Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luminance
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Luminance A light in the dark

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Location: FairyTail Guild - Magnolia - Fiore - EarthLand

It was dead quiet in the guild building not just because it was not yet 7 o’clock but because today was Monday, the day when a representative of the Magic Council made their weekly visit to make sure things are running smoothly. While the majority of guild members would rather not come in at all, the presence of everyone was compulsory and even documented. If someone was missing after 10 o’clock then they were found and disciplined for their act of insubordination. Punishments varied depending on the reason for absence and are thus classified into differing levels of severity. The lowest being a strike against a mages name and the highest being where magic is stripped from a mage for a week using a bracelet of Magic Sealing Stones.

While the guild was in silence it was not entirely empty, a few mages were already present. One mage in particular, a Lola Joyrani, was this early for a very specific reason. The Magic Council representative placed new jobs on the request board every Monday and while they tried to make it as sporadic as possible, Lola who had observed this action for the last 13 years has managed to pick up a pattern and knew for a fact that today, the new jobs would be placed on the request board at exactly five past seven.This left her with 20 minutes to read another chapter of her book, ‘How trains work,’ it wasn’t everyones cup of tea, but Lola found it absolutely riveting.

Taking a seat at a table closest to the Request board, Lola used her Requip magic and the book suddenly appeared in the table right in front of her with a puff of smoke. The tactic of reading was secretly a diversion for what she was planning. Since she had a rent payment due in the next few days, Lola needed a job that was well paying and the only way to get such a thing was to be the first person, otherwise all that would be left are the jobs paying under 100 Jewels for doing what was considered to be no less than house work.

Shivering almost involuntarily at the thought, Lola opened her book and began reading, instantly becoming enraptured by the words on the pages. Unfortunately, not even a page into the new chapter, the doors of the guild burst open and with a startled jump in her spot, Lola looked up to see another guild member.

“G-good morning!” She called out with a smile and the slightest of stutters and waved a hand in greeting. If she didn’t say good morning to her fellow guild members then she feared that they would become suspicious by her unusual behaviour since she always greeted everyone as per her friendly personality.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RPGSlime
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ambiance music~!


"You need to go! NOW! Get out of here, you idiot!"

"But what will happen to you?! You guys are all I have left! We're like family! Please, let me stay..."

The two masked figures argued with each other as the moonlight revealed their clothes to be heavily stained in blood and burned. Around them, flames danced and flickered, revealing the destruction around them and making the situation ever the more dire. One figure was tall and quite hairy, while the other seemed no more than a boy in comparison. They were arguing at the worst time, because they were forced to stop when they both looked in unison off into the distance.

Rune Knights.

The older one cussed under his breath and drew a rather large sword which was previously sheathed on his back, and moved forward towards the bleak odds with courage. His mask hid his emotions, but clearly one could feel a vibe of fear emanating off of him.

"Fine. Let's end this together, okay? We'll win this."

The younger one nodded in reply, and a black mist began to surround him. The nearby area became heavy, and the ground around the boy began to crumble. There was a flash of purple light, and the older one ran forward into the opposition, sword held high. There were many screams of pain, and in the aftermath...


Kinshiro woke up with a startle, soaked in a cold sweat. His breathing was heavy, and his heart was racing.


He felt himself breaking a little, but quickly regained his composure. He punched the bed lightly, and jumped out of bed.

"Today's the Council's next visit. It'd be a good idea to be there..."

Kinshiro went through his daily routine. He would do everything a sanitary human would do, such as showering and brushing his teeth. Making sure his pants and shirt were on the right way and perfectly lined up with his body. It became so mundane at this point he barely realized he was doing all these things to such a precise degree. He was finished and ready to head out the door within the next fifteen minutes. His outfit was like that of a grim reaper's. Donning a black cloak with a ripped hood, he was about to exit his small apartment suite when he realized one last thing.

"Oh. Right. I almost forgot."

He touched the pendant around his neck, and in a moment it was engulfed in purple light. The next, it was in the form of a harp which fit neatly into his arms.

