Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Working on Kheris now, and as Ellri said I should let other people in on the Dynasty. If anyone wants to be a major player in it there are four other Gods available.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Same goes for the Empire. We'll gladly have people take on major roles there too. Just not the Empress, we have plans for her later.

No single major faction should be reliant upon just one or two players doing everything lore-wise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Please be aware I am likely to refine this history at some point.

Name: Kheris(The Pharaoh)

Age: Somewhere between Five and Six Hundred

Gender: Male

Relic Description: The Relic is the Ankh that has been embedded in his skin. His relic differs from most others, while holds similarity to others. His relic does not so much grant him abilities as it does unlock his upper brain functions, and allows him to see the energy from which the universe is made. Using this his power is understanding, viewing other relics in use or studying the actual item he can figure out new powers and abilities to his arsenal which makes him uniquely dangerous. However there is a major downside, the Relic only had enough energy in it for very few tasks so Kheris must obtain the energy from other living beings, most primarily humans. This process takes several minutes to drain it from an individual and only from direct physical contact. Once this energy is in the relic it can either be stored or used.

One of the primary tasks he preforms with his relic is to keep the top part of the Pyramid afloat (now and then in a show off power) and to keep himself and the other major Gods of the Dynasty immortal. If he were to run out of energy his body would burn out and the other four would become mortal once more and thus more easily killed. If he were allowed to store up enough energy, one human sacrifice per day his power would grow exponentially, however as it stands he only has roughly one hundred years of accumulated power, which while enough for a major act (Conquering a city, wiping out an army) this will drain his power and he will need to start from scratch.

Basically what this means is if he opens his can of whoop ass that is it gone for the entire RP. He'll still be powerful if you face him but not as powerful.as he would be.

Skills: Understanding how to motivate/rule populace. Ancient Combat methods.

Background: It isn't known where Kheris came from, or what he was before. Or even where he found the Relic, or how much of his history is truth. The Legends tell of a plague that swept through what is now Niwey Em Netjer, the waters were black with poison and no crops would grow in the farm land outside the city and throughout the lands. Then one day a bright light appeared in the sky and five figures could be seen: Kheris, Numiel, Nuriel, Krig and Mareth. They descended one by one, the inhabitants not having a good history with people who seemed to wield power of the Gods, who Kheris later informed them were demons who escaped Mareths grasp in the underworld, attempted to attack simply to die with no visible reason. Kheris promised that him and the other were good gods, here to deliver them from the plight that they had suffered. All that was required was devotion to them.

The King, at this point desperate agreed to the terms. Numiel merely touched the ground and sent a cleansing wave through it. Crops grew bigger and healthier than ever and the water became purer than it had ever been. This was when the First Dynasty of Kheris began. Over the years it grew into the area it is today, several skirmishes were had against its biggest neighbour the Kalesian Empire however a bloody stalemate was always the result and as such both sides haven't waged war in centuries. The system of government now throughout the Dynasty has been the same for the past two hundred years, its infrastructure however has made it an economic giant with barge systems managing to transport goods faster than on land. Kheris himself rules from the Capital of Niwey Em Netjer. only visited by the Gods themselves and the demons who escape Mareths grasp. Though twice a year he leaves and walks the streets of every town in the land, meeting with the people and ensuring that his realm is safe.

Occasionally people are taken to him who do not return, it is said that those become his Guardians who protect the realm from demons escaping the Underworld. However Kheris himself has never spoken on the subject.


Motivation: The accumulation of more power.

Theme Song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aES1LLnRwMY]Url[/url]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm still working on the smaller bits of the Empire Ellri, sorry that it's taking so long :\ I've got two finished, should I sent those to you or do you prefer to criticize the whole bunch in one go?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I wouldn't mind seeing what you've got now Alida.

One thing I would rather like, not sure if you'd be interested, is a political rival of some sort in Amaryth. Could be a native Othean or a Kalesian (or maybe even the Da-hyunin folks that were there already I think?), I don't mind. Generally more people in Amaryth really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

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There are still two Da-Hyunin in Amartyh, yeah. They held a really prominent position back home, but seeing how the chances aren't all that big that they'll ever get back, I'd say they will try their best to gain influence amongst the invaders. However, I'm not that good with political intrigues, so if anyone wants to take them over, go ahead :)

Also, I worked them out on paper so it'll take me some time to type it out (and I'll have some lunch first since I'm practically starving xD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Looking forward to seeing what you've come up with, Alida.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Why wouldn't we let the foreign dignitaries leave should they desire to? Wouldn't want to provoke the Da-Hyun by imposing on their representatives.

Of course, if I were those erstwhile ambassadors, I'd seize on the chance to create diplomatic relations with the invaders (and probably more importantly, learn as much as I could about them. Like, say, if they are a threat.)

