Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Dipper User# 37

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So, just wondering if you guys have heard about Zoe Quinn's game and the drama surrounding it... I'm trying to learn about it, but it seems like Zoe and her people are actively censoring the facts about it. Maybe one of you amazing people can explain what happened to me, in an unbias way?

What I know: She apparently slept with five men to get her game greenlit on steam, someone from cwcchan made two posts on wizardchan about her, then linked her to them. She spread her Doxx on Tumblr, but they turned out to be fake, and apparently she's acting like she wasn't to blame for cheating on her boyfriend with married men, and people such as that french dude that made Fez are defending her against all critics.

How much of what I "know" is total bullshit? How much is true?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by aza

aza Artichokes

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All of it is bullshit allegations that we have no real reason to believe without facts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Azarthes said
All of it is bullshit allegations that we have no real reason to believe without facts.

True, but when has that ever stopped us from throwing our own two cents in?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Wow thats Crazy i literally just watched a video about this!

If you want to learn more I recommend you watch the video about it by "InternetAristocrat" and another one from MrRepzion. Then again Azarthes is right most of it is just allegations which we cant really prove.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Went through some videos, will have to go through the boyfriend's post when I have more time.

But this is just ridiculous, it not only glaringly highlights the double standard the gaming community is growing in terms of men and women, but it also addresses how broken/corrupt game journalism is becoming. Not mention this seems to be completely destroying the poor guy who used to go out with her.

Though I do need to make one possibly unpopular criticism here, her whole issue with the Wizard site just looks like a fight between two evils. Zoe Quinn has been more than proven using sex (and destroying relationships) to gain success, attention and oppress those who call her out on it. But that Wizard's seems to advertise themselves as a place exclusively for male virgins... Non-virgins or Girls aren't even allowed to join. I really can't blame anyone for taking issues or calling out a site/community that would discriminate and segregate people in such a way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Magic Magnum said
Went through some videos, will have to go through the boyfriend's post when I have more time.But this is just ridiculous, it not only glaringly highlights the double standard the gaming community is growing in terms of men and women, but it also addresses how broken/corrupt game journalism is becoming. Not mention this seems to be completely destroying the poor guy who used to go out with her.Though I do need to make one possibly unpopular criticism here, her whole issue with the Wizard site just looks like a fight between two evils. Zoe Quinn has been more than proven using sex (and destroying relationships) to gain success, attention and oppress those who call her out on it. But that Wizard's seems to advertise themselves as a place exclusively for male virgins... Non-virgins or Girls aren't even allowed to join. I really can't blame anyone for taking issues or calling out a site/community that would discriminate and segregate people in such a way.

Wizards are a group of people exactly like Christian Weston Chandler - A group of asspie virgins who wallow in self pity and basement dwelling, complining about how no one wants to fuck them. What would you expect from them?

At the same time, no one would dare say anything about a group of fat autistic losers who live with their parents and leech off of society if they were female, because you'd be called sexist. So I see the Wizards as an easy target. VERY easy target.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Dipper said
Wizards are a group of people exactly like Christian Weston Chandler - A group of asspie virgins who wallow in self pity and basement dwelling, complining about how no one wants to fuck them. What would you expect from them?At the same time, no one would dare say anything about a group of fat autistic losers who live with their parents and leech off of society if they were female, because you'd be called sexist. So I see the Wizards as an easy target. VERY easy target.

You know what?

I admit that I know very little about gaming and absolutely nothing about the subject of this debate, and I was only reading this thread because I can't sleep and mindlessly browsing forums tends to help me with that issue - so I'm not going to comment too extensively about the subject of this debate, which I apologize for. Ordinarily, I tend not to comment on threads that I only read to lull myself to sleep.

However, after reading this post, I really do feel the need to say that "autistic" is not an insult.

I don't care who the fuck these Wizards people are. They could be the biggest assholes on the planet for all I know. But "autistic" is certainly not synonymous with "stupid" or "idiotic" or whatever you're trying to use the word as. Really it's just offensive to autistic people. Tbh I feel the same way about using words like "retarded" and "gay" as insults but those words are so {unfortunately} ingrained into the public conscience as such that I usually don't throw a fit every time I see someone throwing them around. But "autistic"? Do people actually say that? Are you just picking up on what you've been hearing other people say or did you make up that one yourself?