"Wouldn't want the Council seeing me do that in public. That'd be a no-no for sure."

Confident he had no longer forgotten a single thing, he embarked for the Guild hall.

Kinshiro walked down the street playing an unrecognizable tune. Presumably he was only playing random strums which sounded nice together, but it nonetheless proved to cheer up the passing civilians as they listened in on his music. He didn't realize this, of course. While usually he played for others, today he was playing for himself. He took no notice of the reactions of anyone else, though he would have been happy to know it was still affecting others positively.

The musical master walked into the Guild hall as early as he could, and saw it was rather quiet and devoid of life. He played a few uplifting notes hoping it would raise the spirits of some. A few seemed to obviously appreciate Kinshiro's music, while others still seemed unaffected. Then he noticed, for the first time in a while, that a girl had greeted him. "Good morning!, she would say to him.

At first Kinshiro wasn't certain it was him, but was reassured upon noticing her looking in his general direction. He waved back with a smile and went to sit next to her by the request board. He didn't recognize her face all that well, as he never interacted on a personal level with his guild members so much. Nevertheless, he tried to make conversation during a rare period where someone seemed moderately happy without his attempts.

"Waiting for a good request to come up?" he spoke with a grin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kenji woke up, the sound of birds chirping and the window blowing passing through the tree which he slept on. He yawned, stretching and scratching his head "Weird, I don't remember falling asleep here. The hell happened last night" He asked himself, wondering why his clothes were partially torn. He shrugged, jumping off the branch and landing on the ground. He casually walked around, trying to find out where he was "Am I even in the same time?" He had no recollection of the night before, but his thoughts were cut off as he saw a clock "9:30...I have a feeling I have to be somewhere..." He shrugged again, walking away with his hands jammed in his pockets. While walking he stopped in his tracks, running back to the clock "Wait, those Council bastards come by today! Crap, I can't have my magic cut off anymore. It'll interfere with my studies!" He said, running off to his guild building.

Ken ran with all his might, looking at every clock on the way "Dammit, only 6 more minutes left!" He yelled to himself, picking up his speed and leaving a small dust cloud behind him. He saw the guild building in his sights, a wide grin forming on his face "Finally, and with 4 minutes to spare" He said as he skidded to a stop. He fixed his clothing and his hair, before casually walking up to the guild entrance. He didn't want anyone from the guild to see him in a hurry, he had a reputation to hold up. He opened up the front doors brashly, a wide grin on his face. He scanned the room, not really knowing anyone there. He walked through, without a care in the world towards the Job Board.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BoundToPlay
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BoundToPlay Gender? Never met them

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With a click and a whir a music box began to play in a dimly lit bedroom. Timed magically to start playing when the owner needed to wake up. Beneath the sheets stirred a young woman. On the smaller side, most would likely guess her to be a teenager by her petite build and minimal stature. But she was not just some little girl of course. what little girl is just a little girl after all?

This particular woman was a mage, a guild mage at that and she needed to be up and ready for the magic councils weekly inspection. Her least favorite time of any week. It meant she couldn't sleep in. Of course sleeping in to Ellia Litna meant not getting out of bed till noon. She loved sleep so much that what she called a powernap medical professionals would call a minor comma. The girl loved to sleep almost as much as she loved music and money. Almost. It why she used music to wake her up and the promise of proper mage work and pay to get out of bed.

Out of her bed she rolled, hitting the ground with a rather nasty thud. from there she rose up like a shambling ghoul who's hunger for flesh was the only way the barely intact muscles moved it's rotting frame. She bumped and stumbled and stubbed just about any and every part of her body that could be. But she felt know pain and showed no reaction. Some would call this a symptom of sleepwalking, or just being the worst morning person ever. While the latter was indeed true, it was actually thanks to her true magic that no pain was felt. ever bump absorbed and turned into energy. energy she wasn't going to use after all, it would dissipate in plenty of time, but it kept her from showing up anywhere covered in bruises.

with all the grace of a three legged elephant she prepared herself to go to the guild. Once ready, there she went.

