, devious, twisted characters I've ever played as a GM.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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A person made from sociopaths, sadists, chain-smokers, serial killers, all of that, just smashed into one being. Literally made from evil.

Fuuuck I remember that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Does playing marionette with children to kill their loved ones while they're aware of everything they're doing but unable to stop it count as evil? I think it does.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That'd probably be the pedophile I made for a Game of Thrones RP. He was an old man, a lord of some house (there were a couple versions of him in different games, different houses) and had been molested by his own father repeatedly, then went on to continue the fucked up cycle. His one sort of redeeming point was that he never ever touched his own kids because he didn't want to make them like him. Dude hired depraved thugs to be his child snatchers, and they'd kill the kids and dispose of them when he was done with them. I made a rough calculations of how many children (mostly boys) he got his hands on, and I believe it was something like 80. So far as anyone but his thugs knew, he was just a super nice old grandfatherly type guy who everyone loved and thought the world of, which made his dark secret that much more disturbing.

The most I ever wrote about him past a character sheet was an introductory scene, where he was waiting in his creepy dungeon and had a kid brought to him. The only actual shown contact was him putting a hand on the boy's shoulder, but with all the implications and the thoughts running through his head... Quite a few people were very disgruntled with me for making that character.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Now that some folks have shared theirs, I may as well share some of mine.

One character I've played in a zombie RP was this 20-something year old British lowlife. He was an alcoholic, made awkward passes at women, and liked to talk about his deviant sexual fantasies and party experiences. He was also next to useless against zombies, and one of the last posts I made with him involving him playing with himself instead of fighting off a horde of zombies like the rest of his team.

Another was this tall bearded 18 year old with the mentality of a socially inept 9-year old. He was the first character I ever RPed on the RP Guild back when I joined last year. He was incapable of functioning as a reliable member of the team, and he attempted to kill himself right before he got eaten alive by a pack of feral dogs.

The character in my avatar, who is pretty much my online persona and whose first name is my username here, is a character I've been thinking of RPing here. He'd definitely fit the bill for being a morally depraved character, but I haven't the courage to RP him here because of the more raunchy elements I've incorporated into his character.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The absolute worst character I've ever had, wasn't actual essential to any kind of roleplay plot line, or development. No, the most disturbing part is that this twisted wretch came from the bowels of my own mind, because I was writing a story.

For my senior class in high school. I never once thought about writing that because it would be fun to disturb my teacher, I feel I was a pretty good student. (Because I wasn't stupid enough to get caught being stupid) No, I thought it would be 'fun', and 'interesting'. Six pages in I realized how far I was gone into his character base, and I was much to deep to just quit. Not that I couldn't, I had plenty of time. I just didn't want to.

Many of his scenes were faded out implications, the thoughts of which twisted many a person's face into something akin to grotesque horror and imaginative agony. Especially so for the "flesh-hooked angels" scene, which made baby stomping look like a fun happy sport for the entire family to enjoy. Oh, it was bad. It was so bad not only did I get an 'A+' for creative writing, they also tried to put me in therapy. Apparently it gave my English teacher nightmares. She said, and I quote:

"I have read some awful things being a teacher here, but this, this is.... May the lord guide you mi hijo"

What was this terrible man's name? Gordon. Doesn't the name just sound sinister?

Is there something wrong with me? Probably, but I'd rather embrace it because it's hard to run from six legged flying demons of terror, or something like that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nice one, Aeonumbra... Must've been pretty detailed for them to consider therapy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Aeonumbra, do you still have that story lying around? Because I want to read it now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Hm, Daniel Saddler, in a post apocalyptic game that had 40's level tech and magic. Daniel happened to be born with one of those gene defects that meant he couldn't feel pain. This ended up with him becoming a serial killer who was banished from his village for torturing people to death, and forced to wander, doing odd jobs. Said torture was experiments with unwilling subjects to understand the human body, what it was capable, and what the concept of 'pain' was. He then took it into biological sciences to make drugs and stuff.

Otherwise a very cultured individual, if it weren't for the kidnapping, brutal experiments, and desire to make the next stage of humanity with 'ends justify the means' logic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wayne said
Aeonumbra, do you still have that story lying around? Because I want to read it now.

This. If it's too graphic, you can just PM.

I don't have any evil characters, just one for a parody RP that never took off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 17 days ago

Well to reply to Wayne's comment about Lao. I really just barely scratched how fucked up Lao is mentally to be honest. Think of him as a crazed teenager war survivor whom is able to murder friends and family and or mentally screw with them just to justify his own existence and or 'pay them back by letting them live' just to let them suffer some more. I don't want to over blow Lao however as he is essentially a expy of Rau Le Cruset expect much more childish and where Rau is able to put up a good disguise for his madness Lao openly displays it in his doings which makes even his own soldiers afraid to serve under the man.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by idlehands
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idlehands heartless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jorick said That'd probably be the pedophile I made for a Game of Thrones RP. He was an old man, a lord of some house (there were a couple versions of him in different games, different houses) and had been molested by his own father repeatedly, then went on to continue the fucked up cycle. His one sort of redeeming point was that he never ever touched his own kids because he didn't want to make them like him. Dude hired depraved thugs to be his child snatchers, and they'd kill the kids and dispose of them when he was done with them. I made a rough calculations of how many children (mostly boys) he got his hands on, and I believe it was something like 80. So far as anyone but his thugs knew, he was just a super nice old grandfatherly type guy who everyone loved and thought the world of, which made his dark secret that much more disturbing.

The most I ever wrote about him past a character sheet was an introductory scene, where he was waiting in his creepy dungeon and had a kid brought to him. The only actual shown contact was him putting a hand on the boy's shoulder, but with all the implications and the thoughts running through his head... Quite a few people were very disgruntled with me for making that character.

That reminds me of Gilles de Rais. Sounds like a horrible but interesting character, I'm pretty sure people were uncomfortable with that guy.

As for mine, I'll have to give it some thought. I've never created a really evil person outside some throwaway bad guys. At the worst, my main characters were morally ambigious and did things in modern eyes would be considered pretty bad but in historical context it was pretty much normal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I once played a really shitty conman.

In a dystopian society, there was a resistance. The resistance required weapons. My character, whose name I forget, was an arms dealer. Mr. Arms Dealer sold them broken and shoddy goods (making himself an appallingly wealthy man), and generally sabotaged them at every opportunity just so he could sell them more.

He was doing this completely openly, because the dystopian society knew he was draining the resistance's resources and the resistance had nobody else to turn to.

He pales in comparison to the monsters in this thread, but maybe I'm such an angel I can't write people that appalling... :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Hah, don't push yourself to write worse characters if you don't want. That arms dealer dude sounds like enough of a douchebag to be worth mentioning in this thread.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 17 days ago

I actually remembered a mentally defunct demi-god child of Juno of Rome who controlled monsters and ordered a son of Hephestus taken and thrown off a cliff after busting him over the head with a weapon. Does that count as evil? It's mostly because you know he was raised by literal monsters.

Edit: Did I forget to mention that his literal name that he called himself by was 'Anthrax'
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