Hey folks! I've been investing a bit of time in Fantasy Flight's X-Wing Miniatures game, which has prompted the idea for a Star Wars RP. Specifically, one centered around an elite squadron of Imperial pilots - something like an Imperial counterpart to Rogue Squadron with inspiration taken from Soontir Fel's 181st. Our squadron is one of six stationed aboard the Star Destroyer Trinity, which together form the lauded 62nd Imperial Fighter Wing. In regards to canon, the missions and battles we're involved in will be entirely non-canon, save, maybe for a few significant operations. I've not determined how much the EU will play in this, although most starfighters found in EU may be found here as well.
What I ask of you folks is no more than twelve - with a minimum of three - quality RPers - those involved will become a dedicated, tight-knit fighting force, and I'd like to see a fair amount of space-opera drama to complement the action. I'll leave the character development to you, but as the RP progresses, we'll be living, eating, sleeping and fighting together. There'll be obstacles to overcome and puzzles to solve, each challenge reinforcing the bond of the squadron.
With all that said, there are some options to work out:
-The RP can potentially take place in the Galactic Civil War era up to the New Republic era. That could mean anytime from before the Battle of Yavin to post-Endor, with the fracturing Imperial Remnant. Do you have any preference where we start in the timeline?
-Which TIE models would you like to fly? Since EU craft are present, we could be flying anything from regular TIE/LNs to TIE/IN interceptors, TIE Advanced / Avengers, TIE Defenders, and so on. As we're an elite unit, I'd be inclined to pick among the more advanced models, or at least work our way up. I feel TIE Bombers would be a bit inflexible for our purposes, and as much as I like TIE Phantoms, they were two-seaters, and we'd have to work out some kind of compromise for them.
All that said, any questions? I'm pretty excited to get this on the road, and work with you guys to make it an RP worth playing.