Though it should be noted that she arrived there incredibly early. Around 6 on the dot to be exact. Once she arrived in the quite guild hall she curled against the wall, just to the left of the guild's job board and went back to sleep. Wrapped in one of her favorite jackets, a far to large from her blue hoodie of sorts, as a make shift blanket. She rather show up early and sleep here for as long as possible than risk being later. Business was important, and lateness was not businesslike.

Even as the guild began to fill up a bit more as the hour of the inspection approached the deep sleeping girl hardly stirred a wink. It was not until some particularly brash boy entered with barely any time to spare walked his was to the board did her green eyes flutter open and glared at him. "Take softer steps, you could wake a sloth demon with those clunking foot falls."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luminance
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Luminance A light in the dark

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When the guild member with the harp, Kinshiro if she wasn’t wrong in remembering, returned her smile and waved and even approached her, Lola’s shy smile grew into her usual beam. She slid a little to the left and patted the seat next to herself in invitation to which Kinshiro seemed to accept as he sat down.

Her book now forgotten yet still opened on the page she had been reading -or at least trying o read- Lola focused her attention on the presence of the young man now next to her.
“Morning, uh… Kinshiro. Your harp playing is lovely as always. I-I’m sure that if I wasn’t already in a fairly alright mood, I would be feeling a hundred times better than I otherwise would have been.” She complimented him in her kind yet slightly odd manner.

Then Kinshiro asked a question which made her stiffen, life a deer caught in headlights. But upon catching sight of his grin, she sighed.

“Oh, is it that obvious?” She queried almost dejectedly, though seconds later laughed at her own silliness. “Indeed, I am awaiting the appearance of a good request. In fact a great request would be even better especially if it pays well. I’ve got a rent payment due very soon.” Came her explanation as she gave up on her secretive plan on getting the first view of the new jobs which would be placed up in about 10 minutes by the Council Representative.

Speaking of which, the doors of the guild opened once more and since she knew who it would be, Lola refrained from bidding the person a good morning.

“He’s here.” She whispered, pointing out the rather obvious to Kinshiro who could clearly see exactly who it was. Council Representative Fendron.

Freezing cold eyes roved around the guild hall stalling momentarily on each FairyTail member who was currently present. His permanent scowl darkened as he intensely inspected the hall looking for any sign of disobedience to which he would be able to punish. After a few tense moments and finding nothing that could be penalised over, Fendron continued on into the guild closing the door softly behind himself and stopping before the request board, giving the form of a sleeping guild girl quite the sneer before placing up various new requests.

Once finished this task he Council Representative gave the guild hall one last once over and then made his way up to the Guild Masters office to have a ‘pleasant' discussion.

Lola released the breath she didn’t realised she had been holding and practically ran over to the request board. She wouldn’t be able to take one yet, but she could still see what choices there were to choose from. The very last job notice made her eyes widen with a mix of shock and happiness.

“It’s perfect. 4,000 jewels just to deliver supplies.” There were practically stars in her eyes as she said this and while in her reverie, Lola missed noticing the guild doors opening once more and the person closing in on her and the job board. Then suddenly the young lady who she thought was still sleeping, spoke up and sent Lola nearly three feet into the air due to surprise.

With a hand over her heart in an attempt to steady it, Lola turned around and looked between the two guild members. “Good mo-morning you two.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ken walked towards the board, looking to see what jobs were left over. He stopped dead in his tracks, a soft voice speaking to him and telling him what to do. He grinned mischiveously "Want me to take softer steps?" He walked up to her, his eyes looking down to meet hers "Make me" Suddenly, the front doors barged open. Ken looked, only to see that it was the Council representative. Ken's eyes were cold as he glared at the Council member, showing no fear unlike some of the other guild members. "Tch, high and mighty bastard. Walking in like he owns the place" Ken said to himself, turning his attention away from Fendron as he walked pass Ken. He remained silent, knowing his magic would be sealed if he spoke up to Fendron. He had a vendetta against the Council, like most mages. But his was a little different Once Fendron left, he turned his attention back to the girl who had to courage to speak to him.