Because if you think that every autistic person is a basement-dwelling loser who wallows in self-pity for attention then you are so, so horribly misinformed. There are plenty of perfectly nice "aspies" out there - especially here on the Guild, where some of them even make very well-made arguments in the Off Topic section containing points you agree with. So stop using that word that way - because it just makes you look like, ironically, your own definition of autistic.

And if you manage to spread it around enough that "autistic" becomes the new "retarded" then I am sorry for autistic people everywhere on your behalf.

I apologize again for de-railing this thread. That post just rubbed me the wrong way. Badly. And I felt I needed to say something. Sorry again. Carry on, everyone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Dipper User# 37

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Kaga said
You know what?I admit that I know very little about gaming and absolutely nothing about the subject of this debate, and I was only reading this thread because I can't sleep and mindlessly browsing forums tends to help me with that issue - so I'm not going to comment too extensively about the subject of this debate, which I apologize for. Ordinarily, I tend not to comment on threads that I only read to lull myself to sleep.However, after reading this post, I really do feel the need to say that "autistic" . I don't care who the fuck these Wizards people are. They could be the biggest assholes on the planet for all I know. But "autistic" is not synonymous with "stupid" or "idiotic" or whatever you're trying to use the word as. Really it's just offensive to autistic people. Tbh I feel the same way about using words like "retarded" and "gay" as insults but those words are so {unfortunately} ingrained into the public conscience as such that I usually don't throw a fit every time I see someone throwing them around. But "autistic"? Do people actually say that? Are you just picking up on what you've been hearing other people say or did you make up that one yourself?Because if you think that every autistic person is a basement-dwelling loser who wallows in self-pity for attention then you are so, so horribly misinformed. There are plenty of perfectly nice "aspies" out there - especially here on the Guild, . So stop using that word that way - because it just makes look like, ironically, your own definition of autistic.And if you manage to spread it around enough that "autistic" becomes the new "retarded" then I am sorry for autistic people everywhere on your behalf. I apologize again for de-railing this thread. That post just rubbed me the wrong way. Badly. And I felt I needed to say something. Sorry again. Carry on, everyone.

Ironically, I do have autism.

I have PDDNOS, and I'm quite aware not all of us are basement dwelling freaks. And I've done research on Wizadchan - even visited it to see what it is like... and a lot of them have autism, and act like autism is an excuse for how they act. (No job. Welfare for their 'disability'. Claiming people owe THEM a living, etc.) Not all autistics are like that, but the loudest brings the most attention, you know? That's why I used the term asspie, to illustrate the negative connotations of the term. (Using A-Word privileges, basically.)

I was saying that autistic people are east targets because how they, or, rather, us, tend to act. Sorry that I did not clarify what I meant.

Also, in a way, I was trying to defend the Wizards... By mocking them. It... Made sense at the time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

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Dipper said
Ironically, I do have autism.I have PDDNOS, and I'm quite aware not all of us are basement dwelling freaks. And I've done research on Wizadchan - even visited it to see what it is like... and a lot of them have autism, and act like autism is an excuse for how they act. (No job. Welfare for their 'disability'. Claiming people owe THEM a living, etc.) Not all autistics are like that, but the loudest brings the most attention, you know? That's why I used the term asspie, to illustrate the negative connotations of the term. (Using A-Word privileges, basically.)I was saying that autistic people are east targets because how they, or, rather, us, tend to act. Sorry that I did not clarify what I meant.Also, in a way, I was trying to defend the Wizards... By mocking them. It... Made sense at the time.

Oh, sorry.

I was rather sleep-deprived when I posted that. My bad. :I

Still, you should probably be more careful next time. That wasn't hard to misinterpret as something way worse than it was meant to be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

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Dipper said Wizards are a group of people exactly like Christian Weston Chandler - A group of asspie virgins who wallow in self pity and basement dwelling, complining about how no one wants to fuck them. What would you expect from them?At the same time, no one would dare say anything about a group of fat autistic losers who live with their parents and leech off of society if they were female, because you'd be called sexist. So I see the Wizards as an easy target. VERY easy target.

I'm not surprised they were called out at all, they are a very easy target. Both in regards to it'd be rather easy to make them snap, and they are actually doing things that would be fair grounds to call them sexist over.

I was really just saying their fight with Quinn was more two evil's fighting each other. I care a good amount about how Quinn is hurting people's freedom of speech, and hurting the game industry in general, I don't care so much about how she's pissing off a community of sexists.