While I cant say I am a master of this particular area (political machination), Alessia being something of a departure from my usually more combat oriented characters, I am also no stranger to plotting... Take that as you will.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Very true, but I suppose they'll at the very least stay a while to do the things you said before returning and reporting back to Jok Lu (the High Saeng/High King of Da-Hyun).
And seeing as one of them is very ambitious indeed and doesn't have a wife nor children to return to, he might want to settle in the city more permanently. After all, since they will never sure how long it will be untill the next asassination in Da-Hyun, it won't be such a bad idea to stay away from those intrigues for a while.

But all of that will of course depend on the events that will take place in the future.

Okay then! Glad to see I'm not the only one with a lack of experience on that field haha. I might ask you for help in the future Echo, but I'll try to do the best I can of course ;3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalesian lore is starting to shape up now...

Your stuff so far gave us some excellent ideas, Alida.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maki Casanova

Maki Casanova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I think you guys missed my question. Can't really finish my CS without your input, so..

"So basically, what are his limits when it comes to sound manipulation? He can't control the volume of sounds anymore, is that what you are saying? Or that he can control the volume of a sound source, but other sounds are still going to disrupt his focus, so it messes him up, right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Okay, so I've decided to completely scrape the old idea and use a different character / power.

Would casting simple illusions (by manipulating light) be an acceptable power?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Ink-berry said
Okay, so I've decided to completely scrape the old idea and use a different character / power.Would casting simple illusions (by manipulating light) be an acceptable power?

I presume so as there are several characters with similar, not exactly the same, similar concepts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Controlling how much noise sound sources makes is fairly implausible. Unless you can magic forth cushioning/amplifiers, that is. But that would fit in under air magic more than sound.

It would make sense for him to be able to focus on certain sound frequencies, but even with excellent focus on a certain frequency, a loud noise on another frequency would be disruptive.

We recommend that the relic somehow helps him provide with a secondary source of sound to be used for echolocation. Probably in the ultrasound ranges.

Also, later if you want to have the power expand to be more powerful, perhaps have him get understanding of resonances in materials (like singing to make glass vibrate until it breaks. That'll allow you to use sound as a full-scale weapon.

@Ink Berry: Illusion is a field of magic that has very dangerous potential if used right. Alone its dangerous. Together with more offensive magic, its extremely dangerous. Maybe expand to also illusions into smell and such?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maki Casanova

Maki Casanova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I don't know how amplifying or cushioning a sound source falls more under air magic than it does the ability to manipulate sound itself. o_O

As for the rest of your post though, I get my powers' boundaries now. However, have you played the game Skyrim? If not, the main character has this thing called "Shouts": if s/he shouts a certain word or groups of words, it can create various effects such as breathing out fire or an icy blast. I was wondering if that would be out of the realm of my character, to bellow a powerful sound blast, low in frequency. Of course, this would have drawbacks to him as well, as he can become disorientated after using it because of his sensitivity to sound. He also cannot use in closed spaces, as that actually guarantees disorientation and possibly, massive headaches.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Maki Casanova said
I don't know how amplifying or cushioning a sound source falls more under air magic than it does the ability to manipulate sound itself. o_OAs for the rest of your post though, I get my powers' boundaries now. However, have you played the game Skyrim? If not, the main character has this thing called "Shouts": if s/he shouts a certain word or groups of words, it can create various effects such as breathing out fire or an icy blast. I was wondering if that would be out of the realm of my character, to bellow a powerful sound blast, low in frequency. Of course, this would have drawbacks to him as well, as he can become disorientated after using it because of his sensitivity to sound. He also cannot use in closed spaces, as that actually guarantees disorientation and possibly, massive headaches.

Well actually Ellri I think he could soften sounds but only by interfering with it by creating his own sounds, cancelling the wave out so to speak. Also Maki its basically the concept that you just focus on a sound and it goes quieter or louder, does that happen for everyone? Is it just in your brain? Are you modifying what is making the sound? modifying the sound waves? Creating your own sound waves to interfere? modifying your own body?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Good point. We wrote last post over two rounds. The last idea came long after we wrote the first stuff. Sending out cancelling noise could work. But there's still the problem with unexpected loud noises.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maki Casanova

Maki Casanova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He makes ACTUAL sounds louder or quieter, but only those he focuses on. He doesn't manipulate perceptions, he manipulates the sound waves itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

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Maki Casanova said
He makes ACTUAL sounds louder or quieter, but only those he focuses on. He doesn't manipulate perceptions, he manipulates the sound waves itself.

So, air?

Anyway, I've decided upon my ultimate goal; The obliteration of Kalesia. Because I take

"May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever. May she live forever."

As a challenge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Theoretically I guess it is possible as sound waves are just another form of energy that you could then manipulate...I personally don't see the point in it myself but that is just me.
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