Before he could speak, a young girls voice spoke up next to him, where the job board was at. He turned to her, raising an eyebrow "Goodmorining to you" The hell, 2 people talking to me so nonchalantly? I thought people were supposed to be scared of me He smirked "I suppose you're saying hi to us to distract us from that 4,000 jewel job right? Or am I wrong?" He said with a grin, waiting to see what she would say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luminance
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Luminance A light in the dark

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When the male out of the two guild members returned her greeting, Lola smiled up at him, happy at having made conversation with more people despite the threatening presence of the Council Representative. She was about to say something else but before she got the chance, the young man who she realised to be Kenji, continued talking. What he said threw her off guard and her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

"Uh- umm... well a-actually, I hadn't thought of that..." It would have been a good idea, although she didn't know if she had it in her to do such a sly thing. "But in any case I do intend to take this one since I did see it first." She explained gently hoping to keep everyone calm. Until Council Representative Fendron returned from the Masters office, no requests were allowed to be taken. Mages needed to be signed off and approved for any and every job which found its way onto the request board.

"I don't want to seem rude or anything, but it is pretty important that I take take this request, so I hope you don't mind." Staying polite and friendly as per her caring nature Lola hoped that others didn't notice the same request or it may well be an all out war. Though chances of that happening were pretty slim since Fendron was quite a scary man and the smallest of things usually set him off. The guild members, Lola included didn't want to be on the receiving end of his wrath.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BoundToPlay
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BoundToPlay Gender? Never met them

Member Seen 8 days ago

At the threat from the standing man Ellia rose her eye brows a bit and looked up at him through eyes still half clouded with sleep. Otherwise she made not attempt at all to move or at all ready herself for any kind of conflict "I am afraid to inform you I do not start fights..." she paused, yawning softly before taking a deep breath and continuing "...I only finish them." Before any more sparks could fly in walked the council member, and the tension that was hanging in the guilds air grew till it felt like a solid mass of unease causing the air to tighten about their skin. As the man called Fendron strode across the guild floor Ellia lazily fallowed him with her eyes as if the man before her threaten a fight was inconsequential. Though that was partially the case, if this fool was dumb enough to start a brawl before a council rep he would be easily considered to foolish to worry about.

Before the kerfuffle between her and the standing man could start once more a girl approached and addressed them and the job board. She watched the short back and forth before taking a moment and closing her eyes. With the help of her Experience Shift magic she gave herself what felt like an extra few hours of sleep. A handy way to force a proper woken up state for the day. "Seems we have an interesting dilemma. This man called it first, you saw it first, and I was here in front of the board first." she said raising to her feet."I wonder, what would be the most fair way to handle this."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ken smirked as the young girl attempted to snatch the job away from him, saying that she needed it "And you are implying that we don't? We all might be in our own predicaments, and we all know those other petty jobs won't do" He agreed, for once, with the other girl who he had a slight stand off with. They all wanted the same job, that much was obvious. But what could be done to settle who got the job and who didn't. Ken rubbed the back of his head thinking hard on a solution of who could keep the job. He grinned "Well, we could always fight over it? Thats always fun" As he finished speaking, he had barely remembered of a certain leech lurking around.

He sighed, rubbing the back of his head and calming down. For some reason, the presence of the Council Member got him all rowdy. Like all mages, he detested the Council. His reason was slightly different compared to others. It's unlikely that I'll be getting to do this job without some type of resistance from these two. We could always have a type of game to see who has it, but I also need that money as well.Damn, as much as I don't want to, it looks like I don't have any other choice He looked back over at the two, his expression more calm "Or we could always just go on the mission together. With how shitty the economy is due to the Council, I'm sure 1,333 jewels each would suffice for now. Unless you guys have any other suggestions?" He asked with a raised eyebrow
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