Kaga said -Trigger having been triggered-

Speaking as someone with Autism, I knew exactly what Dipper meant and did not take any offense to it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gekidami
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Probably the two best videos about this situation:

It really doesnt paint a pretty picture of video game journalism.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Video game Journalism and Feminist Double Standards are starting to really hurt the game Industry. >.<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Magic Magnum said
Video game Journalism and Feminist Double Standards are starting to really hurt the game Industry. >.<

Gaming journalism as a whole sucks.

I recall reading a bit from a guy from Reuters who was looking into the credentials of gaming journalism stuff to include in their RSS Feed or some such as a niche thing. Reuters has a test they have to perform on someone to qualify for association. Out of a hundred points you have to score "at least" a 60. Most affiliated with them score well-above.

Test is designed to look at how many people of another company's staff they wish to work with have actual journalism degrees, if they're bribed by out-of-industry folks to say something they want them to say, editorial credentials, and so on. Of all of these the Gaming Journalist groups scored consistent zeroes. Evidently, they were all lucky to get anything higher than a 15. By comparison The World News and some tabloids average out at a 30 on their test, and Fox I think got a 40.

So Gaming Journalism just leaving a black mark? Oh God no, it's been doing that for a while. It's nothing new.

But at least Vivian James is here to save us.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Dinh AaronMk said
But at least Vivian James is here to save us.

Not anymore. It seems Zoe's lackies hacked the charity in an attempt to stop 4chan from looking better than Zoe. Also they capitalized /v/, making it a /V/ - Something Phil Fish did.

Oh, and it also appears that Zoe Quinn used to run hackathons, and would know people who can hack.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

My analysis -- I never heard of Zoe Quinn until this shitstorm broke out so, by internet rules, I think she's been sleeping with her detractors in order to raise my awareness of her existence.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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I think it's that Journalists are constantly seen as just opinion pieces, so trying to remain neutral/honest isn't as big as a demand as it is for mainstream media. Especially when for something like Video Games which the majority of people (wrongfully) see as just something for kids.

And yea, Phil Fish definitely staged the hack, all the sloppy work points directly at it. I get it Phil, you have Depression. That doesn't give you an excuse to frame people, defend corruption, get money or discourage people from following their dreams.

As for this charity sabotage? Can someone link me to something of this? I didn't hear about this at all until now... But given what Zoe's already done I don't have trouble believing it in the slightest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Dipper User# 37

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Magic Magnum said
I think it's that Journalists are constantly seen as just opinion pieces, so trying to remain neutral/honest isn't as big as a demand as it is for mainstream media. Especially when for something like Video Games which the majority of people (wrongfully) see as just something for kids.And yea, Phil Fish definitely staged the hack, all the sloppy work points directly at it. I get it Phil, you have Depression. That doesn't give you an excuse to frame people, defend corruption, get money or discourage people from following their dreams.As for this charity sabotage? Can someone link me to something of this? I didn't hear about this at all until now... But given what Zoe's already done I don't have trouble believing it in the slightest.

Hacked charity/2nd wave feminist gamejamish fundraiser (that is a rival of RebelGameJam, zoe's own game jam that she used to take down TheFineYoungCapitalist (the second wave feminist gamejam/mother of Vivian James) with /V/ capitalization, JUST LIKE PHIL.

The group's tumblr post about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

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Oh god damn it! >.<

They are shutting down a charity for 'harrassing' Zoe when it was FUCKING PHIL FISH WHO DID THE HACK!!!

*Deep Breath*

I should calm down... Angry Feminist trying to demonize video games is one thing, Journalist not being honest is also one thing. But shutting down honest and hard working charities due to personal grudges?

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Dipper User# 37

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Magic Magnum said
Oh god damn it! >.<They are shutting down a charity for 'harrassing' Zoe when it was FUCKING PHIL FISH WHO DID THE HACK!!!*Deep Breath*I should calm down... Angry Feminist trying to demonize video games is one thing, Journalist not being honest is also one thing. But shutting down honest and hard working charities due to personal grudges?YOU! DO! NOT! DO! THAT!


I'm not joking when I say that Zoe and Phil, and all the other SJW fuckers need to be completly and utterly destroyed. Spread the word to everywhere you can, man.

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